The FOIA requests below are written exactly as they were received by the College. They have not been corrected or changed for spelling, grammar or any other reason. Freedom of Information Act Requests December 31, 2015 Req Date Requestor Materials Requested 1 1/2/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all emails sent by Dr. Breuder in January of 2014 2 1/5/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of the contract, and pay and benefits package for all employees/officers of the College of DuPage Foundation - whether paid by the college or any other source. 2. Copy of all expenditures of the College of DuPage Foundation for the past 2 years. 3. Copy of the by-laws of the College of DuPage Foundation. 4. Copy of the College of DuPage Foundation board member contact information. 5. Copy of all income, from all sources, of the College of DuPage Foundation. 6. Copy of all payments/donations/etc fo public funds from the College of DuPage to the College of DuPage Foundation or any of its members/employees 3 1/5/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all checks/disbursements/payments/credit card charges for the specific amounts of $500.00 and $190.00 between September 1, 2012 and November 10, 2012. 4 1/5/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the minutes from all Selection Committee meetings held related to the recent Lobbying contract approved at the December, 2014 COD meeting. 2. Copy of the rank and/or score from each category for the proposal submitted by the firm who was awarded the contract. 3. Copy of all insurance coverage documents required in the lobbying agreement. (Insurance requirements for the Contractor) 4. Copy of the required certification (D) which requires a written sexual harassment policy. Section D is from the RFP for Lobbying Proposals. 5. Copy of the COD Legislative Agenda 6. Copy of the COD 2015 Legislative Plan 5 1/7/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all documents from start to finish dealing with the selection and contracting with or hiring of Smith Group JJR by COD. These would include but not limited to, notifications seeking proposals, proposals, presentations, selection scoring, bids, bid notice, bid publications in any English newspaper etc. 2. Copy of all invoices from Smith Group JJR by COD since 2009 3. Copy of any contracted awarded to Smith Group JJR since 2009 4. Copy of minutes approving any payments and contracts for Smith Group JJR since 2009 5. Copy of all approval documents presented to the Board of Trustees for contracts and payments to Smith Group JJR since 2009 6 1/9/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the Architects proposal provided to COD dated June 29, 2011 and referenced in the 2012 contract with Hurricane Graphics 7 1/12/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of the contract, and pay and benefits package for all employees/officers of the College of DuPage that work for or under the guidance of the College of DuPage Foundation. 2. Copy of all payments/donations/reimbursements/etc from the College of DuPage to the College of DuPage Foundation. 8 1/15/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any FOIA request by “For the Good Of Illinois” or “Open The Books” pertaining to COD vendor Broadcast Technology information and documents pertaining to the employment of John Valenta by COD. 2. Copy of any response COD provided pertaining to above referenced FOIA request. 9 1/15/2015 Chris Hart "I am writing you on behalf of Action Target to file a FOIA request in regards to COD's new Indoor Firing Range that is being constructed as part of the Homeland Security Training Center. Action Target is requesting a copy of the approved equipment submittals for the Firing Range Equipment for this project, as approved by David Lesniak (Project Manager for the College) and Power Construction, a contractor hired by the College of DuPage to manage this project." 10 1/16/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all e-mails and any attachments sent by FOIA officer Barbara Mitchell on December 22, 2014. 11 1/20/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all ordinances and/or resolutions adopted by COD for lobbying activities. Such an ordinance or resolution imposes requirements similar to those imposed by the Lobbyist Registration Act. 12 1/20/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of any statement of qualifications and performance data filed with COD by any architectural, engineering, or land surveying services in the last 5 years. 2. Copy of any notice requesting a statement of interest in any COD project mailed or e-mailed to firms who have a current statement of qualifications and performance data on file with COD in the last 5 years. 3. Copy of any advertisement in a secular English language daily newspaper of general circulation throughout the COD district, requesting a statement of interest in any architectural, engineering, or land surveying project and further requesting statements of qualifications and performance data from those firms which do not have such a statement on file with COD in the last 5 years. 4. Copy of an advertisement for professional services on the COD website requesting a statement of interest in any above referenced services (architectural, engineering, or land surveying services) in the last 5 years. 5. Copy of all evaluations, notes, and/or presentations in the possession of COD utilized to determine which professional service providers (architectural, engineering, or land surveying services) would receive contracts with COD in the last 10 years. 6. Copy of the ranking in order of qualifications for the evaluations used to determine who would be selected for professional services (architectural, engineering, or land surveying services) for COD in the last 10 years. 13 1/20/2105 Jody Cohen All purchase orders that led to the purchase of items or services from Broadcast Technologies from 2007 to the present All emails sent or received by John Valenta, Scott Wagner, Mary Pat Larue, Dan Bindert, or Robert Brueder that include the words “Broadcast Technologies” from 2010 to the present. All emails sent or received by John Valenta, Scott Wagner, Mary Pat Larue, and Dan Bindert that include the word “Elmhurst” from 2011 to the present Copies of all audits of the radio station WDCB from 2010 to the present All documentation, including memos, emails and other communications, related to Commonwealth Edison/power surge issues and AC failures, and their effect on the radio equipment at WDCB. Please also include documentation showing how the college addressed and/or investigated the power issues, and how the college mitigated the damage to the radio equipment. Please include documentation from 2010 to the present. 14 1/20/2015 Jody Cohen 1. All documents showing the number of patrons each year since the Waterleaf opened 2011. 2. All documents showing the annual budget of the Waterleaf, including revenues and expenses for each year since 2011. 3. All tax documents submitted for the Waterleaf. 4. All documents showing when students work at the Waterleaf restaurant. 5. Documents showing a current list of Waterleaf employees and compensation packages. 6. Copies of the monthly treasurers’ reports for the Waterleaf since 2011. 7. Documents showing all House accounts associated with the Waterleaf. 8. Copies of all receipts charged to House accounts associated with Waterleaf since 2011. 9. Copies of all expenses directly paid by the College of DuPage, or reimbursed by the College of DuPage, for charges at the Waterleaf since 2011 by the following employees: Robert Brueder, James Bente, Catherine Brod, Joseph Collins, Charles Currier, Earl Dowling, Thomas Glaser, Jean Kartje, Mary Ann Millush, Joseph Moore, and Linda Sands-Vankerk. 10. Copies of all expenses paid by the College of DuPage, or reimbursed by the College of DuPage, for charges at the Waterleaf by all members of the Board of Trustees since 2011. 11. Documents showing any money paid back to the college by the above employees and board members for charges at the Waterleaf since 2011. 12. Documents showing all expenses related to the visiting chef series at the Waterleaf. 13. All emails sent to or from Dr. Robert Brueder with the word “Waterleaf” for calendar year 2014 and Jan 2015. 14. Any external audits done of the Waterleaf since 2011. 15. All reservation logs/books for the Waterleaf since 2011. 16. Any invitations, electronic or otherwise, for Waterleaf events sent or received by Dr. Robert Brueder. 15 1/23/2015 John Kraft This is a foia request for all notes passed around during the board meeting between Dr. Breuder and board members. 16 1/27/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of correspondence between COD attorney and/or attorney’s and Dr. Breuder’s attorney in connection with any negotiations as well as any agreements or promises that precede Dr. Bruder’s retirement letter. 2. Copy of all legal bills that COD paid for Dr. Breuder’s private attorney since being hired. 3. Copy of all payments made for Dr. Breuders private attorney since being hired. 17 1/27/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all FOIA requests made by Glenn Hansen to include the responsive documents since 2009. 18 1/29/2015 Bob Hazard David Goldberg Copy of 2014 FOIA Log 19 1/30/2015 Jody Cohen 1. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, that show funds expended on the College of DuPage board of trustees and the individual members of the board. Please include all vouchers, expense reports, purchase orders, per diems and other documentation. 2. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, showing the expenditure of funds by or for each of the seven current members of the board of trustees (All of them except the student). This includes, but is not limited to, copies of all receipts, tickets, vouchers and invoices submitted for reimbursement. Please also include all funds paid directly by the college. Please also provide all receipts and/or other documents that state the purpose for expenditures. 3. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, that would show trustees reimbursing the college for any expenses paid on their behalf. 4. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, associated with any university-issued credit cards used by College of DuPage trustees, including copies of all credit card statements, receipts, and invoices submitted by the trustees. I also seek all documents stating a purpose for the expenditures. 5. All documentation showing equipment, including but not limited to cell phones and computers, provided to the board members. 20 1/30/2015 Jody Cohen 1. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, that shows funds expended by or for President Robert Breuder. This includes, but is not limited to, copies of all receipts, expense reports, tickets, purchase orders, per diems, vouchers and invoices submitted for reimbursement. I also seek all documents stating a purpose for the expenditures. 2. Please include all funds paid directly by the college and also funds reimbursed to Dr. Breuder 3. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, that would show Dr. Breuder reimbursing the college for any expenses paid on his behalf. 4. All documentation, from January 1, 2013 to the present, associated with any college-issued credit cards used by Dr. Breuder, including copies of all credit card statements, receipts, and invoices submitted by him. 5. All documentation showing equipment, including but not limited to cell phones and computers, provided to Dr. Breuder. 21 2/2/2015 Open the Books A copy of ALL the raw videos taken by the college at the January 28, 2015 Special Board Meeting. 22 2/2/2015 Kirk Allen Copy of all financial audits performed to include both internal COD employees and and external CPA firms or persons for 2003. 23 2/2/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all subpoenas received by COD in the last 3 years. 2. Copy of all documents filed in any court on behalf of COD in relation to any Freedom of Information or Open Meetings Act proceedings for the last 3 years. 24 2/3/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. Records of all communications, including but not limited to e-mail, text messages and memos, sent by President Robert Breuder to any member of the board of trustees from January 1, 2013 to the present. 2. Records of all communications, including but not limited to e-mail, test messages and memos, received by President Robert Breuder to any member of the board of trustees from January 1, 2013 to the present. 3. Copies of all calendars/official daily schedules of President Robert Breuder from January 1, 2013 to the present. This request includes the president's official calendar, register of visitors and trips for college buisness in any available format. 25 2/3/2014 John Kraft Copy of the video(s) of the January 22 and January 28 Board of Trustees meetings. 26 2/4/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all advertisements/requests for bids/quotes for banking services on COD property/campus. 2. Copy of the agenda and minutes of the meeting where these bids/quotes were opened in public. 3. Copy of all bids/quotes received. 4. Copy of the contract awarded to the winning bidder (USBANK). 27 2/4/2015 Stanley Richard Zegel 1. A copy of all instruments or other public records in which Robert L. Breuder gives notice of his retirement on a date certain. 2. A copy of a public record fully enumerating or describing "any privileges, leaves, sick leave, and fringe benefits commonly extended to cabinet-level administrative personnel" referenced in Robert L. Breuder's employment agreement dated 18 November 2008. 3. A copy of the most recent record showing who is the beneficiary of the $500,000 term life insurance policy provided to Robert L. Breuder under said contract sufficient to determine whether the College/ Taxpayers and the beneficiary instead of some other entity. 4. A copy of Robert L. Breuder's employment agreement of 18 November 2008, with all instruments purporting to modify it in any way. 28 2/5/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Names of all employees working in the COD Finance Department during the years 2012-2014. 2. Copy of all records pertaining to any Inn at the Water's Edge hotel stays for Katherine Brod since 2009. All records includes receipts, invoices, reservation documents, billings, and any other document related to hotel stays that were paid for by COD either directly or as a reimbursement to Katherine Brod. 3. Copy of minutes where such expenditures were approved by the Board of Trustees. 4. Copy of all EEOC complaints filed against Katherine Brod since 2009. 29 2/12/2015 Kirk Allen Copy for all payment Vouchers for Herricane Graphics and Advantage Sign Installation since 2011 to include any other supporting documents tied in any way to the approval of these vouchers. I am not seeking invoices (already provided) nor minutes from the board. 30 2/12/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. All documents showing the days that the Waterleaf restaurant was open in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 to date. 2. All documents showing which Mondays and Tuesdays the students worked in the Waterleaf restaurant as part of the college’s culinary program. 3. All receipts and supporting documents, including but not limited to expense reports, purpose of meals and account records, for meals at the Wheat Café restaurant. I am seeking receipts and supporting documents associated with any “House Accounts” and/or receipts for charges by Robert Breuder, any board members and anyone from the senior management team. 4. All invoices and payment records for wine, liquor and beer purchases for the Waterleaf restaurant. 5. The current wine inventory for the Waterleaf restaurant. 6. All documents that include policies about whether the College of DuPage pays for, or will reimburse for, alcohol consumed by or purchased by or for employees. 7. All documents showing Wine Spectator subscriptions paid by the college. 31 2/13/2015 Roger Kempa October 16, 2014 agenda, minutes, and video with sound first, or recording of meeting Minutes, documents received, and video with sound first, or recording of meeting given Agenda Item #8.Regular Board Meeting of 04/16/09 32 2/13/2015 Roger Kempa Records of financial statements and budgets for Waterleaf restaurant for fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 & 2014; Number of culinary graduates by year in total, and number of culinary graduates by year specific to the Waterleaf restaurant. Records of financial statements and budgets for Inn at Water's Edge for fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 & 2014; Number of hotel management or related program graduates by year specific to the Inn at Water's Edge. Records of financial statements and budgets for "The Mac" theater for fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 & 2014. Description of District attempts to secure via employees, contractors, or other persons, money (e.g. donations, contributions, etc.) to make the operation "revenue neutral;" with a district explanation of that term: "revenue neutral." 