Vita Mary Alice Barksdale



Mary Alice Barksdale

Work: 307 War Memorial Hall, MC 0313

Elementary Ed / Literacy

Department of Teaching and Learning

School of Education

College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA 24061-0313

Home: 618 7 th St.

Radford, VA 24141



Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction

May 1988 Emphasis areas:

Literacy, Elementary Teacher Education & Cognitive Psychology

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.


Aug. 1979

Reading Education

Clemson University, Clemson, S.C.


Dec. 1976

Elementary Education

Clemson University, Clemson, S.C.

Professional Experiences

Aug. 2001 Associate Professor, Virginia Tech to present Blacksburg, VA [Tenured May 2003]

• Elementary Education Program Area Leader

(Elementary and reading specialist course scheduling, analysis of

applications to the program, hiring and supervision of Graduate

Assistants for the program, responses to inquiries about the requirements

and process of applying for and entering the program, scheduling and

leading meetings of elementary faculty, selection of adjuncts for

teaching program courses, troubleshooting)

• teaching at graduate level in elementary education, literacy education &

teacher research/education

• field supervision of elementary education interns (occasional)

• writing, research, and presentations at professional conferences

• service at college, university, local, state, national, and international


• advisor/member for doctoral students in literacy and elementary



August, 1994 to May 2001

August, 1989 to August, 1994

August, 1988 to August, 1989

September, 1987 to June, 1988

January, 1987 to Sept, 1987

Associate Professor, University of South Florida

Tampa, FL. [Tenured May 1997; Promoted to Full Professor May


• teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels in reading, language arts,

teacher education, and qualitative research

• field supervision of elementary education interns

• writing, research, and presentations at professional conferences

• service at college, university, local, state, national, and international


• advisor for M. A. in Reading Program

• advisor for doctoral students in reading

Assistant Professor, West Virginia University

Morgantown, W.V. [Promoted to Associate Professor & Tenured,

May 1994]

• teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels in reading, language arts,

teacher education, and qualitative research

• field supervision of student teachers

• writing and research

• presentations at professional conferences

• service at college, university, local, state, national, and international


• advisor for doctoral and masters students in reading, curriculum and

instruction, and counseling psychology

Visiting Assistant Professor, West Virginia University

Morgantown, W.V.

• teaching undergraduate and graduate reading and language arts

• field supervision of student teachers

• research and scholarly activities

• service

Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech,

Blacksburg, VA.

• qualitative data analysis on learning to teach and teacher mentoring and


• data collection for beginning teacher programs

• review and preparation of Beginning Teacher Assistance Program

materials for Virginia State Department of Education

Reading Specialist, Janus Learning Center,

Roanoke, VA.

• diagnosis of reading abilities, preparation of reports on students assessed

in reading, and tutoring in reading & writing

• curriculum planning for reading and language arts programs


September, 1985 to January, 1987

May, 1985 to Sept, 1985

September, 1983 to May, 1985

August, 1981 to June, 1983

August, 1978 to June, 1981

January, 1977 to June, 1978

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech,

Blacksburg, VA.

• taught undergraduate course "College Success Strategies"

• provided supplemental instruction in freshman Biology and Engineering

Head Start Teacher, Total Action Against Poverty,

Roanoke, VA.

• teacher for four-year old class at Our Lady of Nazareth Child

Development Center

Graduate Assistant, Virginia Tech,

Blacksburg, VA.

• field supervision of student teachers in elementary education

• taught undergraduate course "Teaching Elementary Language Arts”

Chapter I Reading Teacher, Bedford County Schools,

Bedford, VA.

• provided reading instruction for poorer performance reading students,

grades 1 - 7.

First Grade Teacher, School District of Greenville County,

Greenville, S.C.

• instruction in all curriculum areas in an inner-city school.

Special Education Teacher, School District of Greenville County,

Greenville, S.C.

• instruction in all curriculum areas in a self-contained class for the

emotionally handicapped in grades 1 - 5.

Membership in Professional Organizations

Eastern Educational Research Association

Fulbright Association

International Reading Association

National Reading Conference

Phi Delta Kappa

Virginia State Reading Council


Who’s Who in America: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.

Who’s Who in the World: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.

Who’s Who of American Women: 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004,

2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007.

Who’s Who in American Education: 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007.


Who’s Who in the South and Southwest: 1999, 2000.

University of South Florida TIP (Teaching Incentive Program) Award, December, 1998.

University of South Florida Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, 1998.

International Reading Association’s 1995 Albert J. Harris Award for Outstanding Publication.

This award was for the article “Using whole language with children we have failed to teach to read,” co-authored with Karen F. Thomas and published in Reading and Writing

Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties .

Fulbright Scholar Fellowship for 1995. January - June, 1995, I taught a course on “Teacher

Education Reform in the United States” at the Hertzen Russian State Pedagogical

University in St. Petersburg, Russia.

West Virginia University Outstanding Teacher Award, 1993-94.

West Virginia University College of Human Resources and Education Outstanding Teacher

Award, 1992-93.

West Virginia University Chapter Phi Delta Kappa Faculty Research Award, 1991-92.

West Virginia University College of Human Resources and Education Outstanding Teacher

Award, 1990-91.



Anxiety and Attention in Beginning Readers, Virginia Tech, April, 1988.

Funded Research and Projects

Community Foundation of the New River Valley Grant to support materials for the ESTEEM

Project, $550. Collaborative grant with Dr. Brenda Brand, Dr. Vanessa Pitts Bannister, and Dr. Tamara Wallace, November, 2007.

Target Foundation Grant to support building a library of African American children’s books for the ESTEEM Project, $1000. Collaborative grant with Dr. Brenda Brand, Dr. Vanessa

Pitts Bannister, and Dr. Tamara Wallace, October 2007.

Fulbright Outreach, Mentoring, and Enrichment Grant, Fulbright Association, Washington, DC.

Mentoring Fulbright scholars and students in the Blue Ridge region, $3,000. Funded

September 2007-2008.

Virginia Tech School of Education Faculty Research Grant. Developing the whole child: A community-based project, Funded July 2007 – July 2008, $7522 plus a full-time GA for the 2007-08 academic year. Collaborative grant with Dr. Brenda Brand & Dr. Vanessa

Pitts Bannister (PI Barksdale).

Virginia Tech School of Education Faculty Research Grant. Toward holistic reading assessments for K-3 students, Funded July 2006 – July 2007, $6762. Collaborative grant with Dr. Ann Potts & Dr. Cheri Triplett (PI Triplett).

Virginia Tech School of Education Faculty Research Grant. The challenges, dilemmas, and needs of reading specialists, Funded November 2005 – December 2006, $5500.

Collaborative grant with Dr. Ann Potts, Dr. Cheri Triplett, & Dr. Rosary Lalik (PI


Virginia Tech Small Grant Program for Improving Campus Climate to Support Diversity,


Funded October 2004 – July 2005, $5000. Engaging faculty in examining their experiences, perceptions, and attitudes about incidents of prejudice/racism.

USF Research & Creative Scholarship Award, in collaboration with Primary Investigator Dr.

Paula Zielonka, University of South Florida, Funded Jan. 1997 - Jan. 1998, $6400.

Intermediate level children who have failed to learn to read well.

USF Research & Creative Scholarship Award, University of South Florida, Funded April 1995-

April 1996, $6200. Parent’s Perceptions of Public School Programs for Bilingual


Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University, Fall 1993, $350

Claude Worthington Benedum Research Grant, West Virginia University, Funded April 1993,

$4,000. Collaborating with a Professional Development School to Improve Literacy

Instruction for Children.

Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University, Fall 1992, $280

Claude Worthington Benedum Research Grant, West Virginia University, Funded April 1992,

$4,000. Changes, Challenges, and Dilemmas in Three Elementary Professional

Development Schools.

Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University, Fall 1991, $400

Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University, Fall 1990, $270

Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University, Fall 1989, $300

Faculty Travel Grant, West Virginia University, Spring 1989, $300

Refereed Manuscripts

Barksdale, M. A., Watson, C., & Park, E. S. (2007). Pen pal letter exchanges: Taking first steps toward developing cultural understandings. The Reading Teacher, 61, 58-69.

