Healthy Hawk Hints Smart Sun Safety Spring 2016 Upcoming Events

Healthy Hawk Hints
Spring 2016
Upcoming Events
Monday, April 11
Sun Safety Tabling
11:30am-1:30 pm
Wednesday, April 13
Sun Safety Tabling
11:30am-1:30 pm
FUU, Near Post Office
Monday, April 18
Stress Management
FUU, Near Post Office
5:30-6:30 pm
SRC 114
Tuesday, April 19
Free Needle
Free HIV Testing
12:00-3:00 pm
Student Health Center
2nd Floor, DePaolo Hall
Stress Management
SRC Lobby
Wednesday, April 20
Stress Management
11:30 am-1:30pm
Thursday, April 21
Managing your Stress
SRC 114
Thursday, April 28
Stress Free Zone
SRC Upstairs
UNCW Health Promotion
Student Rec Center 104
Smart Sun Safety
By: Gary McFee, Health Promotion Peer Educator
Here at UNC Wilmington our students
enjoy the sunny days by sitting
beachside and splashing in the surf.
We are truly in a fantastic area where
the peace from the beach can happen
fifteen minutes away from the
workload that lurks in our text
books. Doing school work is
important, but staying safe from the
sun’s rays is also vital to an
individual’s health! We all know that
too much exposure from the sun will
cause a rather annoying burn, so what
should we do?
It is important to note that skin care is
a field that is growing in awareness.
We are seeing an increase in skin
cancer as the years go by despite our
best efforts. The depletion of our
earth’s ozone layer has increased the
amount of solar rays which make it
through the atmosphere and these rays
can lead to future health risks.
It is important that we remember that
the sun’s rays are strongest between
the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. Limiting
exposure during this window reduces
future health risks significantly. When
applying sunscreen we need to
remember that once is not always
enough. Sunscreen does not protect
anything if it isn’t reapplied
throughout the day. That means that
we need to remember to reapply it
each time we get out of water or towel
off. If an individual is simply relaxing
on their favorite beach towel then we
recommend reapplying it at least every
two hours.
The sunscreen that should be used
must cover a broad spectrum which
means using UVA/UVB sunscreen
with an SPF of at least 15. Sunscreen
is not the only means to protect
yourself though! Wearing a widebrimmed hat and sunglasses is a very
smart move when out in the
sun. Covering up one’s skin with a
long sleeve shirt can be a very good
call assuming that the fabric is tightly
knit and not exposing any skin. If
someone you know says that they
don’t think a long sleeve shirt is very
fashionable then inform them that they
may not find red and blistering skin
very appealing either!
The days of laying out are almost
upon us! Make sure
that the people you
care about are
remembering to
care about
The Final Stretch:
Managing that Added Stress
By: Jessica Jones, Health Promotion Peer Educator
The semester is almost over and final exams
are right around the corner, which means a lot
of added stress! Some stress is positive stress
that helps keep you alert and motivated.
However, unmanaged negative stress can lead
to further complications. Failing to recognize
and manage your stress can cause your body to
become physically tired (meaning you are
more likely to get sick), which can cause you
to do poorly on schoolwork and tests.
Being stressed can cause headaches, stomach
upset, chest pain, an increase in blood pressure,
sleeping problems, and can weaken your
overall immune system. Ignoring your stress
and developing these physical symptoms could
cause you to have to miss classes and/or
assignments due to illness. If you think about,
getting sick and missing class only adds to the
stress that was already there to begin with!
Ignoring your stress is never good and only
leads to a cascade of events that add even more
stress to your life.
Here are some quick tips on how to deal with
your stress in a HEALTHY way:
1. Practice good time management. Use a
planner or calendar to keep track of work,
assignments, tests, and extra activities. This
will help you stay organized so you can
avoid cramming!
2. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. Eat healthy
meals, by following MyPlate, to ensure you
are getting all of the nutrients you need.
Don’t forget to drink plenty of water (8,
8-oz. glasses a day)! Doing these two
things can help your body stay energized
and will keep your immune system strong.
3. Exercise. Exercising releases endorphins in
your body that are responsible for making
you feel happier! Try to exercise at least 5
days a week for 30 minutes. Not only will
exercising keep your immune system
strong, it is a great way to relieve some
built up stress.
4. Take time for yourself. Try to set aside
about 20 minutes/day to do something for
yourself whether that be journaling,
listening to music, or taking a walk on the
beach. You need time to relax, reflect, and
5. Get plenty of sleep. Avoid pulling
all-nighters. On average, college students
need 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Getting
that sleep not only decreases stress and
makes you feel better, it is great for storing
memories and “cleaning out” your brain
(and we need as much of that as we can
Using these tips to quickly and effectively deal
with stress will help you stay healthy so you
can finish out the semester strong!
Fresh & Delicious Peanut Butter Banana Apple Smoothie
1 banana, peeled
1 apple, cored and sliced
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 cup of vanilla yogurt
1 cup crushed ice
Blend & enjoy!