What’s new in Room 216? z


S E P T E M B E R 2 5 T H 2 0 1 5

What ’ s new in Room 216?

M R S . O ’ C O N N O R ’ S 3 R D G R A D E C L A S S z

Ask A 3rd Grader In Our Class About...


This week in Reading Workshop, we focused on comparing and contrasting. We read a nonfiction article about a famous paleontologist named Mark Norell. We completed a graphic organizer (a venn diagram) comparing Mr. Norell’s work inside and outside of the museum. We also did some comparing and contrasting when we met with our

Kindergarten Buddies! Tell someone at home what you discovered about how you and your buddy are the same and different!

Classroom Volunteers!

The schedule for those of you who signed up to volunteer in our classroom was sent home on

Wednesday. If you did not sign up to volunteer but are interested in coming in once a month from 2:00-2:40, please let me know and I will add you to the October and November calendar!

You will need to complete the “Background Check” which can be found on the

Pinney website, prior to the first time you are scheduled to volunteer. See you soon!


In Math we worked on solving problems using an organized list. Solve this problem: Mark has tan pants, black pants and gray pants. He has four shirts: blue, green, red and white. List all the different outfits Mark can wear.

In Science we began to study “Matter!” We learned that matter has 3 forms: solid, liquid and gas. What makes these states of matter different is the way the molecules move inside of these objects. Show someone at home what the molecules for each state of matter looks like!

In Writing Workshop we focused on punctation. We learned when to use a variety of punctuation marks in writing and how to read them in text. See if you can write a few sentences using each of these marks: an ellipsis, dash, quotation marks & parenthesis!

Upcoming Events &Reminders


FALL FESTIVAL: The Pinney Fall Festival is Friday,

October 9th from 6:00-8:30 at Leeds Farm.

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES : If you have not signed up for a conference but would like to meet with me on October 21st or October 27th, please send me an email and I will let you know which times are still available!

HARVEST PARTY: 3rd Grade will celebrate their

Harvest Party on October 29th from 2:15-3:00.

NO SCHOOL: There will be no school on Friday, October


Related Arts Schedule:

Monday: Art

Tuesday: Library

Wednesday: Music

Thursday: PE

Friday: Art

Have a good weekend!
