Mrs. W’s Weekly Scottish Corners Elementary Email: Teacher Web Page: Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Fri 1/15 (Teacher Professional Development Day) Next W eek Monday 1/18 NO SCHOOL – MLK, Jr. Day Tuesday 1/19 Wednesday 1/20 Thursday 1/21 Library Day! Please return all library books to school today. Friday 1/22 _______________________________________________ Guidance with Mrs. Elfers: Mrs. Elfers came this week to talk with the kids about the difference between tattling and reporting. Tattling is when you tell an adult about a problem that isn’t hurting anyone and could be solved by talking with the person. Reporting is when you tell an adult when someone could be hurt or is in danger. She talked to the kids about having a “Tattle Tongue” and the problems it can cause. “Tattle Tongue” occurs when kids tell the teacher about a problem just because they want to get someone else in trouble. For example, if someone uses the red crayon that you wanted to use, you don’t need to tell the teacher just so the student gets in trouble. You can talk with the other student and solve the problem by yourself. January 14, 2016 National Anthem Performance As part of the kindergarten social studies curriculum, the students will be learning the National Anthem. The Scottish Corners kindergarten classes have been invited to sing the National Anthem between basketball games at Karrer Middle School. We will be singing on Tuesday, January 26th around 6:156:20pm, depending on how long the 7th grade game lasts. W e will meet in the commons at Karrer at 6:00pm. Parents should drop kindergartners off with teachers in the commons and go into the gym to get a seat. Teachers will organize the students and bring them into the gym to perform. Admission is free for parents, siblings, and grandparents. Get your cameras ready – it’s a fabulous event for our kindergartners! We are practicing daily here at school, but please practice at home as well. A great video of the song can be found on my web page under “Links”. Thank you for your support! The kids are excited! J ________________________________ Tim eline Project: Today your child brought home a letter about our social studies timeline project. This letter was printed on purple paper and came home in your child’s Take Home Folder. Please read it for details about this fun assignment! I have posted a copy of the timeline assignment on my teacher web page as well. Please let me know if you have questions!