Triplett, C., & Barksdale, M. A. (2005). Third through sixth grader’s perceptions of high stakes testing. Journal of Literacy Research, 37, 237-260.

Anderson, N. A., Barksdale, M. A., & Hite, C. (2005). Preservice teachers’ observations of cooperating teachers and peers while participating in an early field experience. Teacher

Education Quarterly, 32, 97-118.

Barksdale, M. A., Fisher, P., Richards, J., Wuthrick, M., Hammons, J, & Grisham, D. (2004).

Perceptions of preservice elementary teachers on multicultural issues. Reading Horizons,

43, 27-48.

Triplett, C., & Barksdale, M. A. (2003). High stakes for whom?: Children’s perceptions of high stakes testing. Journal of Research in Education 13, 15-21.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Draper, M., Radencich, M. C., King, J. R., & Oropallo, K. (2001). Four approaches to preservice teachers’ involvement in the writing of case stories: A qualitative research project. Teaching and Teacher Education 17, 417-431.

Hefflin, B., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (2001). African American children's literature that helps students find themselves: Selection guidelines for grades K-3. The Reading Teacher, 54,


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & King, J. (2000). The dilemma of error and accuracy: An exploration.

Reading Psychology, 21, 353-372.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Thomas, K. F. (2000). What’s at stake in high stakes testing: Teachers and parents speak out. Journal of Teacher Education, 51, 384-397.

Draper, M., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Radencich, M. C. (2000). Reading and writing habits of


preservice teachers. Reading Horizons, 40, 185-204.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Thomas, K. F. (2000). Metacognitive processes: Teaching strategies in literacy education courses. Reading Psychology, 21, 67-84.

Radencich, M. C., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Draper, M. (1999). Multicultural self-selected reading by preservice teachers. Research and Diversity.

(pp. 101-122). Tampa, FL:

Institute on Black Life at the University of South Florida.

Richards, J. C. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1998). Writing and sharing teaching cases: Self- study with a “critical friend.” The Reading Professor, 20, 118-137.

Radencich, M. C. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1998). Strong back, legs, feet, and a good pair of shoes: Connecting stories of inspiring teachers to coursework in teacher training. The

Teacher Educator, 33, 230-247.

Oropallo, K., King, J. R., Draper, M., Radencich, M. C., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1997).

Prospective teacher authorship of teaching case narratives. C. K. Kinzer, K. A.

Hinchman, and D.J. Leu (Eds.), Inquiries in Literacy Theory and Practice. Forty-Sixth

Yearbook of the National Reading Conference,

Reading Conference.

(pp. 405-415). Chicago, IL: National

Barksdale-Ladd. M. A. & Rose, M. C. (1997). Qualitative assessment in developmental reading.

Journal of College Reading and Learning, 28, 34-55.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Isenhart, J., Nedeff, A. R., Oaks, R., & Steele, S. (1997). PDS collaboration in the design and delivery of a reading and language arts methods course.

Reading Horizons, 38, 31-54.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1997). Plant a radish, get a radish: Case study of kindergarten teachers’ differing literacy belief systems.

Instruction, 37, 39-60.

Reading Research and

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Nedeff, A. (1997). The worlds of a reader’s mind: Students as authors. The Reading Teacher, 50, 564-575.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Thomas, K. F. (1996). The development of empowerment in teaching reading. Teaching and Teacher Education, 12, 161-178.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale-Ladd, M.A. (1995). Effective literacy classrooms: Teachers and students exploring literacy together. In K. A. Hinchman, D. J. Leu, & C. K. Kinzer

(Eds.), Perspectives on Literacy Research and Practice. The Forty-fourth Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, (pp. 169-179). Chicago, IL: National Reading


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Rudden, J., Oaks, R., Nedeff, A., Isenhart, J. & Johnson, R. (1995).

Learning to collaborate in a Literacy Discussion Group. In C. K. Kinzer & D. J. Leu

(Eds.), Multidimensional Aspects of Literacy Research, Theory, and Practice. The Forty- third Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, (pp. 306-316). Chicago, IL:

National Reading Conference.

Rinehart, S. D., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Paterson, J. J. (1994). Increasing story recall through prereading instruction: Use of advance organizers combined with teacher-guided discussion . Pathways for Literacy: Learners Teach and Teachers Learn. The College

Reading Association Yearbook.


Thomas, K. F. and Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1994). Using whole language with children we have failed to teach to read. Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning

Difficulties, 10, 125-142.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1994). Teacher empowerment and literacy instruction in three


Professional Development Schools. The Journal of Teacher Education, 45, 104-111.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Rinehart, S. D., & Thomas, K. F. (1993). Redesigning reading courses to provide real reading experiences with children. The Reading Professor, 15 , 20-34.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A.& Thomas, K. F. (1993). Eight teachers self-reported pedagogical dependency upon basal readers. The Elementary School Journal, 94 , 49-72.

Rinehart, S. D., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Welker, W. A. (1991). Effects of advance organizers on text recall by poor readers. Reading, Writing, and Learning Disabilities International,

14 , 321-333.

Thomas, K. F., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Jones, R. A. (1991). Basals, power, and empowerment: A conceptual framework. In J. Zutell and S. McCormack (Eds.), Learner

Factors/Teacher Factors: Issues in Literacy Research and Instruction. The Fortieth

Yearbook of the National Reading Conference , (pp. 385-397). Chicago, IL: National

Reading Conference.

Sherman, T., Armistead, P., Barksdale, M. A., Fowler, F., & Reif, G. (1987). The quest for excellence in university teaching. The Journal of Higher Education, 12 , 66-81.

Book Chapters

Hefflin, B., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (2003). African American children's literature that helps students find themselves: Selection guidelines for grades K-3. In P.A. Mason & J. S.

Schumm (Eds.) Promising practices for urban reading instruction, (pp. 203-221).

Newark, DE: International Reading Association. [reprinted from the Reading Teacher,


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). Commentary on “Peer Editing.” In J. Richards & J. Gipe (Eds),

Elementary literacy lessons. Cases and commentaries from the field,

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

(pp. 116-117).

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). Commentary on “Is invented spelling for everyone?” In J.

Richards & J. Gipe (Eds), Elementary literacy lessons. Cases and commentaries from the field, (pp. 98-99). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

King, J. R., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Alvarez, R. (1998). The power of ritual and language:

Maria Teresa takes her place in Tampa’s Cuban community. In K. M. Borman (Ed.),

Ethnic diversity in communities and schools, (pp. 104-118). Stamford, CT: Ablex.

Field, T. T., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1997). The story of a changing school. In N. E.

Hoffman, W. M. Reed, & G. S. Rosenbluth (Eds.), Lessons from restructuring experiences: Stories of change in Professional Development Schools,

Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press.

Book Reviews

(pp. 197-218).

Barksdale, M. A. (2005). Review of Thirteen Years of School. What Students Really Think. By

L. Scherff. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 37 (4).

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1992). Review of Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (2nd

Ed.) by M.Q. Patton. Educational Studies, 23, 411-415.


Papers Submitted for Publication

Barksdale, M. A. Addressing Primary Education Needs in Malawi. Submitted to Reading

Horizons, Revised and Resubmitted, March 2008.

Barksdale, M. A. & Triplett, C. F. Valuing children’s voices. Submitted to Teachers College

Record, June 2008.

Papers Presented at Conferences

International/National Paper Presentations

Barksdale, M. A. (2007). Literacy policy in primary education in Malawi. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.

Barksdale, M. A. & Powell, A. (2006). The Complete Classroom: Teacher Development of a

Website for Parents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of

Teachers of English, Nashville, TN.

Triplett, C, Potts, A, & Barksdale, M.A. (2006). Toward Holistic Reading Assessments for K-3

Students: Sociocultural Needs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National

Association for Multicultural Education, Phoenix, AZ.

Barksdale, M. A., Watson, C. & Park, E. S. (2005). Student learning through cross-cultural pen pal letters. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference,

Miami, Fl.

Barksdale, M. A. & Khasu, D. (2004). Literacy practices and teacher perspectives on literacy learning in Malawi. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Barksdale, M. A. (2004). Valuing children’s voices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Reno, NV.