33 2/13/2015 Roger Kempa Records of each cash/investment portfolio manager hired since 6/30/2009 contract(s) invoices and payments by District other portfolio managers considered and evaluated, but not hired since 6/30/2009 basis of law under which hired composition of securities in portfolio dollar amount under management at time hired, and dollar amount as of 06/30/2014 performance return as both a percentage and dollar return for each of the past five fiscal years expense as both a percentage and dollar amount to District for each of the past five fiscal years Records of each cash/investment, financial, bond advisor hired since 6/30/2009: contracts invoices and payments by District, description of work performed cost to District for each of the past five fiscal years Cost of each police officer with rate of compensation individually (name not requested), and in total paid by the District for each of the past six Regular board meetings, with description of their work performed. 34 2/18/2015 Stacy St. Clair Tribune Copies of all payments made to Herricane Graphics, Advantage Signs and/or Schreiner Chicago, from 2006 to the present. Copies of all contracts between Herricane Graphics and the college Copies of all contract proposals from Herricane Graphics, Advantage Signs and/ or Schreiner Chicago, from 2006 to the present. Copies of any bids submitted by Herricane Graphics, Advantage Signs and/or Schreiner Chicago, from 2006 to the present. Copies of all bid notices, publications and other documentation that the college was seeking a design consultant. Copies of all RFPs in which Herricane Graphics submitted bids and was awarded the project Copies of all emails from President Robert Breuder’s account in which the words “foundation” and “vendors” appears. Copies of emails between Herricane Graphics employees and President Robert Breuder, including correspondence about college business sent to President Breuder’s personal email accounts as required by law. Copies of emails between Carla Burkhart and President Robert Breuder, including correspondence about college business received or sent through President Breuder’s college and personal email accounts as required by law. Copies of all emails between Herricane Graphics employees and/or Carla Burkhart and the college’s senior management team, including correspondence about college business received or sent the college and personal email accounts of the senior management team members as required by law. Copy of insurance certificates and policies, in form and substance as outlined in any contract between COD and Herricane Graphics. Any documentation showing architectural licenses for any Herricane employees. Any resumes for Herricane Graphics employees in the college’s possession. Any documentation showing any architect employed by Herricane Graphics has “the character, experience and qualifications in dealing with the design, construction and/or renovation of major institutions of higher education and commercial buildings.” Images of any signage work completed by Herricane Graphics, Advantage Signs and/or Schreiner Chicago, from 2006 to the present. Copies of the college foundation’s conflicts of interest policy Any conflict of interest statements filed by foundation board members Copy of all certified payroll records for all projects contracted to Herricane Graphics 35 2/18/2015 Stacy St. Clair I am seeking copies of all payments to and contracts with the following businesses since 2007: 1. The PrivateBank 2. Touchline Consultants, Inc. 3. First Focus Capital Partners 4. Fuchs and Roselli, Ltd. 5. Wight and Co. 6. US Bank 7. Fortune Financial Group, Inc. 8. Calamos Family Partners 9. The River Bend Group 10. Bison Gear and Engineering 11. Christopher B. Burke Engineering 12. Robbins Schwartz Nicholas Lifton & Taylor 13. Locke Lord Law firm 14. Power Construction Company 15. Marquardt & Belmonte 16. Aspire Ventures 17. CCS International 18. Ice Miller 19. Mortenson Construction 20. In addition, I am requesting: Copies of all contract proposals from the companies listed above Copies of all bids submitted by the companies listed above Copies of all RFPs in which the companies above submitted bids and were awarded the project 36 2/18/2015 Kirk Allen Copy of any contract that qualifies as "other contractual services", of which an expense reimbursement for such "other contractual services, would be paid for any COD employee to include executive management, executive staff, and COD President. 37 2/18/2015 David Carlin All employment contracts and addendum for the following College of DuPage administrators: Former College of DuPage President Michael Murphy Former College of DuPage President Sunil Chand Former College of DuPage President Hal McAninch Current College of DuPage President Robert Breuder 38 2/20/2015 David O'Brien Make and model of the portable xray system that was purchased through the bid processand whether ir was a new or used system. The price at which the unit was offered is so far out of the normal range that I wondered about these specifics. They are the type of information I am asking to provide internally when Swissray does not get the business. 39 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any "approvals" by the Board of Trustees or its Chairperson issued to Robert Breuder since January 2009 2. Copy of all contracts, agreements, license, etc. for the operation of any Bank or Credit Union on Campus since 2008 3. Copy of all money received from any bank or Credit Union as part of a contractual obligation for banking or credit union services being provided on campus since 2009 40 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the last 12 months of utility bills for the Student Services Center. This would include ALL utilities. If the utilities are not broken down by building then please provide the COD Utility bills for the last 12 months. 2. Copy of all invoices from Michael Walters Advertising 3. Copy of the contract awarded for the MAC precast bridge project. 4. Copy of any RFP, request for Bids, Bids received and Proposals received for the Mac precast Bridge Project 5. Copy of all work product provided to COD from any contracted lobbyist since 2010 6. Copy of all change orders for work managed by and/or performed by Herricane Graphics since 2009 41 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any minutes, notes, audio, video, or any other record created during the meeting on 8/24/2010 held at the Barrington Bistro 2. Names of those in attendance at the above referenced meeting/dinner meeting. 3. Copy of the check reimbursing Robert Breuder for the 8/24/2010 expense from the Barrington Bistro 4. Copy of the expense reimbursement form used by Robert Breuder regarding the expense at the Barrington Bistro on 8/24/2010 5. Copy of all emails in the last 6 months to as well as all e-mails from 42 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the Finacial Power Point Presentation given during the February 19th, 2015 Board meeting. 43 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Attached is the names provided in a previous FOIA for employees that work in the Finance Department. I am requesting copies of all expense reimbursements for those personnel between October 2013 and March 2014. 2. Copy of expense reimbursements for Thomas Glaser between October 2013 and March 2014 44 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any agreement COD has entered into to market credit cards to students pursuing an undergraduate education, or that allows its student groups, alumni associations, or affiliates to enter into such agreements. 2. If such an agreements requested in item #1 exists, please provide the following: a) the name of the credit card issuer that has entered into an agreement with the institution of higher education; b) the nature of the institution of higher education's relationship with the credit card issuer, including the amount of the funds or other items of value received from the arrangement. c) the way in which those funds were expended during the previous school year. d) COD web-site link where mandated disclosures appears c) Copy or the annual report to the Illinois Board of Higher Education f) Copy of notices mailed to students marketing or promoting the credit card. 45 2/23/2015 John Kraft rec.2/7/2015 1. Copy of the bank statements for the IMPREST account(s) since June 1, 2014. 46 2/23/2015 Kirk Allen rec.2/2/2015 1. Copy of all conflict of interest waivers provided by any attorney and/or law firm representing COD for the last 10 years. 2. Copy of all Joint Interest Agreement documents provided by any attorney and/or law firm representing COD for the last 10 years. 3. Copy of all Joint Defense Agreement documents provided by any attorney and/or law firm representing COD for the last 10 years. 4. Copy of any common interest disclosure documents provided by any attorney and/or law firm representing COD for the last 10 years. 5. Copy of all the above listed items 1-4 provided to COD by any outside counsel on behalf of Robert Breuder since January 2008. 47 2/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of all payments made to the College of DuPage by US Bank from January 2012 to present. This is not limited the payments themselves it should include any letters, documents or anything submitted with the payments. 48 2/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of all agreements and terms with US Bank for credit cards and AccelaPay cards issued by US Bank at the College of DuPage branch. This should include but not limited to fees, interest rates, etc. 49 2/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of all credit cards statements, for credit cards issued to The College of DuPage, from 2009 to present. 50 2/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of the video for the April 16, 2009 Regular Meeting of the board of trustees held on campus in SRC 2052, Glen Ellyn, IL. 51 2/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of all written comments for agenda item 8, attached to permanent 4/16/09 Board Packet materials, for the April 16, 2009 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees held on campus in SRC 2052, Glen Ellyn Illinois. 52 2/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of the 2012 e-mail written to Thomas Glaser, Vice President of Administrative Affairs from US Bank inquiring about putting a branch on the campus. And all communication between the parties submitted in writing or e-mail from US Bank for 2012 and 2013. And all communication (in writing or e-mail) from the College to US Bank. This request should also contain all RFP's from banks submitted to the college. 53 2/24/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all requests for proposals (RFP) for banking services on COD property/campus within the past 5 years. 54 2/24/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all funds raised by way of the Waterleaf Restaurant as a marketing tool. 55 2/24/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any e-mail tracking records generated by "" e-mail tracking program for the last 9 months for Barbara Mitchell, Robert Breuder, and all Senior Management Team personnel. 56 2/24/2015 David Giuliani 1. Documentation associated with the expense of $75,156 in 2008 and $42,281 in 2010 with Jazz Club at Sea, including the contract, reasons for the trip, other expenses on the trip, and possible revenue generated specifically to cover these expenses. 2. Documentation associated with the expense of $27,208 and Shidolya Tours and Safaris in 2011, including the contract, reasons for the trip, other expenses on the trip, and possible revenue generated specifically to cover these expenses. 57 2/24/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all bid notices published in any paper regarding banking services for COD in 2011 2. Copy of the actual publication from the paper. 3. Copy of all 8 responses to the bid/RFP notices regarding banking services for COD in 2011 4. Copy of all interview notes, questions, responses, video, audio and any other public record created during those interviews 5. Copy of the names of the people who were interviewed 6. Copy of all scoring for all 8 bids/proposals received in relation to the banking services RFP. 7. Copy of all bid notices published in any paper regarding student debit card services with US Bank in 20111 8. Copy of the actual publication from the paper. 9. Copy of all responses to the bid/RFP notices regarding student debit card services with US Bank in 20111 10. Copy of all interview notes, questions, responses, video, audio and any other public record created during those interviews. 11. Copy of the names of the people who were interviewed. 12. Copy of all scoring for all bids/proposals received in relation to the student debit card services with US Bank in 2011. 58 2/25/2015 Open the Books A copy of all lien waivers since 2009 59 2/25/2015 Kirk Allen rec2/14/2015 60 2/25/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the attachment President Breuder provided to Board Chairman in his January 2011 letter notifying the board of his intention Specific language in that letter was as follows: "As we discussed in the past, an alternative to extending the current Agreement is to modify that Agreement as attached and retire as President June 30, 2016." I am seeking a copy of that referenced attachment. 1. Copy of "Welcome to the Board"- a handbook for new Trustees" provided to COD Trustees by the Illinois Community College Trustee Association. 61 2/25/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all financial details used to establish the financial numbers shared at the February 19th, 2015 Board Meeting pertaining to the Waterleaf Restraint. This would include all expenditures, revenues, capital costs & depreciations etc. for the three years referenced in the presentation. 62 2/25/2015 Glenn Hansen Richard Jarman All documents related to the signed annual addendums extending Dr. Breuder's contract to 2017, 2018 and 2019 including but not limited to, the signed contract addendums, emails, both college and private if private email accounts were used for the discussions/ negotiations, and all documents related to Dr. Breuder's stated intention to retire. 63 2/26/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all emails sent and received by COD President Dr. Breuder since February 20, 2015. 2. Copy of all Police reports, complaints, requests for investigation, etc. filed by Dr, Breuder since February 20, 2015. 64 2/27/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of committee assignments for the Board of Trustees. 2. Copy of all committee meeting agenda's for the last 18 months. 3. Copy of all committee meeting minutes for the last 18 months. 65 3/2/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all contracts with "Delos Communications", "Dan Curry", "John Pearman" within the past three years. 2. Copy of all payments to and invoices from "Delos Communications", "Dan Curry", "John Pearman", within the past three years. 3. Copy of all commuincations to and from "Delos Communications", "Dan Curry", "John Pearman" within the past three years. 66 3/2/2015 Open the Books A Copy of the audio and or video for the Board of Trustee Meeting held on December 19,2013. 67 3/3/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy all financial records for the last 5 years for the Inn at the Water's Edge. This would include all expenditures and revenue. 68 3/4/2015 Open the Books A copy of all attorney invoices with regards to property tax appeals from 2010 to present. 69 3/5/2015 Ameet Sachdev Information related to the College of DuPage's account with the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund. I would like copies of the college's account statements from IMET from 9/30/2014 to 3/1/2015 70 3/5/2015 Carole Dawn Rhodes 1. Any correspondence sent by, to, and/or between College of DuPage administration and/or Board of Trustee members dating back to January 1, 2009 regarding whether to seek internal or external legal advice on allowing political events on campus, including but not limited to political activities, political rallies, and/or political candidate forums. 2. If not included in the above, any correspondence-including but not limited to emails, letters, and/or memos-from attorneys advising college administrators and/or trustees on allowing political events on campus, including but not limited to political activities, political rallies, and/or political candidate forums. 3.If not included in the above, any correspondence-including but not limited to emails, letters, and/or memos-between the Illinois Education Association or representatives thereof and college administrators or trustees, board of trustees on allowing political events on campus, including but not limited to political activities, political rallies, and/or political candidate forums. 71 3/6/2015 Mark Misiorowski Copy of any and all letters, emails or other communications received by the College of Du Page, (addressed to College of Du Page Chairwoman Ms. Erin Birt) from 12 or more members of the Illinois General Assembly. The document I am requesting from members of the Illinois General Assembly to Ms. Birt asked that the College of Du Page Board agree to an audit by the Illinois Auditor General, Mr. William Holland. I believe the communication from the members of the Illinois General Assembly was dated March 5, 2015 72 3/6/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. All contracts between the College of DuPage, President Robert Breuder and/or the Board of Trustees or its members, and crisis management, consulting or public relations firms dated between January 2014 and the present. Please include all documents that show the purpose of the business. 