Important Dates Parents,

Important Dates
May 20- Field Day (Mrs. Baas needs
many volunteers for this event!)
May 27- 2nd Grade Live Museum and
Root beer Float Party (2:15-3:15)
May 30- Memorial Day, No School
June 6- Last day of school
Please make sure you are
completing the reading log
with your child and signing
the paper!!!
We hope all of you moms had a
wonderful Mother's Day! Thanks for all
you do!!!
Please save the date for the Second
Grade Live Museum and Root beer Float
Party on Friday, May 27th!!!
Students will need to bring a SIMPLE
costume with them to school that day to
dress up as the Famous American they
have been studying. A flyer went home
last Friday detailing information about
costumes. You are invited to attend the
LIVE Museum and End-of-Year 2nd
Grade Root beer Float Party that will
take place in the afternoon!
Contact Information:
Deirdre Hermon
Indian Run Elementary
80 W. Bridge St.
Literacy Workshop
This week we will use the notes
we took in Mrs. Fouche’s class to
create our timelines,
incorporating important dates
about our famous Americans.
I will begin administering a DRA
(Developmental Reading
Assessment) to each student,
which is something teachers also
do in fall. This process takes a
few weeks to get through the
entire class.
Word Study
This week in word study, we will be
focusing on 3 special kinds of nouns:
1. Pronouns (words that take the place
of one or more nouns),
2. Reflexive pronouns (when the
subject and the object are the same
thing... i.e. Claire is looking at herself
in the mirror).
3. Irregular plural nouns (when
the ending of the word is different
than -s or -es).
The Words of the Week will be:
myself, herself, himself, ourselves,
themselves, children, and geese.
Math Workshop
Social Studies
This week, we will count and
skip-count within 1000, as well as
practice reading and writing
numbers to 1000 using base-ten
numerals, word names, and
expanded form. Students will
compare two three-digit
numbers using >, <, and = symbols
to record the results of the
comparisons. We will play many
math games and use
mathematical thinking to explain
our thinking.
We will finish up discussing mapping
and start discussing landforms. We
will complete activities that allow us
to distinguish between the
different landforms. We will also
read about landforms using a
variety of texts. It is important
that the students can identify the
different landforms based on
pictures and their definitions.
Study cards and a study guide will
be coming home later in the week.
The test will be on Friday, May