The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122(4):689–698, 2010 BREEDING BIOLOGY OF THE GOLDEN-FACED TYRANNULET (ZIMMERIUS CHRYSOPS) IN VENEZUELA WILLIAM GOULDING1,2,3 AND THOMAS E. MARTIN1 ABSTRACT.—We present the first detailed information on the breeding biology of the Golden-faced Tyrannulet (Zimmerius chrysops). Information was gathered from 96 nests in Yacambú National Park, Venezuela during the 2002 to 2008 breeding seasons. The enclosed nest was similar to descriptions of nests of other species in the genus. Eggs were laid on alternate days with mean (6 SE) clutch size of 1.98 6 0.02 (n 5 45) and fresh weight of 1.616 6 0.020 g (n 5 48). Only the female incubated and the incubation period averaged 16.9 6 0.3 days (n 5 10). Nest attentiveness (% time on the nest) averaged 66.0 6 1.6% (n 5 40) and increased from early to mid- and late-incubation. Incubation behavior yielded an average 24-hr egg temperature of 34.88 6 0.45u C (n 5 7 nests, 43 days). The nestling growth rate constant for body mass (k 5 0.285 6 0.011) was slow even for tropical tyrannids. The nestling period for nests where exact hatch and fledging days were observed ranged from 17 to 19 days with an average of 18.0 6 0. 2 days (n 5 9). Both females and males fed nestlings at a rate that increased over the nestling period with a mean of 4.41 6 0.65 trips/hr (n 5 10) during days 1 and 2 after hatching, and 14.93 6 2.36 trips/hr (n 5 6) at pin-break (days 10–11). Daily predation rates were similar in egg-laying (0.052 6 0.025; n 5 76.5 exposure days) and incubation periods (0.068 6 0.010; n 5 575.5 exposure days), but were lower during the nestling period (0.039 6 0.010; n 5 377.0 exposure days). The total daily predation rate (0.057 6 0.007; n 5 989.0 exposure days) indicated only 12% of nests were successful. These breeding biology parameters for Z. chrysops differ substantially from other tyrant-flycatchers and temperate species, further highlighting the diversity within the Tyrannidae. Received 12 December 2009. Accepted 24 May 2010. The Golden-faced Tyrannulet (Zimmerius chrysops) is a member of the complex and large New World Family Tyrannidae. Tyrannids are diverse in behavior and occupy a broad range of habitats and niches, reaching their greatest diversity in the Neotropics (Ridgely and Tudor 1994, Hilty 2003, Fitzpatrick 2004), where they comprise .20% of passerine species (McGowan 2004). General trends in avian life histories cannot be clarified without studies of tropical species to compensate for the historical bias toward temperate species (Martin 1996, 2004; Stutchbury and Morton 2001). The paucity of information on tropical bird species is particularly evident for tyrannids. Information on the breeding biology of most tropical tyrannids is sparse despite their prominence in the neotropical avifauna, and diversity of form and function. Zimmerius chrysops is an example of the sparse information on tropical tyrannids. Published breeding biology information on Z. chrysops is little more than a description of the enclosed, dome-shaped nest with a side entrance, and observed breeding dates (Hilty and Brown 1986, Best et al. 1996). Yet, it is broadly distributed with a range that extends from Peru, north through 1 USGS, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA. 2 Current address: Indooroopilly, Brisbane 4068 Queensland, Australia. 3 Corresponding author; e-mail: the Andes to Colombia and Venezuela, and occurs from ,300 to 2,400 m asl (Hilty and Brown 1986, Ridgely and Tudor 1994, Hilty 2003). The species is associated with the middle to upper forest layers, secondary growth, forest edges, as well as with plantation and garden habitats (Fjeldså and Krabbe 1990). Our objectives are to: (1) present detailed reproductive biology information for Z. chrysops, and (2) compare this information with available temperate and tropical avian life history information. METHODS We studied Golden-faced Tyrannulets during the March–June breeding seasons in 2002–2008 in Yacambú National Park, Lara State, Venezuela (09u 429 N, 69u 429 W). Yacambú contains premontane and montane cloud forest of the northern Andes and encompasses a gradient from 500 to .2,300 m asl (Fierro-Calderón and Martin 2007). Peak precipitation in Yacambú occurs from late April through July (Fierro-Calderón and