2. All communications-including but not limited to email communication from college or personal email addresses, text messages, and written communication-to, from or between any employees at Res Publica Group and President Robert Breuder, Joseph Moore and/or any member of the board of trustees. 3. Any email correspondence between President Robert Breuder, and Guy Chipparoni regarding a Jan. 28 meeting. 4. All invoices from crisis communication firms or public relations companies since January 2014. 5. All bills paid by the College of Dupage to crisis communication firms or public relations companies since January 2014. 73 3/6/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any and all letters, emails or other communications received by the College of DuPage from any members of the Illinois General Assembly. The document I am requesting is believed to have been sent to Chairman Birt. I believe the communication from the members of the Illinois General Assembly was dated on or around March 5, 2015. 74 3/6/2015 Open the Books A copy of the following records: A copy of all e-mail's from Dr. Robert Breuder to Dan Cronin. 75 3/6/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all ICCA articles, transcripts, newsletters, guidance documents, emails, etc. from 2008 to present, and received by COD 76 3/6/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all communications with Americans for the Arts to include contracts, agreements, proposals,e-mails letters, etc. since 2009. 2. Copy of all COD expenditures with the Americans for the Arts since 2009. 3. Copy of any economic impact study and/or cost benefit analysis provided to COD from Americans for the Arts since 2009. 77 3/9/2015 Roger Kempa Records related survey results related to current counseling options. Request includes all college records prior to, at the time of, and subsequent to the survey including but not limited to administration, counseling department, Board records, and related records of any monies spent and descriptions how those monies were spent related to current counseling options. 78 3/9/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all expenditures made by COD for and/or on behalf of Dave Carlin, former COD Board Trustee to include any and all payments pertaining to legal expenses. 79 3/9/2015 Steve Bonfield I am requesting a hardcopy of any reports generated from contact I had with COD police officers. The date was 1/30/15 at approximately 3:30pm. 80 3/3/2015 Roger Kempa Records of each specific benefit for each member of the Board of Trustees including: Description of each benefit (monetary, non-monetary, or any other type of benefit). Dollar amount of each benefit given, reimbursed, awarded, gifted, paid to, or charged to a credit card, debit card or cash card. For Fiscal Year 2013, 2014, 2015 to-date: (a) records of dollar amount of each benefit given, reimbursed, awarded, gifted, paid to, or charged to a credit card, debit card or cash card of the individual, and to a College credit card, debit card or cash card on behalf of the individual. By individual, the means each individual Board member(trustee). (b) if exists, a budget for each individual, and the whole Board of Trustees for the same time frame. 81 3/2/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all tax bills, licenses, permits and/or fee notices, and the like that are payable by US Bank but received by College sense 2012. 2. Copy of all payments made by US Bank to COD pertaining to all of the items referenced in #1 sense 2012. 82 3/6/2015 Donald Krause I would like a copy of the most recent pay scale (as of 3-6-15) for the College of DuPage Police Department. 83 3/9/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all written communications provided to COD from the contractor Troop Construction pertaining to COD PO#329921- COD PE INTERIOR SIGNAGE PACKAGE since June 1 of 2013. 84 3/10/2015 Jake Griffin 1. Copies of all Freedom of Information Act requests, or documents sufficient to show, submitted by the Chicago Tribune and/or any of their agents during the past year (March 11,2014 to March 10,2015). 2. Copies of all Freedom of Information Act request responses, or documents sufficient to show, from the College of DuPage to the Chicago Tribune and/or its agents during the past year (March 11, 2014 to March 10, 2015). 85 3/10/2015 Open the Books 1. This is a request for a copy of the following record: 'Any' and 'All' audio or video recordings of Dr. Robert Breuder's employment interview(s) for the position of President at College of Dupage in 2008. Background: Dr. Breuder's employment interview(s) with school and/or community officials was videotaped. We are requesting a copy of that video(s). This video was made public when a College of DuPage professor showed the interview to her class. 86 3/10/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. All documents that show expenses paid for meetings, gatherings, events, and/or retreats attended by College of DuPage employees at the Max McGraw Wildlife Federation. (If you called them something other than those four names, please include expenses for those as well) This request includes all expenses that the College of DuPage paid directly to food, lodging and travel costs. 2. Please include invoices, bills, and any other documentation related to the expense. 3. This request is for January 2009 to the present. 87 3/11/2015 Open the Books A copy of the video, audios, e-mails to and from board members and the administration and documents given to the board members for the December 11, 2013 Board Meeting. 88 3/11/2015 Open the Books A copy of the College of DuPage Executive Director's Reports for the Foundation given to the Board of Trustees for 2012, 2013, and 2014. 89 3/11/2015 Open the Books A copy of the video and audio for the February 21 2013 Board Meeting. 90 3/12/2015 Open the Books A copy of the video and/or audio for the September 13, 2012 Board Meeting, all documents provided to the board of trustees, copy of all presentations. 91 3/12/2015 Safiya Merchant Copies of all documents provided by the College of DuPage to the Chicago Tribune or individual reporters representing the Chicago Tribune Copies of all documents regarding contracts and the contracts themselves given to former and current board members of the COD foundation board. 92 3/13/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of RFP and affiliated documents used for Branch Banking Services that led to the selection of the DuPage Credit Union obtaining the contract with COD that became effective in January of 2008. 2. Copy of all proposals received in relation to the RFP used that led to DuPage Credit Union obtaining the contract. 3. Copy of all other RFP related documents to include publications, denials, and any other communication either in paper form or electronic. 4. Copy of all payments made to COD by DuPage Credit Union as part of the contract obligations of the contract entered into effective January 2008 5. Copy of minutes reflecting awarding DuPage Credit Union the contract signed with COD. 93 3/13/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all contracts, communications, bids, payments, invoices, emails, or anything else related to any Public Relations related firms, buisness, etc that may not have been hired or contracted, etc, to do public relations work or any other work for the College of DuPage in the past 6 months. 94 3/13/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of anything (even if it is with the attoney) that authorized any law firm or attorney to hire or contract with "Res Publica" or any other variation of the name, since August of 2014 2. Copy of all work product related to number 1, above. 95 3/18/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. All hotel bills, invoices, receipts, room service bills and any other accompanying documentation for hotel rooms and other expenses at the Inn at Water’s Edge paid for the following individuals: President Robert Breuder, all College of DuPage Foundation board members, all trustees and all members of the senior management team. 2. Please include all documents since the Inn at Water’s Edge opened. 3. Please include all documents that show expenses paid directly by the college and expenses reimbursed by the college. 4. Please include all documents including, but not limited to, house accounts for the hotel used by the above people. 96 3/18/2015 Jake Griffin Copies of all invoices, bills and/or receipts, or documents sufficient to show payments, charges or debts owed by the college for meals or any other food and beverages provided to board members and/or senior staff on days when the board of trustees held public meetings from September 2013 through the current date. 97 3/18/2015 Jake Griffin Copies of any and all contracts and bid documents, or documents sufficient to show, for the following College of DuPage vendors and/or vendor numbers in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and/or 2014: 1089208 V3 Companies 1087101 Legat Architects 1089376 Smith Group JJR 1089382 Smith Group JJR 1089247 Loebl Schlossman & Hackl, Inc. 1087480 Power Construction Co., LLC 1089321 W.B. Olson Inc 1087398 Mortenson Construction 1089341 Wight & Company 1178693 Moore Landscapes, Inc 1213306 Landscape Forms 1179034 Landworks 1085264 Crowe Horwath LLP 1085406 Gilbane 1089560 Western Remac, Inc. 0049301 Joseph P. Barillari 1179367 Aqua Designs, Inc 1084587 Follett Higher Education 1084530 Follett's College of DuPage 1203697 Follett Educational Foundation 98 3/18/2015 Jake Griffin Copies of, or documents sufficient to show, any and all submitted vendor invoices associated with the following check numbers and voucher information: A total of 2,200 invoices - too many to list in the FOIA Index 99 3/18/2015 Open the Books A request for a copy of the following records: A copy of a list of all tickets sold for the Mike Birbigilia Thank God for Jokes Show on Friday March 13. This should include the ticket price. 100 3/20/2015 Doc Mirino In regards to the procurement titled: Debt Collection Services 2015-R0013, I am requesting the following: 1. A copy of the signed contract(s). 2. A copy of the winning vendor(s) proposal(s), excluding confidential info. 3. A copy of the detailed scoring/evaluation docs with vendor rates. 4. A list of respondents and companies that requested a copy of the procurement. 5. The most recent contract performance report. 101 3/20/2015 Open the Books A copy all documents relating to Michael Birbiglia performances at the MAC including but not limited to: emails, notes (even handwritten), contracts, agreements etc. 102 3/20/2015 Open the Books A copy of all the legal invoices from January 1, 2012 to present for the lawfirm Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor. 103 3/20/2015 Open the Books A copy of all notices of offering of property tax appeals in which College of Dupage intervenes or otherwise participates in. 104 3/20/2015 Open the Books A copy of all faculty and student e-mail address list. 105 3/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all meal and drink receipts for meals/drinks provided to employees, Senior Administrative staff and the President at the Wheat Café in the last 6 months that were paid for by COD and or Wheat Café. 2. Copy of all meal and drink receipts for meals/drinks provided to Senior Administrative staff and the President at the Waterleaf since December 1st, 2014. 106 3/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of all audio, videos, documents, handouts, anything passed out and minutes for all retreats held at the Silverleaf in 2012 and 2013 with the board of trustees. 107 3/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of all invoices and receipts for all retreats held at the Silverleaf in 2012 and 2013 with the board of trustees. 108 3/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of the presentation made by Thomas Glaser at the February 21 2013 Board Meeting. 109 3/23/2015 John Vander Kamp What was the price that College of Dupage paid for portable toilets in 2013 and 2014? The prices paid per week or per month for all different types of portable toilets would be appreciated (standard or basic, handicap, extra large, and ADA compliant). Also, if you could provide me with any special event prices for portable toilets, that would be wonderful. If you are unclear about this request, or need additional information, please contact me at your convenience. 110 3/23/2015 Open the Books A copy of video or audio if the video is not available for the January 19,2012 Board Meeting. 111 3/23/2015 Robert Sanchez I am requesting employment information for the members of College of DuPage's senior management team: James Bente, Catherine Brod, Joseph Collins, Charles Currier, Earl Downing, Thomas J. Glaser, Jean Kartje, Mary Ann Millush, Joseph Moore and Linda Sands-Vankerk. Specifically, I am seeking copies of their employment contracts with the college and any addendums to those contracts. I also want to know the dates that each member of the senior management team started working for the college. 112 3/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all Waterleaf receipts prior to October 24, 2013 for expenditures paid for by COD. 113 3/25/2015 Anthony Wallk Project: COLLEGE OF DuPAGE BASEBALL FIELD PERIMETER IMPROVEMENTS Copy of the weekly Certified Payrolls from the General (Breezy Hill Nursery) and any and all subcontractors Copy of their Apprenticeship and Training Certification 114 3/25/2015 Anthony Wallk Project: FY 2014 Site Work- West Campus Connector Roadway Copy of the weekly Certified Payrolls from the General (Breezy Hill Nursery) and any and all subcontractors Copy of their Apprenticeship and Training Certification 115 3/30/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all subpoenas received by COD sense February 2, 2015 2. Copy of all reponsive documents provided under the issued subpoenas. 116 3/30/2015 Jodi Cohen Copies of all calendars/official daily schedules of President Robert Breuder from February 12, 2015 to the present. This request includes the president’s official calendar, register of visitors and trips for college business in any available format. 117 3/30/2015 Stacy St. Clair I am seeking all grand jury subpoenas received by the college since January 1, 2015. This would include, but not be limited to, any subpoenas served by the DuPage County state's attorney's office or any of its representatives. 118 4/1/2015 Matt Poskonka Copy of cd of the video accident report #150085 119 4/1/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. All documentation showing the expenditure of funds, or the expected expenditure of funds, related to renovations to, or work on, the offices used by President Robert Breuder since January 1, 2009. 2. All documentation showing the expenditure of funds, or the expected expenditure of funds, related to decorating expenses connected to the presidents’ offices, including, but not limited to, furniture, artwork, accessories, rugs and window treatments. 3. An inventory of all artwork currently in the president's offices. 4. Please include all the expenditure of funds for the office suite he currently uses, as well as any temporary offices he has used since January 1, 2009. 5. Documents for the above requests could include, but are not limited to, copies of all receipts, invoices and payments to any companies involved in the work on or purchases for the offices; all bids, work orders, contracts and any other documentation related to work on or purchases for the offices; and any other documentation that shows funds expended or expected to be expended on the offices. 6. Please also include any documentation that shows the university Board of Trustees’ approval of the work, or other administrative approval. 120 4/1/2015 Stacy St. Clair Any copies of grand jury subpoenas for the College of DuPage Foundation which are in possession, physically or in electronic form, of the college, any of its administrators, senior managers, president, board members, paid consultants, lobbyists or representatives. 121 4/2/2015 Open the Books A copy of all contracts/agreements with Lynn Sapyta since 2010 122 4/3/2015 Bloomington Normal News 1. Copy of all vendors performing work related to paving, sidewalks, concrete drives etc. in the last 5 years. 2. Copy of all contracts issued for paving of any COD parking lot for the last 5 years. 3. Copy of all contracts issued for any sidewalk work at COD in the last 5 years. 123 4/6/2015 Nathan Lurz Any subpoenas delivered to the College of DuPage from the DuPage County State's Attorney's Office from Jan. 1, 2014 to April 4, 2015. 124 4/6/2015 Nathan Lurz All documents relating to credit card accounts used by President Robert Breuder that are paid for by the College of DuPage or COD Foundation, including reimbursable expense forms, receipts, college policies re: expense reports, correspondence between the college and Mr. Breuder regarding expense repots, etc. I also request copies of all employment agreements, contracts, extensions and addendums pertaining to Breuder's employment at the college. 