Important Dates May 20- Field Day May 27- 2nd Grade Live Museum and Root beer Float Party (2:15-3:15) D May 30- Memorial Day, No School June 6- Last day of school REMINDER: Please make sure you are completing the reading log with your child and signing the paper!!! Parents, Welcome to the month of May! Even though we are approaching the end of the school year, we are still busy doing a lot of great learning! Please save the date for the Second Grade Live Museum and Root beer Float Party on Friday, May 27th!!! Students will need to bring a SIMPLE costume with them to school that day to dress up as the Famous American they have been studying. You are invited to attend the LIVE Museum and end-of-the-year 2nd Grade Root beer Float Party that will take place in the afternoon! More details to come soon! Contact Information: Deirdre Hermon Indian Run Elementary 80 W. Bridge St. 614-764-5928 Literacy Workshop Word Study This week we move ahead into our Famous Americans project! We will take a look at the notes we took during our research in Mrs. Fouche’s class and prepare to make our timelines. We will also begin compiling interesting facts that we will use in our informational paragraphs on our famous American. This week in word study, we will be focusing on nouns. First, we will review proper nouns. Then, we will begin learning about possessive nouns. A possessive noun shows that someone (or something) owns an item (i.e mom's flower, Carol's car). We will learn the rules used to make a noun possessive. Math Workshop Social Studies This week we will continue our unit on graphing, where students will apply their knowledge about graphs to create their own! At the beginning of the week, students will work with a partner to create a bar graph, pictograph, and line plot to represent class data. Then, at the end of the week, students will design their own survey question to ask their classmates. Students will then create each type of graph to represent the data they collected from their survey. This will serve as the final assessment for the unit. This week the students will begin their unit on geography in Mrs. Fouche’s class.