Martin 2007) with clouds and rain usually enveloping habitats after the morning period, producing cool wet conditions. We worked with equal field effort in the same areas across years in a 1,350 to 2,000 m asl research area. Nests were located primarily by observing parental behavior, but also by systematic searching. Dimensions of newly constructed nests were measured before use and weather affected their 689 690 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 122, No. 4, December 2010 shape. Eggs were described following Preston (1953) as clarified by Palmer (1962). Eggs were weighed for fresh egg mass between days 0 and 3 of incubation, and opportunistically later. The incubation period was defined as the period between the last egg laid (day 0) and the last chick hatched (Nice 1954, Martin 2002). Nestling period was defined as the number of days between the last egg hatching and the last chick leaving the nest. Video cameras were placed at a discreet distance ($5 m) from the nest and camouflaged with vegetation to minimize any influence on parental behavior. Nests were filmed from 30 min after sunrise for 6 to 8 hrs (Martin and Ghalambor 1999, Martin 2002). Filming occurred on days 2–3 in early incubation, during the middle of the incubation period, and ,2–3 days before expected hatch day (early, middle, and late incubation). Nests found after laying were filmed opportunistically on other days (Martin 2002). Nest attentiveness at individual nests was measured as the percent time females were on the nest based on the number of minutes spent incubating divided by the total number of minutes a nest was filmed (Martin 2002). Incubating egg temperatures (u C) were measured by inserting a thermistor into the egg center through a small opening in the shell that was sealed with adhesive (Weathers and Sullivan 1989, Martin et al. 2007). HOBO Stowaway XTI dataloggers (Onset Corp., Bourne, MA, USA) were connected to the thermistor by discreetly inserting a fine wire through the nestwall. Thermistors were inserted within the first 2 days of incubation and dataloggers recorded temperatures in 12–24 sec intervals for 5–7 days per nest following Martin et al. (2007). Nests were videotaped during the early nestling period (days 1–3), during pin-break when flight feathers broke their sheaths (days 10–11), and the late nestling period preceding expected fledging (day 15 and above). Nests were opportunistically filmed on other days. Videotapes were analyzed for parental brooding attentiveness (%) based on the number of minutes brooding divided by the total number of minutes a nest was filmed, as well as the number of provisioning trips/hr (Martin and Ghalambor 1999, Martin et al. 2000b). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for changes in incubation and nestling attentiveness between stages. Changes in brooding and provisioning rates with nestling age were analyzed using correlation coefficients (r). Chicks were measured every second day (from day located) at the same time of day and at pinbreak. Standard measurements taken were mass, tarsal length, wing chord, and primary feather pin measurements. These data were used to calculate the growth rate constant (k) following Ricklefs (1967) and Remeš and Martin (2002). Overall nesting success and predation rates for egg-laying, incubation, and nestling periods were calculated using the Mayfield method (Mayfield 1961, 1975; Hensler and Nichols 1981; Johnson 2007). Chisquare tests of independence (X 2) were used to test for differences in daily predation rates among nest stages (egg laying, incubation, and nestling periods). Egg and nestling masses were measured using an ACCULAB (Elk Grove, IL, USA) portable electronic scale with a precision of 0.001 g; all measurements were taken using Mitutoyo Digital Calipers (Kingsport, TN, USA) with a precision of 0.01 mm. SPSS Version 15.0 (2006) was used for statistical tests and means are given 6 one standard error (SE). RESULTS Breeding Habitat.—Golden-faced Tyrannulets nested most commonly near 1,400 m asl and were not encountered above 1,500 m asl. This altitudinal zone contained primary and secondary growth premontane and montane cloud forest with patches of regenerating coffee (Coffea arabica) plantations. Active nesting pairs were encountered near forest edges including roads, forest trails, water bodies, and areas of historical disturbance inside the forest boundary. Areas where nests were found contained suitable resources for nest construction (moss and lichen) on tree trunks. Nest Construction and Sites.