PART II SCHEDULE SECTION TITLE D Scope of Services E Special Terms and Conditions RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express 11 SECTION D SCOPE OF SERVICES ___________________________________________________ D.1 D.2 OVERVIEW A. The selected firm is referred to herein as either the “Consultant” or the “Contractor.” If the firm chooses to use the services of Subconsultant(s), they will be referred to either as the “Subconsultant(s)” or “Subcontractor(s).” B. The Consultant shall execute two (2) Contracts referred to herein as either “Contract” or “Contracts.” Therefore, the words will be used interchangeably. C. All references to VRE herein shall include PRTC. D. The Consultant shall provide all labor, supervision, materials, supplies, and transportation and shall have sufficient financial resources to complete the Scope of Services to the satisfaction of VRE and PRTC. E. In the performance of this Contract, the Consultant shall comply with ATTACHMENT U.1 – GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS included herein. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The Consultant shall be responsible for advising VRE and PRTC with respect to systematic purchasing decisions related to diesel fuel. B. VRE and PRTC are seeking to reduce the range of prices each expects to pay for its fuel and to reduce the volatility of fuel costs. The Consultant shall assist in accomplishing these goals with respect to the budgetary and cash-flow risks that each organization’s consumption of fuel presents. C. VRE and PRTC realize there are multiple ways to approach price risk management (e.g., “hedging via swaps,” caps, “futures” purchases, etc.) that may be more or less suited to VRE’s and PRTC’s needs, and to the Virginia laws governing such activities for public entities. Thus, the Consultant shall have a mastery of these and other risk management approaches to be applied to each organization’s situation in order to customize a plan that is ideally suited to each operating environment. RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express 12 D. D.3 The Consultant shall utilize its mastery and expertise to educate VRE and PRTC about the various possible approaches, learn about the sensitivities of VRE and PRTC, and customize an appropriate course of action. The course of action may be different for the two (2) organizations. However, both organizations are mindful of the possibility there may be economies of scale that could induce the two (2) organizations to pursue a common course of action. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS The Consultant shall perform the following tasks: A. Review current fuel practices, fuel budgets, fuel procurement practices and contracts, for both VRE and PRTC, in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors that have shaped practices to date. B. Recommend changes to practices to enhance the fuel purchasing program. C. Develop and assist in the incorporation of fuel cost hedging alternatives into the fuel supply contracts, as requested. D. Develop and assist in the implementation of hedging strategies outside of the fuel supplier contracts, as requested. E. Assist in establishing the hedging requirements for fuel suppliers and in evaluating the bids received. F. Work directly with fuel suppliers or others to put fixed price or futures contracts into place, as requested. G. Track pricing and risk management developments and provide ongoing advice and budgetary forecasts to VRE and PRTC to account for changing market and other conditions. RFP No. 016-015 Diesel Fuel Price Risk Management Consulting Services Virginia Railway Express 13