125 4/6/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of RFP's, requests for bids, scoring of any received proposals and/or bids related to the award of business to vendor Michael Walters Advertising. 126 4/7/2015 Open the Books A copy of the videos for the Sept 25 2014 and the Feb 19 2015 Board Meetings. 127 4/7/2015 Open the Books A copy of any information related to the Blanket PO B334810 for Crowe Horwath for 2010-present and all payments for 2010 - present related to the Blank PO. This should include all invoices from Crowe Horwath. 128 4/8/2015 Open the Books A copy of Radio Station Audit from Crowe Horwath that was passed out to the Board of Trustees at the January 19 2012 Board Meeting. 129 4/9/2015 Robert Sanchez 1. Copies of all calendars/official daily schedules of President Robert Breuder from February 12, 2015 to the present. This request includes the president's official calendar, register of visitors and trips for college buisness in any format. 2. All documentation showing the expenditure of funds, or the expected expenditure of funds, related to renovations to, or work on, the offices used by President Robert Breuder since January 1 2009. All documentation showing the expenditure of funds, or the expected expenditure of funds, related to decorating expenses connected to the president's offices, including, but not limited to, funiture, artwork, accessories, rugs and window treatments. An inventory of all artwork currently in the president's offices. Please include all the expenditures of funds for the office suite he currently uses, as well as any temporary offices he used since January 1, 2009. Documents for the above requests could include, but are not limited to, copies of all receipts, invoices and payments to any companies involved in the work on or purchases for the offices; and any other documentation that shows funds expended or expected to be expended on the offices. Please also include any documentation that shows the university Board of Trustees' approval of the work, or other administrative approval. 3. Any copies of grand jury subpoenas for the College of DuPage Foundation which are in possession, physically or in electronic form, of the college, any of its administrators, senior managers, president, board members, paid consultants, lobbyists or representatives. 130 4/9/2015 Robert Sanchez I am requesting information related to the buyout of President Robert Breuder's contract. Specifically, I am seeking copies of the audio recordings of the executive session(s) where the buyout (fouth addendum to president's employment contract) was discussed. 131 4/10/2015 Robert Sanchez I am requesting information related to construction projects that M.A. Mortenson Company did on the College of DuPage campus since 2010. Specifically, I am seeking copies of all final lien waivers for Mortenson from January 2010 to the present 132 4/13/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any written investment policy adopted by COD 133 4/14/2015 Jodi Cohen Stacy St. Clair 1. Copies of all receipts, expense reports, and other documents showing payments made as part of the "Leadership Cultivation Meetings" or "Leadership Cultivation Account" referred to in the College of DuPage Foundation's 990 reports. This account is used to pay the expenses of College of DuPage President Robert Breuder, according to Ms. Catherine Brod. These records should include, but not be limited to , house accounts and credit cards paid for by the Foundation. 2. Copies of all receipts, expense reports, and other documents showing payments made as part of the "Leadership Cultivation Grant" referred to by Ms. Catherine Brod in a conversation with the Chicago Tribune. These records should include, but not be limited to, house accounts and credit cards paid for by the Foundation. 3. Copies of all receipts, expense reports, and other related documents submitted by College of DuPage administrators for reimbursement from the College of DuPage Foundation. These records should include, but not be limited to, house accounts and credit cards paid for by the Foundation. Please provide documents from 2009 to the present. For all of the documentations above, please include expenses paid both directly by the Foundation as well as expenses reimbursed to employees by the Foundation. Please also include any documentation that shows the reason for the expenses and any guests connected with the expenses. 134 4/14/2015 Stacy St. Clair I am seeking all state and federal subpoenas received by the College of DuPage since the Tribune's March 29 request. This would include, but not limited to, any subpoenas issued by state and federal law-enforcement agencies, prosecutors, inspect general's offices or grand juries. It would also include, but not limited to, any suboenas received from federal entities such as the U.S. Department of Education, Homeland Security or other cabinet-level agencies. This request would extend to subpoenas served to all College employees, trustees, foundation members and other representatives of the college. Please include the face sheets with the subpoenas. 135 4/15/2015 Samira Kanacevic CBS 1. The federal subpoenas. 2. Employment records, expense reports and conflict-of-interest statements for Breuder, all senior managers and trustees. 3. Records relating to the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy. **Please note that we do not need all the documents together we will take whichever is avble first.** 136 4/15/2015 Open the Books A copy all invoices for and payments for the audits performed from 2007-2014. 137 4/16/2015 Stacy St. Clair I am seeking all state or federal subpoenas received by the College of Dupage Foundation since April 1,2015. This would include, but not limited to, any subpoenas issued by state and federal grand juries. It would also include, but not be limited to, any subpoenas received from federal agencies or administrative bodies, such as the U.S. Department of Education or Homeland Security. This request would extend to subpoenas served on any college employee, foundation officer, board member or agent. Please include face sheets with the subpoenas. 138 4/17/2015 Taira Alabi The Courier We would like of a copy all emails sent to and from the account of President Robert L Breuder between 3/31/15-4/10/15. 139 4/17/2015 Jodi Cohen I am requesting the following documents- from January 1, 2009 to the present: 1. All documents pertaining to open or closed bank accounts, credit card accounts, and/or ATM/Debit Card accounts, including imprest, operating, "house," foundation or other accounts, used in connection with charges incurred by or payments made to the College of DuPage president, trustees, senior management personnel, COD Foundation members, and/or entities in which COD Foundation members are professionally associated, including but not limited to: a. Signature cards b. Invoices, Statements, Receipts, cancelled checks, deposit tickets, wire transfers, credit and debit memos. c. Documents reflecting payment on the account 2. All records reflecting payments- including reimbursement records, expense reports, invoices and credit card statements- made to or on behalf of College of DuPage president Robert Breuder, trustees and senior management personnel. Please include all documents showing direct payments as well as reimbursements to the employees/trustees. 3. All conflict of interest statements of Robert Breuder, trustees and senior management personnel 140 4/17/2015 Jodi Cohen I would like this data provided in an Excel database. Records reflecting the current payroll of the College of DuPage, including employment information for both staff and contract employees. Please include the following fields: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Age or Date of Birth, Employee's Title, Department, Hire Date, Base Salary, Additional Compensation. 141 3/19/2015 Oriana Van Someren I am looking for information based on the landscape maintenance project that was submitted and accepted for Bur Oaks Landscaping for the management and maintenance of the following properties for COD: the Westmont Learning Center The Naperville Learning Center The Carol Stream Community Center They were all together on one maintenance bid proposal. Looking for bid prices and specifics of what work was included in their proposal. 142 3/19/2015 Oriana Van Someren I am looking for information pertaining to the maintenance contract bid that was rewarded to Bur Oak Landscape company for the past years for the following locations: Westmont learning center, Naperville learning center and Carol Stream Community center what the final bid price was with any other details on the scope of work. 143 4/20/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all Grant Applications Sent to the State to include the Govenor's office, Department of Education, and any other state agency since January 2009. 144 4/20/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all receipts for all house accounts for the Waterleaf for the past 2 years. 2. Copy of all the responsible party for each house account at the Waterleaf. 3. Copy of all receipts of all "house accounts" or other "charge accounts" for all other things within the College of DuPage for the past 2 years (do not include student accounts). 4. Copy of all receipts/invoices for all accounts where the College of DuPage is responsible for payment that includes any eating, drinking, or hotel/motel type businesses. 145 4/20/2015 Ryan Priess What is the current price and what company is the current provider for the Janitorial ServicesSupplemental Staff the college currently uses? 146 4/20/2015 Jerry Frym Please provide a electronic copy of College of DuPage Janitorial Services-Supplemental Staff contract for Years 2013 and 2014. 147 4/20/2015 Heather Gillers Chicago Tribune I am requesting all documents and emails that discuss President Robert Breuder's participation in the "faculty earned compensation program" as detailed in the 2007-11 Contractual Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of College of DuPage and College of DuPage Faculty Association IEA/NEA. 148 4/20/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all reservations made for the Wheat Café between March 16th and 23rd of 2015 149 4/20/2015 Jodi Cohen I am requesting the following documents related to the Inn at Water's Edge at the College of DuPage since the Inn opened: 1. All hotel bills, invoices, receipts, room service bills and any other accompanying documentation for hotel rooms and other expenses at the Inn at Water's Edge generated by the inn, which is a part of the public college, for the following individuals: President Robert Breuder, all College of DuPage Foundation board members, all trustees and all members of the senior management team. (Please note the section in bold, whis is different from my original request) 2. For the above request, please include all documentation showing how the bills, etc. were paid. 3. All records showing hotel stays at the Inn at Water's Edge, whether or not they were paid for, for the following individuals: President Robert Breuder, all members of the Senior Management Team, all College of DuPage Foundation board members, and all College of DuPage trustees. 4. All records showing complimentary, "comped," or unpaid stays at the Inn at Water's Edge since it opened, including but not limited to the above individuals. Please include records that show the names of the individuals who stayed there, the date and anything that was provided on a complimentary basis. 5. All documents showing all House accounts associated with the Inn at Water's Edge, including but not limited to house accounts for the hotel used by the above people. 6. All documents showing the number of guests each year since the Inn at Water's Edge opened. 150 4/21/2015 Heather Gillers The "faculty earned compensation program" as detailed in the 2007-11 Contractual Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of College of DuPage and College of DuPage Faculty Association IEA/NEA, requires that the faculty member submit, in writing, a choice of a project and/or additional service (which is otherwise uncompensated) of reasonable scope which makes a positive contribution to the mission of the College. President Robert Breuder participated in the "earned compensation program." I am requesting all documents related to Breuder's project, including the submission describing the project and all work product associated with it. 151 4/21/2015 Jodi Cohen Stacy St. Clair We are seeking the following documents: 1. All text messages sent from President Robert Breuder to any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014, including any messages sent from personal and/or business phones. 2. All text messages received by President Robert Breuder from any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014, including any messages sent from personal and/or business phones. 3. All emails sent from President Robert Breuder to any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014. This should include, but not limited to, his work email account, as well as any personal email accounts in which college matters are discussed. 4. All emails sent received by President Robert Breuder to any trustees, senior administators and/or foundation members since December 2014. This should include, but not limited to, his work email account, as well as any personal email accounts in which college matters are discussed. 152 4/24/2015 Chris Hart I am writing you on behalf of Action Target to file a FOIA request in reguards to COD's new Indoor Firing Range that is being constructed as part of the Homeland Security Training Center. Action Target is requesting a copy of the approved equipment submittals for the Firing Range Equipment for this project, as approved by David Lesniak (Project Manager for the College) and Power Construction, a contractor hired by the College of DuPage to manage this project. 153 4/24/2015 Stacy St. Clair We are seeking the following documents: 1. Invoices for all promotional materials, post cards and/or fliers mailed to District 502 residents since Jan. 1, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just targeted areas. This should include, but not limited to, all design, production, printing, marketing, postage and other fees associated with the mailings. 2. Proposals for all promotional materials, post cards and/or fliers mailed to District 502 residents since Jan. 1, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just targeted areas.. This should include, but not limited to, all design, production, printing, marketing, postage and other fees associated with the mailings. 3. Documents showing estimated, projected or paid costs for all promotional materials, post cards and/or fliers mailed to District 502 residents since Jan. 1, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just targeted areas.. This should include, but not limited to, all design, production, printing, marketing, postage and other fees associated with the mailings. 4. Invoices, proposal and documents showing estimated, projected or paid costs for all newspaper, radio, tv, social media and internet advertising since Jan. 1. 5. Copies of all all newspaper, radio, tv, social media and internet advertising referenced above. 6. A copy of each mailing sent to district residents, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just targeted areas. 7. A list of zip codes to which each above mentioned piece was sent. 8. A copy of the survey referenced in the flier that stated "We're all ears." 9. All invoices submitted by Res Publica communications and/or any invoices from Franczek Radelet for work done by Res Publica communications. 10. All contracts and invoices submitted by Levick and/or Randall Samborn 11. All invoices from submitted from a law firm for work done by Levick and/or Randall Samborn 154 4/27/2015 Stacy St. Clair I am seeking the following documents: 1. Any audio/surveillance camera and/or closed-circuit television (CCTV) recordings of the Student Resource Center (SRC) - interior and exterior - from the hours of 2:30 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. on April 13. 2. Any audio/surveillance camera and/or closed-circuit television (CCTV) recordings of the Student Resource Center (SRC) - interior and exterior - held pursuant to an April 16th federal grand jury subpoena 155 4/27/2015 Robert Sanchez 1. All state and federal subpoenas received by the College of DuPage since April 1, 2015. This request would extend to subpoenas served to all College employees, trustees, foundation members and other representatives of the college. 2. All state or federal subpoenas received by the College of DuPage Foundation since April 1, 2015. This request would include, but not limited to, any subpoenas issued by state and federal grand juries. This request would extend to subpoenas served on any college employee, foundation officer, board member or agent. 