PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Department of Theatre AUDITION REQUEST FORM Audition Date: Name: Address: Telephone: High School Attended: Drama/Speech Teacher: G.P.A: Class Rank: SAT or ACT Test Scores: Expected Enrollment Date: Summer I: Summer II: Fall: Spring: Are you aware of the THEA requirements? Yes: No: Have you taken the THEA test? No: If yes, please indicate (P) Pass or (F) Fail: Yes: Reading Writing Math PLEASE NOTE: Students recommended for Theatre Arts Scholarships are selected on a competitive basis. Prospective students are invited to the campus, interviewed, and auditioned. Students recommended for Theatre Arts Scholarships are expected to major in Theatre Arts, remain in the program, and graduate in the same field. Should the student change his/her major, the scholarship will be forfeited. Each Theatre Arts Scholarship recipient is required to participate in the activities of the program as outlined by the Theatre Arts Coordinator. Scholarships are given on a semester basis and students must meet the guidelines each semester in order to continue as scholarship recipients. Students awarded Theatre Arts Scholarships are to maintain 12 semester credit hours each semester and a GPA of 2.5-3.0. Only one probationary status will be given to students who fail to meet established guidelines. Achievement of Theatre Arts Scholarship recipients is reviewed each semester and annually to determine if students have met and maintained the required standards. If a student is found to be insufficient in productivity, the recommendation will be that scholarship is withdrawn. Students are assigned an immediate forfeiture status if any university rules are violated. Students must complete all scholarship documents before any funds are applied to University fees. 1 Place an “X” by any that apply to your interests and/or prior experience: Actor/Actress: serious comedic character musical theatre Singer: soprano alto tenor baritone bass Technician: scenary sound lights props wardrobe Designer: lights sound scene/set makeup costume Musician: brass keyboard percussion reeds strings Management: stage manager Special: playwright production manager: mime choreographer theatre/box office: public affairs Audition Material. List Character, Play/Song Title and Author. Monologue #1: Monologue #2: Vocal/ Song: Dance Routine: Instrumental: Portfolio. List Names of productions. Designs and renderings must be presented in a portfolio. Scene / Set Design: Costume Design: Light Design: Recommendation. List the name and contact information for two people (former teacher, theater coaches, non-family member) that we may contact as about your role as a student and performer. Name: Name: Relationship: Relationship: Phone #: Phone #: Email: Email: 2 Experience How many years have you been in theatre? List any training you have received outside of High School. List the plays you have been in and the character portrayed: List the honors and awards you have received in Theatre Arts: List any special skills or abilities you possess or any other relevant experience you have had that you feel enhances you as a performer or technician. 3