Facilities Operations and Development Environmental Health and Safety EHS FACT SHEET Equine Rabies Causative Agent: 1314 Kinnear Road #106 Columbus, OH 43212-1168 614-292-1284 Phone 614-292-6404 Fax www.ehs.osu.edu Rhabdovirus Mode of Transmission: Incubation Period: Direct contact with infected saliva into break in skin or mucous membranes; animal bite Human: 10 days-3 months (up to years; depends on location of bite/exposure) Animal: 10 days-6 months Clinical Signs Human: Headache; fever; general ill-being; abnormal behavior; weakness or paralysis; difficulty swallowing; delirium; convulsions; death Clinical Signs Animal: Distress and extreme agitation (which may resemble colic symptoms); unexplained paralysis or behavioral changes; death Control and Prevention: Comments: Page 1 of 1 Wear gloves when handling suspect animals; vaccination program for animals and individuals at high risk seek medical attention immediately if exposure is suspected; person to person transmission has been observed. January 21, 2014 Environmental Health & Safety|1314 Kinnear Road |Phone: 292-1284| www.ehs.osu.edu