post P INNEY

9 9 8 9 C O N C O R D ROA D * D U B L I N, O H I O
Important Events
October 4th
3rd Grade Reading OAA
October 12th & 13th
Dad’s & Doughnuts
Last Name:
(A-M) Oct. 12th
(N-Z) Oct. 13th
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Please Park on Playground
Oct. 13th * 10:00-11:00 a.m.
PTO General Meeting
Pinney Commons
October 18th & 20th
Parent Conference Nights
4:30-8:15 p.m.
Celebrating 10 Years
of Excellence
Pinney Website
43017 * 614-798-3570
October 2011
Please check out the Eli Pinney website for school calendar events and
other important information. Scan the QR code above to access.
Greetings Pinney families!
I would like to thank all of our parents, students, and visitors who joined the
celebration at Community Pizza Night on Friday, September 23rd. The Jerome
Marching Band and cheerleading squad highlighted the evening followed by
lots of fun events for our students. Thursday October 6th is our annual trip to
Leed’s Farm. We hope to have another great community night with our
We have one of the best school districts in the state. Our district is once again
Excellent with Distinction, is the highest achieving in Franklin County this year,
and is providing our children with the educational opportunities they deserve.
Issue 15 on the Nov. 8 ballot is a 7.97-mill combined operating levy
and bond issue. It will operate our district through June 2016 and is
not being collected until January 2013. Here are some key things for
you to remember.
-This issue is not for new programs, it simply maintains what we have.
-The state government is taking nearly $11-million from Dublin City
Schools over the next two years.
-All of the revenue generated by Issue 15 stays in our district.
-Dublin City Schools has tightened its belt by cutting spending by almost $16-million since 2007.
-Our Board has kept its promise to operate the district through June
Please remember to vote on November 8.
Go Panthers!
Troy Ehrsam, Principal
AM Preschool
AM Kindergarten
Grades 1-5
School Start Times
9:05-11:35 am
9:28-11:58 am
9:28-3:58 pm
PM Preschool
1:15-3:45 pm
PM Kindergarten
1:28-3:58 pm
Latchkey (7:05 a.m. start & 6:00 p.m. end)
Office Communication
• Students may not enter the building until 9:18 a.m. daily. If you are dropping children off in
the morning, please walk them through the front entrance. They are not permitted to enter
through the side door until 9:18 a.m.
• Call the office or the automated attendance line (718-8960) if your child is going to be absent
or late. Please send in a note if your child is signing out early for an appointment. Thank
• If your child is going to be absent from school, we would appreciate a phone call before 9:30
a.m. of that day. Ohio state law does require us to now have a written note upon a child’s
return to school after an absence of any kind. An absence form can be found in the
downloads section of our Pinney website (Absence Notification Form). We would appreciate
your help by sending in this form, or a note explaining the absence upon your child’s return
to school. It is also important that you know that absences due to a family-planned vacation
are no longer excused absences.
• All phone number changes should take place at the building level. Please do not call the
district office to change your contact information. Please call the Pinney office for questions
• Send in a note if your child’s end of the day arrangements change. Without a note, we will
follow typical end of day routine.
• Both students need a note giving parent permission when bringing home a friend. New
“Note to School” pads can be picked up in the office.
• Write your child’s first and last name on the inside of lunch boxes, backpacks, jackets and
other items so that we can return them if lost. All lost and found items will be donated to
Welcome Warehouse at the end of each trimester.
• Give the buses the right of way during arrival and dismissal. No cars in the bus loop during
the following times (8:45-9:15 a.m. & 3:45-4:15 p.m.)
• Be patient in the pick-up line at the end of the day. Cars need to remain in a single file line to
pick up students. Also, please drop off your child at the sidewalk or side door in the
morning. A Pinney staff member will monitor the side door beginning at 9:15 a.m. daily. We
do not want children walking through cars and/or traffic. Student safety is our priority.
• Check your child’s backpack frequently.
Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan
• Keep your child home when sick. Our guidelines ask for a 24-hour symptom-free period
(fever, vomiting, etc). Keeping a sick child home an extra day usually does the trick and helps
prevent the spread of illness.
• Please remember that parents are responsible for supplying their child’s medication
(prescription and over-the-counter). Mrs. Slack can give medication such as Advil, Tylenol,
cough drops to students, but it must be sent in by parents with the appropriate paperwork.
Also, elementary children cannot self-carry medication. Please stop in or contact Mrs. Slack to
pick up forms or if you have any questions regarding clinic procedures.
• Cough drops are to be kept in the clinic. Students are not permitted to carry cough drops
during the school day.
• It is imperative that all medication is sent into school in its original container, not in a plastic
bag. A small medication bottle would be preferred.
• Please make sure to call the school if you change phone numbers. This information is vital
as we often need to contact a parent(s) if there is an injury or illness. When listing someone
as an emergency contact, please make sure it is a local person who would be able to pick up
an ill child.
• When leaving a message on the attendance line, please provide any symptoms your child
has such as student's temperature, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, vomiting,
diarrhea, etc. Please also include if your child has been seen by a doctor or travelled abroad.
Counselor Corner with
Mrs. Leslie Cellar
During the month of October, I will visit each classroom, grades K-5, for one guidance
lesson. The lessons will focus on Personal Safety/Space (KG-1), Self-confidence (2nd ),
Responsibility (3rd), Friendship (4th), and Bullying (5th).
In kindergarten, we will read and discuss Kindergators, Hands Off Harry! by Rosemary
Wells. With the use of bubbles, we will discuss how everyone's space bubble is different. We will talk about appropriate times and ways to use physical touch.
In first grade, we will read and discuss Personal Space Camp, by Julia Cook. Through an
activity with hula-hoops, students will recognize their own, as well as others, personal
space and we will discuss appropriate times and ways to use physical touch.
In second grade, we will read and discuss Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon, by Patty Lovell.
Each student will then write one positive self-statement.
In third grade, we will begin with a brainstorming session on ways that 3rd graders are
responsible. We will then read and discuss Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie, by
Laura Rankin.
In fourth grade, students will be paired up and asked to come up with positive and
negative friendship qualities and challenged to think about the people they choose to
surround themselves with. We will then read and discuss Our Friendship Rules, by
Peggy Moss. Students will again work in pairs to come up with and share their own
ideas about what “friendship rules” should look like.
In fifth grade, we will begin with a discussion of leadership, what is it and how does it
apply to us. We will then discuss ways we can be a leader in bullying situations. What
do you do when you are being bullied? When you are the bystander? When you are the
bully? Students will work in small groups to create skits that show an example of bullying and at least one way to address it.
I always encourage communication with families. Please feel free to contact me anytime
at or 718-8953. You can also access my website anytime
PTO & Parent Information
• “Child Find” is the process of locating, evaluating, and identifying children with disabilities who may
be in need of special education and related services. Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, childcare providers, physicians, and concerned citizens are encouraged to help school districts
find any child, ages birth – 21, who may have a disability and are in need of special education and related services. If you suspect a child may have a disability, help is available. Please contact:
Department of Student Services, Dublin City Schools 7030 Coffman Road Dublin, OH 43017-1068
Phone: 614-764-5913 Fax: 614-761-5899 <>
<> is offering programs for the 2011-2012
school year. Contact Mary Ann Grimes <> with details.
• Dr. Michele Borba, parenting expert, will be coming to Dublin to speak on November 10, at
7:00pm, and November 11, at 10:00am. Below are a few of her books where you will find
valuable parenting information. An informational flyer is also enclosed in the “Pinney Post”.
No More Misbehavin': 38 Difficult Behaviors and
How to Stop Them This book gives great strategies to help children that have challenges with
anger, biting, bossiness, bullying, defiance,
homework battles, lying, poor sportsmanship,
sibling battles, stealing, swearing, talking back,
whining, temper tantrums, and many more.
Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me: The
Top 25 Friendship Problems and How to
Solve Them Learn how to teach your child
the 25 most essential friendshipbuilding
skills that kids need to find, make, and keep
friends, as well as survive that social pressure from peers.
* October - November * ELI PINNEY ELEMENTARY
* You can also check out the Pinney calendar on the website for updated events and times.
Mon. Oct 3-Wed. Oct 5
Book Fair
Tues., Oct. 4
Innisbrook Fundraiser Kick-off
Tues., Oct. 4
3rd Gr. Reading OAA
Thurs., Oct. 6
Fall Festival (Rescheduled from 9/30) Leed’s Farm
Tues., Oct. 11
Student Council Meeting
Rm. 234
Wed., Oct. 12
Dad’s & Doughnuts
Wed., Oct. 12
Market Day pick-up
Thurs., Oct. 13
Dad’s & Doughnuts
Thurs., Oct. 13
Kdg Field Trip
Blendon Woods
Thurs., Oct. 13
PTO General Meeting
Thurs., Oct 13
District Speech & Language Dept.
Community Ed. Night
Thomas ES
Mon., Oct. 17
Picture Retakes
Tues., Oct. 18
AM-Preschool Field Trip
Jacquemin Farms
Tues., Oct. 18
Conference Night
Thurs., Oct. 20
Conference Night
Thurs., Oct 27
APE Field Trip
Field Sports
Fri., Oct. 28
NO SCHOOL - Conf. Comp. Time
Mon., Oct. 31
Harvest Parties (AM Kdg/1st/2nd)
Mon., Oct. 31
Harvest Parties (AM Preschool)
Mon., Oct. 31
Harvest Parties (PM Kdg/3rd-5th)
Mon., Oct. 31
Harvest Party (PM Preschool)
Thurs., Nov. 3
Tues., Nov. 8
Tues., Nov. 8
Wed., Nov. 9
Wed., Nov. 9
Wed., Nov. 9
All Day
Identity Project Event
Cols Museum of Art 6:00-8:00pm
Election Day
All Day
Student Council Meeting
Rm. 234
Dublin Healthy Youth Family Night
Market Day pick-up
District Speech & Language Dept.
Community Ed. Night
Wright ES
Thurs., Nov. 10
PTO General Meeting
Thurs., Nov. 10
Michelle Borba Parent Presentation Scottish Corners ES 7:00-8:00pm
Fri., Nov. 11
Michelle Borba Parent Presentation Glacier Ridge ES
Mon, Nov. 14-Fri. Nov. 18 Spirit Week
Wed., Nov. 16
4th Gr. Field Trip
Ohio Statehouse
Wed., Nov. 16
PTO Reading Night
Fri., Nov. 18
End of 1st Trimester
Tues., Nov. 22
AM Kdg Thanksgiving Celebration Commons
Tues., Nov. 22
PM Kdg Thanksgiving Celebration Commons
Wed. Nov. 23-Fri. Nov. 25 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Wed., Nov. 30
2nd & 4th Gr. OLSAT
Harvest Party Information
We are looking forward to the Harvest Parties on Monday, October 31.
Look for the specific times in the enclosed calendar.
Please consider the appropriateness of your child’s costume choice. Simulated weapons or
any other dangerous costume parts should be left at home. Children will need to have clear
vision and movement in their costumes. Grim and violent costumes can scare young children
and should be reserved for trick or treating in the neighborhood.
Classroom Parties
Room parents and volunteers are planning the parties. Parents who are helping with the party
will sign in when they enter the classroom and will be able to take their children home if they
sign them out at the end of the party. Sign in and sign out sheets will be available in every
The classrooms can be very crowded during the Harvest Parties. We need room in classrooms
for students to participate in the activities planned by parent volunteers. In the past, we have
had just as many parents in the classroom as students. That’s too crowded. We hope to limit
the number of adults in the classroom to those specific parents who have organized and are
running the parties.
