vol. 186, no. 2 the american naturalist august 2015 Adult Mortality Probability and Nest Predation Rates Explain Parental Effort in Warming Eggs with Consequences for Embryonic Development Time Thomas E. Martin,1,2,* Juan C. Oteyza,2 Andy J. Boyce,2 Penn Lloyd,3 and Riccardo Ton2 1. United States Geological Survey, Missoula, Montana 59812; 2. Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59812; 3. Percy FitzPatrick Institute, Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa Submitted October 25, 2014; Accepted January 15, 2015; Electronically published May 12, 2015 Online enhancement: appendix. Dryad data: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.km646. abstract: Parental behavior and effort vary extensively among species. Life-history theory suggests that age-specific mortality could cause this interspecific variation, but past tests have focused on fecundity as the measure of parental effort. Fecundity can cause costs of reproduction that confuse whether mortality is the cause or the consequence of parental effort. We focus on a trait, parental allocation of time and effort in warming embryos, that varies widely among species of diverse taxa and is not tied to fecundity. We conducted studies on songbirds of four continents and show that time spent warming eggs varies widely among species and latitudes and is not correlated with clutch size. Adult and offspring (nest) mortality explained most of the interspecific variation in time and effort that parents spend warming eggs, measured by average egg temperatures. Parental effort in warming eggs is important because embryonic temperature can influence embryonic development period and hence exposure time to predation risk. We show through correlative evidence and experimental swapping of embryos between species that parentally induced egg temperatures cause interspecific variation in embryonic development period. The strong association of age-specific mortality with parental effort in warming eggs and the subsequent effects on embryonic development time are unique results that can advance understanding of broad geographic patterns of life-history variation. Keywords: life history, parental effort, incubation period, embryonic development, parental care, reproductive effort, adult mortality, nest predation. Introduction Life-history theory predicts that age-specific mortality influences evolution of parental effort: decreased adult mortality and increased offspring mortality both favor evolu- * Corresponding author; e-mail: tom.martin@umontana.edu. Am. Nat. 2015. Vol. 186, pp. 223–236. q 2015 by The University of Chicago. 0003-0147/2015/18602-55845$15.00. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1086/681986 tion of reduced effort and increased investment in selfmaintenance (Williams 1966; Murphy 1968; Hirshfield and Tinkle 1975; Law 1979; Michod 1979; Charlesworth 1994). Litter or clutch size has been correlated with age-specific mortality across species (e.g., Promislow and Harvey 1990; Martin 1995, 2014; Ghalambor and Martin 2001). Yet fecundity and associated behaviors can create large costs of reproduction that manifest in adult mortality (Calow 1979), making it unclear whether adult mortality is the cause or the consequence of evolved differences in fecundity (Reznick 1985). Examination of a parental behavior that is largely independent of fecundity and its costs of reproduction can provide a clearer test of the ability of age-specific mortality to influence evolution of interspecific variation in parental effort versus self-maintenance. Allocation of time and effort in caring for eggs is an interesting parental behavior for tests because it is not necessarily tied to fecundity and does not seem to be a major cause of annual rates of adult mortality. Nonetheless, it competes with time and resources for self-maintenance. For example, time that parents spend guarding eggs from potential predators competes with time for self-maintenance across taxa as diverse as fish and insects (Abrams and Eickwort 1981; Pressley 1981; Magnhagen and Vestergaard 1991; Steinhart et al. 2005, 2008). Similarly, time and energy that parents spend incubating eggs to regulate embryonic temperature can create difficulties in maintaining mass in birds and snakes (birds: Vleck 1981; Moreno and Carlson 1989; Williams and Dwinnel 1990; Hainsworth et al. 1998; Bryan and Bryant 1999; Hanssen et al. 2003; snakes: Vinegar et al. 1970; Madsen and Shine 1999). Studies of these conflicts between parental effort and self-maintenance have focused on single species. Yet species can differ substantially in their exposure to mortality and other environmental influences, which should favor evolution of differing allocation solutions. Indeed, time and effort allocations differ dramat- 224 The American Naturalist ically among species; for example, the percentage of time that songbirds spend incubating eggs during the day varies extensively among species and latitudes (fig. 1A), and this behavioral variation is independent of clutch size (fig. 1B). Ultimately, the causes of evolved variation among species in time and effort devoted to embryos versus selfmaintenance are untested in any taxa. Life-history theory predicts that species with lower adult mortality should devote less time and effort to parental care (fig. 1C) and save more energy for self-maintenance (Williams 1966; Murphy 1968; Hirshfield and Tinkle 1975; Law 1979; Michod 1979; Charlesworth 1994). This theory also predicts that time and effort should be reduced for species with greater offspring mortality, to enhance opportunities for additional future reproductive attempts (Law 1979; Michod 1979; Charlesworth 1994). However, increased rates of embryo predation can favor faster embryonic development, to reduce exposure time to predators (Martin 2002; Martin et al. 2007; Remeš 2007). In the case of birds, higher risk of embryo predation may favor increased parental effort to warm eggs as a means of shortening development time and exposure to risk, given that avian embryos depend on parental warming to develop (Weathers and Sullivan 1989; Fontaine and Martin 