—Pairs were observed exploring potentially suitable nest locations together prior to the nest-building process. Only one of the pair, presumably the female, constructed the nest (n 5 88 nest-building observations), but the mate generally accompanied the nest-building individual. Nests were typically constructed in a ball of moss on the side of a tree, under a branch, or in an epiphyte (Fig. 1). Two distinct building approaches were observed for nest construction. The first and more common approach involved building into an existing lump of moss or lichen. The second involved building the globular nest onto a bare trunk surface. In the first approach, when a suitable portion of moss or lichen was identified, Goulding and Martin N GOLDEN-FACED TYRANNULET BREEDING BIOLOGY 691 FIG. 2. Seasonal distribution of nest initiation (date the first egg is laid in a nest) for the Golden-faced Tyrannulet at weekly (7 day) intervals. FIG. 1. Typical nest (with eggs and nestling) of the Golden-faced Tyrannulet with incubating female (Photographs by W. Goulding). the adult would open a cavity first with the beak and head and, when at the mid-body section, would use its wings to thrust apart the moss and widen a cavity. The adult would collect materials to create the inside of the nest once a cavity was established. The adult used more of the other nesting materials for construction inside with the moss in situ. However, in the second approach where the nest was created on a relatively bare surface, initial construction involved slinging the nest material with spider webs from a point on the bark or from a small piece of moss or lichen. Females were observed repeatedly descending to the ground to scour exposed banks and road cuttings for rootlets and spider webs during construction (e.g., 6 visits in 10 min to the same location on a bank). They also loudly called from beside the nest after building visits with the nearby male usually responding. Females were observed re-using nesting material from previous unsuccessful nests, particularly the lining, but new material was often used. The small size of the nest often resulted in destruction of the nest during predation events. The mean height of nests above ground was 5.43 6 0.42 m (n 5 55). The external measurements were 116.14 6 4.27 mm (n 5 10) in height by 70.83 6 2.50 mm (n 5 6) in width. Nest cups had an external depth of 48.25 6 2.87 mm (n 5 10) with internal depth and internal diameter being 32.85 6 2.55 mm (n 5 10) and 40.57 6 2.71 mm (n 5 7), respectively. Analysis of 11 nests showed an outer supporting structure of moss into which spider webs, black rootlets, lichen, and spider egg-casings of varying proportions were inserted with internal layers of finer dark rootlets. The final internal layer was a golden lining of soft, comose seed-arils fitting descriptions of liana seeds in the genus Odontadenia (Apocynaceae) (Orlando Vargas Ramirez, pers. comm.). The golden lining was characteristic of all Z. chrysops nests that we observed. The earliest nest was initiated (i.e., first egg laid) on 13 March and the latest on 15 May with a mean initiation date of 11 April 6 2.2 days (n 5 61) across years (Fig. 2). Nest-building activity began in February. Two nests that fledged chicks in early May 2006 were re-used in February 2007 with new material added. Eggs and Clutch Size.—Eggs were elliptical in shape and cream-white with liver-brown spots and markings mostly concentrated in a ring toward the obtuse end (Fig. 1). Eggs were 17.17 6 0.25 mm in length by 13.42 6 0.11 mm in width (n 5 11). Eggs weighed between 1.286 and 1.861 g with a mean mass of 1.616 6 0.020 g (n 5 48). Fresh egg weight represented 18% of mean adult body mass of 9.0 6 0.2 g (n 5 25). Clutch size was usually two with only one of 45 nests found prior to incubation having a single egg, yielding a mean clutch size of 1.98 6 0.02 eggs (n 5 45). The mean number of days observed between nest completion and laying of 692 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 122, No. 4, December 2010 FIG. 3. Average (A) nest attentiveness, and (B) on- and off-bout durations across three periods of incubation: early (days 1–5), middle (days 6–11), and late (days 12–18). Sample sizes reflect numbers of nests. FIG. 4. The change with nestling age in (A) female brooding behavior (% time spent brooding) and (B) rates that parents visit the nest to provision nestlings. the first egg was 4.71 6 0.47 (n 5 7). Eggs were laid in the morning on alternate days. Incubation.