Graduate Council Meeting Minutes GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2007
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: L. Ametsbichler, R. Baker, R. Bolton, M. DeGrandpre, D. Erickson,
C. Fiore, S. Hurin, J. McNulty, G. Stanley, C. VonReichert,
Members Absent/Excused: T. Herron D. Potts C. Winkler
Ex-officio members Present: Dean Strobel
Chair Erickson called the meeting to order at 12:10p.m
The minutes from 9/26/07 and 10/3/07 were approved.
TA allocations for the past several years have been posted on Blackboard under
ASCRC needs a member from Graduate Council to serve on the workgroup to
revise the draft guidelines for certificates. Essentially there are several different
types of certificates. 1) Certificates required for employment- such as the
Certificate of Applied Science through the COT, 2) Certificates that complement
the major- such as the Certificate in Dispute Resolution or GIS, and 3) certificates
that attract students to the University –such as Forensic Studies. Professor Bolton
agreed to serve on the workgroup.
There will be no meeting next week so that the curriculum subcommittees can
meet. Subcommittee chairs signed up for the following presentation dates:
Social Science
In light of the new focus on graduate education there is a goal of starting three
new doctoral programs this year, yet only one proposal has been submitted for
Medicinal Chemistry. Dean Strobel asked what happened with the Computational
Science PhD. Last year the Council recommended that the IIP be used to further
develop the program. The other program that is moving forward in strategic
planning is Water Resources. A planning committee was formed two years ago as
recommended by the Council. It is presumed that a proposal will be submitted in
the spring.
Business Items:
The Council amended and approved the Mathematics Program Review Report.
The department already received the final report from the President and has a
meeting scheduled for the end of the month to discuss it. The Graduate Dean will
attend this meeting and will report back to the Council. The fact that the final
report was submitted to the department prior to the Council’s input is concerning.
This relates to the issues with the timeline and deadline for the report. Chair
Erickson will draft a letter to Associate Provost Arlene Walker-Andrews
regarding the Council’s concern and request to be informed of deadlines so that
its input is included in the final report that is submitted to the department.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.