NEWS RELEASES FEBRUARY 1968 chronologicaI f i l e DATE SUBJECT MAILING 2-5-68 Report of c o l l e g e growth THE NEWS AND OBSERVER - Schools and C o l l e g e s Ed it i on 2-7-68 MUSIC DEPT. Senior Voice Recital FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER - (Att: Mrs. Moffitt) with pic Barbara Simmons Lawson - senior voice recital 2-7-68 MUSIC DEPT. accompanist THE CHESTERFIELD ADVERTISER (S.C.) THE TIMES MESSENGER (Fairmont,N .C .) THE MARSHVILLE HOME ( N . C . ) Brenda Teal, accompanist for B. Lawson (above) 2-12-68 FACULTY - Cooper (judge in science, Golden Star Awards Program 2-12-68 MUSIC DEPT. Chorus 2nd Annual Tour 2-14-68 ACADEMIC - Dean's List, 1st Semester 2-14-68 LECTURER - Dr. Norman St. John-Stevas N C CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE - cutline and pic 2-15-68 CONCERT - Elwood Adams, violinist FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (Mrs. Moffitt) CALENDAR OF EVENTS (Mrs. Henley) FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (Jim Pharr);WIDU,WFNC, WFLB, WFAI, WFBS, WILMINGTON MORNING STAR FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (Moffitt); WPTF-Raleigh; WIDU, WFNC, WFLB, WFAI, WFBS FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (Pharr) - general release CONCERT - Elwood Adams, violinist FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER 2-20-68 DEAN'S LIST - Home Town DURHAM MORNING HERALD, DURHAM SUN $-22-68 DEAN'S LIST - Home Town ELIZABETH CITY ADVANCE, TABOR CT^Y RALEIGH NEWS mi OBSERVER, RALEIGH TIMES, TT-TE GOLDS BORO NEWS ARGUS, CHARLOTTE OB°ERV^R, ASHEVILLE TIMES, ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, DAILY 2-19-68 NEWC (rimLTi)jGT"N ) , WINSTON SALEM SENTINEL, WINSTON SALEM JOURNAL, WILMTNGTON STAR NWS, PEND^R CHRONICLE (PURGAW), LINCOLN TIMES (LINCOLNTON ) , KERNER5VTLLE NWS, THOMASVILLE TIMES, CART^RET NEWS TIMES, CHARLOTTE NEWS 2-22-68 RE WEEK SPEAKER AND PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (PHRRR), WIDU, WFNC, WAI, WFBS 3-23-68 DEAN'S LIST - HOME TOWN THE DAILY TIMES NEWS (BURLINGTON), SUN JOURNAL (NEW P"RN), HAWLOCK PROGRESS, CA^TERET NPVS TTMES (MORGUE AT) C T T), VALDESE NEWS, MORGANTOW NEWS-HERALD, TTTE JONES COTJNTT JOURNAL^ TRENTON), GREENSBORO DAILY NEVIS, GREENSBORO RECORD, THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES (BREVARD), GARNER NEWS, THE YADKIN RIPPLE (TKDKIN7ILLE ) , COURIER TRIBUEN (ASHEBORO), RICHMOND COW Y JOURNAL ( ROC KING HAM ), SANDHILL INDEPENDENT (ROCKINGHAM) , MONROE ENQUIRER JOURNAL,MECKLENBURO TIMES (CHARLOTTE) NEWS RELEASES DATE FEBRUARY 1968 SUBJECT 2-26-68 DEAN'S LIST * Home Town 2-26-68 R E WEEK -Follow-Up Story on Mr. Hubbard's first sermon >-2?-68 CONCERT-LECTURE SERIESE. Car® Univ. Concert Choir CONTINUED MAILING MARION STAR WEEKLY, MARION, S.C.; FLORENCE MORN T NG NEWS, FLORENCE, S . C . ; RICHMOND T T MES DISPATCH; RICHMOND NEWS LEASER; CHESTERFIELD GAZETTE, CHESTER, VA.j ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE; FAIRFAX COimTY JOURNAL; FAIRFAX COUNTY SUN ECHO; ALTAVISTA JOURNAL, VA.; BRUNSWICK BEACON, SHALLOTEE, N.C.; VERONA CEDAR GROVE TIMES, V'RONA, N . J . ; METUCHEN RECORDER, N . J . ; MAPLE SHADE PROGRESS, N.J.; COURIER, MTDDLFTOWN,N.J.; NEW MARKET-PISCATAWAY CHRONICLE, DUNELLEN, N . J . ; FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER, WFAI, WFLB, WFNC, WIDII FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (pix), WFAI WFLB WFNC WIDU WFBS & pix. 2-27-68 RE WEEK-pix & caption FAYETTEVILLE 2-28-68 DEAN'S LIST - Home Towrr-- THE ROANOKE TIMES ( V A . ) ; ISLTP BULLETIN (*:.Y. ); PLEASANTVILLE JOTONAL ( w . Y . ) ; MONTGOMERY COUNTY SMTINEL(MD.); ATLANTA CONSTITUTION ( G A . ) ; POTTSTOWN MERCURY (PA.); BETHLEHEM GLOB" TIMES ( P A . ) ; SPARTANBTTRG HERALD JOURNAL (S.C.); 2-28-68 DONALD GREEN-two-man art show at Wilnn npton & award at Winston-Salem FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER 2-28-68 SPANISH CLUB FASHION SHOWlead off story FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER 2-28-68 HARRIET FITZGERALD-concert, lecture series FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER 2-^9-68 SPANISH CLUB FASHION SHOW HARRIET FITZGERALD LOC^L RADIO STATIONS n ti ii 2-29-68 HOMETOWN - Fashion show models DURHAM MORNING HERALD, NEW BERN SUN JOURNAL 2-29-68 PIX £ OUTLINE, RE WEEK N.C. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE 2-29-68 PIX & OUTLINES, ARTICLE SCIENCE CLUB^ "HANDS" PROJECT: FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (also, SOUTHERN LIVING copy for Town & Country Garden Club - co-sponsor of project) OBSERVER Methodist College Alumni February^, 1968 Dear We hope that this letter finds you in good health and finances. Our class has endeavored to establish, as part of our legacy, an annual scholarship. It remains our belief that many students who could contribute greatly to society are often denied an education due to financial difficulties. In order for our one hundred per annum scholarship to attain a perpetual nature it must have a principal of two thousand ($2000.00). This necessitates that each graduate of the class contribute a yearly sum of ten dollars for five years. We have completed our first year and the fund now stands at three hundred fifty-three dollars and twenty-three cents ($353.23). This total reflects the closing balance in our treasury at the end of the 1966 school term and the accrued interest on the fund to this time. ($242.00 was collected this past year.) Thank you so much for your support this past year. We are confident that this year's goal will be met and that our next report will reflect a near approach to the half-way mark. This is no easy task in view of the equally demanding and important alumni dues. However, the leading class will meet this challenge. We sincerely believe that this endeavor will be a success and will serve as a timely witness to future beneficiaries of our appreciation to Methodist College for what she has done for us. We request that you send your contribution by check to: Mr. Charles K. McAdams, Methodist College, Fayetteville, N.C. 28301. Pleasfe make your checks payable to: Class of 1966 Scholarship Fund. • We wish you God's speed and hope to hear from you soon. CLASS OF 1966 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION \' FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 233O1 May 9, 1967 TO THE METHODIST COLLEGE ALUMNI Dear Friends: We are writing to remind you of our Third Annual Alumni Banquet scheduled for 7 o'clock, Saturday evening. May 27, in the college dining hall. Fran Abel Zeigler, '65, and her committee (Betty Bunce, '64; Reese Edwards, '64; Connor Holland, '64; Doris Rulnick, '65; Doris Beard Britt, '66; Tommy Yow, '66) are working hard to provide a profitable evening. They have decided not to have a principal speaker but to concentrate on fellowship and renewal of acquaintances, information, entertainment, and the installation of new officers . The cost of the meal will be $1.25 per plate. Bring as many guests as you wish. Just fill out the enclosed reservation form and return it to Charles K. McAdams, Director of Alumni Affairs, by May 24. We are enclosing a progress report of the Alumni Loyalty Fund. If you have not participated we hope you will do so soon so that we may have a good report at the time of the banquet. Also, don't forget to mail your ballot for Alumni officers . We'll see you May 2 7 . Sincerely yours, Roger Williams, President Alumni Association Charles K. McAdams, Director Alumni Affairs Enclosures (3) THE NEWS AND OBSERVER - Schools and Colleges Edition METHODIST COLLEGE FayetteviIle. North Carolina 28301 Charles K. McAdan<s, Director of Public Re tat ions February 5, 1968 FAYETTEVILLE With a current record enrollment of Iu69 students, a full-time faculty of 60 members, an operating budyet- of $1,685,000, 13 buildings completed and in use, and construction now in progress on three structures with contracts amounting to r^ore than $1,700,000, Methodist College continues to be one of the modern-day ir trades in Christian higher education. Present construction consists of a new adtr-inistrat ion b u i l d i n g , an addition to the student union and a fine arts b u i l d i n g with a 1200-seat auditorium. _ From I96u when the college opened with 88 students, 4 build- . ings and 10 faculty members, the growth to the present