Barksdale, M. A., Niles, Jerome., Kelly, P., & Tlou, J. (2003). Perspectives on literacy instruction and literacy teacher education in Malawi. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

Triplett, C. F. & Barksdale, M. A. (2003). Third through sixth graders' perceptions of high stakes testing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference,

Scottsdale, AZ.

Barksdale, M. A., & Williams, W. (2002). High-stakes literacy testing: Legislation and legislators in five states. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Miami, FL.

Triplett, C. F. & Barksdale, M. A. (2002). High for Whom?: Childrens' perceptions of high stakes testing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Miami, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., Leftwich, P., & McGill-Franzen, A. (2002). Perceptions of schooling in 3rd-

8th graders in the United States. Paper presented at the 19 th World Congress on Reading,

Edinburgh, Scotland.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale, M. A. (2001). Costs of high-stakes literacy assessment in the states.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio,



Fernandez, J., Barksdale, M. A., & Wright, V. (2001). Professor and student experiences with racism in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American

Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.

Evans, L., Grove, J., Barksdale, M. A., & King, J. (2001). Setting the pace in post-secondary reading education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for

Developmental Education, Louisville, KY.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (2000). Literacy educators’ perspectives on addressing racism in literacy teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Leftwich, P., & McGill-Franzen, A. (2000). The lived experience of intermediate and adolescent public school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). It starts as a rumor: Teacher and parent perceptions of literacy evaluations mandated by state and district policies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.

Draper, M. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). Professor and teacher responses to a case involving racism in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National

Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.

Wright, V., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Fernandez, J. (1999). Student experiences of racism in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Orlando, FL.

Fernandez, J., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Wright, V. (1999). Professor experiences of racism in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Orlando, FL.

Radencich, M. C., King, J. R., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). Preservice teacher educators and their professors react to the Theoretical Orientation to Reading Profile (TORP), the

Literacy Orientation Survey (LOS), and the Leu and Kinzer Teacher Beliefs Instrument.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, Montreal, Canada.

Anderson, N., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Radencich, M. C. (1999). Preservice teachers’ observations of cooperating teachers and peers while participating in an early field experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Draper, M., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Radencich, M. C., & Oropallo, K. (1998). Reading and writing habits and attitudes of preservice teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Draper, M. (1998). Using teaching cases in addressing multicultural issues in undergraduate literacy education courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Richards, J., Fisher, P., Wuthrick, M., Hammons, J., & Richmond, H.

(1998). Perceptions of preservice teachers on multicultural issues. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.

Radencich, M. C., King, J. R., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1998). Preservice teacher educators and their professors react to the Theoretical Orientation to Reading Profile (TORP), the

Literacy Orientation Survey (LOS), and the Leu and Kinzer Teacher Beliefs Instrument.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Thomas, K. F. (1998). Developing strategies for understanding metacognition in literacy education courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Radencich, M. C., & Draper, M. (1998). Multicultural reading habits and attitudes in preservice elementary and special education teachers. Paper presented at the International Reading Association’s 17th World Congress on Reading, Ocho Rios,


King, J. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1998). Teachers, writing, and errors: A microethnography within a literacy early intervention program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Radencich, M., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Draper, M. (1997). General and multicultural self- selected reading by preservice elementary and special education teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

Zielonka, P., Lehmkuhler, M., Boggs, M., Radencich, M., Thomas, K., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A.

(1997). Intermediate level children who have failed to learn to read well: Issues and content. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference,

Scottsdale, AZ.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Draper, M. (1997). Using case stories to model self-inquiry processes in literacy courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.

McClanahan, S., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Thomas, K. F. (1997). Basal reading programs and teacher philosophies of literacy instruction: Is there a match? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.

Richards, J. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1997). Expanding the knowledge base about self-inquiry:

Merging academic perspectives with practitioners voices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Radencich, M. C., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., King, J. R., & Oropallo, K. (1996). Case methodology and undergraduate literacy courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Reading Forum, Santibel Island, FL.

Thomas, K. F., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Radencich, M. C., & Zielonka, P. (1996). After early intervention - Then what?: Hope for troubled readers in the middle grades. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Charleston, S.C.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Draper, M., Radencich, M. C., King, J. R., & Oropallo, K. (1996).

Professors’ framings for students’ cases. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, Charleston, SC.

Radencich, M. C., Richards, J., Draper, M., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., King, J. R., & Oropallo, K.

(1996). Writing cases in contexts: Comparisons of students, locales, and themes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Charleston, SC.

Oropallo, K., King, J. R., Draper, M., Radencich, M. C., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1996).

Writing processes in students’ cases. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, Charleston, SC.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Radencich, M. C., & King, J. R. (1996). Three instructors collaboratively reflect, reframe, and research a restructured literacy course. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the College Reading Association, Charleston, SC.

King, J. R. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1995). Constructivism and the dilemma of accuracy in writing across the curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College


Reading Association, Clearwater, FL.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1994). Literacy classrooms that make a difference and the different teachers who make them work. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, Coronado, CA.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1994). Consultants for free. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, Coronado, CA.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1994) Continuing the dialogue: Conversations about changes in teacher education programs. Alternative format session sponsored by the NRC Teacher

Education Research Study Group and presented at the annual meeting of the National

Reading Conference, Coronado, CA.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Rudden, J., Nedeff, A., Oaks, R., Isenhart, J. & Johnson, R. (1993).

Learning to collaborate in a Literacy Discussion Group. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Charleston, S.C.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1993). What constitutes whole language classrooms?

Interviewing and observing ten teachers in transmission and transactional classrooms.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Charleston,


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1993). Confronting dilemmas in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Charleston, S. C.

Rinehart, S. D. & Barksdale-Ladd, M.A. (1993). Some of the effects of discussion and selected advance organizer methods on text recall by less-skilled seventh-grade readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College Reading Association, Richmond, VA.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Rosenbluth, G. (1993). Action research in collaboration with school practitioners. Paper presented at the annual national meeting of the Holmes Group,

Washington D.C.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Thomas, K. F. (1992). Teacher empowerment and the development of approaches to reading instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National

Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Schweiker, K. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1992). The transition from traditional to whole language instruction: The restructurers, the reviewers, and the resistors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Isenhart, J. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1992). Teacher attitudes, personalities, and self-reported practices in reading and writing instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Swain, E., & Rose, M. (1992). Complementary utilization of qualitative and quantitative strategies in reading assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Developmental Education, San Antonio,


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Garbutt, K. (1992). Bridging the gap between subject matter and pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual national meeting of the Holmes Group, Dallas,


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Rinehart, S. D. (1991). Effects of advance organizers on text recall by poor readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference,

Palm Springs, CA.

Jones, R. A., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1991). An examination of expert and novice beliefs and practices in reading instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the


National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

Thomas, K. F., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Moore, D. (1991). Literacy in whole language and traditional kindergartens: The response of teachers, parents, and students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Thomas, K. F. (1991). Teacher Empowerment: Who has it? How do you get it? What do you do with it? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National

Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

Rinehart, S. D.& Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1991). Advance organizers and text recall:

Relationships of recall level, recall time, and organizer format. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College Reading Association, Crystal Springs, VA.

Thomas, K. F., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1991). Whole language as a remediation strategy.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Las

Vegas, NV.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Hoffman, N., Racin, M., Stead, C., & Grocott, P. (1991). Examining the knowledge base of pedagogy: Implications for restructuring teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, New Orleans,


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Thomas, K. F., & Jones, R. A. (1990). The basals of the 90's: Toward teacher empowerment? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Miami, FL.

Thomas, K. F., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Jones, R. A. (1990). Basals and teachers' power: A conceptual framework. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, Miami, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., Gerlach, J., & Reed, W. M. (1989). The nature of the reading/writing relationship: A study of experienced readers and writers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin TX.

Barksdale, M. A. (1989). Teachers and the use of basal readers: An examination of needs fulfillment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference,

Austin, TX.

Yon, M. G., & Barksdale, M. A. (1988). The relationship between undergraduate preparation and teaching: Case study of a third-year teacher. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Tucson, AR.

Barksdale, M. A. (1987). The relationship between anxiety and cognitive capacity in beginning readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, St.

Petersburg, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., Branch, R., & Williams-Green, J. (1987). Characteristics of more and less successful minority students in a large university. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Developmental Education, New Orleans, LA.