2006). Thus, the directional influence of embryo predation risk on parental incubation effort is unclear, whereas increased adult mortality predicts increased incubation effort (fig. 1C). Annual adult mortality probability is lower for many species in tropical and Southern Hemisphere regions than in north-temperate regions (Rowley and Russell 1991; Sandercock et al. 2000; Lloyd et al. 2014; Martin et al. 2015b), and hence a latitudinal gradient may be expected (fig. 1C). However, embryo predation does not show clear latitudinal patterns (Martin 1996; Martin et al. 2006), and thus its effects on parental effort may not be spatially predictable. Causes of variation in parental effort in warming eggs are important to understand because embryonic temperature can have important fitness consequences through effects on development time and offspring quality across diverse taxa (Gillooly et al. 2002; Martin et al. 2007; Du et al. 2009; Nord and Nilsson 2011; Hepp and Kennamer 2012). Yet some authors argue that intrinsic physiological processes, rather than embryonic temperatures, determine avian embryonic development time (e.g., Ricklefs 1993; Tieleman et al. 2004; Robinson et al. 2008). Thus, examination of the possible role of age-specific mortality for evolved differences in parental incubation behavior has to be coupled with tests of the relative importance of temperature and intrinsic causes of variation in embryonic development rates. Here, we test these possibilities across diverse songbirds on four continents (fig. 1). We test the ability of adult and embryo mortality to explain variation in incubation effort. We also report new analyses of data from a previous eggtransfer experiment (Martin et al. 2007) to test the relative importance of intrinsic processes and parental effort in warming eggs as the causal basis of differences in embryonic periods between species. Material and Methods Study Areas We studied 110 passerine species on four continents (fig. 1A), but we were able to obtain data on age-specific mortality and incubation effort for only 63 species (table 1). These 63 species included 16 in north-temperate Arizona (347N), 18 in tropical Venezuela (97N), 14 in tropical Malaysia (67N), and 15 in south-temperate South Africa (347S), representing a broad phylogenetic range of songbirds (fig. A1, available online). Nests were studied in north-central Arizona for 26 years (1987–2012) at about 2,350-m elevation in mixed deciduous and coniferous forest (Martin et al. 2007). Nests were studied in the tropics for 7 years (2002–2008) in primary forest in Yacambu National Park, Venezuela, at elevations of 1,400–2,000 m (Martin et al. 2007) and for 5 years (2009–2013) in Kinabalu Park, Malaysia, at 1,450–1,950-m elevation (Martin et al. 2013). Nests were studied for 5 years (2000–2004) in the south-temperate coastal dwarf shrubland near Cape Town, South Africa, at sea level (Martin et al. 2007). Parental Incubation Behavior Nest attentiveness was measured as the percent of time that parents spent on the nest incubating. Nests were videotaped during incubation for the first 6–8 h of the day, beginning within 0.5 h of sunrise, from 1993 through 2012 in Arizona and in all study years in Venezuela, Malaysia, and South Africa. This protocol standardized both time of day and sampling duration (Martin et al. 2000; Martin 2002). We controlled for age of the embryo in the estimates of nest attentiveness (see “Statistical Analyses”). Parental Incubation Effort Measured as Egg Temperature Parental effort is defined as the proportion of the total energy budget that is devoted to producing offspring. Energetic expenditure is higher for incubating than for nonincubating birds (Vleck 1981; Moreno and Carlson 1989; Williams and Dwinnel 1990; Bryan and Bryant 1999; Hanssen et al. 2003). Indeed, parental effort, as reflected by energy expenditure, is as high during incubation as at any stage of reproduction across diverse species (Williams 1996). Parental effort during incubation is manifested in Mortality and Parental Effort A Arizona Nest attentiveness (% of time on nest) 100 Malaysia Venezuela South Africa 80 n = 110 species 60 40 20 Individual species Nest attentiveness (% of time on nest) B 100 80 60 40 Arizona South Africa Malaysia Venezuela 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 low Incubation effort (embryonic temperature) C high Clutch Size (number of eggs) Figure 1: Variation among species in incubation behavior, measured as percentage of time spent on the nest incubating (nest attentiveness) for the first 6–8 h of daylight. A, Mean nest attentiveness for songbird species studied on four continents in order of increasing percentage of time spent on the nest, illustrating a geographic gradient. Each bar represents a species, color coded by region. B, Mean nest attentiveness was not related to average clutch size but increased with log-transformed body mass and differed among sites (generalized linear model: clutch size: B 5 SE p 1.24 5 1.94; F1, 104 p 0.41, P p .52; log10 mass: B 5 SE p 12.17 5 4.52; F1, 104 p 7.26, P p .008; site: F3, 104 p 4.97, P < .001; interactions: not significant). C, Predicted relationship between adult mortality and incubation effort (measured as average embryonic temperature) within and among geographic regions. The ellipse illustrates predictions that in- 225 part through the amount of time that parents spend on the nest warming eggs, which varies extensively among species (fig. 1A). Incubating birds are under greater time constraints to replenish energy than nonincubating birds because of time spent on the nest, potentially magnifying the costs of energy expenditure for incubation and often creating difficulties in maintaining mass through a positive energy balance (Williams and Dwinnel 1990; Williams 1996; Hainsworth et al. 1998). As a result, energetic costs and time constraints of incubation effort can cause mass loss in incubating birds (Williams and Dwinnel 1990; Hanssen et al. 2003). The time invested in warming eggs explains much, but not all, of the variation in average egg temperature (Martin et al. 2007). Birds also affect egg