t i n.e has been phenoninal. In November, 1966, f u l l accreditation was granted to the col I eye by the Southern Association of Colleges and schools. In November, 1967, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction declared that the college is r,teet i ny all of the guidelines and standards of the teacher education•proyrar. With the projected rs;ax i nsuru enrollment of i,20U students now in sight, emphasia on faculty continues to stress quality. percent of the present faculty hold doctorate deyroes. Forty This trend is expected to continue as the college accelerates its efforts to attract and keep a faculty of exceptionally we i I qualified educators, w h i l e at the same time fcaintaining a favorable faculty-student ratio. In its curriculum, Methodist College emphasizes the humanities and basic sciences. The two standard baccalaureate degrees, the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science, are conferred upon those students who complete a l l the requ iregents. From the 13 majors, students may choose courses of study leading to the Christian ministry, Christian education work, missionary service, public school teaching, government service, law, medicine, i dentistry, engineering, business, music and others. The fine arts program is closely interwoven with that of the community and provides cultural enrichment for the entire area in the fields of art, music and drama. DEAN'S LIST FALL SEMESTER 1967-68 Freshmen A l l e n , Sharon Lee L^W^n, N £• Barefoot, Horace " / : *'•-•-•'>*-"» **C Brown, John W. Burgess, Alvin XDarden, Ann F"< ;•• CS DeLoach, Susan C Fasul, Anna S. Hambright, Gould M. Haracivet, Dale XJess, Elva L. K «•/>>< Jones, Gwendolyn S. Jones, Thomas H. Jordan, Robert M. Kennedy, Donna 1 Reeves, Kenneth J. Rollins, Harriet6oU^ri>(^ Vann, Sarah^^fee* f*«sfMWilliams, William Sophomores ?4 C '' Adams, Leonard Alexander, Bowers, S. Price Cash, Curtis Chastain, Virginia Eurey, Linda /.infi»W Evans, Grau, Carol Hall, Linda Herring, Brenda James, Sue Carol Keller, Theresa AberdeeK; XKestner, Robert Leimone, Amelia McKnight, Janey McPhail, Linda Marshall, Donald Milner, Karen E. XMitchell, Herbert Norman, Caroline Parrous, Helen Qualliotine, Diane Ramsey, David Ricker, Vivian Schutz, Barbara fc-=^ Schwint^, Alan Smith, Janet jJC W*^ Smith, Leta Anne lAiW;-Ve fJC_ Starnes, Bonnie Stevens, Jonnie Taber, Patricia Thomas, Judith Todd, Michael &C Twine, Carter MC, Wells, Wyatt Wicker, Terry -7).*, List, continued Seniors niors mil — . 1 1 II Baxley, Anna Pilon Bonette, Barbara Boone, Barbara Boose, Terry 1^ Bruton, Linda Sue ./N Byerly, Allen Carr, Beth )(Dailey, Gloria Dean, Richard Denning, Eiiane j)l)^^ ,. De Ra mu s ^ David ft**W*t# i** Dietrich, Charles^Wr^o Dillard, James Estes, William Hale, Michael Hammond, Trudy Hill Hatchell, David" H u b b a r d , M a r g a r e t fione Ittenbach, Sandra /_(^<i« Jeffreys, Jackie Jervis, Robert Johnson, Rita fe Skade M-J Johnson, Sandra Keeter, Regina J^argent, William Loschiavo, James McNeill, Janis F Marcy, Janice Mauney, Karabeth Mazza , Mic Monroe, M a r y Ann M u l d r o w , Jessie M u r r a y , Kenneth P e r r y m a n , Linda U)ins~t(W\ P r o c t o r , S t u a r t / \\lfis-hi'n<j^:6n R a n s o n e , H a r r i e t l^ithmond. /Vo.-, Seymour, Lynda/4tupoet/A/.CShanks, Marie Smith, Marilyn Smith, Raymond Stanton, I Tupper, Myron Vieth, Ricky 5'pa.rtft Vincelette, Barney Wells, Woodrow Wingate, Mary ^ Barkley, jean Barnes, Randall Billings, William "P>u£ba Blackmor., .JeanBreeden, Billy Brown, David Bryant, Catherine i* M <• Bullard, Donald ^ ,— Bunce, Linda —Chance, Harry Council, William/6"/7 z-1* —D'Alessandro, Richard' Davis, Donna K.d. Fermanides, Mary Ferrell, Patsy French, Grover L Gosier, Harmon, Wayne Harper , Amelia Heliotis, Margaret Herbert, Gordon B. Holmes, Alice Hughes, Robert Humphrey, James u. n Jackson, Aileen Jones, Bruce LaBelle, James " Lane, Constance Cl/n^0/v Legates, Rodney McDuffie, Nancy McPherson, Terry Meier, Barbara ^-Payne, Sally Jo" *. ^Ratliff, Elainel i. n n . Reinert, Paul VRicks, Lydia B. Rosser, Brenda Sheppard, Jean-Wi Smith, Eugene XSmith, Paul E. sj~. Strickland, Sandra Taylor, David K. Trousdale, Wayne £ Tolson, Mrs. Linda S.d. Turlington^ Ronald Underwood, Dianne < Vessia, Sarah Warren, Ethel G. Waterfield, Patricia Weeks, James Williams, Robert Williamson, Rebecca THE MARSHVILLE HOME Marshville, North Carolina 28103 .hodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Charles K. McAciams, Director of Public Relations February 7, 1968 for immediate release Fayetteviile, N.C.