Dublin City Schools Gifted Service for Placement into service for 2016-17:

Dublin City Schools Gifted Service for
Cognitively Gifted Students in Grades 4 and 5
Placement into service for 2016-17:
Students who score in the superior cognitively gifted range on a state
approved ability assessment in grade 3 or higher
Students who are currently participating in Dublin City Schools 4th grade
cog pullout service will be grandfathered in for the 2016-17 school year
Cognitively Gifted Pullout service objectives:
Develop and expand critical thinking and reasoning abilities
Utilize differentiated instructional strategies
Increase cognitive skills
Facilitate unique opportunities for learning
Support social-emotional growth of students
Dublin City Schools provides cognitively gifted students instruction that is differentiated in content,
process, product, assessment and learning environment.
Creativity: Students will study techniques that help in the search for innovation. They will
develop unique and refined conceptualized ideas.
Critical Thinking Skills: Students will make connections between present knowledge and new
information derived from varied materials, media, and sources.
Collaboration and Communication: Students will communicate and collaborate to construct
knowledge through a various methods incorporating technology throughout.
Problem Solving: Students will apply strategies for rational decision-making to problems and
issues in today’s world.
Research: Students will make effective decisions about the identification, implementation, and
presentation of ideas.
Areas of Enriched and Extended Instruction:
Content: Complex, abstract ideas presented in a variety of disciplines, across the disciplines
Process: Incorporation of 21st Century Learning Skills, Habits of Mind, and Problem Based Learning
Products: Alternate methods of demonstrating mastery within a range of complexity
Learning Environment: Cultivation of cognitive risk taking and perseverance
Assessment of Learning: A variety of assessment methods will be implemented
Ohio’s New Learning Standards and the Gifted Learner:
In gifted education we are continually seeking methods for challenging students to go beyond basic
comprehension and move into deeper levels of understanding. The change in state curriculum standards
reflects this practice on a large scale as they are derived from instructional practices and strategies
educators have been using in gifted education for decades.
Gifted services within Dublin City Schools focus on interdisciplinary concepts, critical thinking skills, and
problem solving across disciplines. With implementation of Ohio’s New Learning Standards, we will
continue to differentiate for gifted learners within a set of standards that are rigorous in each content area.
We recognize the importance of supporting the unique needs of cognitively gifted learners and providing
the additional rigor and challenge these students require for continuous growth. The standards also
encourage us to move beyond acceleration methods to provide enrichment and critical thinking
opportunities throughout all content areas.
Throughout the cognitively gifted service pullout class, formative instructional practices will be utilized to
assist with instructional planning and implementation. This service will support rigorous curriculum
demands through incorporation of each of the following:
Generation of knowledge through the exploration of complex content
Inclusion of critical thinking skills in daily activities
Investigation of problem based learning
Connection to the greater community as a life-long learner
Encouragement of students to recognize and appreciate their strengths, needs, and individuality
Development and application of creative thinking
Adaptation of skills to the learning environment
Expectation of increased perseverance and acceptance of ambiguity
Incorporation of efficient and effective communication through various modalities
Access to and analysis of information