temperature through energy invested in differential regulation of blood flow to their brood patch, a bare area on their breast placed against eggs to warm them (White and Kinney 1974; Webb 1987). Thus, average egg temperature is a good measure of parental effort, because it captures both time spent incubating and the amount of energy that parents put into regulating blood flow to the brood patch (White and Kinney 1974; Weathers and Sullivan 1989; Martin et al. 2007). This is also true in the tropics, which are actually cold with respect to temperatures required by bird embryos; ambient temperatures in our midelevation tropical sites range from 167 to 247C, which are substantially below optimal temperatures (35.57–38.57C) for avian embryo development (Webb 1987). Given the above, we measured egg temperatures as the best estimate of parental incubation effort and because of the potential influence of temperature on embryonic periods. Egg temperatures were measured by insertion of thermistors, during egg laying or on the first or second day of incubation, into the center of eggs through a small hole sealed with glue (Martin et al. 2007). The wire was threaded through the nest and connected to a HOBO Stowaway or XTI datalogger (Onset Computer, Bourne, MA) that recorded temperatures every 12–24 s for as long as the nest remained active and averaged them over 24-h periods for daily estimates. We excluded nests where temperatures systematically changed across days because of failing batteries or poorly sealed eggs. Egg temperatures were based on extensive sampling (table 1). Because parents change their effort with age of the embryo, we controlled for age of embryos in estimates of average 24-h egg temperatures across species (see “Statistical Analyses”). cubation effort should be greater in north-temperate regions, where adult mortality is commonly higher than that in tropical and southtemperate regions. Table 1: Parameter estimates, standard errors, and sample sizes of daily nest predation rate, annual adult mortality probability, average 24-h egg temperature, and duration of the embryonic period Daily nest predation Species Arizona species: Empidonax occidentalis Vireo gilvus Sialia mexicana Catharus guttatus Turdus migratorius Sitta canadensis Sitta carolinensis Certhia americana Troglodytes aedon aedon Poecile gambeli Junco hyemalis Pipilo chlorurus Oreothlypis celata Setophaga coronata Cardellina rubrifrons Piranga ludoviciana South Africa species: Telophorus zeylonus Dessonornis caffra Tychaedon coryphaeus Pycnonotus capensis Cisticola subruficapilla Prinia maculosa Apalis thoracica Zosterops capensis Sphenoeacus afer Sylvietta rufescens Curruca subcaeruleum Anthobaphes chalybeus Crithagra flaviventris Crithagra albogularis Emberiza capensis Venezuela species: Mionectes olivaceus Zimmerius chrysops Masius chrysopterus Dysithamnus mentalis Myrmotherula schisticolor Synallaxis cinnamomea Myadestes ralloides Catharus aurantiirostris Catharus fuscater Turdus flavipes Turdus olivater Troglodytes aedon musculus Henicorhina leucophrys Atlapetes semirufus Arremon brunneinucha Annual adult mortality Average 24-h temperature Mean embryo period Rate SE Nests Rate SE Individualsa T (7C) SE Days Days SE Nests .041 .031 .007 .089 .039 .004 .006 .010 .005 .008 .041 .053 .032 .044 .037 .036 .0016 .0019 .0011 .0028 .0016 .0005 .0009 .0011 .0005 .0006 .0014 .0031 .0014 .0033 .0016 .0033 1,336 790 330 1,505 1,376 947 310 490 1,570 1,072 1,785 594 1,453 523 1,299 421 .401 .480 .517 .482 .461 .529 .574 .452 .536 .495 .433 .445 .411 .494 .429 .435 .034 .025 .096 .023 .035 .058 .057 .072 .036 .033 .014 .088 .027 .038 .051 .035 674 857 73 1,875 655 547 164 408 1,029 709 1,885 158 976 1,008 694 728 34.82 35.90 34.98 36.20 36.36 35.56 36.01 35.09 35.68 35.29 35.93 36.14 35.68 36.12 35.68 35.92 .21 .49 .18 .18 .35 .27 2.26 .20 .17 .23 .33 .18 .23 .26 .16 .53 44 8 51 54 23 23 3 51 61 41 22 51 31 24 60 7 14.91 13.06 14.25 12.50 12.42 12.50 12.70 14.67 13.47 13.28 12.42 12.17 12.61 12.55 12.73 13.01 .05 .03 .09 .07 .03 .03 .12 .03 .03 .04 .05 .10 .05 .09 .04 .03 277 147 103 106 317 216 80 149 560 224 317 57 192 71 322 74 .124 .105 .061 .118 .080 .101 .104 .127 .102 .062 .085 .099 .113 .097 .087 .0160 .0056 .0033 .0072 .0044 .0031 .0061 .0079 .0101 .0065 .0064 .0048 .0045 .0106 .0081 69 444 491 319 451 1,350 347 293 122 73 230 509 734 102 147 .215 .097 .223 .214 .371 .294 .236 .258 .162 .212 .190 .206 .404 .330 .377 .070 .020 .020 .040 .050 .020 .020 .040 .050 .040 .030 .030 .040 .070 .070 13 83 364 45 54 212 134 41 21 41 62 55 95 24 25 34.54 33.51 34.38 35.85 35.17 35.71 35.18 36.33 34.45 34.97 34.86 35.05 36.06 35.87 35.25 1.75 .80 .41 .43 .32 .45 .37 .78 .57 .76 .54 .93 .44 2.85 1.19 4 17 34 27 34 42 25 18 26 23 36 10 24 4 10 16.25 16.44 14.03 12.31 13.79 13.18 15.21 11.00 16.71 13.75 13.76 13.57 11.90 11.92 13.58 .25 .22 .13 .19 .12 .07 .12 .17 .35 .14 .11 .09 .08 .28 .25 5 26 87 30 54 151 36 43 12 21 38 78 101 15 26 .031 .057 .033 .039 .0029 .0074 .0076 .0055 237 104 39 129 .232 .261 .108 .234 .128 .166 .183 .103 165 25 51 68 33.66 34.33 32.58 34.09 .31 .15 .20 .23 31 70 43 33 19.92 16.90 19.67 16.00 .16 .27 .33 .33 31 10 3 11 .050 .047 .039 .056 .042 .055 .044 .0057 .0094 .0060 .0071 .0025 .0072 .0064 151 40 112 102 541 93 96 .255 .180 .288 .304 .299 .396 .359 .086 .138 .157 .157 .057 .109 .098 112 43 38 63 283 39 63 34.30 33.50 35.61 34.97 34.89 35.74 36.14 .22 .24 .22 .31 .37 .20 .25 34 35 39 28 32 45 34 15.63 19.17 13.57 15.68 14.85 12.77 13.32 .21 .31 .24 .20 .09 .18 .24 14 4 10 16 95 13 13 .008 .030 .069 .054 .0020 .0024 .0127 .0032 27 377 41 448 .408 .216 .272 .198 .094 .098 .237 .099 41 385 36 206 35.17 33.99 35.02 34.14 .13 .56 .18 .47 98 32 47 29 14.83 19.74 14.75 17.47 .37 .16 .26 .17 10 39 7 43 Mortality and Parental Effort 227 Table 1 (Continued ) Daily nest predation Species Rate SE Myioborus miniatus Basileuterus tristriatus Saltator maximus Malaysia species: Pachycephala hypoxantha Rhipidura albicollis Myophonus borneensis Brachypteryx montana Vauriella gularis Ficedula hyperythra Eumyias indigo Enicurus leschenaulti Alophoixus ochraceus Phyllergates cuculatus Seicercus