—Miss Brenda T.;al, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V.mon F. Teal of Marshville, will serve as piano accompanist for Mrs. Barbara Lawson in her senior voice recital at Methodist College, Fayetteville, N . C., on Saturday evening, February 10, in the Methodist College Union. Miss Teal is a senior music major at the college. She has sung in the college chorus and has, participated in numerous other musical activities on the college campus. Miss Teal was organist for the Methodist College Chorus in a concert presented by the chorus in the Marshville Methodist Church on Sunday, January 28. THE TIMES MESSENGER Fairmont, North Carolina 28340 ihodist College r ayetteville, North Carolina 28301 'harl'es K. McAdams, Director of Public R.lations ,-aary 7, 1968 for immediate release ."ayetteville, N . 3.—Miss Brenda Teal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V -rnon F. T ,al of Marslwilie and formerly of Fairmont, will serve as piano accompanist for Mrs. Barbara law son in her senior voice recital at Methodist Joilege, Fayetteville, N. O . , on Saturday evening, J'ebruary 10, in the N Methodist College Union. Miss Teal is a senior music major at the college. She has s\m:i in the college chorus and has participated in numerous other musical activities.on the college campus. THE CHESTERFIELD ADVERTISER Chesterfield, South Carolina 29709 Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations February 7, 1968 for immediate release Fayetteville, N . C.— Miss Brenda Teal of Marshville, N. C. and i granddaughter of Mr, B. Thurman Teal and niece of -.Irs1. Bessie Criggs, both of Chesterfield, S. C., will serve as piano accompanist for Mrs. Barbara Laxvson in her senior voice recital at Methodist College, Fayetteville, N. C. on Saturday evening, February 10, in the Methodist College Union. Miss Teal is a senior music major at the college. She lias sung in the college chorus and has participated in numerous other musical activities on the college campus . TH3 FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVES "Attention; r»rs. '>t^ffitt. '•uist College ' ' . ] . "ulEDIATE RSLiAS Fay^tcjville, North Carolina 2o301 Jaa;1--s .<. McAdams, Lttructor of Public Relations ;ary 7, 1958 fitfitii picture) Barbara Simmons '..awson, spprano, will b«i presented by tha Methodisr Joilc^e Music Department in bar senior recital oa Saturday evening, February 1 ., at . .''clock in the coile-;,, union. , .' irs. Lawson, a stuUant of A'an M. Porter of tlao- College's rnusic faculty, x -ife of Slade Burton '.awson, Jr. of Fayetteviisv -and the daughter of "'r.s . •-'•:. Clayton Simmons, alao of "ayettoviiie. Sue is a 1954 jrauuatJ 3f :iij Payettevills Senior High School where she was a member of the high schooi and received the J^a/ninaae Music Av/ard. For four years Mrs. Lav/son has been a soloist with the Methodist JoJU. . Far two years 3no aas SiSrved as secretary-treasurer of the coil®3--. oihaptur .-i the Music Educators National Conference. She is also a me moor of c, . Suaaisn Club. She is orjanist-choir director at. the P rson Street. Methodise irch of Fayettevilie. , .4«s will be accompanied at the piano by Brenaa, junior music -a ana i.iu-Jant of Mrs, J> liuiea. Iter recital program iacludas: four sacred son.;s i>y Purcell ~ "An 2v-.->itn j . :.\, ' e Sing to Bin," !1TiK3 Blessed Virgin's Jl.xpostuiation" and "L^rd, Ic '..:aa. ' These are followed by "B^iJa VH'toria" by Scnvjncini; "Se tu.m'ami" G. 3. P-irgolesi; three nu.