Branch, R., Barksdale, M. A., & Williams-Green, J. (1987). Developmental students and academic achievement: promoting success, or preventing failure? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Developmental Education, New Orleans,


Yon, M. G., & Barksdale, M. A. (1985). A comparison of student teacher conceptions of teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, Chicago, IL.

Borko, H., Lalik, R., Barksdale, M. A., & Yon, M. G. (1985). What is successful teaching? An


examination of student teachers' developing understandings of teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Lalik, R., Borko, H., Barksdale, M. A., & Yon, M. G. (1985). Thinking and teaching of student teachers in a clinical field experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

American Educational Research Association, Chicago. IL.

Barksdale, M. A., & Yon, M. G. (1984). The reflections of student teachers on lessons taught.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, St.

Petersburg, FL.

Regional Paper Presentations

Barksdale, M. A. & Triplett, C. F. (2008). Reflections of preservice teachers on using holistic literacy methods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.

Powell, A. & Barksdale, M. A. (2007). The Open Book and Roanoke Reads: Using an online community to design a local literacy support website. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Woods, D., Potts, A., Triplett, C, & Barksdale, M. A. (2007). Self-perception and preservice teacher education: Exploring changes across teacher preparation through self-portraits.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association,

Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., Jones, T., Potts, A., Triplett, C., & Lalik, R. (2006). The challenges, dilemmas and needs of reading specialists. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.

Barksdale, M. A. & Triplett, C. F. (2005). Valuing the voices of elementary students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association,

Sarasota, FL.

Watson, C., Barksdale, M. A. & Parks, E. S. (2005). Student learning through cross-cultural pen pal letters. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research

Association, Sarasota, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., Niles, J., Tlou, J., & Kelly, P. (2004). Processes and challenges in developing teacher education for primary schooling in Malawi. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., & Draper, M. (2004). High stakes testing and best practices of teachers: What really occurs in the classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale, M. A., Niles, J., Kazembe, M., Mmela, E., Tlou, J., & Kelly, P. (2003). Perspectives on primary teacher education and the teaching of reading and writing in Malawi:

Framing the inquiry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational

Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.

Thomas, K. F. & Barksdale, M. A. (2002). The costs of high-stakes testing: Case studies of eight states. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research

Association, Sarasota, FL.

Leftwich, P, Barksdale, M. A., & Holt, R. (2001). The lived experiences of intermediate and adolescent public school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.


Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Thomas, K. F. (2000). Elementary teachers’ perceptions of high stakes testing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational

Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Fernandez, J., & Wright, V. (2000). Racism in teacher education: An exploration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research

Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Thomas, K. F. (1999). Developing metacognitive understandings in literacy education courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Draper, M., Radencich, M. C., & Oropallo, K. (1999). Reading and writing habits and attitudes of preservice teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.

Boggs, M., Zielonka, P., Radencich, M. C., Thomas, K. F., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., &

Lehmkuhler, M. (1998). Literacy skills in intermediate level children whom we have failed to teach to read well. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Tampa, FL.

McClanahan, N. S., Thomas, K. F., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1998). Changing teacher beliefs and their relationship to basal use. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Rinehart, S. D., & Fagg, D. (1997). Student, teacher, and parent beliefs about Chapter I responsibilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S. C.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. & Draper, M. (1997). Exploring professional dilemmas as a model for the writing of case stories in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S. C.

Barksdale-Ladd, M.A., & King, J. (1996). Teacher beliefs about student accuracy in reading and writing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research

Association, Cambridge, MA.

Thomas, K. B., Hattler, J. A., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1995). Where in the world are we?

Teacher beliefs and practices in teaching geography through literature. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S.C.

Isenhart, J., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Oaks, R., Nedeff, A., Rudden, L., & Johnson, R. (1994).

Conceptual and professional change in one third-grade PDS teacher. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Hoffman, N. E. & Hines, V. (1993). Events in the lives of female teachers: The relationship to the development of empowerment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., Dempsey, V., Hines, V. & Morphew, V. (1993). Teacher change in two elementary professional development schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Thomas, K. F., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1992). Viewing teacher empowerment on a continuum: A measurement scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S.C.

Racin, M., Hoffman, N., & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1992). An examination of persistent involvement in a teacher education reform effort. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S.C.


Barksdale, M. A. (1989). The relationship between anxiety and attention in beginning readers.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association,

Savannah, GA.

Barksdale, M. A. & Gerlach, J. (1990). Strategies used during the reading of narrative and expository text: An examination of experienced readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale, M. A. (1990). The development of the Reading Anxiety Scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Thomas, K. F., Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Jones, R. A. (1991). Reading instruction and basals:

Teacher perceptions, knowledge, and empowerment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Boston, MA.

Barksdale, M. A. & Gerlach, J. (1990). Strategies used during the reading of narrative and expository text: An examination of experienced readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale, M. A. (1990). The development of the Reading Anxiety Scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.

Barksdale, M. A. (1989). The relationship between anxiety and attention in beginning readers.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association,

Savannah, GA.

State & Local Paper Presentations

Woods, D. & Barksdale, M. A. (2008). Exploring preservice teacher identity through self- portraits. Presented at the annual Virginia Tech School of Education Student Association

Research Symposium, Blacksburg, VA.

Triplett, C. F. & Barksdale, M. A. (2007). Holistic literacy approaches for struggling readers.

Paper presented at the Twentieth Annual Fall Reading Conference of the New River

Valley Reading Council.

Barksdale, M. A., Powell, A., Torrence, H., Gardner, K., Williams, A., Williams, A.,

Shrewsbury, R., Chamberland, S., Bennett, J., Boush, S., & Bryant, S. (2007). The Open

Book and Roanoke Reads: Using an online community to design a local literacy support website. Presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia State Reading Association,

Roanoke, VA.

Barksdale, M. A. & Triplett, C. (2005). Valuing elementary children’s voices. Presented at the

Eighteenth Annual Fall Reading Conference of the New River Valley Reading Council.

Niles, J., Kelly, P., Barksdale, M. A., Mmela, E,, & Kazembe, M. (2002). Perspectives on the teaching of reading and writing in a developing country. Paper presented at the Fifteenth

Annual Fall Reading Conference of the New River Valley Reading Council.

Zielonka, P. S. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). Literacy skills in intermediate grade children whom we have failed to teach to read. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

Florida Reading Association, Orlando, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A., & Nedeff, A. (1996). The worlds of a reader’s mind: Students as authors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Reading Association,

Tarpon Springs, FL.


Invited Paper Presentations

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (2000). Changing university coursework in teacher education. Presented at the USF PDS Without Walls Retreat, Tampa, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1999). Rethinking pedagogy. Presented at the USF Teacher Education

Curriculum Reform Retreat, Tampa, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1996). Using writing as a vehicle for teaching reading: Students as authors. Presented to Kappa Delta Pi, Sun City Center Chapter, Sun City, FL.

Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1995). Improving literacy teaching and learning through collaborations in Professional Development Schools. Presented at the Finland Institute for Educational

Research, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Reed, W. M. & Barksdale-Ladd, M. A. (1995). Teacher researcher: Employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Presented at the Finland Institute for Educational Research,

Jyvaskyla, Finland.


Work with Doctoral Students

Doctoral Students - Finished

Co-Chair, Mary Ann Norman, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Summer 2008

Dissertation Topic: The Instructional Practices in Reading of 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th Grade


Chair, Lisa Updike, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring 2008

Dissertation Topic: “I am a Work in Progress:” Using Children’s Literature to Explore

Social Justice in English Composition.

