International Business Digest Export Assistance Centers (EACs) Center for International Business Education

International Business Digest
Center for International Business Education
ISS UE | 2
Inside This Issue
Export Assistance
Page 1
Editor’s Note
Page 2
US Exports Reach Record
Page 2
Global Trade and
Business: Current News
& Events
Page 3
Contact Informa on
Page 5
VOLUM E | 10
DE CEM BE R | 20 13
Export Assistance Centers (EACs)
Located in almost 100 ci es throughout the U.S. and over 80 countries worldwide, the
U.S. Export Assistance Centers provide a full range of exper se in interna onal trade,
marke ng and finance to small and medium‐sized companies. EACs are known as "one‐
stop shops" because they combine the trade and marke ng resources of the U.S.
Commercial Service along with the finance resources of the Small Business
Administra on (SBA) and the Export‐Import Bank (Ex‐Im Bank).
Each EAC can offer informa on about:
 Foreign markets for U.S. products and services
 Services to locate and evaluate overseas buyers
 Foreign economic sta s cs
 U.S. export licensing and foreign na ons' import requirements
 Export trade financing op ons
 Interna onal trade exhibi ons, export seminars and conferences
The EACs also work closely with District Export Councils (DECs) comprised of nearly
1,500 business and trade experts who volunteer to help U.S. firms develop solid export
strategies. DEC members also provide direct, personal counseling to less experienced
exporters by sugges ng marke ng strategies, trade contacts, and ways to maximize
success in overseas markets.
EACs can also provide assistance with business travel before departure by arranging
advance appointments with embassy personnel, market briefings, and other assistance
in des na on ci es. Each year, EACs par cipate in approximately 5,000 conferences,
seminars, and workshops on topics such as export documenta on and licensing
procedures, country‐specific market opportuni es, export trading companies, and U.S.
trade promo on and trade policy ini a ves.
For more details about the EACs, visit h p:// To locate
the EAC nearest you, call the Trade Informa on Center at 1‐800‐USA‐TRADE, or visit
the Interna onal Trade Administra on (ITA) home page at h p://
(ConƟnued on page 4).
Editor’s Note
Gree ngs. It gives us great pleasure to bring to you the 38th issue of the Prairie
View InternaƟonal Business Digest, an electronic quarterly newsle er produced by
the Center for Interna onal Business Educa on at Prairie View A&M University.
This issue features three sec ons. The first sec on (Export Assistance Centers)
discusses a synopsis of the many services offered by the U.S. EACs to small and
medium‐sized enterprises in areas related to trade, marke ng and finance. The
second sec on (U.S. Exports Reached a New Record in October 2013) briefly
discusses the new record high volume of na onal exports that eclipsed the
previous record set in June. The final sec on highlights selected global business/
trade news and current events. Please note that all URL links are ac ve and you can
go directly to a sec on from the Table of Contents on the first page.
We hope you con nue to find this e‐newsle er a valuable channel for important
informa on rela ng to interna onal business. We also hope our efforts will inspire
greater number of local firms to seek out new global business opportuni es. If you
have any ques ons or sugges ons, please contact us.
Dr. Rahim Quazi
Thank you for your support,
Rahim Quazi, Ph.D.
Editor, Prairie View InternaƟonal Business Digest
Center for Interna onal Business Educa on
Prairie View A&M University
E‐mail |
Phone | (936) 261‐9225
Fax| (936) 261‐9226
US Exports Reached a New Record in October 2013
Monthly exports of goods and services from the U.S. reached a new record
of $192.7 billion in October 2013. This figure has just edged past the
previous record ($190.9 billion) set in June 2013. Total exports in the last
twelve months have reached $2.3 trillion, which registered a 43.1% jump
from 2009. Over this period, among the major U.S. export markets (with at
least $6 billion in annual U.S. exports), countries with the largest annualized
U.S. export growth include: Panama (27.6%), Russia (22.3%), UAE (20.9%),
Hong Kong (20.7%), Peru (20.2%), Chile (19.3%), Colombia (18.7%),
Argen na (17.2%), Ecuador (16.9%), and Saudi Arabia (16.0%).
Source: EX‐IM Bank
Prairie View InternaƟonal Business Digest
Page 2
Volume 10| Issue 2
Global Trade & Business: Current News and Events
Houston Bids to Host 22nd World Petroleum Congress in 2017
The World Petroleum Congress (WPC), which takes place every three years, is a major event for the energy sector. The
Congresses typically include keynote speeches, panel discussions, forums, round table sessions, and pavilions from major
interna onal oil and gas companies. The last me the WPC was held in the USA was in 1987 in Houston. For the 22nd WPC,
Houston is facing three other compe tors: Astana (Kazakhstan), Istanbul (Turkey), and Copenhagen (Denmark).
