2014 Research Council Grant Guidelines

2014 Research Council Grant Guidelines
Project year May 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Submission Due Date: Wednesday, 5:00pm, February 05, 2014; Late submissions will not be
Do not submit documents in color; only black and white copies are shared with the
Research Council.
Any proposals with missing information on the Application Form will not be reviewed.
Any proposals that do not include ALL of the information listed under Project Abstract,
Project Narrative, Budget Justification, and Current Short Form Academic Vita will not be
Submit one copy of the Research Council Grant Application package for the program in which
you are applying to:
Teresa Justice, Director
Sponsored Programs and Research
Room 142 McLaurin Building
Winthrop University
Phone: 803-323-2460
email: justicet@winthrop.edu
You will receive from SPAR an email confirmation of receipt of the application. If you do not
receive this confirmation within 24 hours of your submission, you need to contact Teresa Justice,
SPAR to check on the status of the application.
Application Forms must be approved and signed by the Department Chair and College Dean
prior to submission to the SPAR office.
Available Funding
$35,000 Faculty Research Project
$50,000 Faculty Research with Student as Co-Investigator
$40,000 Instructional Improvement / Curricular Enhancement Awards
Average award for FY2013 was $ 3,018.
While there is no maximum amount; funding greater than $5,000 for an individual faculty
member is rare.
A. Eligibility – Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, Student Co-Investigator
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1. Applicant must be a member of the Winthrop University teaching faculty, eligible to vote
in Faculty Conference.
2. Applicant should expect to continue employment at Winthrop during the entire funding
3. Students serving as co-investigators on the project must be enrolled in classes at
Winthrop University (minimum of 3 hours) during the entire project period.
4. Deans and Research Council members are not eligible to apply for funding.
5. Applicant must have submitted timely project reports for Research Council grants
received prior to this funding period.
6. A faculty member may only receive funding for any two years within a three year period
in either the Faculty Research or the Curriculum Enhancement/Instructional
Improvement categories.
B. Application package: It is required that all proposals include headings for the items in
bold print below:
1. The appropriate Research Council Grant Application Form
a. Request for Faculty Research Project Funds
b. Request for Faculty Research with Student Co-Investigator Funds
c. Request for Curriculum Enhancement/Instructional Improvement Funds
2. Project Abstract (1 Page)
a. Description of the Project
b. Beginning and ending dates of project activity
c. Amount being requested (check to ensure this matches the amount shown on the
application form
3. Project Narrative (5 Pages or less)
a. Project Goals and Objectives – Statement of expected outcomes and how these
outcomes will be measured.
b. Activities and Time Line
c. Significance of the Project
d. Statement of Feasibility – Include a statement of qualifications of personnel to
be involved in the projects and a discussion of any activities that have already
occurred to ensure the project will take place if funded.
e. Statement of prior research – include Research Council funding received for
similar research as well as any other external funding that has been received, or
for which a request is pending, for this project. Include in this statement
information concerning research you have conducted in the past related to this
project, whether funded or not.
f. Statement of Project Revenue and/or Copyright
g. Statement Concerning Literature Review related to this project.
4. Budget Justification (2 pages or less) – provide specific explanation of how budget line
items shown on the supplication were determined. Ensure that the amounts shown on the
justification agree with those shown on the application form.
5. Vita for each researcher with relevant and/or recent projects.
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C. General Funding Requirements:
1. Funds will be available for expenditure upon return of the signed award letter by the
principal investigator to the Director, Sponsored Programs and Research and must be
fully expended by June 30, 2015. Grant recipients will abide by the University
purchasing schedule and policies. Any funds not expended by June 30, 2015 will be
2. A faculty member must certify and agree that their project will be conducted in
accordance with all applicable laws and university policies including those related to
copyright and intellectual property.
3. A faculty member may not be funded for more than two projects in each funding period.
4. A faculty member may only receive funding for any two years within a three year period
in either the Faculty Research or the Curriculum Enhancement/Instructional
Improvement categories.
5. Research Council funds must be used only in the project as approved by the Council.
6. Travel to conferences to present research findings may not be charged to a Research
Council grant award.