montis Pellorneum pyrrogenys Stachyris nigriceps Yuhina everetti .045 .041 .069 .046 .047 .014 .044 .025 .048 .028 .047 .020 .051 .067 .045 .066 .056 a Annual adult mortality Individualsa Nests Rate SE .0059 .0048 .0185 126 180 20 .208 .236 .390 .082 .052 .249 .0047 .0051 .0030 .0043 .0058 .0040 .0054 .0084 .0074 .0070 .0076 .0072 .0067 .0038 175 155 77 198 59 277 119 59 26 110 182 71 169 397 .231 .426 .271 .209 .279 .248 .180 .249 .321 .342 .303 .151 .212 .338 .044 .062 .128 .103 .047 .054 .171 .139 .078 .128 .060 .064 .024 .037 Average 24-h temperature Mean embryo period T (7C) SE Days Days SE Nests 68 172 25 34.33 34.36 36.25 .41 .21 1.52 25 45 7 15.43 15.72 13.25 .33 .18 .29 22 34 3 179 104 27 48 110 149 26 29 77 29 86 87 567 328 33.72 35.11 33.86 33.04 33.46 33.75 33.75 33.80 34.28 34.37 33.93 32.60 33.62 34.95 .15 .18 .27 .13 .36 .14 .21 .36 .43 .23 .56 .17 .23 .09 77 54 28 113 12 85 43 20 14 35 16 70 34 194 17.47 15.45 18.00 16.74 16.60 15.81 16.25 17.20 15.20 16.33 16.58 18.35 16.00 13.82 .19 .15 .24 .15 .22 .20 .27 .45 .40 .30 .23 .43 .16 .16 36 30 13 30 9 37 17 6 6 15 12 11 20 65 Effective sample size in the program MARK. Nest Predation Rates, Embryonic Periods, and Clutch Size For species examined here, large numbers of nests were monitored (table 1), following long-term protocols (Martin et al. 2000). Embryonic period was quantified as the number of days between the last egg laid and the last egg hatched (Martin et al. 2007). Nests were checked every 2–4 days to determine status and predation events but were checked daily or twice daily during egg laying and near hatch to obtain exact dates of the last eggs laid and hatched, to accurately measure period durations. We measured clutch size as the final number of eggs laid and observed on two consecutive checks (Martin et al. 2006). (and numbers of nests) were as follows: Apalis thoracica into Zosterops capensis (2); A. thoracica into Crithagra flaviventris (6); Dessonornis caffra into Pycnonotus capensis (1); Z. capensis into Cisticola subruficapilla (1); Z. capensis into Prinia maculosa (2); C. subruficapilla into C. flaviventris (3); Sphenoeacus afer into P. capensis (2); P. maculosa into Z. capensis (4); P. maculosa into C. flaviventris (1); C. flaviventris into A. thoracica (2); and C. flaviventris into C. subruficapilla (1). Here, we further analyze those data by comparing the average change in embryonic period against the average difference in egg temperature for each pair of species included in swaps. Adult Mortality Egg-Swap Experiment We experimentally tested the causal role of temperature for variation in embryonic periods by using data from a previously reported experiment where we swapped eggs between species that differed in average egg temperature (Martin et al. 2007). In brief, we swapped eggs during egg laying between species with similar-sized eggs but differing egg temperatures as a result of differing parental incubation effort. We swapped large numbers of eggs over two field seasons at our South Africa site, but we were left with only 25 nests that survived to hatching because of high nest predation (see Martin et al. 2007). Identities of swaps In Arizona, Venezuela, and Malaysia, nets were deployed in stations of 10 or 12 nets as subplots within and across all nest-searching plots. These netting subplots were sampled three times per breeding season, with 20–25 days before subplots were revisited. Nets at a station were deployed for 6 h, starting at dawn. Netting methods for the South Africa site are detailed in Lloyd et al. (2014). All birds captured were banded with numbered metal bands and three color bands (two bands per leg), except for recaptures, in which case the identity was noted. Color bands were used for resighting by nest searchers, who visited each nesting plot daily or every other day throughout 228 The American Naturalist the season. We conducted banding/resighting studies for 21 years in Arizona (1993–2013), 7 years in Venezuela (2002–2008), 5 years in Malaysia (2009–2013), and 7 years (2001–2007) in South Africa. We used these capture, recapture, and resighting data in Cormack-Jolly-Seber models to provide rigorous estimates of annual adult mortality probabilities across species (see “Statistical Analyses”). Statistical Analyses We calculated average 24-h egg temperature for each species as our metric of parental incubation effort. Mean egg temperature was calculated for each 24-h period after the probe started collecting data. Parental effort and temperature generally increase in an asymptotic fashion with age of the embryo, so we log10-transformed age (day of incubation) of the embryo. We obtained mean estimates of average 24-h egg temperature for each species from a linear mixed model, with egg identity as a random factor nested within species as a random factor, and with log-transformed age fitted as random slopes within species, thereby controlling for age effects in species estimates (Martin et al. 2013). This approach controlled for embryo age to provide an age-standardized estimate of 24-h egg temperature for each species (table 1) that was used in the statistical models described next. The same statistical approach was used for nest attentiveness (i.e., fig. 1). Daily nest predation rates (table 1) were estimated with the logistic exposure method (Shaffer 2004) based on R, version 3.0.3 for Windows (R Development Core Team, Vienna, Austria). The program RMark (Laake 2013) was used to estimate annual adult survival (F) and resighting (p) probabilities (White and Burnham 1999; Burnham and Anderson 2002). For each species, models were built with all additive combinations of F and p assumed to be either constant or sexspecific or to include a factor to account for transients based on the first year of capture versus all subsequent years. Thus, the global model was F (sex 1 transient) p (sex 1 transient). Sex in tropical sites included an unknown category because many species do not show sexual dimorphism and many individuals were not in breeding condition when captured. Parameter estimates (table 1) were based on averaging across all 16 models on the basis of