^^rs by Mozart — ":&aent>j la oal^a," ; 'Non rni TiW ^ueen of Ivight'e Vungoance Aria. ' ..xiist College - Barbara . Mil v.vson - pay<* 2 Also, two numbers i?y R. Schumann — ' Morgans steh ich auf uncs frage" and 'Dor Nussbaum." The so aro followed by two numbers i>y Brahms — ''V,,r.,, : Stanachan" and "So willet du otes Armen. Tiie recital concludes v/ith "When I Jama Parth T^is Morn" by Michael "H^aci ..' Thro1 Night's Caressing Grip" by 'Benjamin Britten; "'The Music Box D. Turner; "Song of the Op^n* by Frank' La Forga. . ::i^ THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER (Jim Pharr), WIDU, WFNC, WFLB, WFAI, WFBS, WILMINGTON MORNING STAR Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations February 12, 1968 For immediate release Fayetteville—Dr. William C. Cooper, Area Chairman of Science and Mathematics and professor of chemistry at Methodist College, will serve as a judge for the science category in the 1968 Golden Star Awards Program sponsored by the Star-News Newspapers of Wilmington. The program is designed to recognize meritorious achievement by high school seniors in Southeast North Carolina in the categories of English, foreign language, mathematics, science, social science, arts, industrial education, journalism, music, speech, drama, agriculture, athletics, citizenship and general scholarship. Dr. Cooper holds the A . B . degree from Pomona College and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University. He has been employed in chemical research and development in industry and came to Methodist College in 1966 from Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa where he was on the chemistry faculty. FAY.OBS.(Moffitt); WPTF-Akx Raleigh; WIDU, WFNC, WFLB, WFAI, WFBS . kiotaodist College Fayetteville , North Carolina 20301 Charles K. McAdains, Director of Public Relations February 12, 1968 For immediate release Fayetteville — Tae • lethodist College Chorus lias recently completed its second annual concert tour v/ith appearances in selected churches in piedmont and V/Q stern North Carolina. They will also provide special music for District Lay Rallies of the N .C» Conference of The Methodist Church on February 13 at New Bern, February 15 at Burlington and February 20 at Rockingham. The chorus, under the direction of Alan M. Porter, instructor in voice and choral music, is a select 'jToup of thirty young men and women from seven statas. Tlie concerts include great sacred choruses from all the major stylistic periods . One ox the most popular portions of the concert is a selection from the mass entitled "•-Ujjoice" by Herbert Draesel, Jr., which is composed in the folk idiom. Chorus members from Fayetteville are: Byrd Subank, Robert Jervis, Mrs. Barbara Lawson^CJaroIe McKnight, Lodewyk Mason. Mrs. Linda Schafer, Donald Snelgrove, Tyler Turner^ -Connie Vidrine , Mrs , Kathy Warner, Vivian V/ebb . Other members from H-.-rth Carolina are: Jan Cranford, Robblns; Jeannine Faulkner^ Kittrell; Robert Flynn, Roxboro; Mrs, Amelia Harper, Rutherford Jollege; Gregory Kissell, Fuquay-Varina; Lynn Moore. Beaufort; Jesse Staton, Windsor; Brewda Teal, Llarahville; Roy Wilson t Fort Bragg, Out-of*state members are: Beth Baldwin, Karen Rogers and Dru Taylor, dria, Vfe^; Georgia Bryant, Williamsburg, Va.; Carole Burke, South Burlington* Vt,; ampbell, Bridgeton, N.J.; Richard Estes, Springfield, Va.; Tommy rg, Va.; Jack Kerr, Buffalo, N.Y.; Janet Perry, Danbury, Conn»; Raymond , Pa,; Anthony Whisler, 7/aynesboro, Pa. NORTH CAROLINA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE Methodist College Payottoville, North Carolina 283.01 diaries K. .McAdams, Director of Public Relations ?_bruary 14, 1953, outline METHODIST COLLEGE LECTURER~Dr. Norman St. John-Stevas, center, who spoke at Methodist College recently, chats with Dr. John Tobler, cright, chairman of Social Sciences and professor of political science at the college, and Bob Hughes of Fayetteville, president of the college's History and Political Science Club. Dr. St. John-Stevas, a Danforth Lecturer and a member of the British Parliament, spoke on "The Atlantic Community and the. Common Market.11 Photo->»Charles McAdams ?AY2TTSVILL£ OBSERVE I - Aitontion; Tim Pharr dist College ^tevilla, North Carolina 23301 .iarisDs K. McAuams, :or of Public Relations ruary 14, 1958 7 r immediate ?ayetteville~The names of 152 students who have qualified for the Oman's .ist at Methodist College for the fall semester