—Females incubated the eggs without help from males. Males were rarely observed visiting nests during incubation, and did so at only two of 40 nests with video observations of 6–8 hrs each, yielding an average of 0.01 6 0.01 visits/hr (n 5 40). Females were not observed incubating prior to laying the last egg and eggs hatched synchronously. Nest attentiveness averaged 66.0 6 1.6% (n 5 40) and was lower (ANOVA, F2,37 5 6.8, P 5 0.003) in early incubation compared with middle and late incubation periods (Fig. 3A). Incubation on-bouts averaged 33.35 6 1.94 min (n 5 40) and did not change over the incubation period (ANOVA, F2,37 5 1.1, P 5 0.3; Fig. 3B). Length of off-bouts averaged 16.19 6 1.59 min (n 5 40) and decreased from early to later incubation stages (ANOVA, F2,37 5 3.2, P 5 0.055; Fig. 3B). Incubation behavior yielded an average 24-hr egg temperature of 34.88 6 0.45u C (n 5 7 nests, 43 days of sampling). The incubation period was 16.9 6 0.3 days (n 5 10) for nests found prior to beginning of incubation and where exact hatch was observed. Nestling Period.—Both adults were observed provisioning chicks and the male was also observed passing food to the female when she was brooding. Adults regularly fed the nestlings fruit that appeared to be mistletoe berries (possibly Antidaphne viscoidea or Phoradendron spp.), which were regularly found stuck near the beak of chicks. Females regularly regurgitated seeds when incubating and brooding, taking care to eject them outside the nest. The percentage of time females brooded decreased through the nestling period (r 5 20.86, P , 0.001), and stopped after the eighth primary pin feather broke its sheath on days 10–11 (Fig. 4A). Provisioning rates increased over the nestling period (r 5 0.80, P , 0.001, Fig. 4B). Parents visited the nest an average of 4.41 6 0.65 trips/hr (n 5 10) during days 1 and 2 after hatching, and 14.93 6 2.36 trips/hr (n 5 6) at pin-break. Chicks had gray down distributed lightly over the head and body, and orange skin and beak at hatching (Fig. 1). The nestling period for nests where exact hatch and fledging days were Goulding and Martin N GOLDEN-FACED TYRANNULET BREEDING BIOLOGY 693 tarsus length was slower at k 5 0.200 6 0.012 and tarsus size was essentially the same length as adults at 16.26 6 0.17 mm (n 5 22) at fledging (Fig. 5B). Growth rate based on wing chord was k 5 0.201 6 0.010, but wing chord at fledging was less than adult size (Fig. 5C) of 52.03 6 0.62 mm (n 5 20). Nesting Success and Predation.—Predation accounted for 91.6% of failures with remaining failures attributed to nests falling, abandonment, and poor nest condition that allowed chicks to fall out (re-used nest). Birds seemed to be a main predator of nests with punctured egg remains at times found near the nest. Nest predation often coincided with presence of army ants (Labidus praedator) and large mixed-bird flocks feeding near the nest. One nest was also filmed being predated by a capuchin monkey (Cebus olivaceus). Snakes were not recorded in video observations and rarely observed at this elevation in Yacambú across all years (TEM, pers. obs.). The total daily predation rate was 0.057 6 0.007 (n 5 989 exposure days) with a total daily mortality rate of 0.064 6 0.008. An estimated 12% of nests were successful based on a total nesting period of 37 days. The daily nest predation rate during egg-laying (0.052 6 0.025; n 5 76.5 exposure days) did not differ (X 2 5 0.4, P 5 0.6) from the incubation period (0.068 6 0.010; n 5 575.5 exposure days). However, the daily predation rate during the nestling period (0.039 6 0.010; n 5 377 exposure days) was lower (X 2 5 4.2, P 5 0.029) than during incubation. FIG. 5. Relationships of (A) mass, (B) tarsus length, and (C) wing chord length plotted against age for Goldenfaced Tyrannulets and their estimated growth rate constants (k). The dashed lines represent mean adult