ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Academic Committee Mr. R. Dwarka - Chairperson Dr. (Mrs.) V. D. Koonjal - Director (MGI) & Officer-in-Charge (MGI/RTI) Mrs. S. Mungur - Ag. Associate Prof. / Head, School of Performing Arts Dr. (Mrs.) D. Ramdhony - Associate Prof./Officer-in-Charge, Tertiary Section and Head, School of Indian Studies Mr. G. Reddy-Luthmoodoo - Head, Quality Assurance Section Dr. (Mrs.) P. Manohur Hungsraz - Panel leader - Head, Vocal Music Section Dr. (Mrs.) G. Ramyad - Head, Curriculum Development Section Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Anjali Mittal - Head, Dean Faculty of Music and Fine Arts – Delhi University Pandit Ishwarchandra Kedarnathji - Former Head, Dean Faculty – F.P.A, M. S. University of Baroda Mr. C. Uckiah - Former lecturer Mrs. I. Padaruth - Former lecturer and Former Head of Creativity and Performances Administrative support Mrs. Artee Ramkissoon - Executive Officer Mrs. Reena Mojhooa - Word Processing Operator Mrs. N. Busjeet - Word Processing Operator TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 I GENERAL INFORMATION Title Objectives General Entry Requirements Programme Requirements Programme Duration Credits per semester Minimum credits required Choice of Electives List of Modules Programme Plan Outline syllabus I II III IV V VI VIII IX X XI EVALUATION Mode of assessment The Grading Structure Assessment criteria for Viva-voce, Practical examinations, Demonstration, Concert practice, Theory Modules, Electives, Project Dissertation Marksheet for practical RECOMMENDATION List of books Module Map (will follow) The Grading Structure THE GRADING STRUCTURE 3 Pass (A+, A, B, C,D) Fail (F) Incomplete (N) SYMBOLS SATISFACTORY COMPLETION : S EXEMPTION : EX DESCRIPTION OF MARKING SYSTEM Letter Grade A+ A B C D F Grade Point 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 Symbols Ex S Description x ≥ 80 70 ≤ x < 80 60 ≤ x < 70 50 ≤ x < 60 40 ≤ x < 50 Passes i.e obtains 40% and above in overall module earns Credits / Grade Points Fails i.e obtains < 40% in overall module. Does not earn Credits / Grade Points. Considered in CPA/GPA computation. Students to retake whole module. Incomplete module / project / independent study due to medical / financial / other reasons (may be in 1 or both components of the module). Marks for CA or WE which are available will be retained; marks for incomplete component (WE or CA) to be added when available to arrive at total marks for module. x < 40 0 N Percentage na Description Exemption in modules Satisfactory completion of Placement / Industrial Training / Portfolio / Seminars / Module(s) Practical – Demonstration MAVH 5252 – Bhavuk Prastuti (concert performance) Continuous assessment 4 1. 2. (a) One short assignment 10% (Notation writing, comparative study of ragas) (b) 2 class tests / exposés Viva-voce (Practical) - 20% - 35% Demonstration Classical music Light classical/light music - 25% 10% Continuous Assessment for all practical modules 1. (a) 2 class tests / exposés - 20% (b) One short assignment - 10% (Notation writing, comparative study of ragas) Practical - MAVH 5144 Viva-voce - 35% Demonstration - 35% MA PERFORMING ARTS (VOCAL HINDUSTANI MUSIC) (2 years Part Time) 1. Objectives This programme will provide opportunities to educands to further develop their skills as well as reinforce creativity and enhance knowledge of Vocal Hindustani Music. Educands will be equipped with tools to enhance teaching and learning processes, to carry out research on original topics, to develop teaching and critical appreciation of Hindustani Music with special reference to Vocal Hindustani Music. Moreover it caters for a multi faceted 5 education to enhance the overall performance of the singer and to instill values for character building in line with Indian cultural traditions and heritage. 2. General Entry Requirements Successful completion of an undergraduate degree with: At least a second class or 50% whichever is applicable OR A GPA not less than 2.5 out of 4 or equivalent, from a recognised higher education institution OR Alternative qualifications acceptable to the University of Mauritius/MGI. 3. Programme Requirements At least a second class Degree in Performing Arts (Vocal Hindustani), B.A (Hons) Performing Arts (Vocal Hindustani) with Education or equivalent qualifications acceptable to the UOM/ MGI. 4. Programme Duration Minimum Maximum Master’s Degree 4 semesters (2 yrs) 8 semesters (4 yrs) Post Graduate Diploma Post Graduate Certificate 4 semesters (2 yrs) 2 semesters (1 yr) 8 semesters (4 yrs) 4 semesters (2 yrs) 5. Credits per Semester Minimum 3 credits subject to Regulation 4 6. Minimum Credits Required for Award of Master’s Degree Post graduate Diploma Post graduate Certificate - 42 credits 24 credits 15 credits Breakdown as follows: Master’s Degree Award Postgraduate Diploma Postgraduate Certificate Total Core Modules Dissertation Electives 42 credits 24 12 6 24 credits 24 - - 15 credits 12 - - 6 7. Assessment All modules will carry 100 marks and will be assessed as follows unless otherwise specified: • Theory modules MAVH 5141, MAVH 5143, MAVH 5145, MAVH 5146, MAVH 5147, MAVH 5148, MAVH 5249 and MAVH 5251 will be based on Written Examination (WE) of 3-hours duration, carrying 70% of the total 100 marks, out of which 30% will be from Continuous Assessment (CA). • Practical modules MAVH 5142 and MAVH 5250 will carry 100 marks, out of which 30% will be from Continuous Assessment (CA) and 70% from Viva Voce. • Practical module MAVH 5144 will carry 100 marks out of which 35% will be from Viva Voce and 35% from demonstration, while 30% will be from Continuous Assessment (CA). • MAVH 5252 - Stage Performance (Concert) will carry 100 marks, out of which 35% will be from Viva Voce, while demonstration will carry 10 marks for semiclassical/light music, 25 marks for classical music and 30 marks will be from Continuous Assessment (CA). • Continuous Assessment (CA) may be based on assignments, practical tests, theory tests, exposés. • There is no level attached to modules, i.e each module carries its own credit value. • Submission deadlines for Dissertation : − First draft: End of July in the final year − Final copy: last working day of August in the final year • For a student to pass a module, an overall total of 40% for combined Continuous Assessment (CA) and Written Examination (WE) components would be required, without minimum thresholds within the individual CA and WE components. The same criterion will apply for modules being assessed jointly. Note that all overall marks for the two modules will be considered and not the individual marks for each of the two modules. 8. Choice of Electives Students will be required to submit their choice of electives in order of priority by the middle of Semester I of year I. The UOM/MGI reserve the right not to offer a given elective module if the critical number of students is not attained and/or for reasons of resource constraints. 7 9. List of Modules Core Modules MAVH 5141 MAVH 5142 MAVH 5143 MAVH 5144 MAVH 5249 MAVH 5250 MAVH 5251 MAVH 5252 MAVH 5000 Electives MAVH 5145 MAVH 5146 MAVH 5147 MAVH 5148 Module Music of the various nations SHRUTYANTAR Taaldari Gayaki Aesthetical Matrix of Indian Music Avirbhav and Tirobhav Raga Lakshanas Bhavuk Prastuti Dissertation Music, Psychology and Sociology Music and Electronic Media Hindustani Music in Mauritius Music Therapy Hrs/Wk L+P 3+0 1+4 2+2 1+4 3+0 1+4 2+2 1+4 Credits 3+0 3+0 3+0 3+0 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Note: Students will be required to write between 10,000 to 14,000 words on an original research based topic which is relevant to the subject and approved by the Departmental Board assisted by a supervisor. Guidance in Research methodology will be provided. The dissertation will include a Viva Voce conducted by a panel including the supervisor. Deadline to submit proposal for dissertation is the first week of July of Level II. 10. Programme Plan Year 1 Semester I Code MAVH 5141 MAVH 5142 Module Music of the various nations Shrutyantar Hrs/ Wk 3+0 Credits Semester II Code 3 MAVH 5143 1+4 3 MAVH 5144 Electives MAVH 5145 Credits Taaldari Hrs/ Wk 2+2 Gayaki 1+4 3 3+0 6 3+0 6 3+0 6 MAVH 5148 Music, Psychology and Sociology Music and Electronic Media Hindustani Music in Mauritius Music Therapy 3+0 6 Credits 3 MAVH 5146 MAVH 5147 Year 2 Semester I Code MAVH 5249 MAVH 5250 Module Aesthetical matrix of Indian Music Avirbhav and Tirobhav Module Hrs/ Wk 3+0 Credits Semester II Code Module 3 MAVH 5251 Raga Lakshanas Hrs/ Wk 2+2 1+4 3 MAVH 5252 Bhavuk Prastuti 1+4 MAVH 5000 Dissertation 8 3 3 12