model weights (Burnham and Anderson 2002) for all species except those in the South Africa site, where we used previous estimates (Lloyd et al. 2014). Annual adult mortality was obtained as 1 2 F. We examined the ability of adult mortality probability, daily nest predation rate, and log10 mass to explain variation in average 24-h egg temperature and the ability of all four to explain variation in length of embryonic periods, with data for these analyses deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.km646 (Mar- tin et al. 2015a). We included these variables as covariates in a phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analysis, with sites treated as n 2 1 dummy variables. We used fixed-factor models because we expected predictable differences among sites (i.e., fig. 1C). We tested whether aerial foragers as a dummy variable (yes/no) explained additional variation, given that aerial foragers can show lower adult mortality and parental effort (Martin 1995). However, the result was not close to significance in any analysis, and this variable was dropped from the models presented. We included adult body mass as a covariate because nest predation and adult mortality may be influenced by size (Roff 2002; Biancucci and Martin 2010) and because larger birds may also be able to stay on the nest more and keep eggs warmer (Martin et al. 2007). We obtained mass from birds captured in our capture-recapture efforts. We plotted the raw data because doing so allowed us to illustrate species by site. We corrected each covariate for the other covariates in plotting the standardized partial regressions. We did not correct for site effects in these partial-regression plots, to allow illustration of any site differences. We used an egg-transfer experiment (Martin et al. 2007) to quantify the relative proportion of variation in embryonic periods among species that could be attributed to temperature effects. Previously, we simply showed that embryonic periods changed with swaps, but we did not examine whether the magnitude of the change was related to the magnitude of temperature difference (see Martin et al. 2007). We do the latter here, with data for these analyses deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi .org/10.5061/dryad.km646 (Martin et al. 2015a). We regressed the average change in embryonic period of transferred eggs and those from their natal nests against the average difference in egg temperatures for the pair of species included in the swap experiment. We did not measure egg temperature in the individual nests used in swaps, and so we could use only differences in average egg temperatures of species. We excluded one transfer (P. capensis into D. caffra) included in the original report (i.e., Martin et al. 2007) because the egg was transferred on the third day after incubation started for D. caffra. Inclusion of this transfer did not change the significance of the results. Here, we also estimated the relative importance of temperature as the cause of differences in duration of embryonic periods between species. We did this by dividing the change in embryonic period of the transferred egg by the observed difference in embryonic periods between the host and natal nests and multiplying the result by 100, and we took the mean across all swaps. This provided the percentage of the difference in embryonic periods between species used in the swaps that could be attributed to temperature. We corrected for possible phylogenetic effects (Felsenstein 1985) by using the APE (Paradis et al. 2004) and Mortality and Parental Effort caper (Orme 2013) packages in R, version 3.0.3 for Windows (R Development Core Team, Vienna, Austria). Phylogenetic trees were obtained from www.birdtree.org (Jetz et al. 2012) with the Hackett et al. (2008) backbone and were imported into the program Mesquite (Maddison and Maddison 2011), where they were ultrametricized, and a majority-rules consensus tree based on 500 trees was constructed (fig. A1). This consensus tree was then used in phylogenetically controlled analyses that incorporate Pagel’s l (Pagel 1992) to transform branch lengths and reduce overcorrection for phylogenetic effects (Symonds and Blomberg 2014). We first calculated the maximum likelihood estimate of Pagel’s l (Pagel 1992) by using the APE package rather than caper, because caper does not provide estimates of l < 0 (Orme 2013). We conducted phylogenetic general least squares (PGLS) analyses with the caper package because it provides overall effect sizes (R2) of the models and optimizes branch-length transformations such that it sets a Bayesian prior for l < 0 at 0, while delta and gamma were set to 1 in all cases. Results A model examining covariance of annual adult mortality probability with nest predation rates while controlling for adult mass among sites yielded an estimated l of 20.466. A negative l suggests that traits are less similar among near relatives than among more distant relatives. This is true of our data because of the divergence between latitudes in traits of near relatives (see Martin et al. 2000; Martin 2002; Martin and Schwabl 2008). For example, northtemperate members of Parulidae (Cardellina rubrifrons) and Passerellidae (Junco hyemalis) have similar adult mortality probabilities of 0.429 and 0.433, respectively (table 1). Similarly, tropical members of Parulidae (Myioborus miniatus) and Passerellidae (Arremon brunneinucha) have similar adult mortality probabilities of 0.208 and 0.198, respectively (table 1). Thus, species in different avian families had more similar mortality estimates within a latitude than do confamilial species among latitudes. The negative l, therefore, reflects that environmental conditions (i.e., latitude) are more important than phylogeny in expression of these traits, and l should be set to 0 to reflect this minimal phylogenetic influence. With l set at 0, annual adult mortality probability differed among sites, being highest in the north-temperate Arizona site, but adult mortality was not correlated with nest predation rates or adult mass (nest predation rate: t1, 57 p 21.12, P p .27; log10 mass: t1, 57 p 