GET TWEETING GUIDE WHAT IS A TWITTER CHAT? Chats are conversations on Twitter on a pre-determined topic that happen at a designated time and day or date using a designated hashtag (#) for each tweet contributed. A host or moderator will pose questions (designated with Q1, Q2…) to gain responses from participants (using A1, A2…) Chats are based on the same 140-character tweets you use for other Twitter communications. The big difference between regular tweets and a Twitter chat is that all the tweets you share in a chat are identified by the hashtag that corresponds to the chat. WHY JOIN A TWITTER CHAT? It’s FUN!! Twitter chats provide a quick and easy way to grow your knowledge through a shared topic. Live chats provide a venue to connect with employers outside of your existing network, drawn together by a common interest in a topic and a unique hashtag. HOW DO I JOIN A TWITTER CHAT? Before you join a Twitter chat, you need to have a Twitter account. Here are the basics of Twitter to help you get started. 1. How to join Twitter. Go to and sign up. It’s free and all you need is a user name and password. Do that by filling out your profile. People decide who to follow based on what they see in a profile, so give them plenty of information to work with and even a picture if you want! . 2. Learn to tweet. Twitter messages or “tweets” are 140-characters long. Enter them into the small box found on Twitter’s left-hand column that says “Compose a Tweet.” 3. You want to follow people. Use Twitter’s Find Friends feature to track down people you already know who are on Twitter. Or follow Twitter users who share your areas of interest. Use Twitter’s Search function to type in keywords related to your interests and see what pops up. You can also use the Browse Categories to find people who like the same things you do. Once you connect with people you know, see who they’re following and follow anyone who seems interesting. 4. Learn how to @reply and Retweet (RT). A @reply is a message you send to a specific person that everyone else on Twitter can see too. When you see RT in someone’s Twitter post it means Retweet. Use it to share something someone else tweeted with your own Twitter network. 5. Sending a Direct Message (DM). A direct message or DM is a private tweet that only the person you’re sending to can see. You can only DM someone who’s following you and can only receive DMs from people you follow. JOINING COD’S TWITTER CHAT Log in to Twitter at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, February 2nd and search for the #CODCareerChat to follow. @Career Services Center will host a Twitter chat on the subject of resumes using the unique hashtag, #CODCareerChat. Employers from the COD community will be sharing their advice and tips for creating and presenting your strongest resume for employment consideration. Don’t forget to follow @CODCareerCenter to stay informed with career news and future Career Services events. SEE YOU THERE!