156 4/27/2015 Robert Sanchez Specifically, I am seeking the following documents from January 1, 2009 to the present: 1. All documents pertaining to open or closed bank accounts, credit card accounts, and/or ATM/Debit Card accounts. Including imprest, operating, "house," foundation or other accounts, used in connection with charges incurred by or payments made to the College of DuPage president, trustees, senior management personnel, COD Foundation members, and/or entities in which COD Foundation members are professionally associated, including but not limited to: a. Signature cards b. Invoices, Statements, Receipts, cancelled checks, deposit tickets, wire transfers, credit and debit memos. c. Documents reflecting payment on the account 2. All records reflecting payments- including reimbursement records, expense reports, invoices and credit card statements- made to or on behalf of College of DuPage president Robert Breuder, trustees and senior management personnel. Please include all documents showing direct payments as well as reimbursements to the employees/trustees. 3. All conflict of interest statements of Robert Breuder, trustees and senior management personnel 157 4/27/2015 Robert Sanchez Specifically, I am seeking the following in an Excel database: Records reflecting the current payroll of the College of DuPage, including employment information for both staff and contract employees. Please include the following fields: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Age or Date of Birth, Employee's Title, Department, Hire Date, Base Salary, Additional Compensation. 158 4/27/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all video provided or to be provided to investigative authorities under any Subpoena issued to COD in the last 6 weeks. 159 4/27/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the most recent Strategic Long Range Plan provided to the COD President. 2. Copy of minutes reflecting when such plan was presented to the Board of Trustees. 160 4/27/2015 Open the Books A copy of all invoices/charges from Ellucian to the College of DuPage to present including any receipts submitted or expenses paid for by the College. I would like to amend the request to contain all invoices for Datatel and Ellucian from 2008. 5/15/2015 Revised 161 4/27/2015 Open the Books A copy of contracts/agreements that the College of DuPage has entered into since inception to present with Ellucian. 162 4/28/2015 Open the Books A copy of contracts/agreements and invoices for all Bond Councils hired by the College of DuPage since 1999. 163 4/28/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all responsive documents provided under all Federal Grand Jury Subpoenas issued in the last 60 days. 164 4/28/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all invoices for public relations services in the last 90 days. 2. Copy of all charges for the printing of COD promotional items mailed to residents I the last 90 days. 3. Copy of all charges for all advertising of COD for the last 90 days. 165 4/28/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all communications between the college, its officers, its trustees, its consultants, and/or its attorneys and any/all public relations service providers/contractors in the last 90 days. 166 4/28/2015 Robert Sanchez 1. Copies of all text messages sent from President Robert Breuder to any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014, including any messages sent from personal and/or business phones. 2. Copies of all text messages received by President Robert Breuder from any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014, including any messages sent from personal and/or buisness phones. 3. Copies of all emails sent from President Robert Breuder to any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014. This should include, but not limited to, his work email account, as well as any personal email accounts in which college matters are discussed. 4. Copies of all emails sent received by President Robert Breuder to any trustees, senior administrators and/or foundation members since December 2014. This should include, but not limited to, his work email accounts, as well as any personal email accounts in which college matters are discussed. 167 4/28/2014 Robert Sanchez 1. Invoices for all promotional materials, post cards and/or fliers mailed to District 502 residents since Jan. 1, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just target areas. This should include, but not limited to, all design, production, printing, marketing, postage and other fees associated with the mailings. 2. Proposals for all promotional materials, post cards, and/or fliers mailed to District 502 residents since Jan. 1, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just target areas.. This should include, but not limited to, all design, production, printing, marketing, postage and other fees associated with the mailings. 3. Documents showing estimated, projected or paid costs for all promotional materials, post cards and/or fliers mailed to District 502 residents since Jan. 1, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just target areas.. This should include, but not limited to, all design, production, printing, marketing, postage and other fees associated with the mailings. 4. Invoices, propsal and documents showing estimated, projected or paid costs for all newspaper, radio, tv, social media and internet advertising since Jan. 1. 5. Copies of all all newspaper, radio, tv, social media and internet advertising referenced above. 6. A copy of each mailing sent to district residents, regardless of whether they were sent to all residents or just targeted areas. 7. A list of zip codes to which each above mentioned piece was sent. 8 A copy of the survey referenced in the flier that stated "We're all ears." 9. All invoices submitted by Res Publica communications and/or any invoices from Franczek Radelet for work done by Res Publica commuincations. 10. All contracts and invoices submitted by Levick and/or Randall Samborn. 11. All invoices from submitted from a law firm for work done by Levick and/or Randall Samborn. 168 4/28/2015 Robert Sanchez 1. Copies of any audio/surveillance camera and/or closed-circuit television (CCTV) recordings of the Student Resource Center (SRC)- interior and exterior- from the hours of 2:30 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. on April 13. 2. Copies of any audio/surveillance camera and/or closed-circuit television (CCTV) recordings of the Student Resource Center (SRC)- interior and exterior- held pursuant to an April 16th federal grand jury subpoena. 169 4/29/2015 Robert Sanchez 1. Any documentation showing Robert Breuder's request for medical leave, including the request for leave form. 2. Any documentation showing the approval of Robert Breuder's medical leave. Please include the effective starting and ending dates for the leave. 3. Any certifications by health care providers for Robert Breuder's medical leave. 4. Any correspondence, including emails, between Robert Breuder, the Human Resource Benefits Manager, college officials, and members or the board of trustees regarding his medical leave. 5. Any documentation showing how many sick days Breuder is allowed to take as of April, 29, 2015. 170 4/29/2015 Open the Books A copy of all documents and information related the company Ellucian being awarded a contract from the College of DuPage or their ability to sell products or services to the college. 171 4/29/2015 Jodi Cohen 1. All documents, including but not limited to memos, emails, and text messages, related to President Robert Breuder's medical leave. This includes, but is not limited to, any records in which he is requesting the leave and any records indicating that the leave has been approved. 172 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of all final lien waivers for the Culinary & Hospitality Center from 2009. 173 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Berg Instructional Center (BIC) from 2009. 174 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Campus Maintenance Center (CMC) since 2009. 175 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Health and Science Center (HSC) since 2005. 176 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Homeland Security Education Center (HEC) since 2009. 177 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the McAninich Arts Center (MAC). 178 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Physical Education Center (PEC) since 2009. 179 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of all Final Lien Waivers for the Seaton Computing Center (SCC) since 2009. 180 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Student Resource Center/Library (SRC) since 2009. 181 4/30/2015 Open the Books A copy of All Final Lien Waivers for the Technical Education Center (TEC) since 2005. 182 5/4/2015 Harold Blumm 1. Bid documents submitted from ; Construction Management, Patriot Pavement, and Arlington sealcoating 183 5/4/2015 Harold Blumm 1. Bid bid bond for Arlington Sealcoating 184 5/4/2015 Open the Books A copy of All 990's filed by The College of DuPage since 2009. 185 5/4/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all forms of communication sent and received by all Board of Trustee members during the Organizational and special meeting held on April 30th. This would include all text messages, voice mail, messages, voice to text messages, instant messages on their computer and or emails. These communications would be only those related to COD buisness and include both COD owned equipment and their personal devices if used for such buisness at any time, which would include the sending of or receipt of above referenced comminications. 186 5/4/2015 Stacy St. Clair Copies of all memorandums of understanding between the College of DuPage and its foundation. Specifically, I am seeking all copies of all MOUs from 2000 to the present. 187 5/8/2015 Open the Books A copy of All RAMP payments (only RAMP payments) made to the College of DuPage since 2009. This should include granting agency, title, Division, Project Director, start date, end date, amount and description for payment. 188 5/8/2015 Keith Yearman FOIA Logs for 2010-2015. 189 5/8/2015 Terry Cornell I am looking for the following information: 1. Any and all contracts with any sign companies, sign design companies, design companies and/or any company of the like. 2. Any contracts that used or have used a College of DuPage issued or prepared contract. 3. Any contracts that are on any type or form that is commonly used by Architects. 4. Names of all companies that received a contract under 2 million dollars. 5. Names of all companies that received any type of "no bid" contract. 6. Copies of any and all contracts that are on the same type of form as Herricane Graphics. 190 5/8/2015 Stacy St. Clair I am seeking all state and federal subpoenas received by the College of DuPage since April 16, 2015. This would include, but not limited to, any subpoenas issued by state and federal grand juries. It would also include, but not be limited to, any subpoenas receieved from federal agencies or administrative bodies, such as the U.S. Department of Education or Homeland Security. Please include face sheets with subpoenas. 191 5/11/2015 Open the Books 1. Electronic copy for any and all internet router logs of the following administrators: Barbara Abromitis, Dr. Emmanuel Awuah, James Bente, Donna Berliner, Thomas Brady, Catherine Brod, Thomas Cameron, Joseph Cassidy, Dr. Joseph Collins, Dr. Mark Collins, Brett Coup, Dr. Charles Currier, Earl Dowling, Kristine Fay, Thomas J. Glaser, Marianne Hunnicutt, Mia Igyarto, Laurie Jorgensen, Dr. Jean Kartje, John Kronenburger, Karen Kuhn, Daniel Lloyd, Jim Ma, Sue Martin, Diana Martinez, James Martner, Mary Ann Millush, Joseph Moore, Joseph Mullin, Kirk Overstreet, Ellen Roberts, Linda Sands- Vankerk, Lynn Sapyta, Thomas Schrader, Bruce Schmiedl, Jane Smith, Karen Solt, Ellen Sutton, David Swope, Sheldon Walcher, Blake Wlter, Eugene Ye, Paul Zakowski, Dr. Robert Breuder. The router logs include but are not limited to the following information: URL Name, Workstation Name/IP address, and Time/Date Stamp. This request is for the period 10/01/2014 through 3/31/2015 inclusive. 192 5/12/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all compensation for employment for Dr. Breuder from date of hire, January 1st 2009 to current date. I am not seeking his contract. I am seeking ALL compensation provided to him whether that be finacial, benefits, memberships, etc. Any compensation in the form of financial I am asking for copies of those checks. If the compensation was benefits or memberships I am asking for all documentation pertaining to those benefits and/or memberships. I would appreciate these matters be broken down by year, as in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 etc. 193 5/14/2015 Nathan Lurz A copy of all invoices for public relations services in the last 90 days, a copy of all charges for the printing of COD promotional items mailed to residents in the last 90 days and a copy of all charges for all advertising of COD for the last 90 days. Copy of the federal subpoena delivered to the college. 194 5/15/2015 Jodi Cohen Copies of all documents, including but not limited to invoices, purchasing orders, and emails that show what the College of DuPage's "contingency" or "discretionary" funds were used to pay for since President Robert Breuder's tenure began in January 2009. Please include all documents to the present. 195 5/15/2015 Jodi Cohen All communications, including but not limited to emails, memos, and text messages, sent or received by President Robert Breuder involving the districtwide mailings that were sent- or were intended to be sent- by the college between March 1 and the present. All communications, including but not limited to emails, memos, and text messages, sent or received by any employees of the marketing department and any employees in the purchasing department involving the districtwide mailings that were sent- or were intended to be sent- by the college between March 1 and the present. Please include all communications for the four postcards and Impact newsletter that were sent, as well as the two postcards that were not sent. Images of the two postcards that were not sent. 196 5/18/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all work produced by Res Publica on behalf of COD and their attorneys. Work product is to be considered any form of work product produced, as in, but not limited to, opinions, memos, letters, etc. 2. Copy of all e-mails to and from Res Publica and any COD employee, trustee, and/or COD attorney's. This would include all e-mails to Dr. Breuder from Res Publica and all emails from Dr. Breuder to Res Publica, all e-mails to Erin Birt from Res Publica and all emails from Erin Birt to Res Publica. 3. Copy of ALL attachments contained in any of the above referenced e-mail communications. Time frame for this request is from January 1st, 2015 to present date. 197 5/18/2015 Jodi Cohen All emails sent between Robert Breuder and Catherine Brod from January 1, 2015 to the present. (a) Please include all emails sent from one of them to the other, and all email received by one from the other. (b) Please include all emails that have been deleted, even if it means you need an information technology specialist to recover them. (c) Please include all emails sent from their non-College of DuPage email addresses in which they are discussing College of DuPage business. All text messages sent between Robert Breuder and Catherine Brod from January 1, 2015 to the present, with the same parameters as above. 198 5/18/2015 Cal Skinner Under the FOIA I request copies of all bulk mailings made by the College of DuPage Foundation during the last five years. Please also include documents that will show the cost of such mailings and the number mailed. 199 5/20/2015 Chris Placek I am seeking all state and federal subpoenas received by the College of DuPage since April 16, 2015. This would include, but not limited to, any subpoenas issued by state and federal grand juries. It would also include, but not be limited to, any subpoenas receieved from federal agencies or administrative bodies, such as the U.S. Department of Education or Homeland Security. Please include face sheets with subpoenas. 200 2/20/2015 Chris Placek Investigative report regarding John Valenta compiled by Williams, Montgomery and John, Ltd. 201 5/20/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all reports of progress, budgets, expenditures made and results of the study regarding the M.R. Bauer Foundation project to study the incarceration rates and length of stay per inmate being held at Cook County Jail. 2. Copy of any payments provided to COD on behalf of the above mentioned project. 202 5/22/2015 Open the Books A copy of All documents used to acquire the Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Glen Ellyn, IL Permit No. 164 and Permit No. 1369. Any documents showing any approvals needs to acquire the permit no. 164 and Permit No. 1369. See attachments. 203 5/22/2015 Open the Books A copy of All invoices, documents and correspondence to and from Precise Printing, XL Marketing Group, Inc. or anyone associated with the 2015 Spring Mailers. Any anything provided to anyone parties relating to the postage for the 2015 Spring Mailers. 