PART VII CONTRACT DELIVERABLES SECTION TITLE Q Certificate of Insurance R Invoices S Project Reports/Documents 52 RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express SECTION Q CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Q.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. By signing and submitting a Proposal under this solicitation, the Consultant certifies if awarded the Contract, the Consultant will have the insurance coverage identified and described in EXHIBIT T.4 – VRE/PRTC INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS at the time of Contract award. B. The Consultant shall provide two (2) separate insurance certificates, a certificate for VRE and a certificate for PRTC. C. The Consultant further certifies that the Consultant and any Subconsultant(s) will maintain the required insurance coverage during the entire term of the Contract and all insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia. The Consultant’s insurance shall be primary to all other coverage VRE and PRTC may possess. D. The Consultant shall furnish VRE and PRTC proof of compliance with these insurance requirements in the form of an original Certificate of Insurance signed by an authorized representative or agent of the insurance company(ies). The Certificate of Insurance must be furnished within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the “Notice of Intent to Award” and before any work under the resultant Contract will be allowed to commence. E. Failure to provide the Certificate(s) when required may be cause for VRE and PRTC to award a Contract to the next responsible and responsive Offeror. However, in no event shall work be performed until the required Certificates of Insurance have been furnished and approved by VRE and PRTC. F. All insurance must be raised to an amount approved by VRE and PRTC as change orders are made to the Contract. G. If the Consultant is furnished a written notice of cancellation from the insurance carrier, the Consultant shall provide VRE and PRTC a copy of the cancellation notice within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notification. 53 RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express SECTION R INVOICES R.1 R.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Invoices related to VRE and PRTC shall be separately transmitted to each organization. B. The Consultant shall submit invoices for services/goods ordered, delivered, and accepted by VRE and PRTC by the 15th of each month. The invoice period shall be the calendar month. C. If no charges have been incurred for a particular month, no invoice is required. However, the VRE Project Manager or PRTC Project Manager shall be notified that no invoice will be submitted. D. Invoices shall include all of the requirements identified in this Section. Failure to include all the required information will result in the invoice not being processed for payment. The invoice will be returned to the Consultant for correction and resubmission. VRE and PRTC may request additional substantiating documentation as necessary. VRE INVOICE REQUIREMENTS A. Invoices shall be submitted via VRE’s electronic mailbox, via US mail, or other delivery method. B. It is preferred that invoices be submitted electronically in one (1) continuous electronic copy in PDF format to The VRE Project Manager shall be copied on the email at C. Hard copy invoices may be mailed to: Attn: Donna Boxer, Project Manager Virginia Railway Express 1500 King Street, Suite 202 Alexandria, VA 22314-2730 D. The VRE Project Manager shall be indicated on the invoice cover sheet. 54 RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express E. F. G. R.3 At a minimum, invoices shall contain the following information: 1. Name, address and telephone number of the Consultant 2. VRE Contract number 3. Invoice number 4. Date of invoice 5. Date of services (tasks) performed and period of invoice 6. Summary description of services performed 7. Total invoice amount 8. Breakdown of invoice amounts by staff for the Prime Consultant and Subconsultant(s) 9. Total cumulative amounts invoiced 10. Consultant’s signature The following substantiating documentation shall be attached to each invoice: 1. Personnel (labor) charges: names, titles, billing rates; hours charged to the project; and 2. Details of direct/reimbursable expenses, including receipts. The same information identified above shall be provided for all Subconsultant invoices submitted for payment from the Prime Consultant. PRTC INVOICE REQUIREMENTS A. Tasks and all reports shall be conducted and completed in accordance with recognized and customarily accepted industry practices, and shall be considered complete when the products are approved as acceptable by the PRTC Project Manager. B. PRTC will make payment to the Consultant, net thirty (30) days or in accordance with discount terms, if offered, after receipt of an acceptable invoice and satisfactory completion of the requested services. 55 RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express C. Invoices for services/goods ordered, delivered, and accepted shall be submitted by the Consultant directly to the payment address as follows: Attn: Accounts Payable Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission 14700 Potomac Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22192 D. E. F. At a minimum, invoices shall contain the following information: 1. Name, address and telephone number of the Consultant 2. PRTC Contract number 3. Purchase Order number 4. Invoice number 5. Date of invoice 6. Date of services (tasks) performed and period of invoice 7. Summary description of services performed 8. Total invoice amount 9. Breakdown of invoice amounts by staff for the Prime Consultant and Subconsultant(s) 10. Total cumulative amounts invoiced 11. Consultant’s signature The following substantiating documentation shall be attached to each invoice: 1. Personnel (labor) charges: names, titles, billing rates; hours charged to the project; and 2. Details of direct/reimbursable expenses, including receipts. The same information identified above shall be provided for all Subconsultant invoices submitted for payment from the Prime Consultant. 56 RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express SECTION S PROJECT REPORTS/DOCUMENTS S.1 GENERAL A. The Consultant shall make available to VRE and PRTC upon request all reports, drawings, studies, specifications, design calculations, field surveys, work instructions, estimates, maps and other data prepared by or for it under the resultant Contract during the period of the Contract and upon termination or completion of the work. VRE and PRTC shall have the right to use the same, without restriction or limitation and without compensation to the Consultant other than that provided for in the Contract. B. Documents shall be considered property of VRE and PRTC and directed to: Donna Boxer, Project Manager Virginia Railway Express 1500 King Street, Suite 202 Alexandria, VA 22314-2730 (703) 838-5413 Joyce Embrey, Project Manager Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission 14700 Potomac Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703) 583-7782 57 RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express