Member, Tamara Carter-Richardson, University of Phoenix, Spring 2008

Dissertations Topic: A Qualitative Study of Preservice Teachers and their Preparedness to Instruct Culturally Diverse Students

Co-Chair, Doug Richmond, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring 2007

Dissertation Topic: Lessons Learned from Designing a Comprehensive Case-Based

Reasoning Tool for Support of Complex Thinking

Member, Wotchiwe Kalande, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Fall, 2006

Dissertation Topic: The Influence of Science Teacher Preparation Programs on

Instructional Practices of Beginning Primary School Teachers in Malawi

Member, Clemence Kadzera, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring 2006

Dissertation Topic: Use of Instructional Technologies in Teacher Training Colleges in


Member, Hasten Mjoni-Mwale, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring 2006

Dissertation Topic: Safe Schools for Teaching and Learning: Developing a School-Wide

Self-Study Process

Chair, Edith Mmela, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring, 2006

Dissertation Topic: Implementing Integrated Literacy Approaches in an English

Classroom in Malawi

Co-Chair, Charlene Kiser, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring, 2006


Dissertation Topic: To Write or Not to Write: A Look at Faculty Use of Writing at a

Small Liberal Arts College

Member, Paula Leftwich, Reading, University of South Florida, Fall 2005

Dissertation Topic: Discourse and Disconnect: Black Teachers and the Quest for

National Board Certification

Member, Dana Rose, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Fall, 2005

Dissertation Topic: Student Teachers’ Reflections on and Experiences in Multicultural

Schools or Learning to Teach “Other People’s Children”

Member, Manuel Kazembe, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Fall, 2005

Dissertation Topic: Retracing Footsteps of the Literati: Towards Understanding Literacy

Development through Stories of Malawian Teacher Educators

Member, Carol Watson, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Fall, 2005

Dissertation Topic: Graphic Organizers: Toward Organization and Complexity of

Student Content Knowledge

Member, Rebekah Cummings, Human Development, Virginia Tech, Summer 2005

Dissertation Topic: Navigating the River: Preservice Teachers Negotiate Constructive


Co-Chair, Eun Soo Park, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Summer 2005

Dissertation Topic: A Case Study of Young Korean Children's English Learning

Experiences in the United States

Chair, Kim Hale, Human Development, Virginia Tech, Spring, 2005

Dissertation Topic: Identity Formation and the Development of Self in Early Career


Member, Susuwele-Banda, William, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring, 2005

Dissertation Topic: Classroom Assessment in Malawi: Teachers’ Perceptions and

Practices in Mathematics

Member, Nancy Webb, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech, Spring, 2004

Dissertation Topic: Becoming a Teacher for a Lifetime: The Biography of a Fourth-

Grade Writing Teacher

Member, Saundra Faris, Reading, West Virginia University, Fall, 2002

Dissertation Topic: Case Studies of English Language Learning in Chinese Elementary

Students in a US School

Member, Jill Wills, Reading, University of South Florida, Fall 2001

Dissertation Topic: Learning to Home School in Literacy: A Case Study

Chair, Lori Sue Grieb, Reading, University of South Florida, Fall 2000

Dissertation Topic: Teacher Beliefs and Practices of Comprehension Monitoring in Fifth

Grade Classes of Professional Development Schools and Traditional Schools

Member, Heidi Anne Mesmer, Reading, University of South Florida, Summer, 1999

Dissertation Topic: Interfacing Texts and Instruction: The Effects of Decodable Texts and Matching Instruction on the Word Recognition Strategies of First Grade Readers

Member, Merry Boggs, Reading, University of South Florida, Spring 1999

Dissertation Topic: Male Literacies in First Grade

Member, Rick Gaspar, Reading, University of South Florida, Summer, 1997.

Dissertation Topic: Comparison of Hypermedia and Traditional Text Methods on

Comprehension in Middle School Students

Member, Linda Evans, Reading, University of South Florida, Summer 1997.


Dissertation Topic: English Literacy Acquisition in Two Hispanic First Graders: A Year-

Long Qualitative Study

Member, Joy Whitman, Counseling Psychology, West Virginia University, Spring 1996

Dissertation Topic: Identity Management and Decision-Making Strategies of Lesbian

Women at Six Stages of Identity Development: An Ethnographic Study

Member, Sherrie Wampler, Reading, West Virginia University, Spring, 1996

Dissertation Topic: Katelyn: Reading, Writing, and Oral Language Development Across the First Three Years of Life

Member, Jess Bonds, Curriculum & Instruction, University of South Florida, Spring, 1995

Dissertation Topic: The Victimization of Harry (Rabbit) Angstrom in Updike’s

Tetrology: Critical Life Review in the Context of American Education

Member, Margarete Martin, Counseling Psychology, West Virginia University, Fall, 1994

Dissertation Topic: Parenting Practices of African American Psychotherapists

Co-Chair, Virginia Hines, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Summer, 1994

Dissertation Topic: Thomas Jefferson College: The Rise and Fall of Ultra- Liberal Arts at Grand Valley State College

Chair, Janet Isenhart, Reading, West Virginia University, Summer, 1994

Dissertation Topic: The Relationship Between Teacher Beliefs, Teacher Practices, and

Students’ Reading Interests

Member, Alexandra Toro, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Summer, 1994

Dissertation Topic: Effects of the Development of Hypermedia Programs on Learning

Beginning Spanish

Member, Michael Brantmeyer, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring,

1994. Dissertation Topic: Effects of Hypermedia Instruction in Safety Engineering

Member, Erin Brumbaugh, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1994

Dissertation Topic: Implementation of the Collaboration Consultation Model as a Service

Delivery Option for Gifted 1st - 6th Grade Students

Chair, Karen Schweiker, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1994

Dissertation Topic: The Relationship Between School Cultural Norms and Teacher

Change to Whole Language

Member, Mary Janet Henry, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring 1994

Dissertation Topic: Effects of Hypermedia Instruction on Word Problem Solving Ability in Learning Disabled Students

Member, Bud Sapp, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1994

Dissertation Topic: Effects of Training in Classroom Management on Self-Efficacy in

Secondary Teacher Education Students

Member, Cheryl Zaccagnini, Special Education, West Virginia University, Spring, 1994

Dissertation Topic: Perceptions of Social Skills that Enhance Peer Acceptance for

Adolescent Boys with Behavior Disorders

Member, Diane Fagg, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1993

Dissertation Topic: The Beliefs and Practices of Teachers, Students, and Parents in an

Adaptive Chapter 1 Program

Member, Yuriko Takahashi, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Fall, 1993

Dissertation Topic: Strategy Use in Unsuccessful Students of Japanese

Member, Elwin Dickerson, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1992

Dissertation Topic: Acquisition of Word Concept in Two Kindergarten Classrooms


Chair, Teresa Field, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1992

Dissertation Topic: From Paper to Practice: A Qualitative Study of Organizational

Change in a Restructuring High School

Chair, Cora Mae Jewell, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1992

Dissertation Topic: Second Language Acquisition Among the Hmong

Member, Sue Bates, Counseling Psychology, West Virginia University, Fall, 1992

Dissertation Topic: Countertranference Reactions Toward Incest Victims: A Qualitative


Member, Annette Denardo, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Fall, 1992

Dissertation Topic: Effects of Computer Science Simulations to Teach Computer

Architecture on Learning and Attitudes

Member, Carmen Figueroa, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Fall, 1992

Dissertation Topic: Intrinsic Motivation in Nontraditional College Students

Member, Nina Zetty, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Fall, 1992

Dissertation Topic: A Comparison of the Jigsaw and S.T.A.T. Cooperative Learning

Models in a College Microcomputer Applications Course

Member, Maureen Lafferty, Counseling Psychology, West Virginia University, Fall, 1991

Dissertation Topic: A Qualitative Study of Nonoffending Mothers of Sexually Abused


Member, Sue Ann Ostendorf, Counseling Psychology, West Virginia University, Fall, 1991

Dissertation Topic: The Life Experiences of Professional Women from Dysfunctional

Homes: A Qualitative Study

Member, Linda Sandel, Counseling Psychology, West Virginia University, Fall, 1991

Dissertation Topic: A Qualitative Examination of the Wounded Healer Paradigm in

Master Therapists

Member, Ahmed Inuwa, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Spring, 1991

Dissertation Topic: Viability of Distance Learning in Higher Education in Nigeria

Member, Sylvia Holliday, Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University, Summer, 1990

Dissertation Topic: The Relationship Between Reading Interests and Comprehension in


Doctorate--not yet completed

Doctoral candidates:

Chair, Troy Jones, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Kim Norris, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, Aaron Powell, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Co-Chair, William Williams, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Doctoral students completing coursework or writing prospectus:

Chair, Brenda Ball, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, Daisy Bokus, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Nancy Bradley, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, James Cheatham, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Mary Kathleen Dredger, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Kimbery Erwin, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech


Chair, Jeannie Gilpin, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, Marilyn Lanier, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, Everton Lewis, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, Devron Ozbemir, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Mary Parrish, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Jackie Ryder, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Member, Eric-Gene Shrewsbury, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Chris Smith, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Megan Sulsberger, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Angela Williams, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Andrea Whitaker, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Chair, Daniel Woods, Curriculum & Instruction, Virginia Tech

Work with Master’s Degree Students

Master of Arts in Education in Curriculum & Instruction – Reading Specialist Program at

Virginia Tech

Advisor for 7 MAED Reading Specialist students at Roanoke Higher Education Center,


Advised Floyd County MAED Reading Specialist Cohort, August 2001-August 2002, 18 students were graduated.

