Curriculum Night Kindergarten - Mrs. Letostak Individual Development Readiness - Attention span, need for movement, interest vs. frustration, and need for play are all considerations in teaching kindergartners. Gradual Release of Responsibility – Students learn best when the material is presented through stages (teacher models, teacher guides, teacher assists and then student works independently). Attendance - Curriculum requirements along with our short day, make our time together precious. In order to accomplish as much as possible we must make the most of each and every minute. Please avoid scheduling appointments and vacations during school hours. On the other hand, if your child is truly sick, please keep him/her home so as not to spread it to other students. If they have a fever or are vomiting, please keep them at home. They need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Planned Absences - If your child must be absent from school for a reason other than illness (funeral, etc.), please obtain a pre-excused absence form in the office. I may also have work for your child to complete while gone, depending on the length of the absence. Curriculum Standards - The Dublin School district utilizes the National Common Core standards in Language Arts and Mathematics. We use the Ohio state standards in Science and Social Studies. I teach these standards in the following ways. Language Arts - I use a balanced, comprehensive approach. Quality literature, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and most importantly, comprehension are all emphasized. Literacy workshops, whole and small group along with individualized activities, conferences, mini-lessons, shared reading and writing, interactive writing, independent writing, modeling and author studies are all aspects of our language arts program. In September and October, we focus on letters and sounds until the alphabet is complete. Letter assignments have been sent home (blue sheets placed in cubbies for Meet the Teacher). Oral Sharing - Letter and kindergartner of the week presentations, daily classroom participation, project presentations and Newsminutes. Handwriting - Our district uses the D’Nealian method (copy given at curriculum night). Word Study - Invented spelling is encouraged for primary children. Expectations are developmental. We use writing workshop, interactive and shared writing, word study, rainbow writing, ‘speed-writing’, individual word books, environmental and classroom resources (word wall, signs, posters and literature) and lots of practice. Book Pockets - beginning in November, students bring home a book pocket containing three small books to practice each night. Please have students keep their book pocket in their bookbag when not being used. This prevents loss, destruction by siblings or pets, and/or not having it when needed. Math - Dublin City Schools uses multiple resources to teach concepts. That includes whole and small group activities supported by math games and technology. We also do calendar and graphing and use Zero the Hero to aid in the concept of place value. Developmentally we believe that kindergartners benefit most by hands-on experiences so you will not see papers coming home daily. Especially early in the year, most math will be done in class using manipulatives (cubes, blocks, etc.) Later in the year we will do some paper-pencil activities and assessments during class in preparation for first grade. You will receive log-in information for IXL web-based math practice for extra practice or fun. Science - Whole group theme and skill-based activities emphasizing handson exploration and discussion. Social Studies - Whole group theme and skill-based activities along with Newsminutes presentations and cultural presentations. “Newsminutes” assignments occur twice during the year. See details in the assignment that went home on yellow sheets at Meet the Teacher. Health - In class and with the Guidance Counselor (Mrs. Hanks). Learning Stations- A variety of learning stations are provided for the students to explore areas of interest, practice skills, experience challenges and make discoveries. Centers include: ABC Center, Art Center, Class Library, Laptops, Puzzles, Mapping, Math, Music, Puppets, Read Along, Read Around the Room, and Writing centers maintain variety and interest. K-3 School-wide Enrichment The purpose of the K-3 grade-wide enrichment service is to grow thinkers through developmentally appropriate challenges. Students will learn habits of thinkers, and do projects designed to connect to their interests and readiness levels. There will be opportunities to work on long-term projects designed to develop leadership skills, stamina, and perseverance. Recess - Fifteen minutes of outdoor recess, weather permitting. Please send appropriate clothing for the time of year. Keep in mind that our playground is covered in mulch and choose footwear accordingly. Indoor recess includes games, puzzles, building blocks, trains, Lincoln Logs, etc. Technology – We have four classroom laptops which students rotate through, usually getting about one turn per week. They are used for education practice in Language Arts and Math. Expectations - Children are expected to follow school and class rules, complete assigned work in a timely manner, come to school prepared, and try their best. We have a behavior clip chart which is only used as needed. Rewards - Verbal, Good Choice Slips and Class-earned rewards. Consequences - Eye contact, verbal warning, time away from group, time off recess, contact parents, behavior contracts. Library - Regular visits with book check out. Our library day will be ‘A’ day. As with book pockets, please store library book in bookbag when not in use. Related Arts - Music and Art integrated in class. “Fitness Friday” is our physical education program. Please have students wear tennis shoes/ sneakers on Fridays. Kindergartner of the Week - each student is featured for one week during the schoolyear. Each day during that week features a different activity. Assigned dates with complete instructions (purple sheets) were in cubbies on Meet the Teacher day. Friday of your child’s week will be “Family Friday”. Please mark your calendar now as changing your date would have a domino effect. Students are very disappointed if they don’t have any guests on their day so please make every effort to have one or more family members there on that date. Food - We will not be eating any food in class this year. This includes birthdays. The only exceptions are the PTO provided parties for Harvest, Holiday and End pf Year. Birthdays - Birthdays are celebrated. We do this by singing to the child and then the birthday girl/boy moves their clothes pin to the next age. They are not permitted to bring in edible birthday treats. Non-edible treats are permitted such as stickers, pencils, etc. Another option is to buy a book to donate to the class or library in the child’s name. The library will be sending home information about that. As for birthday invitations and gifts - If your child has invitations or gifts for another student(s), do not send them to school, they will be returned home to you. We are unable to send these home. Please send through the mail or deliver to homes. Kindergartners easily get hurt feelings if they feel left out. If you have an electronic invitation that you would like me to forward via email to the entire class, I can do that, but only if all children are invited. Communication 1) Please check and empty OSE folders in bookbags nightly and store library books and book pockets (once they begin coming home) in bookbags. 