The Council of Student Leaders November 12, 2012 I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order by Kmabrell Garvin at 7:00 pm Roll Call by Ashley Sineath a. Present: b. Absent: Approval of the Agenda/ Minutes a. Approved by the council Committee Reports a. Student Allocations, Jennifer Resech i. Last training session is at 11:00 am tomorrow in Digs 114 th ii. Last Interviews are on November 30 iii. Almost $9,000 has been allocated b. Public Relations, Mashario Morton i. 329 twitter followers! ii. Flyer for the Garnet and Gold Gala c. Political Action, Dillon Donalds i. Thank you for helping with the election campaign and the pre-election pep-rally ii. Starting to plan events for next semester d. Campus Engagement, Ali Jensen i. Thank you for helping with the pep-rally!! ii. Upcoming events- Rivalry game for Coastal Carolina, we are going to have a “Chicken Burn” iii. Pep-Rally- Heard that it was better than in years past. It was a great success iv. Homecoming Tailgate went well e. Campus Safety i. Finishing up the videos before Christmas Break ii. Next meeting is Wednesday after Thanksgiving break f. Student Administrative Liaison (SAL), Jarvais Jackson i. 152 people have taken the student common time survey- goal is 300 people by Wednesday! 1. 2. Reevaluating common time ii. Common Time Forum was last Friday. Made the stance as student organizations. iii. Resolution will be made at the next meeting g. Sustainability, Marie Williams i. Cultural event on Thursday at 11:00 am in Dina’s Place ii. Donations for sustainability for Winthrop- you will get a bag!!! h. Programming, Keundra Belton i. Gala tickets- people thought it was too early to buy tickets ii. Signup sheet for selling tickets on campus in East and West Thompson and the Concourse iii. When you sell tickets during shifts, it counts as your tickets sold for CSL New Business a. Charter- Young Men and Women of Hope Ministry i. Approved b. Charter- Non-Traditional Adult Student Association i. Approved c. Charter- South Carolina Education Association Student Program VI. VII. VIII. IX. i. Approved Old Business a. Casual Friday i. Event where international students and American students can get together and talk about different things. Chris spoke at the event, and CSL members came out to the event. ii. Every Friday in Dinkins Auditorium at 2:30 pm b. Smoking Forum Discussion i. Two weeks ago, CSL held the smoking forum. ii. Four Options of recommendations to be voted on by the council 1. Winthrop should be tobacco free- 0 2. Winthrop should be smoke free- 3 3. Winthrop should maintain status of smoking on campus- 0 4. Winthrop should maintain current policy with smoking but make smoking areas safer and have better enforcement of smoking rules and regulations- 25 a. Potential ideas for enforcement: i. Through peer pressure and peer enforcement ii. Enforcement through campus police iii. Student monitors Chair’s Report a. Winter Retreat i. January 4-6, 2013 ii. Retreat Center will be less than one hour away b. Board of Trustees i. Keep up the great work! Thanks for the buttons! c. New Member Elections i. One seat will be open ii. Applications are now on our CSL website iii. Keep up the GPA standards! Every member must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA d. Organization Representatives- Have representatives know about the transition and the retreat rd e. Holiday Party! 6:00 pm December 3 ! Gift exchange- $5.00 limit Open Floor (Announcements/Questions/Comments/Concerns) a. SAL stay after for a few minutes! Adjournment by Kambrell Garvin at 8:13 pm Respectfully Submitted by Ashley Sineath, Secretary of the Council of Student Leaders