Master of Arts in Education in Curriculum & Instruction – Elementary Education Program at

Virginia Tech

Advisor 32 students 2007-2008

Advisor 11 students 2006-2007

Advisor 10 students 2005-2006

Advisor 8 students 2004-2005

Master of Arts in Human Development at Virginia Tech (Thesis)

Member, Mindy Mottley, Human Development, May 2003

Thesis topic: The Cultivation of a Teacher in a Classroom Community

Master of Arts in Reading Advisor at University of South Florida, 1997-2001

Advisor for all students in this program. Approximately 15 students were graduated per year, with about 40 enrolled students at any given time.

Master of Education at West Virginia University

Advisor, Rebecca A. Jones, Reading/Thesis, Summer, 1991

Advisor, 32 students, Reading/Non-Thesis

Advisor, 8 students, Curriculum & Instruction/Non-Thesis


Student Teaching & Intern Supervision

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech

Spring 2008

Spring 2004

University of South Florida Spring 2001

University of South Florida Spring 2000

University of South Florida Spring 1998

1 Student Teacher

3 Student Teachers

8 Level III Interns

(Student Teachers)

4 Level III Interns

(Student Teachers)

34 Level II Interns

(Cohort Team Leader)

University of South Florida Spring 1997

(Cohort Team Leader)

West Virginia University Fall, 1988

West Virginia University

West Virginia University

Spring, 1989

Fall, 1989

(Middle Field Exp.)

35 Level I Interns

(Early Field Exp.)

7 students

6 students

2 students

West Virginia University

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech

Spring, 1991

Fall 1984-Spring 1985

Fall 1983-Spring 1984

6 students

12 students

12 students

Courses Taught at Virginia Tech


HD 2984 Introduction to the Education Profession. Team-taught with Dr.

Janet Sawyers from Human Development Fall 2001 (1 hr), Spring

2002 (1 hr), Fall 2002 (3 hr), Spring 2003 (3 hr)


EDCI 4414

EDCI 5004

EDCI 5334

EDCI 5344

EDCI 5354

EDCI 5404

EDCI 5414

EDCI 5424

EDCI 5464

EDCI 5555

EDCI 5556

EDCI 5784

EDCI 5784

EDCI 5784

Teaching Composition: Spring 2005

Foundations of Reading & Language Development: Summer 2001

(in Malawi, Africa)

Conducting Literacy Inquiry: Summer 2007

Review of Literacy Research: Fall 2005

Literacies and Technology: Spring, 2006

Practicum in Clinical Reading: Spring, 2002

Early Literacy (PK-2): Spring 2005, Summer 2006, Spring 2007 (2 sections), Summer 2007

Content Area Reading (3-6): Spring 2004, Fall 2005, Spring 2006,

Summer 2006, Fall 2006, Fall 2007

Comprehension and Content Area Reading: Summer 2003 (in

Malawi, Africa)

The Role of the Reading Specialist I: Fall 2007

The Role of the Reading Specialist II: Spring 2008

Graduate Seminar: Teacher as Inquirer: Fall 2001, Fall 2002 (2 sections), Fall 2004 (2 sections)

Graduate Seminar: Issues in Elementary Education: Fall 2002

Graduate Seminar: Word Study: Summer 2002


EDCI 5784

EDCI 6505

EDCI 6506

EDCI 6944

EDCI 6944

EDCI 6944

Graduate Seminar: Exploring Teacher Education Curriculum: Fall,


Reading Research Seminar I: Spring, 2003

Reading Research Seminar II: Fall, 2003

Professional Seminar in Elementary Ed/Literacy (1 credit): Spring

2003; Spring 2007; Spring 2008

Writing Qualitative Research: Spring 2004

Supervision of Preservice Teachers: Fall 2007

Courses Taught at the University of South Florida


Reading 4511

Reading 4310

Lng.Arts 4314

Reading in the Intermediate Grades: Fall 1994, Summer 1995,

Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Summer 1996, Fall 1996, Summer

1997, Fall 1997, Summer 1998, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall

1999, Spring 2000, Summer 2000

Reading in the Primary Grades: Fall 1995

Elementary Language Arts Methods: Summer 1995, Spring 1998,

Summer 1999, Spring 2000, Summer 2000


Reading 6540

Reading 6545

Reading 6747

Reading 7745

Reading 7938

Lng.Arts 6931

El.Ed. 6935

EDF. 7477

EDF. 7478

EDG. 7931

EDG. 7931

Classroom Diagnosis of Reading Problems: Fall 1994

Remediation of Reading and Writing Vocabulary Problems:

Spring 1996

Survey of Research in Reading: Fall 1995, Fall 1997, Fall 1999

Research in Reading Instruction: Spring 1997, Spring 1999

Advanced Graduate Seminar in Reading and Language Arts:

Summer 1997 - Team Taught with Dr. Jenifer Schneider, Spring

2000, Summer 2000 - Team Taught Dr. Nancy Williams, Fall

2000 - Team Taught with Dr. Nancy Williams

Trends in Writing Instruction: Fall 1996

Seminar in Curriculum Research: Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Fall

1998, Fall 1999

Qualitative Research Methods in Education I: Fall 1997 -Team

Taught with Dr. James R. King, Fall 1998, Fall 2000 - Team

Taught with Dr. Roger Brindley

Qualitative Research Methods in Education II: Spring 1998 –

Team Taught with Dr. James R. King, Spring 1999, Spring 2001 –

Team Taught with Dr. Roger Brindley

Exploring Teacher Education Curriculum: Fall 2000 - Team

Taught with Dr. Jane Applegate

Current Issues in Teacher Education: Spring 2001


Fulbright Course Taught at Hertzen Russian State Pedagogical University,St. Petersburg,


Teacher Education Reform in the United States: Spring 1995

Courses Taught at West Virginia University


Reading 221

Reading 240

Reading 221

C. & I. 120


Reading 321

Developmental Reading: Fall 1988, Spring 1989

Corrective Language Arts Teaching: Fall 1990, Spring 1991,

Fall 1991, Spring 1992

Developmental Reading Integrated with

Elementary Language Arts Methods: Fall 1992, Spring 1993,

Fall 1993, Spring 1994

Reading 323

Reading 326

Reading 327

Reading 342

Reading 383

Reading 480

Improving Elementary Reading: Fall 1988, Summer 1989,

Summer 1991, Summer 1992, Summer 1993, Summer 1994.

Early Childhood Reading: Spring 1990

Leadership in Reading: Summer 1992, Summer 1993, Summer


Developing Reading Interests: Summer 1989, Summer 1993,

Summer, 1994

Diagnosis & Prescription for Learning Disabled Students: Fall,

C. & I. 383

C. & I. 491

C. & I. 491

C. & I. 499

1989, Summer 1990, Summer 1991

Special Topics: Issues in Authentic Literacy Assessment: Summer,

1993 - Team Taught with Janet Isenhart (Doctoral Student)

Issues in Literacy Research: Fall 1993

Special Topics: Peer Coaching: Spring 1994 - Team Taught with

Virginia Hines (Doctoral Student)

Advanced Teacher Effectiveness Research: Fall 1989.

Ethnographic Research Methods: Spring 1990, Spring 1991,

Spring 1992 - Team Taught with Dr. Van Dempsey (Professor in

Educational Foundations), Spring 1993 - Team Taught with Dr.

Van Dempsey, Spring 1994 – Team Taught with Dr. Van


Professional Seminar: Spring 1991 - Team Taught with Dr. W.