2) The ‘Scarlet and Gray Newsletter’ is posted on my webpage weekly. It details activities done in class and keeps you informed of important upcoming events. If you do not have internet access please let me know and I will send home a hard copy. You can access the Olde Sawmill Elementary website at: Go to Olde Sawmill Elementary, then to Vianne Letostak. Here you will find the newsletter and links to good kindergarten websites. 3) Monthly calendars - includes Kindergartner of the week assignments, Newsminutes reminders and volunteer schedules along with other important information. 4) Conferences - Fall (all students) and Spring (as needed) Please sign up for a fall conference time as soon as possible. Fall conference dates are Wednesday, October 21st (kindergarten only) Wednesday, October 28th and Thursday, November 5th. 5) Grade Cards – three times per year (November, March and End of Year). 6) I include my e-mail information in every newsletter. E-mail is the most effective way to get in touch with me. I try to check both before school, during lunch and after school. Keep in mind that I do not check them while I have students so if you have something urgent the best way to reach me is to contact the office at 764-5936 and they will make sure I get the information in a timely fashion. An example of something urgent would be a last minute change in your child’s transportation home or something critical for me to know before dismissal. Also, be aware that if there is a substitute teacher, he/she will not have access to my e-mail correspondences, so again, a phone call to the office would be the best course of action if it is of a time sensitive nature. Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up - Morning students come directly to the classroom between 9:00 and 9:10 a.m. A staff member will meet afternoon students in front of the school at 12:50 p.m. and walk them to class at 12:55p.m. That is when the bus and day care vans deliver the children. Otherwise they must obtain a late slip from the school office. If you bring your PM child to school, please wait with them in front of the school, supervised by an adult, until a staff member comes out at 12:50. p.m. Bus drivers are only responsible for students who ride their bus. Children should not go to the classroom without a staff member. A staff member will accompany the AM class to the front of the school upon dismissal. I will accompany PM walkers and car riders to the front at the end of the day. We make sure that they get to the appropriate person, bus or day care van. For your child’s safety, it is imperative that I receive written notice of any change to your child’s departure routine. You can e-mail me but make sure I have confirmed receipt of it or assume I haven’t read it. Sometimes e-mail from outside the district is slow or I am unable to check before school due to meetings so if you do not get confirmation, please contact the school office at 764-5936 to be sure. I cannot release your child to a person who is not on their emergency information. PM bus riders and daycare riders are released about five minutes prior to walkers and car riders. At the beginning of the year an adult accompanies them. After the routine is established, students walk down on their own. Parental Involvement - There are many ways for parents to be involved in their children’s education. Research shows that the more involved you are, the more successful your child will be. -Always be positive and encouraging about all aspects of school, avoid negative comments about curriculum (“Math is hard”) or staff members (“Mr. Doe is mean” or “Mrs. Smith is hard”). -Be sure that your child arrives prepared for school (rested, fed and with assignments and resources - library books, book pockets, etc.) -Read to your child daily, even when they are able to read on their own - Listen to your child read (when they are able) or tell the story from the pictures and ask questions about stories read -Let your child see you reading and writing for authentic purposes and for pleasure (magazine, newspaper, book, recipe, list, etc.) -Help your child post “labels” made at school in their bedroom -Encourage them to try new things, including reading, writing, tying shoes, etc. -Teach them to be responsible for their own work, keeping assignments, library books and in bookbags. - Support them in preparing projects without doing the project - Attend Kindergarten Parent’s Night (January 13th, 2016) -Attend Father’s Night(s) - (Sept. 16, 2015 and/or Feb. 17th, 2016) The February event will include dinner. - Volunteer in or for the class - Lend expertise on class topics (community, careers, etc.) by being a guest speaker Homework - Weekly (usually handwriting sheets) on Fridays, due on Mondays. -Oral Presentations/Projects (Letter, Kindergartner of the week, Newsminutes). Here’s a tip about presentations: 5-6 year olds have short attention spans - text on a poster tends to slow down the presentations and causes kids to get fidgety. Please limit posters to pictures only, no text. Field Trips - When we take a bussed field trip, our schedule must be altered for that day to allow morning and afternoon students to attend in the morning and to accommodate district bus schedules. We also take a walking field trip within the regularly scheduled schoolday. We are walking to the Northwest Library on Friday, September 4th. Anyone interested in chaperoning can indicate that on the permission slip. Field trips are an extremely valuable way for young children to learn (by doing). In order to provide more learning opportunities and social activities. I also organize an optional field trip to the OSU Spring Game in April. Toys/Umbrellas – Please keep these items at home. Toys are distractions. They also often get lost or broken. Umbrellas are unnecessary for the short trip from the door to the bus or vice versa. Umbrellas can be lethal weapons in kindergarten J Water Bottles - Please do not send these to school. We have a class water fountain and students are encouraged to get drinks after recess. They tend to drip into the book bag tubs and get other students items wet. Classroom Temperature/Dress – I would recommend dressing in layers. The temperature is controlled at the district office and is not always consistent. Dressing in layers is the safest bet, you can always add when cold and remove when hot. Kindergarten Program - will be Wednesday, May 4th at 7 p.m. Questions? If at anytime you have any questions or concerns about anything at all, please contact me directly as soon as possible. It’s always better to clear things up quickly. The worst thing we could do for your child is put them in the middle. This just confuses them and can cause a negative attitude about school. We are all on the same team. We want what’s best for your child! I look forward to a great year with students and parents! 083115