sizes. observed ranged from 17 to 19 days with an average of 18.0 6 0.2 days (n 5 9). Nestling mass on days 10 and 11 (i.e., pin-break) was 6.966 6 0.152 g (n 5 9). The growth rate constant (k) for body mass was low (Fig. 5A) and nestlings were close to mean adult weight of 9.0 6 0.2 g (n 5 25) at fledging (Fig. 5A). Growth rate based on DISCUSSION Golden-faced Tyrannulets in Yacambú National Park exhibited breeding biology parameters different from most typical tyrannids (Fitzpatrick 2004). The nest appears globular, as also described for congeners (e.g., Z. acer [Beebe et al. 1917], Z. improbus [Hilty 2003], and Z. vilissimus [Skutch 1960]), but varied in appearance depending on location of attachment and amount of exposed nest. Nests of Z. chrysops, compared with congeners, were slightly larger than those of Z. vilissimus (Skutch 1960), but had a shallower nest-cup than observed for Z. acer (Beebe et al. 1917; this was a single observation). Nest construction and materials were virtually the same as those observed for Z. vilissimus, including the soft seed-aril lining (Skutch 1960), and similar to Z. acer (Beebe et al. 1917). The use of epiphytic 694 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 122, No. 4, December 2010 plant resources for nesting by neotropical birds is well recognised (Nadkarni and Matelson 1989, Fierro-Calderón and Martin 2007). Golden-faced Tyrannulets show flexibility in nesting height with 71% of nests in Yacambú below the 8–12 m height range observed in Colombia (Hilty and Brown 1986), and a nest recorded ,45 m above ground in an emergent Ceiba tree in Ecuador (Cisneros-Heredia 2006). Our observations do not seem to reflect biases towards finding low nests because we found the majority of nests through parental behavior. We found nests to the tops of canopies by watching parental behavior. The lower height of nests at our site might reflect the lower stature of the disturbed forest areas and edges in which the species occurred at our site. Differences between nesting height in disturbed or regrowth areas and primary forest have been observed in other tyrannids (e.g., Z. vilissimus [Skutch 1960] and Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum [Hilty and Brown 1986]), indicating structural differences in habitat influence nest height variation. Nest architecture seems to be an evolutionarily conservative character that has been used to indicate phylogenetic relationships (Mobley and Prum 1995, Sheldon and Winkler 1999, Zyskowski and Prum 1999). Enclosed nests are thought to be a derived character from the more common open nests reported for the majority of tyrannids (Collias and Collias 1984, Fitzpatrick 2004). It is also thought to be a character that evolved independently in different tyrannid subfamilies (Fitzpatrick 2004). The sparse available information on nests of species of Zimmerius indicates only subtle differences between congeners. However, nests of the majority of species in the genus have yet to be investigated. Nest similarity may support a close relationship between Camptostoma (Haverschmidt 1954) and Zimmerius (unless evolved independently; Lanyon 1988). These two genera, together with the closely related Phyllomyias virescens and others in that genus that may be discovered to have enclosed nests (Fitzpatrick 2004, Ohlson et al. 2008, Rheindt et al. 2008), represent the only enclosed nest-builders in the elaeniine clade proposed by Ohlson et al. (2008). Despite differences in external materials, they have similarly attached and shaped immobile nests lined with ‘plant wool’ (not feathers) with a simple side-opening near the top (Beebe et al. 1917, Haverschmidt 1954, Skutch 1960, this study). The observed peak of breeding activity of Z. chrysops is just prior to and overlapping the peak precipitation period from late April through July in Yacambú (Fierro-Calderón and Martin 2007). This is a pattern in avian breeding biology observed at other neotropical sites (Skutch 1950, 1960; Marchant 1959; Best et al. 1996; Medeiros and Marini 2007), including some species in lowland habitats in Venezuela (Cruz and Andrews 1989). This peak fits within the general breeding period of January to June described for tyrantflycatchers north of Peru (Fitzpatrick 2004). The season is relatively short compared with other passerine species in this area (e.g., Biancucci and Martin 2008, Niklison et al. 2008, Cox and Martin 2009). Skutch (1950) found from his observations in Central America that, in general, avian populations at higher altitudes exhibited a more marked and narrow breeding season than in lowlands. Z. chrysops is thought to breed in Colombia from April until November at the lower elevation of 1,000 m asl (Hilty and Brown 1986). A record in February from Loja Province in Ecuador also reports nesting activity by the species at a similar altitude to Yacambú sites (Best et al. 1996). The short season and absence of any observations of birds re-nesting in the same season after a successful breeding attempt indicates this species is single-brooded, typical of tyrannids (Fitzpatrick 2004). Eggs of Z. chrysops conform to the typical egg coloration observed in most tyrannids (Von Ihering 1904, Skutch 1960, Wetmore 1972). They are slightly larger than an egg of Z. acer measured by Beebe et al. (1917) and slightly shorter and wider than eggs of Z. vilissimus observed by Skutch (1960). The clutch size of two is on the lower edge of the range of 2–6 observed in the family and the 2–4 of most tropical tyrannids (Fitzpatrick 2004). The 17-day incubation period is long relative to the range of 12 to 16 days known for most temperate and tropical tyrannids, and approaches a few unusual tropical species that have suspended pendulant nests and long incubation periods (Fitzpatrick 2004). However, the incubation period was near the average for 33 other nontyrannid species studied in Yacambú National Park (Martin and Schwabl 2008). The 18-day nestling period also is in the upper range for tyrannids, which is from 12 to 24 days with most being 14 to 17 days (Fitzpatrick 2004). Our observations support that mistletoe fruit in the Goulding and Martin N GOLDEN-FACED TYRANNULET BREEDING BIOLOGY area (e.g., Antidaphne viscoidea; Restrepo et al. 2002, Kelly et al. 2004) comprise an important portion of the diet of nestlings, as with Z. vilissimus (Skutch 1960), and not only for adults for which this has already been observed with others in the genus (Fjeldså and Krabbe 1990, Alonso and Whitney 2001, Fitzpatrick 2004). Slow growth has been found in other tropical species that feed fruit to their offspring (Morton 1973). A comparison of the growth rate constant (k) for mass with that published and summarized for other tropical and temperate species (Ricklefs 1976, Willis et al. 1978, Oniki and Ricklefs 1981, Starck and Ricklefs 1998, Remeš and Martin 2002) reveals it is slow even for the slowest growing of tropical tyrannids (k , 0.3). Tropical tyrannids from Central America and Brazil had growth rates (k) extending from a low of 0.248 in another species (Mionectes macconnelli) that builds enclosed nests (Willis et al. 1978) to rates $0.4, similar to those observed for some faster growing tyrannids breeding in North America such as Tyrannus tyrannus (k 5 0.438) and Sayornis phoebe (k 5 0.425) (Murphy 1981), Tyrannus verticalis (k 5 0.416) and T. forficatus (k 5 0.394) (Murphy 1988), Empidonax minimus (k 5 0.499–0.505) (Briskie and Sealy 1989), and E. oberholseri (k 5 0.425) (Pereyra and Morton 2001). Other non-tyrannid passerines investigated in Yacambú National Park also had much higher growth rates (Niklison et al. 2008, Biancucci and Martin 2008, Cox and Martin 2009). Incubation temperature is a reflection of parental attentiveness with cooler temperatures (low attentiveness) associated with longer incubation period lengths (Lyon and Montgomerie 1985, Martin 2002, Hepp et al. 2006, Martin et al. 2007). The observed 24-hr incubation temperature for Z. chrysops is below the optimal temperature range for embryonic growth (White and Kinney 1974, Webb 1987). However, egg temperature was close to the expected value for a tropical species with this length of incubation period and nest attentiveness (Martin et al. 2007: figure 2). Skutch (1960) considered Z. vilissimus in Costa Rica to have high nest attentiveness for a small flycatcher. He observed mean on and off-bouts during incubation of 32.5 and 12.5 min, respectively with overall estimates of attentiveness of 67 and 72%. This indicated higher attentiveness (and shorter off-bouts) for this congener than for Z. chrysops in Yacambú National Park. Attentiveness for