AGENDA ITEM 10-E ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: APRIL 20, 2012 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE POLICY AMENDMENTS PRTC/VRE PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to recommend that the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission approve amendments to the PRTC/VRE Personnel Policy. BACKGROUND: PRTC/VRE’s adopted personnel policy has stood the test of time in large measure, but has also required periodic modifications based on first-hand experience in applying the policy to current personnel situations. The last set of policy amendments adopted by the VRE Operations Board and Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission (PRTC) occurred in February 2005. A second set of amendments is now being recommended for the reasons cited below. Amendment 1 - (Policy IV Pay Plan and Employee Compensation, Section I.B) PRTC reassesses this policy in the course of the periodic parity studies that the personnel policy says are to be completed every three years. However, the last such study was in FY 2007 and the one that was scheduled for FY 2010 was deferred indeterminately for austerity reasons. As a result, the General Payscale (Attachment 1), other than for cost of living adjustments, has not been updated to account for changed market conditions since FY 2007. As a result, the classifications now lag significantly behind counterparts such as Fairfax and Prince William Counties (Attachment 2). This administrative amendment would modify the PRTC/VRE General Payscale to create three higher classifications comparable to those classifications present in Fairfax and Prince William Counties. The proposed revised payscale appears here as Attachment 3. PRTC’s Executive Director is supportive of this proposed change. In addition, both PRTC’s legal counsel for VRE matters, and PRTC’s legal counsel for nonVRE matters have reviewed the proposal and approve the amendment. Making this change has no budget consequence since the General Payscale is wholly independent of how positions are classified. Amendment 2 – (Policy XIX Awards and Special Recognition, Section II) From time to time, PRTC and/or VRE employees perform extraordinary efforts for the organization(s) that warrant special recognition in the form of a one-time, monetary bonus. Presently, the PRTC Executive Director and the VRE Chief Executive Officer have authority to award bonuses of $250 or less, with Operations Board or Commission approval for bonuses over $250. These thresholds have been operational since FY 2001. A recommendation, shown in Attachment 4, is now being made to increase the authority limit delegated to the chief executives to $500. The new limit restores the diminished real-dollar value of the delegated authority and accounts for the fact that the scope of complexity of both the VRE and PRTC operations has grown appreciably since FY 2001. PRTC’s Executive Director is supportive of this proposed change. In addition, both PRTC’s legal counsel for VRE matters, and PRTC’s legal counsel for nonVRE matters have reviewed the proposal and approve the amendment. Amendment 3 – (Policy XI Promotions, Demotions, Reclassifications, and Transfers, Section III.C) Under the current policy, an existing employee who applies for a competitively advertised position within PRTC/VRE, and is then deemed the most qualified candidate, is limited by the policy’s rules of promotion in establishing the level of compensation. The only limitation applicable to the external candidate is that the starting salary must be within the classification range. The practical result is that there is less latitude to account for skills and experience in establishing the level of compensation when an internal candidate is found to be the most qualified. 2 To establish parity between internal and external candidates vying for a position, it is recommended that language be added to Policy XI, Section III.C allowing this exception to be made. At the March 16, 2012 Operations Board meeting, a discussion occurred regarding the appropriateness of seeking approval of the PRTC or VRE Chairman in the event that this exception provision was utilized. A consensus position is now being proposed, Attachment 5, such that the Chairman of PRTC or VRE would be notified that the exception had been made, but not asked to approve such exceptions. PRTC’s Executive Director is supportive of this proposed change. In addition, both PRTC’s legal counsel for VRE matters, and PRTC’s legal counsel for nonVRE matters have reviewed the proposal and approve the amendment. Because these recommended amendments apply to employees working at both PRTC and VRE, the VRE Operations Board is being asked to recommend these changes to the PRTC for approval at its May 3, 2012 meeting. As this action is specific to VRE and PRTC employees, NVTC will be notified of the changes but no action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: While fiscal impacts may occur through the implementation of these amendments, there is no budgetary impact associated with this action. 3 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER APRIL 20, 2012 AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE PRTC/VRE PERSONNEL POLICY AMENDMENTS RESOLUTION 10E-04-2012 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, personnel matters involving PRTC and VRE staffs are governed by a common, adopted personnel policy; and, WHEREAS, occasionally there arises a need for policy amendments for statutory and other reasons that the existing policy does not adequately address; and, WHEREAS, the adopted personnel policy was last amended in February 2005, and needs further amendments at this time; and, WHEREAS, the amendments as proposed are the end result of discussions involving PRTC and VRE management; and, WHEREAS, the amendments as proposed have been reviewed and approved by PRTC’s legal counsel for VRE matters and PRTC’s legal counsel for non-VRE matters; and, WHEREAS, the amendments as proposed are summarized in the background section of the memo accompanying this resolution and in the attachments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board recommends that the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission approve amendments to the PRTC/VRE Personnel Policy and that NVTC be notified of the recommendation. 4