0.145, P p .89; site (South Africa): t1, 57 p 24.13, P < .001; site (Venezuela): t1, 57 p 27.29, P < .001; site (Malaysia): t1, 57 p 26.87, P < .001; R2 p 0.63). Thus, annual adult mortality probability and nest predation rates were not confounded in 229 analyses, but both varied extensively within and among sites (table 1) to provide a strong basis for testing their possible influences on parental effort. The l was also estimated as negative (20.212) in a model for embryonic temperature with adult mortality probability, nest predation, mass, and site. The negative l again reflects that near relatives diverged across latitudes, with embryonic temperature often being more similar among unrelated species in the same latitude than among near relatives across latitudes (table 1; also Martin and Schwabl 2008). With l set at 0, adult mortality probability and nest predation rates explained extensive variation in embryonic temperatures, after body mass and site were accounted for (R2 p 0.86; fig. 2; table 2A). Long-lived species with low adult mortality exhibited lower parental effort, reflected in cooler embryonic temperatures. Adults of long-lived species spent more time off the nest, which caused embryos to cool to lower minimum temperatures and for longer periods compared with shorter-lived species, even when tropical species were compared with north-temperate species (fig. 2C). In addition, species with lower adult mortality also did not warm eggs to as high a maximum temperature as did shorter-lived species (note the highest, and nighttime, temperatures relative to the reference line at 367C in fig. 2C). The result of longer and cooler off-bouts, as well as cooler temperatures when on the nest, yielded lower average temperatures in longer-lived species (see fig. 2A, 2C). Average embryonic temperatures differed among sites (table 2A) and reflected a general regional pattern, with north-temperate species generally at the high end, southtemperate species in the middle, and species from the two tropical sites at the low end (fig. 2A). Nest predation risk explained additional variation in parental incubation effort, after we controlled for adult mortality effects (fig. 2B; table 2A). Ultimately, adult and offspring (nest) mortality explained most of the variation in parental effort manifested as egg temperature (fig. 2; table 2A). These age-specific influences on parental effort become particularly important if embryonic temperature influences embryonic development. The l was estimated as 20.610 for embryonic development time modeled with average egg temperature, adult mortality, nest predation, body mass, and site. The negative l reflects the strong divergence in embryonic development time between latitudes for related species (Martin 2002; Martin and Schwabl 2008), again indicating that environmental effects are more important than phylogenetic ones for embryonic development time. Indeed, with l set at 0, embryonic development time was strongly related to average egg temperature across species (fig. 3A; table 2B). Adult mortality, nest predation rates, and adult mass did not explain any additional variation in embryonic development time after egg temperature was ac- The American Naturalist 1 Embryonic temperature (°C) A 1 – Turdus migratorius C 36 1 28 0 2 20 2 – Apalis thoracica -1 3 36 Arizona South Africa -2 Malaysia Venezuela 4 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 28 0.2 20 Adult mortality probability 3 – Synallaxis cinnamomea 36 Embryonic temperature (°C) 2 B 28 1 2 20 4 – Pellorneum pyrrogenys 36 0 3 Embryonic temperature (°C) 230 1 28 -1 20 4 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 Nest predation rate 0.06 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 Hour of the day Figure 2: Embryonic temperature and age-specific mortality across 63 bird species from tropical and temperate sites. A, Embryonic temperature is higher in species with higher annual adult mortality probability, when corrected for daily nest predation rates and log10 mass. B, Embryonic temperature is also higher in species with higher daily nest predation risk, when corrected for annual adult mortality probability and log10 mass. C, Examples of egg temperature variation across 48 h (0 p midnight) for days 3 and 4 of the embryonic period for a representative species from each of the four sites. The white downward spikes occur when parents leave the nest and eggs cool. Longer-lived tropical species commonly take longer off-bouts that cause eggs to cool more and also do not warm eggs as much as north-temperate species (compare high temperatures to the reference line at 367C, especially at night around midnight). Numbers in A and B correspond to species in C. Site was not taken into account for these figures to allow illustration of differences among sites. counted for (table 2B). Moreover, the strong divergence in embryonic periods among latitudinal sites largely disappeared once effects of the equally strong divergences in egg temperature were taken into account (table 2B). The causal importance of temperature for embryonic periods was clearly demonstrated by the transfer experiment: the average change in embryonic period of transferred eggs was highly predicted by the average change in temperature between natal and host species (fig. 3B). Moreover, the average change in embryonic period due to temperature across all swaps accounted for 60.4% 5 4.5% of the difference in embryonic periods between natal and host nests, leaving Mortality and Parental Effort 231 Table 2: Overall model effect size (R2) and coefficients (B) and their standard errors, t values, degrees of freedom, and significance for 63 songbird species from Arizona, South Africa, Venezuela, and Malaysia Variable A. Average 24-h egg temperature as dependent variable: Adult mortality probability Nest predation rate Log10 body mass Site (South Africa) Site (Venezuela) Site (Malaysia) Error B. Embryonic period as dependent variable: Average 24-h egg temperature Adult mortality probability Nest predation rate Log10 body mass Site (South Africa) Site (Venezuela) Site (Malaysia) Error B (SE) t df P 7.23 (.634) 15.37 (2.77) .421 (.179) .178 (.266) .234 (.194) 2.456 (.200) 11.40 5.55 2.35 .67 1.21 22.28 1 1 1 1 1 1 56 !.001 !.001 .022 .51 .23 .027 22.17 (.29) 1.79 (2.53) 4.77 (7.53) .54 (.410) 2.400 (.584) .853 (.429) 2.368 (.458) 27.44 .71 .63 1.32 2.68 1.99 2.80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 !.001 .48 .53 .19 .50 .052 .43 Note: R2 p 0.86 for both A and B. Significance is from phylogenetic generalized least squares analysis using the caper package (Orme 2013). 