Page 1 Grad Survey_Combined Data_FINAL UNCW GRADUATE SURVEY, May 2001-Dec 2009. This survey is conducted primarily by telephone by the Career Center staff approximately five months after each spring, summer and fall graduation. This data represents all responses gathered for all graduates from May 2001 through December 2009. NOTE: Students can select multiple responses to describe their status (i.e. Employed and Seeking Employment, etc.). Therefore the percent reported in each category is a percent of all Total Combined Responses. The Percent Response Rate is the number of individual students who responded compared to the number of Total Graduates from those semesters. Academic Majors (undergraduate) Anthropology (bachelor) Art History (bachelor) Athletic Training (bachelor) Biology (bachelor) Chemistry (bachelor) Communication Studies (bachelor) Computer Science (bachelor) Creative Writing (bachelor) Criminal Justice (bachelor) Economics (bachelor) English (bachelor) Environmental Sciences (bachelor) Environmental Studies (bachelor) Film Studies (bachelor) French (bachelor) Geography (bachelor) Geology (bachelor) German Studies (bachelor) History (bachelor) Marine Biology (bachelor) Mathematics (bachelor) Music (bachelor) Music Performance (bachelor) Parks & Recreation Mngt, Recreation (bachelor) Philosophy and Religion (bachelor) College A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S Physical Education & Health, Community Health (bachelor) Physics (bachelor) Political Science (bachelor) Psychology (bachelor) Recreation Therapy (bachelor) Social Work (bachelor) Sociology (bachelor) Spanish (bachelor) Statistics (bachelor) Studio Art (bachelor) Theatre (bachelor) A&S TOTALS A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S A&S Total ResponsesMay2001Dec2009 42 25 15 314 111 458 130 75 222 13 330 61 103 91 19 41 28 0 152 176 62 21 12 115 31 165 30 168 424 63 121 71 62 12 49 43 3855 Combined Seeking Employment- Percent May2001Seeking Dec2009 Employment 8 19.05% 9 36.00% 0 0.00% 61 19.43% 24 21.62% 116 25.33% 35 26.92% 23 30.67% 68 30.63% 3 23.08% 68 20.61% 10 16.39% 34 33.01% 32 35.16% 4 21.05% 13 31.71% 12 42.86% 0 0.00% 34 22.37% 33 18.75% 12 19.35% 4 19.05% 1 8.33% 32 27.83% 5 16.13% 32 13 26 79 8 29 23 17 5 13 20 906 19.39% 43.33% 15.48% 18.63% 12.70% 23.97% 32.39% 27.42% 41.67% 26.53% 46.51% 23.50% Combined EmployedMay2001Dec2009 23 12 7 168 52 316 88 34 145 6 198 48 68 62 13 21 17 0 91 85 35 13 9 73 21 Percent Employed 54.76% 48.00% 46.67% 53.50% 46.85% 69.00% 67.69% 45.33% 65.32% 46.15% 60.00% 78.69% 66.02% 68.13% 68.42% 51.22% 60.71% 0.00% 59.87% 48.30% 56.45% 61.90% 75.00% 63.48% 67.74% 102 14 105 249 46 71 38 38 6 33 23 2330 61.82% 46.67% 62.50% 58.73% 73.02% 58.68% 53.52% 61.29% 50.00% 67.35% 53.49% 60.44% Page 1 Combined Seeking Admission- Percent May2001- Seeking Dec2009 Admission 24 57.14% 3 12.00% 1 6.67% 37 11.78% 8 7.21% 22 4.80% 5 3.85% 14 18.67% 12 5.41% 2 15.38% 28 8.48% 5 8.20% 1 0.97% 7 7.69% 1 5.26% 4 9.76% 4 14.29% 0 0.00% 13 8.55% 19 10.80% 1 1.61% 2 9.52% 0 0.00% 1 0.87% 3 9.68% 19 2 23 56 2 9 4 3 1 6 2 344 11.52% 6.67% 13.69% 13.21% 3.17% 7.44% 5.63% 4.84% 8.33% 12.24% 4.65% 8.92% Combined Attending Grad School- Percent May2001Attending Dec2009 Grad School 8 19.05% 4 16.00% 6 40.00% 74 23.57% 36 32.43% 30 6.55% 15 11.54% 12 16.00% 18 8.11% 4 30.77% 50 15.15% 4 6.56% 13 12.62% 2 2.20% 2 10.53% 8 19.51% 8 28.57% 0 0.00% 26 17.11% 45 25.57% 13 20.97% 4 19.05% 2 16.67% 9 7.83% 4 12.90% 31 7 37 80 9 21 7 10 2 2 2 605 18.79% 23.33% 22.02% 18.87% 14.29% 17.36% 9.86% 16.13% 16.67% 4.08% 4.65% 15.69% Combined OtherMay2001- Percent Dec2009 Other 3 7.14% 1 4.00% 1 6.67% 18 5.73% 3 2.70% 24 5.24% 3 2.31% 5 6.67% 12 5.41% 0 0.00% 18 5.45% 2 3.28% 3 2.91% 4 4.40% 2 10.53% 2 4.88% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 3.95% 16 9.09% 3 4.84% 1 4.76% 0 0.00% 9 7.83% 2 6.45% 7 7 7 23 4 6 7 6 0 2 2 209 4.24% 23.33% 4.17% 5.42% 6.35% 4.96% 9.86% 9.68% 0.00% 4.08% 4.65% 5.42% Total Combined ResponsesMay2001Dec2009 66 29 15 358 123 508 146 88 255 15 362 69 119 107 22 48 41 0 170 198 64 24 12 124 35 191 43 198 487 69 136 79 74 14 56 49 4394 Total GraduatesMay2001- Percent Dec2009 Response 142 29.58% 74 33.78% 68 22.06% 1078 29.13% 407 27.27% 1624 28.20% 326 39.88% 295 25.42% 838 26.49% 63 20.63% 1018 32.42% 197 30.96% 329 31.31% 505 18.02% 82 23.17% 147 27.89% 89 31.46% 2 0.00% 502 30.28% 555 31.71% 199 31.16% 56 37.50% 26 46.15% 325 35.38% 188 16.49% 719 58 500 1598 181 398 293 362 14 258 160 13676 22.95% 51.72% 33.60% 26.53% 34.81% 30.40% 24.23% 17.13% 85.71% 18.99% 26.88% 28.19% Page 2 Grad Survey_Combined Data_FINAL UNCW GRADUATE SURVEY, May 2001-Dec 2009. This survey is conducted primarily by telephone by the Career Center staff approximately five months after each spring, summer and fall graduation. This data represents all responses gathered for all graduates from May 2001 through December 2009. NOTE: Students can select multiple responses to describe their status (i.e. Employed and Seeking Employment, etc.). Therefore the percent reported in each category is a percent of all Total Combined Responses. The Percent Response Rate is the number of individual students who responded compared to the number of Total Graduates from those semesters. Total ResponsesMay2001Dec2009 Combined Seeking Employment- Percent May2001Seeking Dec2009 Employment Combined EmployedMay2001Dec2009 Percent Employed Combined Seeking Admission- Percent May2001- Seeking Dec2009 Admission Combined Attending Grad School- Percent May2001Attending Dec2009 Grad School Combined OtherMay2001- Percent Dec2009 Other Total Combined ResponsesMay2001Dec2009 Total GraduatesMay2001- Percent Dec2009 Response Academic Majors (undergraduate) College Business Administration: Accountancy (bachelor) Business Administration: Economics (bachelor) Business Administration: Entrepreneurship and Busn Dev (bachelor) Business Administration: Finance (bachelor) CSB CSB 297 59 48 17 16.16% 28.81% 147 31 49.49% 52.54% 32 5 10.77% 8.47% 106 5 35.69% 8.47% 11 3 3.70% 5.08% 344 61 741 163 40.08% 36.20% CSB CSB 21 321 4 79 19.05% 24.61% 14 217 66.67% 67.60% 0 17 0.00% 5.30% 1 25 4.76% 7.79% 3 9 14.29% 2.80% 22 347 76 1030 27.63% 31.17% Business Administration: Human Resource Mngt (bachelor) Business Administration: Information Systems (bachelor) CSB CSB 13 109 3 29 23.08% 26.61% 7 76 53.85% 69.72% 1 4 7.69% 3.67% 3 10 23.08% 9.17% 1 1 7.69% 0.92% 15 120 61 356 21.31% 30.62% Business Administration: International Business (bachelor) Business Administration: Management and Leadership (bachelor) Business Administration: Marketing (bachelor) Business Administration: Operations Management (bachelor) & PDS CSB TOTALS CSB 84 29 34.52% 58 69.05% 2 2.38% 3 3.57% 3 3.57% 95 289 29.07% CSB CSB 568 382 132 107 23.24% 28.01% 400 273 70.42% 71.47% 14 11 2.46% 2.88% 32 5 5.63% 1.31% 29 11 5.11% 2.88% 607 407 941 1465 60.36% 26.08% CSB 85 1939 31 479 36.47% 24.70% 52 1275 61.18% 65.76% 3 89 3.53% 4.59% 4 194 4.71% 10.01% 0 71 0.00% 3.66% 90 2108 163 5285 52.15% 36.69% Education of Young Children (bachelor) Elementary Education (bachelor) Middle Grades Education (bachelor) Music Education (bachelor) Special Education (bachelor) EDUC TOTALS EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC 26 585 66 14 45 736 8 139 16 1 9 173 30.77% 23.76% 24.24% 7.14% 20.00% 23.51% 18 418 44 11 38 529 69.23% 71.45% 66.67% 78.57% 84.44% 71.88% 0 13 1 0 2 16 0.00% 2.22% 1.52% 0.00% 4.44% 2.17% 0 37 5 2 0 44 0.00% 6.32% 7.58% 14.29% 0.00% 5.98% 0 23 4 1 3 31 0.00% 3.93% 6.06% 7.14% 6.67% 4.21% 26 630 70 15 52 793 86 1605 189 31 155 2066 30.23% 36.45% 34.92% 45.16% 29.03% 35.62% Clinical Research (bachelor) Nursing (bachelor) & RN NUR TOTALS NUR NUR 3 236 239 1 7 8 33.33% 2.97% 3.35% 2 223 225 66.67% 94.49% 94.14% 1 2 3 33.33% 0.85% 1.26% 1 1 2 33.33% 0.42% 0.84% 0 5 5 0.00% 2.12% 2.09% 5 238 243 39 749 788 7.69% 31.51% 30.33% 6769 1566 23.13% 4359 64.40% 452 6.68% 845 12.48% 316 4.67% 7538 21815 31.03% UNCW TOTALS Page 2