Methodist University Written Paper Rubric: NUR 3000, NUR 4010, NUR 4050

Department of Nursing
Name______________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Written Paper Rubric: NUR 3000, NUR 4010, NUR 4050
Directions: Your written paper will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your paper
and check it again before you submit the paper.
Points Available
Focus & Details
There is one clear, well- There is one clear, well- There is one topic. Main The topic and main
focused topic. Main
focused topic. Main
ideas are somewhat
ideas are not clear.
ideas are clear and are
ideas are clear but are
well supported by
not well supported by
detailed and accurate
detailed information.
The introduction is
The introduction states
The introduction states
There is no clear
inviting, states the
the main topic and
the main topic. A
introduction, structure,
main topic, and
provides an overview of conclusion is included.
or conclusion.
provides an overview of the paper. A conclusion
the paper. Information
is included.
is relevant and
presented in a logical
order. The conclusion is
The author’s purpose of
The author’s purpose of
The author’s purpose of
The author’s purpose of
writing is very clear,
writing is somewhat
writing is somewhat
writing is unclear.
and there is strong
clear, and there is
clear, and there is
evidence of attention to
some evidence of
evidence of attention to
audience. The author’s
attention to audience.
audience. The author’s
extensive knowledge
The author’s knowledge knowledge and/or
and/or experience with
and/or experience with
experience with the
the topic is/are evident. the topic is/are evident. topic is/are limited.
Word Choice
The author uses vivid
The author uses vivid
The author uses words
The writer uses a
words and phrases. The words and phrases. The that communicate
limited vocabulary.
choice and placement
choice and placement
clearly, but the writing
Jargon or clichés may
of words seems
of words is inaccurate
lacks variety.
be present and detract
accurate, natural, and
at times and/or seems
from the meaning.
not forced.
Sentence, Structure,
All sentences are well
Most sentences are well Most sentences are well Sentences sound
Grammar, Mechanics, constructed and have
constructed and have a
constructed, but they
awkward, are
& Spelling
varied structure and
varied structure and
have a similar structure
distractingly repetitive,
length. The author
length. The author
and/or length. The
or are difficult to
makes no errors in
makes a few errors in
author makes several
understand. The author
grammar, mechanics,
grammar, mechanics,
errors in grammar,
makes numerous errors
and/or spelling.
and/or spelling, but
mechanics, and/or
in grammar,
they do not interfere
spelling that interfere
mechanics, and/or
with understanding.
with understanding.
spelling that interfere
with understanding.
Points Available
Current (within 5 years)
Journals are over 5 yrs old
Journals are over 5 yrs old
Journals are peer-reviewed
Journals are peer-reviewed
Journals are not peer-reviewed
Minimum of 3 references
2 references
1 reference
APA format
APA format
Not in APA format
Points Available
APA Format
Paper has 1” margins
Paper has 0.5” margins
Paper has less than 0.5”
Font is Times New Roman or
Font is Times New Roman or
Arial 12 pt.
Arial 12 pt.
Font is times New Roman or
Title page included
Title page contains errors
Arial 12 pt.
In-text citations are correctly
Half of In-text citations are
Title page omitted
not correctly documented
None of In-text citations are
correctly documented
Points Earned:
Focus & Details
References _________
Total Points Earned: __________________________________
Graded by: _________________________________________
Word Choice
** You must achieve 76 points or greater for satisfactory completion.
Sentence, Structure
APA Format