39.6% 5 4.5% due to intrinsic and other unmeasured influences on development rates. Discussion The consistently negative l’s estimated in the phylogenetic analyses indicated that the traits explored here were labile and more strongly influenced by environmental than by phylogenetic effects. Indeed, age-specific mortality explained an extensive amount of variation in songbird parental care strategies across the world (fig. 2; table 2A). The increase in parental incubation effort in species with greater adult mortality (i.e., fig. 2A) follows from life-history theory and empirical evidence of other parental traits, such as fecundity (e.g., Williams 1966; Crowl and Covich 1990; Reznick et al. 1990, 1996; Barbraud and Weimerskirch 2001; Martin 2002, 2014). In contrast, the increase in parental effort in species with greater nest predation risk (i.e., fig. 2B) is opposite to this theory. Instead, the results follow from expectations for reducing risk via shortened embryonic periods and shortened exposure to predators (Weathers and Sullivan 1989; Martin 2002; Fontaine and Martin 2006). Early theory considered the effects of juvenile mortality on energy expenditure versus self-maintenance within the context of increased self-maintenance allowing increased within-season or between-season iteroparity (e.g., Williams 1966; Murphy 1968; Hirshfield and Tinkle 1975; Law 1979; Michod 1979; Charlesworth 1994). This theory did not take into account the possibility that parental effort could reduce the risk of the current effort, via shortening of the period of risk. Thus, theory concerning the effects of age-specific mortality for parental effort has to consider not only the costs to the parents, in terms of residual reproductive value, but also the potential benefits of reduced current offspring mortality risk. The benefits of increased parental effort for reducing exposure time to nest predation risk depend on a causal influence of parentally induced temperature on development time. Our swapping experiments, as well as other experiments, demonstrate that parental effort in warming eggs is a clear causal influence on embryonic development time (fig. 3; also see Martin et al. 2007; Du et al. 2009; Nord and Nilsson 2011; Hepp and Kennamer 2012). Indeed, temperature accounted for a strong proportion (i.e., 60%) of the difference in development time between species (see “Results”; fig. 3B). The relative influence of temperature on development time is important to understand because temperature effects on development time have opposing effects on offspring quality, compared with intrinsic effects. Longer (i.e., slower) development time that is caused by intrinsic mechanisms can yield benefits to offspring quality and adult longevity (McCay 1933; Ricklefs 1993, 2006; Arendt 1997; Rollo 2002; Metcalfe and Monaghan 2003; Kim et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013). In contrast, longer development periods that are primarily caused by cooler temperatures do not yield higher-quality offspring or lower mortality within species (Hare et al. 2004; Ardia et al. 2010; Nord and Nilsson 2011; DuRant et al. 2012; Hepp and Kennamer 2012). Instead, these extrinsic temperature effects can mask physiological benefits of slower 232 The American Naturalist Embryonic period (d) 20 A 18 embryonic period of transferred egg in host nest natal nest 16 tra ns 14 12 10 32.5 fer Arizona South Africa Malaysia Venezuela 33.0 33.5 } } 34.0 34.5 35.0 35.5 36.0 temperature effect intrinsic effect host nest 36.5 Change in embryonic period (d) Embryonic temperature (°C) B 1 0 -1 -2 -3 r = -0.94, P < 0.001 -1 0 1 2 Egg temperature difference (mean host spp − mean natal spp) Figure 3: Effects of temperature on embryonic periods of 63 bird species from tropical and temperate sites. A, Embryonic period is strongly correlated with average 24-h egg temperature. The open triangle is hypothetical to illustrate the egg-transfer experiment. An egg from the natal nest is transferred to the host nest, and the change in embryonic period is reflected by the hypothetical triangle, where the embryonic period is shorter than that for eggs in the natal nest but still longer than that for eggs in the nest of the host species. Site was not taken into account to allow illustration of differences among sites. B, Change in embryonic period of a transferred egg relative to that in its natal nest versus the difference between the average egg temperatures of the natal and host species. The change in embryonic period is an average for each pair of species, as is the temperature difference. intrinsic development (Martin and Schwabl 2008; Martin et al. 2013). Indeed, variation in embryonic periods was not explained by physiological processes such as metabolic rates of embryos (Martin et al. 2013), nor did it explain variation in offspring quality as measured by immune function (Palacios and Martin 2006; Martin et al. 2011) when embryonic temperature was not considered (also see Ardia et al. 2010; DuRant et al. 2012; Arriero et al. 2013). When embryonic temperature is taken into account, physiological processes such as metabolism explained residual variation in embryonic periods (Martin et al. 2013) and accounted for variation in offspring immune response (Martin et al. 2011). These residual intrinsic effects make sense, given that the egg-transfer experiment demonstrated that intrinsic and other unmeasured effects accounted for ∼40% of the difference in development times between species (see “Results”). In short, physiological processes explained some of the variation in length of embryonic period and offspring quality, but only once larger temperature