Z. chrysops was in the middle of the range of 39 other 695 species studied in Yacambú (Martin and Schwabl 2008), but was lower than for most temperate passerines (Conway and Martin 2000: appendix 1; Martin 2002; Chalfoun and Martin 2007). Z. vilissimus had higher provisioning rates than those observed for Z. chrysops (Skutch 1960). However, both had mean feeding rates at least two-fold higher than other species studied in Yacambú National Park (Fierro-Calderón and Martin 2007, Biancucci and Martin 2008, Niklison et al. 2008, Cox and Martin 2009). This could reflect compensation for lower protein levels in fruit fed to nestlings (Morton 1973), although flycatchers seem to feed at higher rates than other species (Martin et al. 2000b). Consequently, predation levels could be influenced through greater nest detection due to increased parental visits (Skutch 1949; Martin et al. 2000a, b). However, predation rates were lower during the nestling period than during earlier periods when parents were less active. Nesting success for Z. chrysops was among the lowest observed for a member of the Tyrannidae when compared with other southern hemisphere and neotropical species. Skutch (1985) summarized data from different species in the humid Neotropics showing that 39.7% of nests found were successful with tyrannids exhibiting a range of 12.1 to 50%. Mionectes oleagineus in Trinidad had the lowest tyrannid nesting success (12.1%), a trend observed in other small species in Trinidad (Snow and Snow 1979). Low reproductive estimates were observed in Suiriri islerorum ($13.6%, mean 5 20.8%) and S. affinis (19%) in tropical savannah of Brazil (Lopes and Marini 2005, Franca and Marini 2009). In Costa Rica, 36% of nests of Zimmerius vilissimus were successful and fledged chicks (Skutch 1985). Other non-tyrannid neotropical species in Panama were observed to have low nesting success similar to Z. chrysops (e.g., some formicariids and a thamnophilid species; Robinson et al. 2000). However, nesting success was generally higher (23–74%) and daily predation rates lower for other tyrannid species in the Neotropics and southern hemisphere; e.g., Argentina (Mezquida and Marone 2001, Auer et al. 2007), Puerto Rico (Torres Báez and Collazo 1992), Brazil (Willis et al. 1978, Aguilar et al. 2000, Medeiros and Marini 2007), and Panama (Robinson et al. 2000, Dyrcz 2002). The extremely poor nesting success of Z. chrysops reflects high predation pressure, and may reflect the tendency for this species to nest 696 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 122, No. 4, December 2010 along forest edges where predation levels are high (Söderström 1999). Multiple re-nest attempts would be expected to occur to compensate for high predation (Martin 1995, Fitzpatrick 2004), but the short breeding season (i.e., Fig. 2) and our observations suggest that only 2–3 nesting attempts are made. The small clutch size of Z. chrysops with a relatively long incubation period and slow nestling growth suggest this species is at the ‘slow’ end of the slow-fast life history gradient (Martin 1996, 2004). The solely neotropical distribution, lack of morphological specialization (Traylor 1977), and indication that only conservative differences in nest architecture occur within the genus, place importance on investigating reproductive parameters of the diversity of Zimmerius species. Phenotypic similarity or dissimilarities would be valuable for understanding the finer scale processes influencing reproduction and broader life history variation within tyrannids; e.g., localized predation rates imposed upon otherwise phylogenetically close and similar species (Skutch 1949, 1985; Bosque and Bosque 1995; Martin 1995; Martin et al. 2000a). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank L. A. Biancucci, Karolina Fierro-Calderón, A. M. Niklison, M. J. Foguet, A. A. Majewska, and R. A. Ruggera for discussions and assistance in the field. We also thank John Kanowski, Elena Arriero, Martine Maron, and C. A. McAlpine for help with the manuscript. This study was made possible in part by support under NSF grants DEB-0543178 and DEB-0841764 to T. E. Martin. Permit numbers were DM/0000237 from FONACIT, PA-INP-0052004 from INPARQUES, and 01-03-03-1147 from Ministerio del Ambiente. 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