CENTRAL WISCONSIN Sustainability Newsletter November 2012 Calendar Update Greetings, The newsletter's primary purpose is to help people learn about events and initiatives related to sustainability in Central Wisconsin. This issue includes a November 2012 calendar update. Thanks to Christine Weseloh from Sustainable Stockton for compiling these events! If you know someone who would like to receive the Central Wisconsin Sustainability Newsletter by email, they can sign up by sending an email to lmarkham@uwsp.edu with “Subscribe to CWSN” in the subject line. Upcoming Events: November 3, 6 pm – 10 pm Farmer Tribute Dinner Bernard’s County Inn Restaurant, 701 2nd Street North, Stevens Point Central Rivers Farmshed invites you to attend the Farmer Tribute Harvest Dinner – a night of local food, live music, silent auction, and kid’s activities. This is a great opportunity to show your support for the community and our farmers! This event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Proceeds from this fundraising event will go toward Farmshed initiatives. For ticket prices and information, call 715-544-6154, email info@farmshed.org, or stop in at 1220 Briggs Court. November 8, 7 pm The Film Series Continues… Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd., Custer Vanishing of the Bees is a bee’s knees of a documentary film which follows two friends who are commercial bee keepers as they work to solve the mystery of why a hive full of bees would be evacuated in a matter of days. When, from 2006-2011, U.S. beekeepers were losing 33% of their hives per year, it came to be known as Colony Collapse Disorder. The bees were disappearing without leaving a trace. Amazingly the two bee-keeper-sleuths in the film, through careful observation and logical reasoning, come to the same conclusion as the most recently published findings of controlled studies. Come to see this documentary film to watch the beekeepers close in on the culprit. Since 30% of our food requires bees to provide their pollination services in order to grow, it might be a good idea to understand more about both the problem and the solutions to Colony Collapse Disorder. A panel including Holly Petrillo, an entomologist from UWSP and a local beekeeper, will be prepared to answer any questions after the film. Free popcorn will be provided, as always. BYO beverage, or soda, along with Central Waters beer, will be available for sale. Call Mary at 715-592-4051 with questions. The event is co-sponsored by Sustainable Stockton, the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) and Sustainable Agricultural Communities Society (SACS). November 13, 6:30 pm Monthly Potluck Series The Greenhouse Project, 1220 Briggs Court, Stevens Point We invite you to create and bring a dish to share with others, based on the identified theme. The theme in November is Chili! Please label your masterpiece: vegetarian, gluten free, vegan, etc. and don’t forget a serving utensil! While all of the ingredients for your dish may not be locally sourced, please consider purchasing from your local producers whenever possible! We also want to keep our waste to a minimum. We encourage everyone to bring their own silverware, plate, bowl, and cup (we will have something available if you forget). Better yet, stop by a thrift store and pick up a set to donate, then in a couple of months we’ll be able to host lots of people without supplying disposables! November 15, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Food Forest Gardening through Permaculture Principles Lettie Jensen Community Center, 487 North Main Street, Amherst You are invited to a free lecture on food forest gardening by Kate Heiber-Cobb, owner of Sustainability on Stilts, and Frank Hassler, Ecologist and CEO of Good Oak Ecological Services. The event is co-sponsored by the Lettie Jensen Community Center, the Village of Amherst Tree Board, and a Wisconsin Urban Forestry Grant. November 29, 7 pm Bill McKibben presents Global Warming's Terrifying New Math Madison Masonic Center, Madison, WI Clean Wisconsin and the Doug La Follette Environmental Speakers Program are excited to bring Bill McKibben to Madison on Thursday, November 29 to give an energizing presentation on the 'new math' of climate change: what is happening, how much time we have, and what we can do about it. When: Thursday, November 29, 7:00 pm Where: The Madison Masonic Center, 301 Wisconsin Avenue Street and ramp parking available Cost: $10. Purchase tickets at: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4366389990 Calling all student activists: Please add your name to this form to receive a free student ticket! In the meantime, see Bill's recent article in Rolling Stone http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/global-warmings-terrifying-new-math20120719 5 pm, Meet Bill before the Presentation! There will be a pre-event reception for friends of Clean Wisconsin at the Masonic Center from 5-6:30 pm. Your $15 donation gets you in the door, hors d'oeuvres, a chance to meet Bill and socialize with Clean Wisconsin staff and friends. We hope you can make it! Cost: $15. All proceeds benefit Clean Wisconsin. To attend, please RSVP to Jenny at jlynes@cleanwisconsin.org. Payment will be accepted at the door. Please note: You must still buy a ticket at the link above to attend the main event! About the event: This Fall, Bill McKibben and 350.org are going on tour across America to build the movement we need to face the crisis of climate change. On Nov. 29, Bill will be in Madison to lay out the new math of climate change, explaining the incredible odds we face, and the difficult path we must walk in the coming years to create a livable future for our planet. Bill will be joined by friends from across the climate movement and beyond to explain how together we can confront the fossil fuel industry, using lessons from the most successful movements of the past century and the past year of dramatic new actions against the industry across the country. Visit math.350.org for more information about the tour. Event produced in partnership with Clean Wisconsin. Free Six-Month Membership to Aldo Leopold Audubon Society, Central Wisconsin Chapter The Aldo Leopold Audubon Society (ALAS) is offering a free sixmonth membership to their group. You can learn about this central Wisconsin chapter on their website at http://www.aldoleopoldaudubon.org This group works on habitat preservation and bird education. For free membership, all you need to do is send John Munson an email at barbjohn@charter.net and ask to be included in the free membership trial. He will send you newsletters and invite you to the public meetings and field trips. You will learn about the chapter and activities. In May, you will be asked if you would like to become a new member for the $25 annual fee. The Central Wisconsin Sustainability Newsletter is a project of the Center for Land Use Education (CLUE), a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin-Extension. CLUE’s mission is to create learning opportunities for communities to help them make sound land use decisions that result in a sustainable Wisconsin.