204 6/6/2015 Jasmine Bridges I would like to request a police report from a crash that occurred on 4/6/15- agency crash report NO. 2015-1500130, on college rd. west bound at 9:50 am. 205 6/9/2015 David Asari would like to request an updated public directory of students, Name, Mailing address and telephone, official e-mail address, Major, Dates of Attendance, degrees and honors received, participation in officially recognized activities, including intercollegiate athletics 206 6/10/2015 Stacy St. Clair 1. All emails, memos, reports or other documents sent or received by Robert Breuder that include the words "IMET," "Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund," "Investment," "mutual funds," or "Illinois Fund." 2. All emails, memos, reports or other documents sent or received by Thomas Glaser that include the words "IMET," "Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund," "Investment," "mutual funds," or "Illinois Fund." 3. All emails, memos, reports or other documents sent or received by Lynn Sapyta that include the words "IMET," "Investment," "Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund," "mutual funds," or "Illinois Fund." 4. All emails, memos, reports or other documents sent or received by James Martner that include the words "IMET," "Investment," "Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund,""mutual funds," or "Illinois Fund." 5. All emails, memos, reports or other documents sent or received by college trustees that include the words "IMET," "Investment," "Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund," "mutual funds," or "Illinois Fund." We ask that you include all responsive documents from March 1, 2014 to the present. 207 6/3/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of December 17, 2013 letter sent by Thomas Glaser to the MR Bauer Foundation. (Letter was referenced in the previous FOIA response documents. 208 6/17/2015 Mark Misiorowski 1. Documents which identify the names of all members and ex officio members of COD's Treasurer's Advisory Committee for 2012 and 2013. 2. All documents, including but not limited to all notes, rationales, explanations, justifications, agendas, meeting summaries, recommendations, suggestions, criticisms, opposition statements, objections, etc. or drafts of new investment policies, edits or amendments to COD's new investment policy (Policy 10-55, First Reading by Board of Trustees on February 21, 2013 and approved by Board on March 19, 2013) and final recommendation from Treasurer's Advisory Committee to COD Treasurer or COD Board that the COD Board of Trustees approve new final investment Policy 10-55, dated March 19, 2013. 209 6/17/2015 Hannah Dehlin The contract that the College of DuPage made with Governet's curriculum management product CurricNet. 210 6/18/2015 Roger Kempa All College of DuPage records of all mutual fund recommendations, (including, but not limited to purchases & sales, advice, costs, performance, ratings, names of persons with respective titles, dates, basis of recommendations, reports, letters, emails, follow-up, changes of recommendation, etc), by Fifth Third Securities, any other investment advisors, sources, employees, or any firm used since January 01, 2009. All College of DuPage records (including, but not limited to notes, letters, emails, statements, minutes, comments, names of individuals with respective title or position held, law firm, or any type of individual or basis authorizing the purchase of each specific mutual fund, and type of each specific mutual fund recommendation, since January 01, 2009. All College of DuPage records, (including, but not limited to notes, letters, emails, minutes, comments, dates, location(s), attendance, member names, associated costs or reimbursements, recommendations, etc), of all Treasurer's Advisory Committee meetings since January 01, 2009. All College of DuPage records of all investment advisors, portfolio advisors/managers, anybody providing investment advice (including, but not limited to any, and all direct, and indirect payments, from, or to COD, costs, performance, ratings, purchases & sales, advice, names of persons with respective titles, dates, basis of recommendations, notes, letters, emails, reports, follow-up, changes of recommendation, etc), directly, or indirectly to the College of DuPage or via any other means, or methods, sources, employees, or any firms, or anybody since January 01, 2009. 211 6/18/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of responsive documents provided to Jodi Cohen's FOIA request on 5/15/15 (two requests) and 5/18/15 2. Copy of responsive documents provided to Terry Cornell's FOIA request on 5/8/15 3. Copy of responsive documents provided to Stacy St. Clair's FOIA request on 6/10/15 4. Copy of responsive documents provided to Open the Books FOIA request on 4/28/15 212 6/15/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all receipts, expense reports and other documents showing payments made by the COD Foundation as part of the Leadership Cultivation Meetings or Leadership cultivation Account and payments made as part of Leadership Cultivation Grant for Robert Breuder. Such records stored on any COD owned computers or property substantiates they are records in the possession of COD, thus a public record. 2. Copy of all receipts, expense reports and other documents submitted by College of DuPage administrators for reimbursement from the College of DuPage Foundation. Such records stored on any COD owned computers or property substantiated they are records in the possession of COD, thus a public record. 3. Copy of any communications between Thomas Glaser and Robert Breuder pertaining to the internal audit report that exposed the investment policy being violated. This would include all electronic communications. 4. Copy of all commuications between the internal auditor and Robert Breuder and any Senior Administration staff relating to the internal audit report or such communication that provided the report. 5. All communications between Controller Sypata and Treasure Glaser after the release of the above referenced internal audit to either of those individuals or Robert Breuder. 6. Copy of the internal WDCB Internal Audit from 2003. Although internal audits "may " be exempted, they are not required to be. I am asking that those records be released considering they are referenced in the recently released investigation report. 213 6/15/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Applicable to all banks receiving public funds - Copy of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities which the bank is required to furnish to the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate or to the Comptroller of the Currency. (See 30 ILCS 235/6) 2. Copy of all statements of resources and liabilities which any bank receiving public funds is required to provide. Requesting those statements from all Banks COD currently has public funds deposited with. (See 30 ILCS 235/6) 214 6/15/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all communications from IMET regarding COD investments from January 2014. Particularly, communication seeking COD's involvement into IMET. This would include emails, brochures, etc. 215 6/15/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all property tax revenue deposit documentation for the last three years. This would include the bank statements confirming the property tax distribution from the county being deposited or wire transferred into COD accounts. Specifically seeking total revenue collected from property tax and documentation as to where it was deposited, regardless of account ownership. 216 6/17/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Names of the students who assisted on the M.R. Bauer Foundation grant. 217 6/17/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the Contract between COD and the M.R. Bauer Foundation referenced in the most recent FOIA response letter from Glaser to the Foundation. 218 6/19/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of agreement with the external independent party that receives complaints of wrongdoing. 2. Copy of procedures to be followed when a person wishes to make a complaint of wrongdoing. 3. Copy of complaint on Kathy Hamilton that was brought to the Board by President Breuder 4. Copy of any documentation that supports Breuder notified the Board of the complaint. 5. Copy of all communications between the author of the audit report and Ken Florey from the time of the complaint to current date. 6. Copy of all e-mails between the author of the audit report and Robert Breuder (to and from each of them) from the time of the complaint to current date. 7. Copy of all invoices from Ken Florey and/or his law firm for the last 6 months. 8. Copy of all invoices from Res Vasquez and/or his law firm from the last 6 months. 219 6/22/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of e-mails sent by and received by the COD Design Consultant outlined in the bid packages. The e-mail referenced for that public contract is and addition contact e-mail referenced in documents provided by COD is The time frame I am seeking is for the last 2012 to current date. 220 6/29/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all communications received from the ICCB regarding the SLEA Credit hour manipulation issue. 2. Copy of all findings documented pertaining to the COD SLEA issue, whether provided by ICCB to COD or internal finding documented by COD. 3. Copy of approvals from ICCB for COD to waive the reading & writing requirements for the BNA program. 221 6/29/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all documentation on the most recent MR Bauer Foundation Grant to include any contracts, agreements, payments, work product, letters of engagement, instructions etc. 222 6/18/2015 Nathan Lurz All internal audits or investigations done regarding Kathy Hamilton including, but not limited to, activities in 2015 election since Jan. 1, 2015. 223 6/18/2015 Nathan Lurz All internal investigations done at the College of DuPage that were completed and/or given to the Board of Trustees, the board chair, or any administrator or department head since Jan. 1, 2015, including audits. 224 6/18/2015 Nathan Lurz All emails, reports, memos or other documents sent or received by Robert Breuder, Thomas Glaser, Lynn Sapyta, James Martner and the Board of Trustees that include "IMET", "mutual funds", "Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund" or "Illinois Fund". I ask you include all documents from March 1, 2014 to the present. 225 6/18/2015 Nathan Lurz Any copies of President Robert Breuder's professional schedule including his official calendar, register of visitors and trips for college business- from May 26, 2012 to the present. 226 6/18/2015 Nathan Lurz Any subpoenas delivered to the College of DuPage from April 1, 2015 to June 18, 2015. 227 6/29/2015 Steven Harczos Requesting info for the Control System Maintenance. Looking for who the contracters are going to be when the work is going to start and what building the work is going to be in. 228 7/2/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all letters and/or correspondence received from James O’Rourke in the last 60 days. 229 7/3/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of “grant agreement” between COD and the M.R. Bauer Foundation referenced in the 12/17/2013 letter from Glaser to Kent Lawrence with the MR Bauer Foundation. 2. Copy of the “contract” between COD and James ORourke referenced in the 12/17/2013 letter from Glaser to Kent Lawrence with the MR Bauer Foundation. 3. Copy of any instructions provided by James ORourke to any student or students assigned to work on the grant. 4. Copy of all work product produced by any student working on the grant. 5. Copy of any documentation reflecting the time spent on this grant by students or faculty. 230 7/3/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of board agenda and minutes where board policy 15-27 and procedure 15-27 was adopted. 231 232 6/30/2015 Michael Nigro 7/7/2015 David Montgomery Naperville site - Pepper Construction Co. 1. provide the undersigned with a certified copy of the payment bond posted on the above project 2. provide a copy of the last contractor's statement or pay estimate, if any, provided by the general contractor 3. provide a copy of the contract with the General Contractor Please produce the following documents, relating to College of DuPage and its affiliates, from April 4, 2014 to present: 1. Any and all correspondence (to include all emails, notes, etc) between Cathy Hamilton and anyone to include all current and past board members. 2. Any and all correspondence between College of DuPage and the Higher Learning Commission. 3. Any and all documents associated with and relating to the Higher Learning Commission. 4. Any and all correspondence between Bruce Schmiedl and Julie Carey. 5. Any and all correspondence from Julie Carey to any other individual. 6. Any and all correspondence from David Lesniak to any other individual. 7. Any and all notes, drafts, or other types of correspondence between Alix Partners and anyone in relation to Herricane Graphics. 8. Any and all notes, drafts or other types of correspondence between Rathje & Woodard and anyone in relation to Herricane Graphics. 9. Any and all reports issued from College of DuPage senior management to anyone in relation to Herricane Graphics. 10. Any and all board meeting (open and closed session) minutes, notes, and agendas. 233 7/7/2015 Lauren Scott Request for records of the contract (or contracts) for WAN services awarded since January 1, 2015. Specifically, I am interested in following records: 1. RFP/bid documents and a bid matrices, if available 2. Awarded vendor(s) bid packages(s) including their technical details and pricing sheets 234 7/8/2015 Benjamin Bajda College of DuPage Police Department citation number 02759 and record and minutes of the Traffic Appeals Board Hearing on 10/3/14 235 7/9/2015 Dan Bovee I'm requesting the current billing rates for your incumbent staffing services provider (Stivers). If possible, I would also like to request obtain the amount the COD spent on contract/temporary staffing last year. 236 7/10/2015 ACS Enterprises HVAC Air filter bid results and Filters for indoor firing range 237 7/13/2015 Jody Cohen - Trib Copies of all bills, invoices, receipts and any accompanying documentation for legal services since January 1, 2015 Copies of all payments for legal services since January 1, 2015 Copies of all contracts with lawyers and/or law firms since January 1, 2015 238 7/13/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of audio and video from the COD Board meeting held on December 11th, 2013 in SSC-2200 2. Copy of the RFP related to the AGREEMENT between College DuPage and JAMES M. O'ROURK as referenced in the contract signed by Thomas Glaser and James O’Rourke in November of 2014. 3. Copy of the contractor’s proposal provided to COD as outlined in the contract signed by Thomas Glaser and James O’Rourke in November of 2014. 4. Copy of any minutes or other documentation authorizing Thomas Glaser to sign a legal contract with James O’Rourke. 5. Copy of payment and or payments made to COD by M.R. Bauer Foundation for the $56,000.00 grant in which James O’Rourke was hired. 6. Copy of payments made to James O’Rourke on behalf of the agreement signed by Thomas Glaser in November 2014. 239 7/13/2015 Kirk Allen Copy of all billing invoices or request for payments made by James O'Rouke as it relates to the November 2014 agreement with COD. 240 7/6/2015 Kirk Allen 241 7/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of requests for expense reimbursements from Trustee McGuire since her becoming a trustee. 2. Copy of requests for expense reimbursements from Trustee Birt since her becoming a trustee. 3. Copy of requests for expense reimbursements from Trustee Wazniak for the last 4 years. 4. Copy of approval documents for all the above expense reimbursement requests. 242 7/23/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all legal expense paid by the College for political purpose in the last 4 years. A total dollar figure is what we are seeking. This request is based on Trustee McGuires comment during the last meeting claiming hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent of legal bills for mostly political reasons. 243 7/28/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all requests from citizens to have Kathy Hamilton's censure placed on the web site of COD. 244 7/23/2015 Erin Birt 1. Copy of all communications requesting authorization for paying Robert Breuder’s membership dues to Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. I am not seeking minutes. I am seeking the internal authorization records and any communications seeking such approval as was done in 2012 outlined in the attached two documents. I am seeking the records pertaining to 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, and 2015. 1. Any and all correspondence to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) and Robert Breuder, his attorneys, and/or representatives from April 27, 2015 to the present. 2. Any and all correspondence to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) and Thomas Glaser, his attorneys, and/or representatives from April 27, 2015 to the present. 3. Any and all correspondence to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) and Lynn Sapyta, her attorneys, and/or representatives from April 27, 2015 to the present. 