7. Awards may be made to provide supplementary support for projects funded incompletely
by other sources.
8. Recipients will abide by all University policies and procedures relating to the expenditure
of State funds.
9. All equipment, supplies and library materials purchased with Research Council Grant
funds become the property of Winthrop University.
10. As specified on the Research Council Grant Application form, the Department Chair and
the College Dean must certify by their signature on the form, that the requested funding is
not available from the Department or College.
11. Timely submission of prior Research Council Grant award reports will be considered by
the Research Council in making funding decisions. (See Section H.)
12. The final recommendation for funding on all proposals will be made by the Research
Council, and such recommendations may be to either fully fund, partially fund or not to
fund a project. Recommendations are made to the Academic Vice President for review
and approval.
13. Changes in the scope of the work to be performed must be discussed with and approved
by the Academic Vice President. Modifications to the budget may be approved by the
Director, Sponsored Programs and Research.
D. Budget Restrictions / Guidelines
1. The line item budget will be shown on the application form and the budget narrative will
explain how the line item costs were computed.
2. Funds will be expended in compliance with State and University procurement policies
and procedures.
3. Curricular Enhancement & Instructional Improvement Faculty stipends may not exceed
the lesser of $3,000 per faculty member or $4,000 per proposal. Fringe benefits for these
stipends will be added to the amount awarded by the Research Council and therefore do
not need to be included in the project budget. If a faculty member is named in two
separate proposals, the maximum stipend that can be received by the faculty member is
$3,000 for the two proposals combined.
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4. Faculty Research External Grant Proposals are limited to $3,000 per proposal and the
budget may include faculty stipends, travel, supplies and other related costs.
5. Funds may be requested for the acquisition of, or access to, materials or services essential
for the project. Do not include materials and or services regularly available on campus or
which may be procured with departmental funds.
6. Funds for travel must be spent in accordance with the policies and regulations of the State
of South Carolina governing travel for official business. Research Council funds may not
be used to fund travel to conferences to present research findings.
7. Funds may be used to hire assistants when the tasks of the assistants are clearly identified
in the project narrative. Undergraduate student employees will be paid a minimum of
$8.50 per hour and Graduate student employees will be paid a minimum of $10.00
per hour. Any pay rate higher than the stated amounts must justified by the applicant.
8. Funds will not be awarded for the preparation of publications, although funds may be
awarded for page costs for externally reviewed materials. Copy-editing will not be
9. All equipment, supplies and library materials purchased with Research Council Grant
funds become the property of Winthrop University.
E. Requests for Faculty Research Funds
Funding in this category supports individual faculty research, scholarship and creative activities.
These funds support initiatives in all disciplines, can support on-going research and may provide
“seed” funding for concept development leading to other external funding submissions.
NEW - Beginning with FY2013, up to four (4) awards in this category will be made for the
development of external grant proposals. Budgets for the development of external grant
proposals are limited to $3000 and may include a faculty stipend, travel, supplies, and other costs
related to the development of the proposal.
Criteria reviewers use in evaluating proposals will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Intellectual merit of the proposed activity, including its potential contribution to
knowledge and learning.
 Is the goal of the research clearly stated in terminology easily understood by faculty
from diverse disciplines?
 Does the research advance knowledge and understanding within the researcher’s field
of expertise or across disciplines?
 What is the potential for dissemination of the research findings?
2. Statement of objectives
 Are the objectives clearly stated and measurable?
 Can the objectives be accomplished within the grant period and with the funding
requested? If not, what are the plans for the continuation of this project and/or
additional funding?
 Do the objectives support the overall research goal stated in #1?
3. Quality of the organization and description of the project
 Is the grant application completed in its entirety and accurately?
 Is the narrative thoughtful and well written?
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Is budget presentation accurate and are budget items clearly explained in the budget
Are the budget items necessary for accomplishment of the activity?
F. Requests for Faculty Research with Student as Co-Investigator Funds
Funding in this category supports research that clearly delineates students (graduate and
undergraduate) as co-investigators substantially involved in the project. The student should be
involved in writing the grant application, conducting the research, analyzing the data and
reporting the results of the research, including conference presentations. Student vita should be
included in the application package.