Please park in the side lot rather than parking on Concord Road. The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office is closely monitoring the cars that are parked on the street. Extra space will be
available on the playground during the Harvest Parties.
What’s New in P.E. - Ms. Hathaway
I believe physical education is the cornerstone of an active life. Physical education provides the skills, knowledge and attitudes that facilitate choosing physical activity that will help
your child enjoy a lifetime of physical activity and good health. As you child's physical education teacher my goals are to:
*Establish a positive, safe learning environment for all students
*Teach a variety of physical activities that make class fun and enjoyable
*Create maximum opportunities for students of all abilities to be successful
*Promote student honesty, integrity and good sportsmanship
*Assist students in setting and achieving personal goals
*Provide specific, constructive feedback to help students master motor skills
*Create opportunities for students to succeed in cooperative and competitive situations
*Prepare and encourage students to be active learners for a lifetime
1st and 2nd grade PE
We have started the school year with a movement awareness unit. This unit provides
students an opportunity to explore; self space, locomotor movements, pathways, force and
levels. Scrambled eggs, five noses, Mr. Wolf, hounds and rabbits, three finger tag and squirrels trees and foxes are activities which review these concepts and give us an opportunity to
discuss teamwork, fair play, safety, having fun, and the importance of following directions.
The students have also enjoyed the parachute, shooting hoops, gotcha, foxtails and a speedy
game of pet catcher! Ask your child to tell you about these games!
I look forward to a wonderful year of sportsmanship and growth. For more information and
details about our PE program please log onto Ms. Hathaway ’s web page:
3rd, 4th and 5th grade PE
We began the school year with emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. Cooperative
initiatives enabled students to display those talents as well as their leadership and problem
solving skills. Two new games were introduced to the students, chopsticks and the buddy
hunt. Students had fun exploring, investigating and solving movement puzzles.
We have begun our first sport unit, soccer. The soccer unit involves an eight to ten
week investigation of the many different ingredients of the game. We, of course, practice the
fundamental skills of soccer. Offensive and defensive strategies are also introduced and applied to game situations. Along with all of the practice of skills the students will also learn
rules of the game. To combine their new knowledge and skills, the sport season will end with
an opportunity to participate in a tournament. This tournament enables students to demonstrate their leadership skills and sportsmanship.
For more information and details about our PE program please log onto Ms. Hathaway’s web
LIBRARY NEWS - Mrs. Organiscak
In Library Class, students began the school year learning about our new library management
system, Destiny. This system enables a student to search our library database by subject,
author, title, series or keyword and view the front cover of the book. Additionally, a student
will be able to access the library catalog from home, read and write book reviews and check
his/her record of books checked out. One special feature of Destiny, One Search, provides links
to databases and websites for help with homework or research.
To view recommended grade level lists of new books, go to the Eli Pinney page Under Library Links, select Mrs.
O.’s Library Page. Under Links, select Destiny Quest. The lists will appear under “Resource
Lists”. From this screen, a student can log in and check the titles of books that are checked
out to him/her. After logging in with the following directions, select My Info to find out the
names of books currently checked out to your child:
Directions for logging in to Destiny:
Select Login (at top of screen).
Username is year of high school graduation last name_first full name
Password is Student ID number.
Example: Username: 21Smith_Samuel
Password: 754387
Pinney students enjoyed the fall book fair with the theme “Reading is out of this world!”
Eli Pinney Library hosts the Scholastic Book Fair two times each school year, spring and fall.
The book fair promotes literacy and raises money for new library books and materials. Thank
you to the Eli Pinney Community for their support of the book fairs.