effects were taken into account. Yet adult mortality was not related to embryonic time after embryonic temperature was accounted for (table 2B), suggesting that residual intrinsic effects on embryonic development time do not account for the broad variation in adult mortality among species. Similarly, development rates of postnatal offspring (i.e., Mortality and Parental Effort after hatching) explained no variation in adult mortality during a stage when temperature is much less important (Martin et al. 2015b). The inability to explain variation in adult mortality by intrinsic influences on development may result from selection acting on several potential trade-offs (fig. 4). The probability of the nest being discovered by a predator increases with each day the eggs remain in the nest, which can favor the faster embryonic development observed across species with higher nest predation risk (e.g., Martin 2002; Martin et al. 2007; Remeš 2007). Faster development may be accomplished through physiological processes that can affect offspring quality and adult mortality (e.g., Arendt 1997; Billerbeck et al. 2001; Metcalfe and Monaghan 2003; Ricklefs 2006; Lee et al. 2013). Yet adult mortality may be influenced more strongly by environmental influences, such as predation, migration, or non–breeding season stressors (e.g., Rowley and Russell 1991; Sillett and Holmes 2002; Evans et al. 2006; Turbill et al. 2011), than by physiological costs of growth and development (see Martin et al. 2015b). Indeed, shortening development time through warmer temperatures, rather than physiological processes, may reduce impacts of faster intrinsic development on offspring quality (e.g., Martin and Schwabl 2008; Martin et al. 2011). Still, the effort in warming eggs to achieve this faster development represents an energetic cost to parents (e.g., Vleck 1981; Moreno and Carlson 1989; Williams 1996) that can create a cost of reproduction (Visser and Lessells 2001). Increased incubation effort may also expose parents to increased risk of predation on themselves (Magrath 1988; Arnold et al. 2012). Ultimately, increased parental effort to warm eggs and reduce exposure time of embryos to nest predators must be balanced against the risks to adult mortality. Life-history theory predicts that longer-lived species should reduce these potential costs through reduced incubation time and effort, as we found here (fig. 2). The clear interaction of both nest predation and annual adult mortality in explaining paren- Adult mortality 233 tal effort in warming eggs (fig. 2), despite their lack of covariance (see “Results”), and the influence of both temperature (fig. 3) and intrinsic processes (see “Results”) on embryonic time suggest interaction of all of these effects (fig. 4). The extensive variation in parental time warming eggs within and across diverse geographic regions (fig. 1) also can have unrecognized consequences with respect to climate change. Species with low adult mortality spend the least amount of time on the nest and expose their embryos to ambient temperature much more than species with high adult mortality (fig. 2A, 2C). As a result, embryos of these species experience the largest consequences of changes in ambient temperature. Given that tropical birds commonly have the lowest adult mortality, associated with the lowest parental effort and greatest exposure of embryos to ambient temperature (fig. 2A, 2C), they are the most exposed to the potential impacts of increased ambient temperatures during this life stage. This exposure could yield benefits under global warming, given that warmer temperatures during off-bouts may provide physiological benefits and cause shorter embryonic periods that reduce exposure time to predation. Ultimately, parental incubation effort exhibited broad geographic patterns that covaried with age-specific mortality across diverse songbird taxa (figs. 1, 2). The ability of age-specific mortality to explain extensive variation in parental effort in warming eggs (fig. 2) is a unique result that follows from life-history theory (e.g., Williams 1966; Michod 1979; Charlesworth 1994; Martin 2002, 2014). It also provides evidence of a possible causal mechanism for explaining broad geographic patterns in life-history variation. At the same time, the trade-offs between costs of parental effort to residual reproductive value and benefits of greater parental effort for reduced nest predation and increased offspring quality (fig. 4) could use further exploration and modeling. Parental Effort Embryonic period length Nest predation Physiological processes Figure 4: Adult and offspring (nest predation) mortalities interact to influence both parental effort in warming eggs and intrinsic physiological processes, both of which influence embryonic period length. As a result, embryonic period length can influence adult mortality because of physiological trade-offs and can influence nest predation risk because of the length of time exposed to predators. 234 The American Naturalist Acknowledgments We are grateful to S. Ducatez, L. Kruuk, J. LaManna, M. Symonds, H. A. Woods, and our lab for helpful comments on the manuscript. We are also grateful to M. Lakim, Sabah Parks, and the Sabah Biodiversity Centre for their help in Malaysia; G. Greeff, Eskom, and the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board in South Africa; and C. Bosque, the Instituto Nacional de Parques, and the Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología y Innovación (Fonacit) in Venezuela. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grants DEB-0841764, DEB-1241041, and IOS1349178), and the US Geological Survey Climate Change Research Program. This work was conducted under the auspices of University of Montana Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee protocol 059-10TMMCWRU. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government. Literature Cited Abrams, J., and G. C. Eickwort. 1981. Nest switching and guarding by the communal sweat bee Agapostemon virescens (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). 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