Michael Reed (Professor in Curriculum and Instruction), Fall

1991 - Team Taught with Dr. Sandra DeCosta (Professor in

Curriculum and Instruction), Spring 1993 - Team Taught with W.

Michael Reed, Fall 1993 - Team Taught with W. Michael Reed;

Spring 1994 – Team Taught with W. Michael Reed

Courses Taught during Doctoral Program (1983-1988) at Virginia Tech

Advanced Assessment of Reading Problems, Graduate, 1987.


College Success Strategies, Undergraduate, 1 section each quarter, 1985-1987.

Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Undergraduate, 1984.

Professional Service


Coeditor with W. Michael Reed (West Virginia University) of the Journal of

Computing in Childhood Education, quarterly publication of the Association for the

Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), January 1995-January 1997.


Reviewed manuscript submitted to the Reading Teacher, May 2008.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to Reading Horizons, May 2008.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2008.

Reviewed book prospectus on Best Practices in Reading Instruction for Corwin Press, January


Reviewed manuscript submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education, December 2007.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to Reading Horizons, December 2007.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to the Reading Teacher, September 2007.

Reviewed book prospectus on Teacher Emotions and Student Learning: Challenges and

Opportunities for School Leaders , Corwin Press, March 2007.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to the Reading Teacher, March 2007.

Reviewed book prospectus for 10 Things New Teachers Need to Succeed , by R. Fogarty,

Published by Corwin Press, January 2007.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2007.

Reviewed text of Starting Strong: Surviving and Thriving as a New Teacher , in preparation for second edition, Corwin Press, October, 2006.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to the Reading Teacher, October, 2006

Reviewed manuscript submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education, April, 2006.

Reviewed book prospectus for Reading Research at Work: Foundations of Effective Practice, edited by K. A. D. Stahl and M. C. McKenna, published by Guilford Press, January 2006.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2006.

Editorial Review Board for the Reading Teacher, edited by Priscilla Griffith & Carol Lynch-

Brown, June 2001 to 2003; edited by Ray Reutzel and Judith Mitchell, June 2003-06.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education, May 2005.

Reviewer for Themed Issue of Action in Teacher Education, editing by Jenifer Schnieder, Kathy

LaFramboise, and Roger Brindley, March, 2005.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2005.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2004.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2003.

Editorial Review Board for 2002 National Reading Conference Yearbook, edited by Colleen M.

Fairbanks, Jo Worthy, Beth Maloch, James V. Hoffman, & Diane L. Schallert.

Editorial Review Board for 2 001 National Reading Conference Yearbook, edited by Colleen M.


Fairbanks, Jo Worthy, Beth Maloch, James V. Hoffman, & Diane L. Schallert.

Editorial Review Board for 2000 National Reading Conference Yearbook, edited by by Colleen

M. Fairbanks, Jo Worthy, Beth Maloch, James V. Hoffman, & Diane L. Schallert.

Reviewed manuscript submitted to the Review of Educational Research, June, 2000.

Editorial Review Board for 1998 National Reading Conference Yearbook, edited by Timothy

Shanahan & Flora Rodriguez-Brown.

Editorial Review Board for Research for Educational Reform, edited by Robert Hashway,

January 1999 to 2002.

Editorial Review Board for 1998 National Reading Conference Yearbook, edited by Timothy

Shanahan and Flora Rodriguez-Brown.

Editorial Board for Reading Horizons, edited by Karen F. Thomas, May, 1997 to present.

Editorial Review Board for 1997 National Reading Conference Yearbook, edited by Kathleen

Hinchman, Don Leu, and Charles Kinzer.

Reviewed proposal entitled, “Energy express evaluation, planning, and dissemination workshop,” for the West Virginia University Public Service Grant Program, October,


Editorial Review Board, Journal of Teacher Education , edited by Marilyn Cochran-Smith and

David Scanlon, 1995 – 2001.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1999.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association,


Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1998.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association,


Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1994.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1993.

Program Committee for the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1992.

Reviewer for special issue of Computers in Education, Edited by W.M. Reed, Dec. 1990.


Teacher Education Division Director, Eastern Educational Research Association, March 2005- present.

Appointed Member, Steering Committee for the National Reading Conference International

Committee, 2007-2010.

Member, International Committee, National Reading Conference, 1999-present.

Member, Ethics Committee, National Reading Conference, 2003-present.

Chair, Session on Adolescent Literacy, at the annual meeting of the National Reading

Conference, 1999.

Discussant, Session on Literacy Programs for At-Risk Learners, at the annual meeting of the

Eastern Educational Research Association, 1997.

Co-Chair, Birds of a Feather Session on Working with At-Risk Readers, at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1996.

Member, Teacher Education Research Study Group, National Reading Conference (1991- present).

Member, Field Counsel, National Reading Conference (West Virginia Representative 1990-


1994), (Florida Representative, 1997-2000).

Co-Chair, Birds of a Feather session on Teacher Education and Restructuring Education at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, 1994.

Chair, Birds of a Feather session on Teacher Education at the annual meeting of the National

Reading Conference, 1992.

Discussant, session entitled “Learning Strategies,” at the annual meeting of the Eastern

Educational Reading Association Conference, Hilton Head, S.C, 1992.

Chair, roundtable session at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami, FL,


Chair, session entitled “Main Idea Instruction in Reading Education,” at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX, 1989.

Elected Offices

President, Blue Ridge Chapter of the Fulbright Association, 2007-2008.

Vice President, Blue Ridge Chapter of the Fulbright Association, 2006-2007.

Co-Chair, Teacher Education Research Study Group, National Reading Conference, Dec. 1996 -

Dec. 1998.

Regional Representative for Florida, Georgia, and the Caribbean, Eastern Educational Research

Association 1996-1998, 1998-2000, 2000-2002.

Research Representative, Phi Delta Kappa, West Virginia University Chapter, Chapter # 331,


Treasurer, Phi Delta Kappa, West Virginia University Chapter, Chapter # 331, 1990-93.

Peer Evaluation

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure of Dr. Debra Prince, Mississippi State University,

Mississippi State, MS, February, 2007.

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure of Dr. Felicia Lincoln, University of Arkansas,

Fayetteville, AR, October, 2006.

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure of Dr. Jiening Ruan, University of Oklahoma,

Norman, OK, September, 2005.

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure of Dr. Janice Nash, University of Houston,

Houston, TX, September, 2000.

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure of Dr. Jane Rudden, Millersville University,

Millersville, PA., August, 1998.

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure of Dr. Rebecca Anderson, University of Memphis,

Memphis TN., July, 1997.

Member of Peer Evaluation Committee at Salem Teikyo University, Salem, W.V., for Dr. Mary

Taylor for renewal of a three-year contract, January, 1994.

Accreditation Reports

2004 Compiler for ACEI/NCATE Rejoinder on the Elementary Education Program at Virginia

Tech [Passed]

2004 Compiler for ACEI/NCATE Revised Report on the Elementary Education Program


at Virginia Tech

2002 Compiler for ACEI/NCATE Ten-Year Review Report on the Elementary

Education Program at Virginia Tech [Did not pass due to lack of data for newly implemented ACEI performance standards; given two years to collect data and resubmit]

2000 Participant in compiling ACEI/NCATE Ten-Year Review Report on the Elementary

Education Program at the University of South Florida [Passed]

2000 Compiler for IRA/NCATE Ten-Year Review Report on the Reading Specialist

Program at the University of South Florida [Passed]

1995 Participant in compiling ACEI/NCATE Five-Year Review Report on the Elementary

Education Program at the University of South Florida [Passed]

1990 Compiler for ACEI/NCATE Ten-Year Review Report on the Elementary

Education Program at West Virginia University [Passed]

Virginia Tech – Service

Chair, Search Committee for Visiting Assistant Professor in Literacy Education, Spring, 2007.

Member, Doctoral Task Force, 2006-2007.

Chair, Literacy/Cognition/STEM Search Committee, 2006-2007.

Chair, Search Committee for Visiting Assistant Professor in English Education, Spring, 2006.

Member, Department of Teaching and Learning Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2005-2007.

Member, School of Education Strategic Planning Council, 2003-2005.

Member, Early Childhood Education Search Committee, Spring, 2003.