4. Any and all legal memoranda and/or work product prepared by attorneys for the College of DuPage pertaining to the decisions to place Robert Breuder, Thomas Glaser, and Lynn Sapyta on administrative leave and their pending termination proceedings, including but not limited to the legal bases for the administrative leaves, the bases for terminations, and legal liability to the college arising out of the same. 5. Any and all documents, interim reports, investigation strategies (including but not limited to a list of persons under investigation, email addresses subject to search, and search terms used) relates to and arising out of the internal investigations authorized by the Board of Trustees, whether from the firm Schiff Hardin or any other person, firm, or entity. 6. Any and all correspondence or communications to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents and/or representatives and Tom Elliott (or any attorney or employee of the law firm Rathje & Woodward), Dan Kinsella (or any attorney or employee of the law firm Schuyler, Roche & Crisham) from January 1, 2015 to the present. 245 7/23/2015 Diane McGuire 1. Any and all correspondence to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) and Robert Breuder, his attorneys, and/or representatives from April 27, 2015 to the present. 2. Any and all correspondence to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) and Thomas Glaser, his attorneys, and/or representatives from April 27, 2015 to the present. 3. Any and all correspondence to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) and Lynn Sapyta, her attorneys, and/or representatives from April 27, 2015 to the present. 4. Any and all legal memoranda and/or work product prepared by attorneys for the College of DuPage pertaining to the decisions to place Robert Breuder, Thomas Glaser, and Lynn Sapyta on administrative leave and their pending termination proceedings, including but not limited to the legal bases for the administrative leaves, the bases for terminations, and legal liability to the college arising out of the same. 5. Any and all documents, interim reports, investigation strategies (including but not limited to a list of persons under investigation, email addresses subject to search, and search terms used) relates to and arising out of the internal investigations authorized by the Board of Trustees, whether from the firm Schiff Hardin or any other person, firm, or entity. 6. Any and all correspondence or communications to or from the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents and/or representatives and Tom Elliott (or any attorney or employee of the law firm Rathje & Woodward), Dan Kinsella (or any attorney or employee of the law firm Schuyler, Roche & Crisham) from January 1, 2015 to the present. 246 7/27/2015 Erin Birt 1. Any and all financial reports prepared by the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) from April 30, 2015 to present. 2. Any and all financial reports prepared by third parties for the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) from April 30, 2015 to present, including but not limited to investment reports and bank statements. 3. Any and all invoices received by the College of DuPage its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) from April 30, 2015 to present. 4. Any and all records of disbursements made by the College of DuPage, including but not limited to, bank statements and copies of checks, from April 30, 2015 to present. 5. Any and all records of and relating to disbursements withheld by the College of DuPage from April 30, 2015 to present. This request includes but is not limited to disbursements approved by the Board of Trustees that have not yet been executed. 6. Any and all records of and relating to the audit to be performed by the Illinois Auditor General's Office, including but not limited to any agreement, contract, or other document pertaining to the audit, its parameters, scope, fee structure, and/or time limits. 247 7/27/2015 Dianne McGuire 1. Any and all financial reports prepared by the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) from April 30, 2015 to present. 2. Any and all financial reports prepared by third parties for the College of DuPage, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) from April 30, 2015 to present, including but not limited to investment reports and bank statements. 3. Any and all invoices received by the College of DuPage its trustees, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and/or attorneys (or such persons purporting to act in those capacities) from April 30, 2015 to present. 4. Any and all records of disbursements made by the College of DuPage, including but not limited to, bank statements and copies of checks, from April 30, 2015 to present. 5. Any and all records of and relating to disbursements withheld by the College of DuPage from April 30, 2015 to present. This request includes but is not limited to disbursements approved by the Board of Trustees that have not yet been executed. 6. Any and all records of and relating to the audit to be performed by the Illinois Auditor General's Office, including but not limited to any agreement, contract, or other document pertaining to the audit, its parameters, scope, fee structure, and/or time limits. 248 7/29/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all board minutes and resolutions that show the board of trustees approval of the interfund loans for the Construction Investments Series 2013A Bonds for 5/31/2015 and 6/30/2015. These loans can be found on the Cash & Investment Schedule reports on the July 30 2015 Board Packet pages 19 and 26. 249 7/28/2015 Sarah Karp Any and all personnel files on and contracts with College of DuPage Interim President Joseph E. Collins and former President Robert Breuder, including but not limited to resumes, length of service, letters of reference, complaints, disciplinary history and salary levels. Please include a copy of any and all employment contracts with Mr. Collins and Mr. Breuder. Also, please provide any and all documents sufficient to show Joseph Collins' and Robert Breuder's benefit package, allowances, vacation and sick time and any performance-related criteria or bonuses. 250 7/30/2015 Robert Jost I would like to request the following. Goose control contracts for 2013, 2014 and 2015. Please email the contracts. 251 7/30/2015 Stacy St. Clair Copies of all FOIA requests filed by college trustees Erin Birt, Dianne McGuire and/or Joe Wozniak. Copies of all the responsive documents to FOIA requests filed by college trustees Erin Birt, Dianne McGuire and/or Joe Wozniak. We ask that you include all documents from June 1, 2015 to the present. 252 8/3/2015 Stacy St. Clair All records of expenses related to President Robert Breuder's professional development stipend. This would include, but not limited to, all invoices, expense reports, credit card statements, email, audits, proposals and other documentation related to this stipend. We ask that you include all documents from Januaray 2009 to the present. 253 8/3/2015 Andrew Hoffer 1. Contractor award price for each individual item in the bid. 2. The name of the contractor that was awarded each item. 254 8/4/2015 Kirk Allen Copy of all legal bill/invoices from Ken Florey pertaining to discussions with Carla Burkhart, her attorney Josh Feagans, and/or any representatives of Herricane Graphics in either 2014 or 2015. 255 8/6/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all e-mails sent and/or received by any trustee, any member of senior mgmt team to include Robert Breuder between June 15, 2014 and December 31st, 2014 that use the terms "censure" and "Hamilton". 2. Copy of all e-mails sent and or received by any trustee, any member of senior mgmt team to include Robert Breuder that contain the terms "Annex", "De-Annex", "Glenn Elynn", "Fire, and "Fire Department" between April 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012 3. Copy of all communication pertaining to the July 2011 AG request for review of the OMA violation filed by a citizen. This would include the AG response to the request for review provided to COD, all documents COD provided in response to the AG Public Access Counselor and any e-mails discussing the handling of that AG complaint between any trustee, any member of senior mgmt team to include Robert Bruder. 4. Copy of all e-mail communications to and from Robert Breuder between April 1st, 2011 and December 21, 2012. 5. Copy of all invoices for legal service in which COD paid the invoice or refused to pay, which reflect legal services rendered to Kim Savage during the last 12 months. 256 8/7/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all e-mails and/or electronic communications/documents that contain the term DC Consulting, DavidJCarlin, and Max McGraw since January 1st 2009. In the event there are e-mails that fall into this request I am also requesting all attached documents that were part of those e-mails sent and or received. This request applies to all emails either sent, received, deleted or cc'd to anyone. 2. Copy of ALL documentation received from Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation whether received directly from them or from Robert Breuder since 2009. 257 8/10/2015 Lucy Johnson All documents provided to the Higher Learning Commission for the advisory visit in July 2015. Copies of Job Descriptions and Employment Contracts for Senior Vice President Administration Assistant Vice President Financial Affairs/Controller Internal Auditor Dean and Assistant Dean of Business and Technology Waterleaf restaurant Manager Copies of Contracts with Alexis Partners and all invoices and all reports, emails and texts provided to Board or College All contracts and invoices with legal firms from March 2015 through present All public relations invoices from March 2015 through present 258 8/10/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of e-mail sent by Joe Moore March 23rd, 2015 at 4:46pm. Subject :Postcards 2. Copy of e-mail sent by Joe Moore March 26th, 2015 at 9:02 am. Subject: PDF Post Card Request 3. Copy of e-mail sent by David Virgilio (CPA) March 26th, 2015 at 1:46pm. Subject:2015 Spring Message Budget transfer 5. Copy of 2015 Spring Message Budget campaign document that lists the following headers. Post Card, Drop Date, Printing, Postage Presort, Postage, Total. Each of those headings has a dollar figure below in line with each of the following descriptions. Why is COD Fastest Growing CC?, Fiscal Responsibilities, Student Testimonies, Pulse Survey, Academic Quality. This document had multiple signatures on it and outlines a total expenditure for the referenced line items as $153,000.00 6. Copy of Precise Printing invoice numbers, 70094, 70093 7. Copy of bid notice, RFP and/or RFQ that generated a quote from ACEGRAPHICS #49012 dated 3/25/2015 8. Copy of quote provided by ACEGRAPHICS dated 3/25/2015 9. Copy of bid notice, RFP and/or RFQ that generated a quote from Yorke Printe Shoppe Inc. #62446 and dated 3/26/2015 10. Copy of quote provided by Yorke Printe Shoppe Inc. dated 3/26/2015 11. Copy of e-mail sent by Catherine Brod April 2, 2015 at 4:56pm. Subject Approval 12. Copy of e-mail received by Catherine Brod April 2, 2015 at 5:59:14 pm. Subject: Approval. E-mail sent by Marsha Cruzan of US Bank 13. Copy of e-mail sent by Catherine Brod, in include all attachments April 2, 2015 at 8:34pm. Subject: Fwd-Approval 14. Copy of e-mail sent by Catherine Brod April 2, 2015 at 4:33pm. Subject Expense 15. Copy of e-mail received by Catherine Brod April 2, 2015 at 4:37pm. Subject RE: Expense 16. Copy of e-mail sent by Catherine Brod April 2, 2015 at 4:41pm. Subject RE: Expense 259 8/11/2015 Jodi Cohen All emails sent or received by Dr. Robert Breuder using his personal email account, or any other personal email account, regarding college business from January 1, 2015 to the present. 260 8/13/2015 Keith Yearman A copy of the Higher Learning Commission's 2015 accreditation draft report whis is either in college hands or will soon be in college hands. 261 8/25/2015 Roger Kempa Any mutual fund recommendations provided to Tom Glaser from 07/31/2010 to 06/30/2015 be e-mail, memo, letter etc. All e-mails to or from Tom Glaser during his employment that contain the words Clear Arc Capital, Fifth Third Securities, Northern Trust Bank, Deutsche Bank, Chase Bank, MB Financial, U.S. Bank Securities, Great Lakes Securities, US Bank, and PFM Investments. Any contributions and/or donations to COD by any of the following. Clear Arc Capital, Fifth Third Securities, Northern Trust Bank, Deutsche Bank, Chase Bank, MB Financial, U.S. Bank, Multi-Bank Securities, Great Lakes Securities, US Bank, and PFM Investments. 262 8/25/2015 Lucy Johnson Documents provided to the Higher Learning Commission for the advisory visit in July 2015. I am especially interested in the documents/letter/report the college prepared to respond to each of the points in the HLC letter. If all the documents supporting the letter are burdensome, please send me the reports Dr. Collins spoke of in the Herald editorial that the College had put together to address the HLC concerns. 263 8/25/2015 Robert Anderson Job Descriptions and Employment Contracts for 1. Senior Vice President Administration 2. Assistant Vice President Financial Affairs/Controller 3. Internal Auditor 4. Dean and Assistant Dean of Business and Technology 5. Waterleaf restaurant Manager Contracts with Alexis Partners and all invoices and all reports, emails and texts provided to the COD Board or College Contracts and invoices with the two legal firms hired by Chairman Hamilton and the legal firm handling the Federal subpoenas (Schiff Hardin?) from March 2015 through present All public relations invoices from March 2015 through present 264 8/27/2015 Judy Mska Information on snow & ice removal contracts for the College of DuPage locations: Westmont Regional Center, Naperville Regional Center, Carol Stream Community Education Center; for the past three (3) snow removal seasons. Please include copies of all bid specifications, bid tabulations, winning bidder(s), the winning bid(s) and copies of contract(s). 265 8/31/2015 Hemant Patel Police report on me from 11/2014 266 9/3/2015 Jodi Cohen Copies of all documents, including but not limited to contracts, invoices and payments, related to the costs associated with the renovations of the locker rooms at the Chaparral Fitness Center. Copies of all documents showing the scope of work related to the renovations of the locker rooms at the Chaparral Fitness Center. Copies of all drawings, photos and architectural and artistic renderings showing the layout of the locker rooms at the Chaparral Fitness Center Copies of all documents, including but not limited to emails, memos and board of trustee items, related to the renovations of the locker room at the Chaparral Fitness Center Copies of all board of trustee agenda items and board packet memorandums regarding locker room renovations and/or change orders Copies of all documentation related to the renovation of some area of the locker room to be used as a space for Robert Breuder and select other administrators, including emails that Breuder sent about this subject. Copies of all emails sent to or from Breuder, as well as anyone in the university facilities or building departments who oversaw the renovations, related to Breuder or other senior managers' use of the locker room. 267 9/4/2015 John Kraft Copy of all emails sent by Lynn Sapyta of February 24, 2015. 268 9/8/2015 Jodi Cohen All documents responsive to RFP #209- Executive Locker Room. All documents indicating what was included in the $15,138 that the board of trustees approved for construction/modification to build the Executive Locker Room. Any change orders regarding the construction, modification and/or renovation of the Executive Locker Room. Any documents, including but not limited to emails, showing who was given the security code or permission to use the Executive Locker Room. All emails sent to or from Bruce Schmeidl regarding the RFP for the executive locker room, the plans and purpose for the executive locker room, and the use of executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. All emails to or from Robert Breuder regarding the RFP for the executive locker room, the plans and purpose for the executive locker room, and the use of executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. All emails to or from Tom Glaser regarding the RFP for the executive locker room, the plans and purpose for the executive locker room, and the use of executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. All emails to or from Joseph Collins regarding the RFP for the executive locker room, the plans and purpose for the executive locker room, and the use of executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. All emails to or from David Lesniak regarding the RFP for the executive locker room, the plans and purpose for the executive locker room, and the use of executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. All emails to or from college trustees regarding the RFP for the executive locker room, the plans and purpose for the executive locker room, and the use of executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. All emails sent to or from Power Construction employees or Legat Architects employees to employees at COD regarding the RFP and any plans for the executive locker room from January 1, 2014 to the present. 