U.S. Export Control Reform
The U.S. export control system has undergone major changes effec ve October 15, 2013. The new rules will have a
significant impact on the U.S. defense and aerospace industries, which annually contribute more than $20 billion to U.S.
exports. For details, see: h p://
Direct Line with U.S. Ambassadors Overseas
This is a good opportunity for small and medium‐sized enterprises to engage via teleconference with U.S. Ambassadors
overseas. For details, see: h p://
Interna onal Trade Educa on Series 2014, Aus n
This seminar series is offered by the Aus n U.S. Export Assistance Center. Cost of a endance is $35/seminar or $120 for 4
seminars if paid in advance. Registra on informa on is available at: h p://
Jan. 29, 2014
How to Take Advantage of Free Trade Agreements
Feb. 19, 2014
Export Documenta on: Mechanics of Expor ng
Mar. 19, 2014
Social Media for Interna onal Outreach
Apr. 16, 2014
Business Opportuni es with the Gulf Coopera on Council
May 21, 2014
Introduc on to Exports
June 18, 2014
Managing Your Interna onal Distribu on Network
Sept. 17, 2014
Where’s the Money for Expor ng
Oct. 15, 2014
Understanding Foreign Cultures for Business
Nov. 19, 2014
Introduc on to Imports
Webinar Series: Mexico's New Airport Projects 2014‐2018 ‐ January 9, 2014
This free webinar will discuss Mexico's Infrastructure Investment Program, a part of the Na onal Infrastructure
Program (2013‐2018). More details can be found at:
h p:// es/eg_mx_065299.asp
Japan: Smart Grid Expo 2014 ‐ February 26‐28, 2014
This event in Tokyo will include the following sectors: electricity, energy services and infrastructure; IT, communica on
device and infrastructure; and IT system and service. JETRO Houston (a trade and investment promo on organiza on
funded by the Japanese government) will provide free booth space, interpreters and PR efforts to selected companies. For
more details, contact: Keith Sanders (
(ConƟnued on page 4).
Prairie View InternaƟonal Business Digest
Page 3
Volume 10| Issue 2
Global Trade & Business:
Current News and Events
(ConƟnued from page 3).
Export Assistance Centers (EACs)
(ConƟnued from page 1).
Office Informa on for Houston
U.S. Export Assistance Center
Address: Houston U.S. Export Assistance Center
1919 Smith St., Suite 1026, Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 713‐209‐3104
Fax: 713‐209‐3135
URL: h p://
Staff Directory for Houston EAC
Steve Recobs, USEAC Director
Phone: 713‐209‐3105
Danielle Caltabiano, Senior Interna onal Trade Specialist
Phone: 713‐209 3110
Nyamusi Igambi, Senior Interna onal Trade Specialist
Phone: 713‐209‐3112
Brendan Kelly, Senior Interna onal Trade Specialist
Phone: 713‐209‐3113
Pam Plagens, Senior Interna onal Trade Specialist
Phone: 713‐209‐3106
Alan Richel, Senior Interna onal Trade Specialist
Phone: 713‐209‐3123
Medical Technology Trade Mission to Turkey
‐ May 4‐8, 2014
This trade mission will be led by the U.S. Department of
Commerce to three ci es ‐ Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir. The
mission par cipants will make hospital tours to understand
the Turkish healthcare system and a end pre‐scheduled
mee ngs with poten al distributors, end users, industry
contacts, and local government officials. The Turkish medical
equipment market is a $3 billion market. For details, see
h p://
Aerospace and Avia on Trade Mission to Brazil
‐ May 12‐16, 2014
This trade mission will introduce U.S. businesses to Brazil’s
thriving market for aerospace and avia on products and
services. The mission is designed for avia on and aerospace
manufacturers and service providers as well as trade
associa ons/organiza ons interested in long‐term business
opportuni es in Brazil. Cost: $2,950 for SMEs, $3,230 for
large firms. For details, see: h p://
Trade Winds Forum ‐ The Americas, Bogota, Colombia
‐ May 15‐23, 2014
This mul ple trade mission stops will offer U.S. firms the
opportunity to conduct B2B mee ngs with their
counterparts in Colombia, Panama, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.
The mission will also include regional and industry specific
conference sessions as well as pre‐arranged consulta ons
with U.S. Foreign Commercial Service Senior Commercial
Officers. These five La n American countries account for
nearly $60 billion worth of exports from the United States.
For details about the trade mission, see:
h p://
India: Renewable Energy Expo 2014
‐ September 3‐5, 2014
This is India’s premier trade show in the renewable energy
sector. For more details, see
h p://
and for informa on about the U.S. Pavilion, contact
Export News, Houston Export Assistance Center
Export News, Aus n Export Assistance Center
Passport Houston, Interna onal Blog for the Mayor's Office, City of
Prairie View InternaƟonal Business Digest
Page 4
Volume 10| Issue 2
Next Issue Available: March 2014
If you would like to receive an electronic version of this newsle er, contact
Dr. Rahim Quazi at 936‐261‐9225 or
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Vision Statement
Our vision is to empower students from diverse backgrounds to become produc ve and ethical business professionals who
are among the best in the world.
Mission Statement
We provide a diverse student body with an educa on that creates highly produc ve professionals who are ethical,
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dis nguished by personal a en on, teamwork, leadership training, and apprecia on of the social responsibility of
Prairie View A&M University
College of Business
P.O. Box 519; MS 2300
Prairie View, TX 77446