Member, Professional Education Committee, 2002 – present.

Member, Center for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Mosaic Group, Fall 2001 – Spring


Member, PT3 Leadership Committee, August, 2002 – May, 2004.

Member, Blue Ridge Chapter of the Fulbright Association, 2002 – present.

Member, HRE Student Awards Committee 2001-2002. 2002-2003

University of South Florida - Service

Chair, Pedagogy Committee, College of Education Curriculum Reform Committee, 2000-


Member, College of Education Curriculum Reform Committee, 1999 – 2001.

Co-Chair, Childhood/Language Arts/Reading Search Committee for two positions, one in

Reading and one in Elementary Education/Language Arts, 1999.

USF Undergraduate Council, 2000

Member, College of Education Advanced Graduate Policy Committee, 1998 - 2000.

Co-Chair, Childhood/Language Arts/Reading 1997 Annual Review Committee.

Chairperson, Master’s in Reading Revision Committee, 1996-2001

Member, Childhood/Language Arts/Reading 1996 Annual Review Committee.

Member, Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education Search Committee (2 positions),


Member, Childhood/Language Arts/Reading Chairperson’s Search Committee, 1995-1996.

Member, University General Education Council, 1994 - 1999.


West Virginia University - Service

University Course Enrollment Task Force, 1992-94.

Elementary Block Coordinator, 1990 - 1992.

Member, Educational Foundations Search Committee, 1991.

Member, Reading Education Search Committee, 1991.

Member, Science Education Search Committee, 1990.

Member, Curriculum and Instruction Peer Review and Merit Committee, 1992.

Member, Curriculum and Instruction Peer Review and Merit Committee, 1990.

West Virginia University - Benedum Project Service

The Benedum Project was a major educational reform effort at West Virginia University that was supported by grants from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation of Pittsburgh, PA.

Major goals were to restructure the teacher education program and establish Professional

Development Schools with on-going collaborative relationships between these schools and the university. The following list includes Benedum activities in which I was involved:

Chair, Pedagogy Team for the Benedum Project, West Virginia University, 1989 - 1993.

Co-Chair, Literacy Discussion Group at Central Elementary PDS, 1992 - 1994.

Chair, Liberal Studies Team for the Benedum Project, West Virginia University, 1991 - 1993.

Member, Benedum PDS Site Selection Team, 1993 - 1994.

Member, Benedum Research Agenda Team, 1991 - 1994.

Member, Program Review and Integration Team for the Benedum Project, West Virginia

University, 1989 - 1992.

Participant, Benedum Alpine Lake Intensive Summer Workshop, June, 1990.

Participant, Benedum Alpine Lake Intensive Summer Workshop, June, 1991.

Participant, Benedum Alpine Lake Two-Day Work Session, November, 1993

State - West Virginia

Member, West Virginia Elementary Education Master's Degree Task Force, 1991 - 1992.

Publicity Chairperson, West Virginia Children's Book Award Committee, 1991 - 1993.

Faculty Development – Virginia Tech

Participant, Service Learning Workshop on Awareness of Cultural Diversity, Spring, 2007.

Participant, Advance VT workshop on Successful Faculty Searches, Spring 2007.

Participant, Faculty Development Institute Workshop on Databases for Identifying Grant

Opportunities, Fall, 2006.

Participant, Faculty Development Institute Technology Project, Spring semester, 2004.

Participant, one-week summer PT3 Instructional Technology Workshop, Summer 2002.

Faculty Development - University of South Florida

Coordinator, one-week summer “Write In” for faculty in the Department of Childhood/Language

Arts/Reading, July, 1997, 1998, 2000.


Participant, Childhood/Reading/Language Arts/Reading Writing Response Group, Dec. 1996-


Faculty Development - West Virginia University

Coordinator, follow-up Faculty Development Seminar in “Ethnographic Research Methods,”


Instructor, 1 semester Faculty Development Seminar in “Ethnographic Research Methods,” team taught with John Paterson, Spring, 1992 .

Participant, 1 semester Faculty Development Seminar in “Developing Software Using

HyperCard,” taught by W. Michael Reed, Fall, 1991.


Workshop speaker on “Children’s Literature and Cultural Identity Development” for the New

River Valley Association for the Education of Young Children, April 14, 2008.

Workshop Speaker for “Smart Beginnings - Building Children’s Futures,” Roanoke Higher

Education Center, Roanoke, VA, January 15 and 26, 2008.

Inservice on Metacognition and Book Talks, Glenvar Elementary, Roanoke County Public

Schools, Roanoke, VA, October, 2004.

Inservice on Time on Task, Masons Cove Elementary, Roanoke County Public Schools,

Roanoke, VA, February, 2004.

Consultant, Bedford County Public Schools, Bedford, VA, November, 2002.

Consultant to “Reading Matters,” a community based reading club for children who have been less successful in public school classrooms. The club met every other week on Saturday afternoon at the North Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, Aug. 1995-Aug. 1997.

Inservice on Principles of Whole Language, East Dale Elementary School, Marion County

Schools, Fairmont W.V., April, 1992.

Inservice on Whole Language, Second Ward Elementary School, Monongalia County Schools,

Morgantown, W.V., March, 1992.

Consultant with Joy Saab on What’s New in Reading and Language Arts Teaching, Monongalia

County Parents’ Coalition, Morgantown, W.V., January - May, 1992.

Inservice on Whole Language: Assessment, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V., October,


Inservice on Whole Language: Getting Started, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V.,

October, 1991.

Inservice on Whole Language: Relating Theory to Practice, Hancock County Schools, Weirton,

W.V., September, 1991.

Inservice on Whole Language: Research and Theory, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V.,

September, 1991.

Inservice on Comprehension and Instruction in Metacognitive Processes, Preston County

Schools, Kingwood, W.U., August, 1991.

Inservice on Integrating Reading and Writing for Chapter 1 Reading Students, Monongalia

County Schools, Morgantown, W.V., February, 1991.

Inservice on Using Direct Instruction in Teaching Reading Comprehension, Hancock County

Schools, Weirton, W.V., September, 1990.


Inservice on Whole Language and the Reading/Writing Relationship, Hancock County Schools,

Weirton, W.V., October, 1990.

Inservice on Chapter 1 Reading Assessment, Preston County Schools, Kingwood, W.V.,

December, 1989.

Inservice on Adapting Basal Reading Instruction to Meet Individual Needs, Preston County

Schools, Kingwood W.V., August, 1989.

Inservice on Metacognition and Teaching Metacognitive Skills in Reading, Hancock County

Schools, Weirton, W.V., April, 1989.

Inservice on Teaching Study Skills, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V., March, 1989.

Inservice on Understanding an Academic Task Framework in the Classroom, Hancock County

Schools, Weirton, W.V., March, 1989.

Inservice on Using Direct Instruction, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V., February, 1989.

Inservice on Conducting a Reading Textbook Adoption, Hancock County Schools, Weirton,

W.V., January, 1989.

Inservice on The Reading/Writing Relationship, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V.,

January, 1989.

Inservice on Current Trends in Reading Research and Conducting a Reading Textbook

Adoption, Randolph County Schools, Elkins W.V., December, 1988.

Inservice on Current Trends in Reading Research, Hancock County Schools, Weirton, W.V.,

November, 1988.


ESTEEM (Exploring Strategies To Engage and Empower Minority Students) Project. This is an after-school project for African American children in Montgomery County. It involves a collaboration between Teaching and Learning faculty at Virginia Tech, education faculty at Radford University, the Montgomery County Community Group, the Christiansburg

Institute, and the Montgomery County Public Schools. Plans for this project began in

November 2006, in collaboration with faculty members Dr. Brenda Brand, Dr. Vanessa

Pitts Bannister, and Dr. Tamara Wallace. We planned a program that will support the development of understandings of cultural identity and academic goals for K-2 grade

African American children. Several grants have been obtained related to this project.

Malawi UPIC Project on Primary Teacher Education, A USAID Grant involving Virginia

Tech, the Malawi Institute of Education, and Domasi College of Education, May, 2001 –

May 2006. I made 8 trips to Malawi between May 2002 and October 2005, teaching two courses, serving as a member of the committees of 24 Master’s students, and as chair or member of 6 doctoral students.