MOPA museum of pinney art
The Marshmallow Design Challenge
State Standards
Historical, Cultural, Social Contexts
• Identify and describe the
The students of Eli Pinney began the year with a challenge that involved
different purposes people
creativity, innovation and collaboration. These skills represent a few of the
have for creating visual art
essential components of a solid 21st century education. This challenge
empowered the students to work collaboratively to solve a problem and
accomplish a goal. The challenge was created by Tom Wujec a Fellow at
Autodesk, the world’s leader in 2D and 3D technology serving the design,
engineering and entertainment industries. He developed this challenge to
promote design thinking, visual collaboration and team creativity. The challenge
Creative Expression & Communication
• Recognize and use ongoing
assessment to revise and
improve the quality of original
Analyzing & Responding
is simple. Twenty sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string and
• Continue to contribute to the
one marshmallow. They had 18 minutes to meet the challenge. The challenge
development of criteria for
is to create the tallest free-standing structure with the marshmallow on top. The
discussing and judging works of
winning team had a design that measured 221/2” tall! This challenge
encompassed many lessons that will help the students become more innovative,
creative, collaborative thinkers. Few teams actually had a standing structure at
the end of the time. This “failure” was really a success. What it enabled the
teams to do, was reflect on what did not work and think about how to succeed at
it in future challenges. Overall, the challenge was a great success. Students
learned many great lessons that will help them throughout the year and beyond.
For more information about the Marshmallow Challenge visit,
Valuing the Arts/Aesthetic Reflection
• Form opinions about works of
art and discuss with others.
Connections, Relationships &
• Use the visual arts as a
means to understand concepts
and topics outside the arts.
October in the Music Room
1st Grade has been learning about all of the fun things there are to do in the music room!
They have explored instruments, experimented with high and low sounds, loud and quiet
sounds, and fast and slow. Movement activities are a favorite of first graders.
2nd Grade has been reviewing steady beat, ta and ti ti and so and mi. They are now experimenting with a piece of silence that they have found in some of their songs and are enjoying
moving to some music.
3rd Grade has been reviewing ta, ti ti and quarter rest, as well as do, mi, so and la. They just
learned about re and now with all of those syllables, they have completed the do pentatonic
4th Grade has been reviewing ta, ti ti, quarter rest, tika tika, ti tika, and they just learned about
tika ti. They are having fun finding this new rhythm in some of our new songs/games. They
also have been enjoying some folk dancing to songs such as “Chimes of Dunkirk”.
5th Grade has been reviewing previously learned rhythms and solfege. They have just learned
the new rhythm called ti ta ti (or syncopa). This new rhythm allows us to experiment with
syncopation, commonly found in Jazz Music. They also have been enjoying some folk dancing
to songs such as “Alabama Gal”.
Mrs. Casto will return from her maternity leave at the end of October. Mrs. Bantz would like
to say “thank you” to everyone at Eli Pinney. She has truly enjoyed her time with all of you!
Dr. Michele Borba is coming back to Dublin!!!!!!
*Dr. Borba, author of over 25 parenting books, is an NBC contributor, has appeared as a parenting expert on the
Today show, Dr.Phil, The View, Fox & Friends, The Doctors, CNN American Morning, Countdown, and The Early
Show. She appears regularly on Fox and CNN Headline News and has been interviewed by Newsweek, People, U.S.
News & World Report, Reader’s Digest, and People.
Parenting Presentation:
Raising Self-Reliant Kids
Who Can Survive, Bounce Back, and Thrive!
Sponsored by the Dublin Elementary Schools
Dr. Borba will speak about how to help your child………………
• Cope with everyday frustrations easier and bounce back faster.
• Problem-solve on their own.
• Develop a bounce-back spirit.
• Become more resourceful and self-reliant as well as confident and
Walk away with simple proven strategies and tips to implement immediately!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
7:00-8:00 pm
Scottish Corners Elementary
Friday, November 11, 2011
10:00-11:00 am
Glacier Ridge Elementary
*Please note the presentation is the same for the evening and morning sessions.
For more parenting resources go to .
Please register for this presentation at: