ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Within three years State funding, university funds, additional fulltime faculty positions must be secured Objectives / Drivers GOAL 1 Aim for 90% retention at first year. • Strengthen UNI with more full time faculty instructors, along with more learning communities, themed UNI course sections and alumni involvement • Increased incentives to FT faculty who teach UNI, as well as advise with University College Number of full time lecturers and tenured, TT faculty who teach UNI compensated at overload course rate, or within normal teaching load Number of FT faculty who respond to incentives and advise with University College OR, alternately, hire more University College advisors to handle workload University College Academic Chairs, Deans Faculty Academic Affairs 1 ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 2 Aim for 75% six-year graduation rate • Restore lost tenure track faculty positions and hire additional TT positions for enrollment growth • Provide regular faculty/staff training for more effective and consistent advising • Simplify Univ. Studies and improve degree audit Increased funding for advising staff and faculty training and tutorials Standard advisor/student and faculty/student ratios on campus Acquire new degree audit software and implement changes to simplify university studies requirements • Establish univ. wide advisor/student ratios of 1/175 for professional advisors • Establish faculty/student ratios of 1/20 • More consistency across depts./schools with professional advising staff Compare annually with other UNC schools & peer institutions Promote success and rank #s with external stakeholders Creation of Student Support centers in each dept, school and college to support Associate Dean of undergraduate in monitoring student progress University College Academic Affairs Deans, Associate Deans Faculty Within three years for implementa tion of staff and audit changes while monitoring grad. Rates State, university, donations, Need full time professional advising positions and staff positions Within 3-5 years 2 ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 3 Increase support for ETEAL and University College, particularly in the area of recruiting lower achieving, minority, international, online and extension students to applied learning opportunities • Continue tracking first year at-risk students, involve them in support services • Introduce applied learning and ETEAL in UNI courses • Ensure that online and extension students have access to applied learning activities • Work with UNCW alumni to partner for more applied learning opportunities • Increased funding for ETEAL Numbers from at-risk, minority, international, online and extension students participating in applied learning Funds budgeted to continue ETEAL programs Additionally, hire more UC advisors (see Goal #1) ETEAL Advisory Board Academic Affairs AVC- UG studies Ongoing, at least five years State funds, University fund raising, advancement, other ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 4 Ensure recruiting, advising and Career Center work hand-in-hand to ensure student success • Increased funding for proposed UNI changes (2 +1 for 1st and 2nd year) • Increased funding for an elective sophomore career exploration course • Increase student use of career exploration software, campus career events, and job fairs • Track students and alumni through ONE campus database • Assess academic intervention plans for underperforming students, and those who change majors • Utilize alumni as speakers and mentors Track students from preadmission interests to potential major identified at orientation, to major declarations to change in majors to graduation. Identify patterns in student paths to degrees. Improve communication in student academic intervention process Invest time and measure success at gathering career and contact information from alumni Coordinate integration of any shadow databases to create only one campus database where all student and alumni information are kept. Track alumni involvement Institutional Research Advancement (Alumni Relat.) University College Academic Affairs University college and professional advisors Admissions Department Chairs Student Affairs (Seahawk Link) Student Affairs (Career Center) Fall 2016 State funding, University budget, other Need positions for either the ORA or Advancement Services to manage the database Alumni Employer Development position ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 5 Aim to bring 100+ Fortune 500 companies, top government organizations and NGOs to campus to recruit students annually • Use technology to bring these companies to campus through webbased technology • Continue and grow graduate school fairs • Grow job recruiting fairs, through partnerships with other UNC campuses and peer schools • Secure funding for Assistant Director of Alumni Employer Relations and Assoc. Director for Employer Development to build alumni intern/job relationships Increased national marketing plan to recruit students to UNCW Use high quality digital media to provide opportunities for distance employer interaction Number of alumni connections to internships and career jobs Grow network of representative Administrators, Deans, faculty and staff to coordinate connection visits with key employers Number of new employers participating in career events Number of employers contacting UNCW students virtually Number of alumni employer interactions Academic Affairs, Career Center Alumni Relations Faculty in key programs Within three years State funds, University fundraising, Other New ALR position needed 5 ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 6 Ensure students develop a personal identity/brand from day one at UNCW to compete in the marketplace or to pursue graduate education • Strengthen commitment by faculty, staff and students to prepare early for career job search or graduate education • Increase number of students beginning their e-Portfolio each year • Make e-Portfolios available in master database Measures understanding of personal and professional identity; benchmark against peer universities annually Number of students building ePortfolios tracked in master database Number of UNI sessions and campus speakers on industry, organizational, and graduate school topics Student Affairs (including Career Center, SGA, Office of Student Leadership & Engagement, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Organizations), Athletics, Housing and Residence Life, University College In place by Fall 2016 State funding, university funds, funding for student programming Funding for CoCurricular Transcript/EPortfolio Coordinator for campus-wide management 6 ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 7 Ensure students’ participation in experiential learning, study abroad and internships. Increase current participation in all three by 15% within three years. • Increase number of students participating in experiential learning, study abroad coursework, and internships • Track student participation and use website for success stories • Provide funding to assist every student who wants to participate Incorporate applied learning assessment data into central campus database. Include all internships and study abroad experiences into database. Track internship positions that lead to job offers. ETEAL Dean of UG Students Assessment Director Office of International Programs Career Center Financial Aid 2.5 years of funding remaining with ETEAL, then extend Within three years on others State funding, university budget, additional fund-raising 7 ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 8 Increase the number of UNCW students awarded admission to graduate and professional school programs by 15% within three years. • Number of graduate school applications and tracking acceptance rates • Offer more graduate school admission workshops and fairs. • Grow the preprofessional student organizations to emphasize process of successful graduate school admission. Number of graduate school acceptances annually Grow the number and quality of acceptances each year Increase and track student research outcomes Track career or alumni mentors working with students each year Graduate School Academic Chairs, Deans Faculty Academic Affairs Career Center University College PreProfessional Programs Within three years State funding, university funds, additional fulltime faculty positions must be secured 8 ENABLE/PLACE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers GOAL 9 Commit to additional faculty and staff hiring, increased training and incentives to increase participation in student success initiatives. These hires should be to restore positions lost to turnover and retirement, as well as TT faculty and FT staff positions due to enrollment growth • Restore faculty and staff positions lost to employee turnover and retirements • Eliminate the process of “holding” faculty lines in AA for one year delay in recruiting. • Add faculty and staff commensurate with enrollment growth Number of faculty and staff allocated to academic departments and student support staff. Number of successful hires through recruiting efforts Total transparency in how positions are allocated on campus. Academic Affairs Academic Chairs, Deans Human Resources On-going, beginning January 2016 State funding, university funds, additional fulltime faculty positions must be secured 9