of 13J7-3J academic year have i released by Dr. Samuel J, Vvomack, Jr., Doan oi the college. To qualify for this honor a student must earn .a 'B" average or better on lo jr more semester hours. . Fayetteville students named for this honor are: Freshmen - Ann Dardea, Anna S. Fasui, Gould M. Hambright, Dale Haracivet-, Gvv-endolyn S. Jones, f~e tie OA5A';'/ i.t«?, A '"• .tas -H. Jones, Robert .M. Jordan, Donnal Kennedy, runneth J. Reeves. lOphomoras-'-S. Price .Bowan, Curtis Gash, Virginia Chastain, Linda Hail, w>rt Kustner, Carole ..loKnight, Linda McPhaii, Karen £. Milner, Carciiao. ;len Parrous, Diane ^ualliotina, David Ramsey, Janet Smith* Carter T\. Juniors -Anna Barley, Barbara Boone, Unda Bruton, James Diliard, . .ijliael Halo, Trudy Hammond, Iljbert Jervis, William L. Largeat III, James Loschiava, .or/ Monroe, Jessie ..ow, Kenneth Murray, .Marie Shanks, Marilyn Smith, .usyr.iond'Smith, vJyron Tapper, ;/»oodrow Wells. i.niors - jjHHHNMNMTBilly Breeden, Catharine Bryant, Richard 'Alosoandro, ^iary Fannanidss, Patsy Ferrell, .Yayne Harmon, Margaret Holiotis, Alijo Holmes, Robert Hugiies-, Ailaen Jackson, Boioo J^nes, Jamas LaBella, .-y McDuffie, Barbara Ivloier, Sally Jo Payna, Li. jks, Brenda RJS^ , ith, Sandra 5u"ii;kiand, David K. Taylor, Sarali V^ssia, .otaodist College - pago 2 - February 14, 193: atrljia v.aterfiald, Janes \, Robert Wtllians. Other Fayjttovillo area students qualifying for this honor are: Linda E , ::i; Sharon Lee Allen, Luraberton; Branda Eerrin-j, Vivian Rickar an lliarason, Spring Lake; Theresa Kaller, Abordoon; Uta Anne Smith and Gloria , -Xniloy, Vvhtta. Oak; T-rry V/icker and Donald Dullard, Saniord; Beth IJarr, J"^- Constance Lans and Rjnald Turlington, Clinton; • Dianno Donning, James Humphrey, uan; J ,an Blackmon, J.^an Sheppard, Mrs. Ethel G. v/arran, Wada; Margarot ., E-jpe Mills? San<ira Ittsnbach, Linden; Harry Ciiance, Parkton; Jcnis ?ay . .',J1-] '.-ill, Broadway; V/illiarn Gouncii, Elizabethtown; Paul E. Smith, St. Pauls. Other 'North Carolina studants listed are: Loonard Adams, William G jr-_:a Herbert and Sandra Vann, Durham;, .\lary Alexander and David vA Liarlotta; Eorace Barsfoot, ,-r&utiZj&5h; Susan DoLoach, Asheville; David Brc wn, J-an Barkley, Donna Davis, Sue Carol James, Jackie Jeffreys, Rodney Logasus, X X A ?caloigh; Earriett Itollins and Dianne Underwood, Goldsboro; Linda Eurey, Uncdhr ton; T-rry Boose, Alion Byorly, Linda Perryraan, V. inston»S*alera; Gvov^f-r'.'onch, - A >- ton; idta Joiinsqn, Lurlington; Lks. Aniolia Harper, liutherford-Colleg^; ...... ;ina -j?, Morehead City; /injlia Lonone, Lofinone, Burgaw; Donald Marshall, K-rncr^ x . Maunay and Linda Eoymour, Newport} ''erry X * 3 tames, Monroe; J nnio Stevens, Tabor Jity; J x Pharson, Rocklnghara; Ctanton and .Vayne .isdala, Elizabeth City; Judith Thomas, Asheooro; l.Iiuh.ael Todd, Ashovilio; >A X '•oils, Gam^r; . .lam V/illiania, Pisgah F oroot; Mary Wingate, Greens X" Out-of-state stu listed ara: John Brown, Piscatav/ay, N.J.; Alvin ;, Janice ^larcy, Alj;jandria, Va.; Randall Barn-oo, t/iarion, S.J.; Carol .u, Altavista, Va.; Elv^ J-ss, Kensington, Mu.; H^i-b^rt Mitchell, V/iil. t / indkHarriet Ransone, iUchmond, Va»; Ciiav v/ .--trich, Boilford, N.J.; 1st College - paga 3 - February 14, I-Iaichell and Mrs. ..Jida Tel son, Fiorop -, 2-1 .Y .JiB Johnson, : i- \iarc Proctor, B^thescia, . aad-a, K.J.; .; 3iaine Ratliff, Bait. . J.; Jaxnos Gosier, Bay 5, laz:sa, B-ti'ii^l^ •.;, Pa.; . , i.; ?a.ui Rainort, XT P 'ttstown. Pa.; Aian Scl&lnt, Matuchen, N.J.; Bu^ora Cchutz, Atlanta, GQ,; X N.J. .-/Viath, Spartanburj, O.3.; Barney Vinceletto, V-rona, JLs~-~ ^ Tin: FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER - Attention: Tim Pharr » ;nodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Charles-K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations February 14, 1368 . For immediate release Fayetteville—The names of 152 students who have qualified for the Dean's :lst at Methodist College for the fall semester of 1957-33 academic year have been released by Dr. Samuel J. "VVomack, Jr., Dean of the college. To qualify for this honor a student must earn a ; B" average or better on 15 or more semester hours. Fayetteville students named for this honor are: Freshmen - Ann Darden, Anna S. Fasul, Gould M. Hambright, Dale Haracivet, Gwendolyn S. Jones, Thomas H. Jones, Robert M. Jordan, Donnal Kennedy, Kenneth J. Reeves. Sophomores - S. Price Bowen, Curtis Cash, Virginia Chastain, Linda Hall, Robert Kestner, Carole McKnight, Linda McPhail, Karen £. Milner, Caroline Norman, Helen Parrous, Diane Qualliotine, David Ramsey, Janet Smith, Carter Twine. Juniors -Anna Baxley, Barbara Boone, Linda Bruton, Jarnes'Dillard, Michael Hale, Trudy Hammond, Robert Jervis, William L. Largent III, James Loschiavo, Mary Monroe, Jessie Muldrow, Kenneth Murray, Marie Shanks, Marilyn Smith, Raymond Smith, Myron Tupper, vVoodrow Wells. . Seniors - Breeden, Catherine Bryant, Richard D'AIessandro, Mary Fermanides, Patsy Ferrell, .Vayne Harmon, Margaret Heliotis, Alice Holmes, Robert Hughes, Aiieen Jackson, Brace Jones, James LaBelle, Nancy McDuffie, Barbara :\Icier, Sally Jo Payne, Linda Ricks, Brenda Rosser, Eugene Smith, Sandra -Strickland, David K. Taylor, Sarah Vessia, :Ctiioclist College - page 2 - February 14, 1968 Patricia V.aterfield, Jantos Vvaeks, Robert Williams. Other Fayetteville area students qualifying for this honor are: Linda Bunco, Stedman; Sharon Lee Allen, LumberEon; Brenda Herring, Vivian Ricker and Robecea tiarason, Spring Lake; Theresa Keller, Aberdeen; Lita Anne Smith and Gloria L. Dailey, White Oak; Turry Wicker and Donald Bullard, Sanford; Beth 3arr, Constance Lane and Ronald Turlington, Clinton; Dianne Denning, James Humphrey, Dunn; J-an Blackmon, Jean Sheppard, Mrs. Ethel G* Warren, "Wade; Margaret Hubbard, Hope Mills; Sandra Ittenbach, Linden; Harry Chance, Parkton; Janis Fay McNoill, Broadway; William Council, Elisabethtown; Paul E. Smith, St. Pauls. Other North Carolina students listed are: Leonard Adams, William Billings, Gordon Herbert .and Sandra Vann, Burharn; Mary Alexander and David DsRaraus, Charlotte; Horace Barefoot, "Wilmington; Susan DoLoach, Asheville; David Brown, J~an Barkiey, Donna Davis, Sue Carol Jarnes, Jackie Jeffreys, Rodney Legates, Raleigh? Harriett Rollins and Dianne Underwood, Goldsboro; Linda Eurey, Lincohr ton; Terry Boose, Allen Bye.rly, Linda Ferryman, Winston-Salem; Grover French, Kinston;• Rita Johnson, Burlington; Mrs. Amelia Harper, Rutherford College; R-gina Keeter, Morehead City; Amelia Letoone, Burgav^; Donald Marshall, Kornersville; ICarabeth Mauney and Linda Seymour, Newport; Terry MoPherson, Rockingham; Bonnie Starnes, Monroe; Jennie Stevens, Tabor City; Fred Stanton and Wayne Trousdale, Elizabeth City; Judith Thomas, Asheboro; Micliael Todd, Asheviile; ..t Wells, Garner; William Williams, Pisgah Forest; MaryWingate, Greensboro, Out-of~state students listed are: John Brown, Piscataway, N.J.; Alvin Burgess, Janice Marcy, Alcrjanaria, Va.; Randall Barnes, Marion, S.C.; Carol Grau, AltaVista, Va.; Elva Jess, Kensington, Md.; Herbert Mitchell, V/iIliai:i andkHarriet Ransono, Richmond, Va.; Charles Dietrich, Belford, N.J.; ctliociist College - page 3 - February 14, 1968 David Hatchell and Mrs. Linda Tolson, Florence, S. G.; James Gosier, Bay Shore, N.Y.? Sandra Johnson, Maple Shade, N.J.; Michele Iviasza, Bethlehem, Pa.; Stuart Proctor, Bethesda, Md.; Elaine Ratiiff, Baltimore, Md.; Paul Reinert, Pottstown, Pa.; Alan Sclrwint, Metuchen, N.J.; Barbara Schutz, Atlanta, Ga.; Ricky Vieth, Spartanburg, S.G.; Barney Vinceletto, Vorona, N.J. Methodist Lists Students Making Fall Dean's List The names of 152 students Fermanides, Patsy F e r r e 11 who have qualified for the Wayne Harmon, M a r g a r e Dean's List a t M e t h o d i s Heloitis, Alice Holmes, Rober College for the fall semester Hughes, Aileen Jackson, Bruc of 1967-68 academic year have Jones, James LaBelle, Nanc; been released by Dr. Samue McDuffie, Barbara Meier, Sail; J. Womack, Jr., dean of the Jo Payne, Linda Ricks, Brend Rosser, Eugene Smith, Sandr; college. To qualify for this honor a Strickland, David K. Taylor student must earn a "B' Sarah Vessia, P a t r i c i 'average or better on 15 or Waterfield, James Weeks an Robert Williams. more semester hours. Fayetteville students namec Other