If the student is not named in the grant application, the principal investigator must respond to the
following questions on the application form:
1. Why is the student not being identified?
2. What criteria will be used in selecting a student to serve as a co-investigator?
Research Council funds may not be used to fund travel costs for students to make research
presentations at conferences. Students who have been accepted to make a presentation or
perform at conferences, may request travel support funds from the University by submitting a
“Travel Support for Student Presentations or Performances” request form available on the
SPAR website (www.winthrop.edu/spar and follow the link to Student Travel Support”.
The minimum rate for student wages is $8.50 for undergraduate students and $10.00
for graduate student. Any rate higher than the minimum must be justified in the
budget justification .
Criteria reviewers use in evaluating proposals will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Intellectual merit of the proposed activity, including its potential contribution to
knowledge and learning.
 Is the goal of the research clearly stated in terminology easily understood by faculty
from diverse disciplines?
 Does the activity provide a significant learning experience for the student researcher?
 Does the research advance knowledge and understanding within the researcher’s field
of expertise or across disciplines?
 What is the potential for dissemination of the research findings?
2. Statement of objectives
 Are the objectives clearly stated and measurable?
 Do the objectives state tasks to be performed by the student co-investigator, and are
these tasks comparable to that being performed by the faculty researcher?
 Can the objectives be accomplished within the grant period and with the funding
requested? If not, what are the plans for the continuation of this project and/or
additional funding?
 Do the objectives support the overall research goal stated in #1?
3. Quality of the organization and description of the project
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Is the grant application completed in its entirety and accurately?
Is the narrative thoughtful and well written?
Is the student named in the application, and if not, has the research adequately
addressed the two required questions as to why the student is not named and the
criteria for student selection?
Is budget presentation accurate and are budget items clearly explained in the budget
Are the budget items necessary for accomplishment of the activity?
G. Requests for Curricular Enhancement / Instructional Improvement Funds
Funding in this category supports key priorities of the academic units and faculty applying for
these funds should construct applications to fulfill previously identified department, unit, college
or university curricular needs. The Department Chair and the Dean of the College are required
to certify by their signature on the application form that the proposed activity meets these
Summer faculty stipends, not to exceed $3,000 per faculty member or $4,000 per proposal, are
allowable in this category. A faculty member named in two Curricular Enhancement/
Instructional Improvement proposals may only receive a maximum of $3,000 stipend for the two
proposals combined.
Other allowable uses of these funds include
 Workshops for instructors
 Introduction of new instructional technology or materials
 Exploration of innovative instructional methodology.
Criteria reviewers use in evaluating proposals will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Statement of identifiable department, unit, college or university curricular need
 Does the application clearly state the need that is being addressed by this project?
 Has this need been previously identified by the department, unit, college or university
but not addressed due to funding not being available to address the need?
 Is the project need clearly stated in terminology easily understood by faculty from
diverse disciplines?
2. Statement of objectives
 Are the objectives clearly stated?
 Can the objectives be accomplished within the grant period and with the funding
requested? If not, what are the plans for the continuation of this project and/or
additional funding?
 Are the objectives more complex or extensive than would normally be required by a
faculty member in preparation of teaching a course?
3. Quality of the organization and description of the project
 Is the grant application completed in its entirety and accurately?
 Is the narrative thoughtful and well written?
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Is budget presentation accurate and are budget items clearly explained in the budget
Are the budget items necessary for accomplishment of the activity?
Reporting Requirements
By September 15, 2015, the principal investigator will prepare and submit to the Academic Vice
President and to the Director of Sponsored Programs and Research, a report summarizing the
activities and the results of the funded project.
Principal Investigators receiving awards for the development of external grants must present a
copy of the external grant proposal with the final report.
A copy of this report will be available for review by future Research Council members. Failure
to submit this report makes the investigator ineligible for future funding.
The project report maybe submitted by email, and should address the activities supported by the
grant, objectives accomplished and a brief statement of how the funds were expended.
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