1 UW-Stevens Point Safety Summary Fisheries Collections December 29, 2015 This is a safety summary for any worker, student, staff or faculty, assisting with wet archival fisheries collections at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. These precautions fall under the general guidelines of State of Wisconsin code and the University of Wisconsin System policies, regarding employee health and safety. These precautions are in addition to and separate from any primary campus laboratory safety and chemical hygiene requirements. Those requirements can be seen here: http://www.uwsp.edu/rmgt/Pages/ehs/safety/lab-safety.aspx Before Work Begins EHS asks that all personnel are trained, issued and have available at all times, proper PPE (personal protective equipment). Employees should be given an overview of safe work practices and provided emergency response and spill clean-up training and information, in advance of their work, as outlined here. Training Alcohols are a flammable liquid and formaldehyde is a combustible, toxic and carcinogenic substance with very low PPM exposure rates. For the alcohol fluids transfer process, participants must take the following training modules: Hazard Communication (including incidental spill clean-up); Chemical Hygiene, Respiratory Protection, (either full program or for voluntary use depending on air evaluation); PPE, Fire Safety, Emergency Response, Hazardous Waste and Fire Extinguisher training; and, when moving from alcohol to the formaldehyde transfer process, Formaldehyde Training. Although EHS has an online module or other mode to accomplish all of these, EHS are also willing to do hands-on training through our department. For the Hazard Communication, Fire Safety, PPE and Formaldehyde Training, contact me at x2320 or by email wclark@uwsp.edu. Provide your full first and last name, and campus emails, and I can have online modules loaded for you. You will access this through our online training portal at this location: http://www.uwsp.edu/rmgt/Pages/Online-Training.aspx . For Chemical Hygiene, Hazardous Waste and Respiratory Protection training, EHS have an annual classroom training opportunities that can be provided in person as required. If personnel have already had the above training, please provide written documentation to that effect. Emergency Response The basics can be found here: http://www.uwsp.edu/rmgt/Pages/em/procedures/default.aspx EHS can assist on any specifics regarding hazardous spill response and prefer any new employees take our EM training at the beginning of the month. The times are Wednesdays at 3pm and Thursdays, 9 am, in Geo. Stien. The chemistry stock areas also have spill response equipment available. 1 2 PPE All personnel must wear safety glasses. Splash goggles or a shield may be necessary if any splash is anticipated. A lab coat (or disposable “Tyvek” type suit), gloves, pants, closed toe shoes. A charcoal activated N95 mask or cartridge face piece mask appropriate for the transfer of either material should be used on a voluntary basis for nuisance level exposure. If needed, EHS can get personnel into our campus respiratory protection program, which uses a medical questionnaire and results in a fit test. PPE can be ordered through SHOP-UW or Campus Stores. Air Monitoring Air monitoring can be conducted by EHS to help evaluate need for respiratory protection beyond N95. Respiratory for alcohol transfer not likely necessary beyond voluntary N95 organic vapor. Cartridge respirator may be necessary for formalin transfer depending on the air monitoring. EHS can help specify proper cartridge at that time. Again, EHS will do some initial or periodic monitoring for quantitative analysis of the air if deemed necessary. Mask Options 3M™ Particulate Respirator 8577, P95 with Nuisance Level Organic Vapor Relief, may be an option. 3M has other possible selections. At minimum, individuals would need to take voluntary respirator use training for these N95 used for nuisance levels. Glove Types Gloves type and thickness will depend on the type and degree of exposure. A nitrile type glove will likely be appropriate. If any immersion into liquid is anticipated, then a more substantial glove will be required. See the Showa Best selection guide http://www.showagloves.com/ to help select appropriate glove based on chemical type and amount of anticipated exposure. General Precautions EHS ask that the formaldehyde monitor be put on a regular inspection checklist, within the work room(s). The room must be inspected daily until transfers are completed. Security Inform Protective Services to include any related rooms on their rounds during weekends and holidays. Brief them of the situation and any special measures they may need to know in case of spill, fire, and unusual or suspicious activity. Doors to the collections area should have emergency contact numbers of responsible Faculty and Staff as well as special hazards (like all campus labs do). Our lab inspection checklist can be mounted on a clipboard in the room near the monitor, as a suggestion. The checklist is located here: http://www.uwsp.edu/rmgt/Pages/ehs/safety/lab-safety.aspx The building and lab manager should coordinate to be certain that two fire extinguishers are installed inside each door to the entry of TNR 414. Install one fire extinguisher in room TNR 412 (if not already one near). Bonding and grounding mechanisms will need to be established for the fluid transfers in 414 and the 412 transfer area near the fume hood. 2 3 Fire Safety Be sure fire extinguishers are inspected regularly. Evaluate all work areas for any potential ignition sources and remove or control them as needed. Be sure exit routes always remain clearly marked and uncluttered by materials. Hazcomm Labeling of all containers with Hazcomm compliant labels in critical. Also, all waste containers properly labeled. This information can be obtained from the TNR stockroom. Secondary containers or other means of preventing the dropping of containers for and during the moving of items from 414 to 412 should be outlined and practiced. Safety Data Sheets Have all applicable SDS available in notebook in room. This is an OSHA general requirement for all lab settings. Eye wash/shower near in 412 should be kept from blockage and regularly inspected. Spill kits available from the TNR stock room should be stationed in both 412 and 414 and applicable spaces. Hygiene Proper hygiene should be followed, before, during and after work. No eating, drinking or storage of food is allowed in lab or collections areas. A thorough wash up of arms and hands afterwards should be enforced. Housekeeping is critical. Remove and prevent the accumulation of any unnecessary combustible materials in the rooms (such as empty boxes, plastic, etc). Resources Formaldehyde handling: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/formaldehyde/ Flammable materials and tank storage: https://www.osha.gov/dte/library/flammable_liquids/flammable_liquids.html#container_storage http://www.methanol.org/Health-And-Safety/Safety-Resources/Health---Safety/NSTA-Safe-Handling-ofAlcohol-in-the-Laboratory.aspx Bonding and grounding: https://www.wisconsin.edu/ehs/osh/bond-ground/ Personal Protective Equipment https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/personalprotectiveequipment/ Glove Selection http://www.showagloves.com/ Respiratory Protection https://www.osha.gov/dts/shib/respiratory_protection.pdf http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/3M-PPE-Safety-Solutions/Personal-ProtectiveEquipment/safety-management/safety-training/respirators/ 3