269 9/10/2015 Stacy St. Clair Copies of documents related to the Pulse survey done on the college's behalf in December 2014. This should include, but not limited to, all questions asked, the results and any analysis done by Comiskey Research. Copies of all emails related to the survey sent or received by Dr. Breuder, Tom Glaser or Joseph Moore Copies of all invoices connected to the survey 270 9/14/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any subpoena issued to COD by the DuPage County States Attorney or county grand jury in the last 90 days. 271 9/14/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all e-mails received at COD from Erin Birt in the last 2 years 2. Copy of all e-mails sent from COD to Erin Birt in the last 2 years. 272 9/14/2015 John Kraft 1. Copy of all payments made to M.R. Bauer Foundation in the past 90 days. 2. Copy of all communications between the College of DuPage and MR Bauer Foundation in the past 90 days. 273 9/14/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all communications provided to any board member by Mr. Glaser and/or MS. Sypata, and/or their attorney's in the last 60 days. This would be either by mail, fax, e-mail or any other documented format. 274 9/14/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Any mutual fund recommendations provided to Tom Glaser from 07/31/2010 to 06/30/2015 by e-mail, memo, letter etc. 2. All e-mails to or from Tom Glaser during his employment that contain the words Clear Arc Capital, Fifth Third Securities, Northern Trust Bank, Deutsche Bank, Chase Bank, MB Financial, MultiBank Securities, Great Lakes Securities, US Bank, and PFM Investments. 275 9/16/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all responsive documents provided to Dave Carlin from his FOIA request dated 2/18/2015 pertaining to contracts for past presidents. We do not need Breuder's as we have been provided that one. 276 9/21/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the FOIA request and all responsive documents from the FOIA requested dated 9/10/2015 from Stacy St. Clair. The request date is based on the date listed on the COD web site for FOIA requests submitted. 2. Copy of all e-mails to include attachments sent to Robert Breuder between October of 2009 and November of 2010 (received by Breuder) from any Public Relations, Advertising, and/or Marketing company that contains the following words. Referendum, Bond, Election, November, PAC, Advertising, $169 Million, promotion, electioneering, illegal, Power Point. 3. Copy of any Power Point presentation provided to Dr. Breuder, Senior Administration, and/or the Board of Trustees from an outside company pertaining to the 2010 Bond Referendum. The timeline would have been between October of 2009 and November of 2010. 277 9/21/2015 Mike Rekart I would like copies or any report made (Incident or supplemental) from this interaction located at this youtube video URL. I would also like copies or any type of 1st Amendment training this particular officer had and why he thinks you need a permit to do what these folks were doing and any policy COD may have regarding what this officer was stating. 278 9/22/2015 Keith Yearman I am seeking a copy of the Higher Learning Commission's draft report for 2015. I'd also like any correspondence from HLC Vice President Barbara Johnson (to anyone at the college) since June 20. 279 9/23/2015 Lori Verastique I request all invoices for any type of goose control service company from 2013, 2014 and 2015 be emailed to this address. 280 9/30/2015 Jodi Cohen All hotel bills, invoices, receipts, room service bills and any other accompanying documentation for hotel rooms and other expenses at the Inn at Water's Edge paid by "Direct Bill." Please include the above documentation for all "Direct Bill" stays paid for by both the College of DuPage and the College of DuPage Foundation. Please include all documents since the Inn at Water's Edge opened. 281 9/30/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all communications provided by Trustee McGuire to Trustee Wazniak pertaining to the September 28th, 2015 Special meeting. Trustee Wazniak expressed he had been provided things to read on behalf of McGuire. I am asking for ALL of those documents to include any that were not read during the meeting. 2. Copy of all COD Business e-mails for the last 30 days between those same trustees. 282 9/30/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all e-mails to include attachments sent to Joe Moore between October of 2009 and November of 2010 from Unicom ARC (Key word search that may assist but not meant to be limited to these terms: Unicom, Unicom ARC,, referendum, power point, target voters, target, voters,) 2. Copy of any Power Point or other type of presentation provided to Joe Moore either director or by email from a company by the name of Michael Walters anytime between June of 2010 and November 2010. 283 10/1/2015 Stacy St. Clair Any Dupage County grand jury subpoenas served on the College of DuPage Foundation which areor have ever been- in the possession of college employees. I am seeking responsive documents from May 1, 2015 to the present. Please include the face sheets with the subpoenas. 284 10/2/2015 Stacy St. Clair Copies of all bills, invoices, receipts and any accompanying documentation for legal services since July 20, 2015 to the present. Copies of all payments for legal services since July 20, 2015 Copies of all contracts and with lawyers or law firms that have been approved since July 20, 2015 Copies of all bills, invoices, receipts and any accompanying documentation from Alix Partners from Jan. 1, 2015 to the present. Copies of all payments to Alix Partners from Jan. 1, 2015 to the present Copies of all contracts with Alix Partners that have been approved since Jan.1, 2015 285 10/7/2015 Kellermeyer I am requesting an opportunity to obtain a copy of student directory information made publicly available through FERPA. Specifically, I would like access to the following items for all students enrolled in Fall 2015. Student's name Local address permanent address email addresses Telephone number Major / concentration / minor School / Department / Class level (example: Junior) Enrollment status (part time / full time) Undergrad / Grad Degrees. awards, and honors received Participation in officially-recognized activities and sports 286 10/9/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any survey taken to determine the need for Homeland Security Phase II 2. Copy of any documentation used to justify the building of Homeland Security Phase II, such as cost benefit analysis. 3. Copy of any bonus or incenteives provided to any administrator regarding enrollment increase numbers. 287 10/12/2015 Toni Hill Public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures, for payments made by or on behalf of the College of DuPage during fiscal year 2015. Specifically, for any payee, other than an employee or student , who was paid a cumulative total amount of $10,000 or more, we seek the payee name, address, and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period. The $10,000 threshold was established to minimize reporting for respondents. This is the same information you were kind enough to provide to us via email for fiscal year 2014. 288 10/13/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of e-mail sent to the Board of Trustees or any individual board member by Dr. Collins in the last 48 hours regarding an article published by the Edgar County Watchdogs. 289 10/15/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all communications sent by the FOIA officer to Trustee McGuire and Wozniak regarding my recent FOIA request for documents read during a recent trustee meeting. 2. Copy of all communications sent by trustee Wozniak and McGuire to the FOIA officer regarding any FOIA request for records sent to them since September 30th, 2015. 290 10/152015 1. Copy of all COD curriculum/course titles that utilize the Crosswalk or Crossover process. Kirk Allen 291 10/21/2015 David Donahue I am requesting a copy of any and all checks written to Rathje & Woodward from January 1, 2005 through October 1, 2015 regardless of the purpose of the check (i.e. - including but not limited to legal fees, expense reimbursment, travel reimbursement, personal expense reimbursement, etc.) In lieu of a copy of the checks I would accept an electronic copy of a list of checks with the name of payee, date issued, purpose of payment, and amount of the check written. I am also requesting a copy of the annual Treasurer's Reports from 2005 through 2014 (which contain the detailed expenditures of the COD). 292 10/22/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the Board of Trustee video recording and audio recording for the meeting dates of October 23, 2008, October 28th, 2008, and November 18th, 2008. 2. Copy of the written notice required for the Special Board of trustees meeting held on October 23, 2008 3. Copy of the agenda for the October 23, 2008 meeting. 4. Copy of the closed session recordings held on October 23, 2008 293 10/25/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all receipts to include any other documentation pertaining to the following trustees utilizing any form of expense account at the Waterleaf Restaurant and Inn at the Waters Edge since its opening for the below named COD trustees. The records being requested pertain to any expense incurred by them at the Waterleaf restraint and Inn at the Water's Edge in which the bill was paid either by a form of a house account, trustee account, or any other account. (The request pertains to current trustees McGuire, Wozniak, Birt, and former trustees Dave Carlin and Cory Atkinson) 294 10/25/2015 Shirley Anderson I would like to request a copy of the "anonymous complaint" made against Shirley Anderson relative to the sharing of personal info with another employee (or at least the date it was filed); including a list of the questions asked by Martha L. McClain to Shirley Anderson relative to the complaint in February 2015. I would also like a list of parties involved/questioned during the investigation; a list of other employees who were terminated for violating Board Procedure and Policy No. 10-126. 295 10/26/2015 Robert Sanchez 1. All bills, invoices, receipts and any accompanying documentation for legal services from Jan. 1, 2014 to the present. 2. All payments for legal services since Jan. 1, 2014 3. All contracts and with lawyers or law firms that have been approved since Jan. 1, 2014 4. All bills, invoices, receipts and any accompanying documentation from Alix Partners from Jan. 1, 2015 to the present. 5. All payments to Alix Partners from Jan. 1, 2015 to the present 6. All contracts with Alix Partners that have been approved since Jan. 1, 2015 296 10/29/2015 Julie Maurer Educational records designated as directory information under FERPA, of all students registered for the Fall 2015 semester at College of DuPage: Name, Community, Major, Activies/Sports Participation, Weight/Height, Terms Attended, Enrollment Status, Awards/Degrees Received, Last Educational Institution Attended. 297 11/5/2015 Christy Millett Please provide any and all documents, correspondence, and contractual agreements between College of DuPage and MKEducation/MRxI Corp/Kushan, LLC, pertaining to the Veterinary Assistant Course (course code: HLTHS - 0070-001) offered at the Glen Ellyn, IL Campus between the dates of January 2015 through December 2015, and any and all documents, correspondence, and contractual agreements in place for the Spring 2016 semester Veterinary Assistant Course. Additionally, please include any and all job postings for the position of Verterinary Assistant Instructor for the Veterinary Assistant Course being offered for the Spring 2016 semester. 298 11/6/2015 Edward Franckowiak All formal or informal policies, procedures, instructions, directives, orders, best practices, employee handbooks, training materials, emails, memos, or other such records that govern or apply to the use of non-government email accounts by officials or employees of your agency or department to transact or discuss public business that are or were operative at any time from January 1, 2008, to the present. All formal or informal policies, procedures, instructions, directives, orders, best practices, employee handbooks, training materials, emails, memos, or other such records that govern or apply to the use of government email accounts or other government computer resources for non-public business, that are or were operative at any time from January 1, 2008, to present. 299 11/6/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the Internal Audit regarding Herricane Graphics most recent contract found to have been in violation of the timeline requirements. 2. Copy of the Herricane Graphics contract that was deemed invalid by the Auditor to include all affiliated documents and communications related to the seeking of and issuance of that contract. This would include and RFP, Bid Notice, Bids received etc. 300 11/12/2015 Kelly Wynne A copy of any incident reports involving campus police and Jaclyn Pazera between January 2014 and March 2015. 301 11/12/2015 Fred Maurer A complete copy of a COD police report as follows: Thursday October 29, 2015 at approximately 7pm COD Fitness Center swimming pool Subject: myself 302 11/13/2015 Thomas Mannix 1. A copy of any and all checks written to Rathje & Woodward from January 1, 1990 through November 10, 2015 regardless of the purpose of the check (i.e. -including but not limited to legal fees and/or expense reimbursement). In lieu of a copy of the checks I would accept an electronic copy of a list of checks with the name of payee, date issued, purpose of payment, and amount of the check written. 2. The current hourly rate(s) charged by Rathje & Woodward to COD; 3. A copy of the professional services agreement between the COD and Rathje & Woodward; 4. A copy of any and all checks written personally to Timothy Elliot from January 1, 1990 through November 10, 2015 regardless of the purpose of the check. 5. Any written notice to the COD from Rathje & Woodward regarding the inability of Rathje & Woodward to represent the COD on any matter due to a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest. 303 11/18/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the contracts awarded to KMA Design as outlined in the June 22nd, 2009 board agenda. 2. Copy of all bids, bid notices, RFP's, advertisements and any other documents related to the awrding of the above mentioned contract. 304 11/18/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all invoices received from KMA Design. 2. Copy of payments made to KMA Design. 305 11/18/2015 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the Letter Trustee McGuire sent to the HLC regarding Dr. Collins response to the HLC. 306 11/20/2015 Mark Misiorowski I respectfully request that you send me via email a copy of College of DuPage's RFP 2016-R0010. 307 11/20/2015 Fred Maurer A copy of any and all COD police reports in which Jennifer Plodzien is referenced or mentioned in any manner whether as subject, complainant, or other. 308 11/30/2015 Dianne McGuire In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting all email correspondence from October 1, 2015 through and including December 1, 2015 between Dr. Joseph Collins, Acting Interim President, and the following College of DuPage Trustees: Kathy Hamilton, Deanne Mazzochi, Chuck Bernstein, and Frank Napolitano. 309 12/1/2015 Merritt Credit Bureau Please provide us with a copy of the payment and performance bond provided by Power Construction Company, LLC on COD Homeland Security Training Center. 310 12/2/2015 Jeff Ward All email communications between COD Trustee Frank Napolitano and Kirk Allen or John Kraft of the Edgar County Watchdog group between January 1, 2015 and today. 311 12/3/2015 Dale Weaver I am hereby requesting copies: A copy of your written telemarketing policy under 47 C.F.R..64.1200(d)(1) A copy of all your call records with respect tomy residential subscriber telephone number for the purpose of crosschecking against other call logs; 312 12/6/2015 Mark Misiorowski An electronic copy of all documents received by the College of DuPage from William E. Hay & Co. in response to the College’s RFP No. 2016-R0010, (Request for Proposal, Executive Search Services). 313 12/14/2015 Jodi Cohen This is a request for public records under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. I am requesting the following documents: All communications, including but not limited to email correspondence between the following individuals and Joseph Collins, including emails sent or received by either individual: Katharine Hamilton, Deanne Mazzochi, Charles Bernstein, Frank Napolitano, Dianne McGuire, Joseph Wozniak, and Erin Birt. Please include all communications from August 1, 2015 to the present 314 12/16/2015 Trova Records Requested: Bid results and/or a bid tabulations sheet for your 2015-16 Snow Plowing Services Westmont/Naperville/Carol Stream RFP 315 12/16/2015 Jodi Cohen Please provide copies of all audit resports from the college's internal auditor from the past three years.