Document 11944438


Mrs. W’s Weekly

Scottish Corners Elementary


November 13, 2015

Teacher Web Page:

Next Week

Book Fair continues through November 20 th

Guidance with Mrs. Elfers Monday 11/16

Tuesday 11/17 Class Button Jar Reward! Your child may wear pajamas to school and bring ONE stuffed animal or blanket.

Multicultural Day at SCE

Yesterday was Multicultural Day at SCE.

The students had a wonderful time!

Thank you to Miss Law and many parents, teachers, and community members for making it such a special day for our students.

Morning kindergartners were able to try new foods from all over the world.

They also enjoyed a musical performance by Sweet Mountain Sound.

Wednesday 11/18 PTO Dinner Night Out

@LaRosa’s Pizza

Thursday 11/19 Library Day – Please return all library books to school today.

Students will have the opportunity to buy books from the book fair during this time.

Friday 11/20 1 st Trimester Progress Reports come home


It looks like colder weather may be here to stay. Please make sure to send your child to school wearing appropriate attire for the weather. We will go outside for recess unless it is really cold, so please make sure your child wears a coat to school. He or she should be able to put the coat on independently. I can help students zip coats if needed. Thank you!

This is a good time of year to review the

Dublin City Schools winter weather procedures. Review at this link:

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Afternoon kindergartners saw clothes, jewelry, pictures, and artifacts from

Mrs. George’s great grandfather who lived in Syria. They also used clay to make a rubbing of a stone necklace passed down from generation to generation in Mrs. George’s family.

After tasting foods from around the world, the PM class ended the day by singing a song from Ghana at an allschool assembly.