Fayetteville a r e a for this honor are: Freshmen students qualifying for thi — Ann Darden, Anna S. Fasul honor are: Linda Bunce, Sted Gould M. Hambright, Dale man; Sharon Lee A l l e n Haracivet, Gwendolyn S. Jones Lumberton; Brenda Herring Thomas H. Jones, Robert M. Vivian Ricker and Rebecc, Jordan, Donnal Kennedy and Williamson, all of Spring Lake Kenneth J. Reeves. Thresa Keller, Aberdeen; Lita Sophomores — S. P r i c e Anne Smith and Gloria D Bowen, Curtis Cash, Virginia Dailey, both of White Oak; Ter Chastain, Linda Hall, Roberl ry Wicker and Donald Bullard Kestner, Carole McKnight, Lin- both of Sanford; Beth Carr da McPhail, Karen E. Milner, Constance Lane and Ronalc Caroline Norman, Helen Par- Turlington, all of Clinton; Dian rous, Diane Qualliotine, David ne Denning, James Humphrey Ramsey, Janet Smith and Dunn; Jean Blackmon, Jean Carter Twine. Sheppard and Mrs. Ethel G Juniors — Anna Baxley, Warren, both of W a d e Barbara Boone, Linda Bruton, Margaret Hubbard, Hope Mills James Dillard, Michael Hale, Sandra Ittenbach, Linden; Har Trudy Hammond, R o b e r t ry Chance, Parkton; Janis Fay Jervis, William L. Largent III, McNeill, Broadway; William James L o s c h i a v o , Mary Council, Elizabethtown; Paul E Monroe, Jessie Muldrow, Ken- Smith, St. Pauls. neth Murray, Marie Shanks, Other North Carolina students Marilyn Smith, Raymond Smith, lisetd are: Leonard Adams Myron Tupper and Woodrow William Billings, G o r d o i Wells. Herbert and Sandra Vann, al Seniors — Billy Breeden, of Durham; Mary Alexander Catherine Bryant, R i c h a r d and David DeRamus, Charlotte; D ' A 1 es s a n dr o , M a r y Horace Barefoot, Wilmington; Susan DeLoach, A s h e v i l l e ; 3avid Brown, Jean Barkley Donna Davis, Sue Carol James Jackie Jeffreys and Rodney Legates, all of Raleigh; Jarriett Collins and Dianne Underwood, joth of Goldsboro; Linda Eurey, ,incolnton. Terry Boose, Allen Byerly and Linda Ferryman, all of WinstonSalem; Grover F r e n c h , Cinston; Rita Johnson, Burlngton; Mrs. Amelia Harper, lutherford College; R e g i n a Seeter, Morehead City; Amelia ,eimone, Burgaw; D o n a l d Marshall, K e r n e r s v i l l e Carabeth Mauney and Linda Seymour, all of Newport; Terry McPherson, Rockingham. Bonnie Starnes, Monroe; Jonnie Stevens, Tabor City; Fred Stanton and Wayne Trousdale, both of Elizabeth City; Judith Thomas, Asheboro; Michael Todd, Asheville; Wyatt Wells, Garner; William W i l l i a m s , Pisgah Forest; Mary Wingate, Greensboro. Out-of-state students listed are: John Brown, Oscataway, N.J.; Alvin Burgess and Janice Marcy, both of Alexandria, Va. Randall Barnes, Marion, S.C. Carol Grau, Altavista, Va. Elva Jess, Kensington, Md. Herbert Mitchell, William Estes and Harriet Ransone, all of Richmond, Va.; C h a r l e s Dietrich, Belford, N.J.; David Hatchell and Mrs. Linda Tolson, both of Florence, S.C.; James Gosier, Bay Shore, N.Y.; Sandra Johnson, Maple Shade, N.J.; Michele Mazza, Bethlehem, Pa.; Stuart Proctor, Bethesda, Md.; Elaine Ratliff, Baltimore, Md.; Paul Reinert, Pottstown, Pa.; Alan Schwint, Metuchen, N. J.; B a r b a r a Schutz, Atlanta, Ga.; Ricky Vieth, Spartanburg, S.C.; and Barney Vincelette, Verona, N.J. THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER: Mrs. Moffitt CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Mrs. Henley Methodist College Fayotteville, North Carolina 283.01 Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations February 15, 1968 outline AT METHODIST COLLEGE—Elwood Adams, world renowned violinist, will appear in concert at Methodist College 'Wednesday evening, February 21, at 8 o'clock in the Student Union. Adams will appear under the auspices of the Association of American Colleges Arts Program. This concert is the seventh event in the annual concert-lecture series sponsored by Methodist College and is open to \o public with no admission charge. THE FAYETTEVliLE OBSERVER Methodist Coi Fayettevi i ,e, North Carolina I W.ED I ATE RELEASE 28301 Charles K. McAdsrs, Director of Public Relations Febrt,?ary iy, './hen £E I! wjffl/Adams, wf$/Occurs, V is o iiiinniIaat, t , appears in concert nt Method! at College, Wednesday evenir.c;, February 21, he w i f ! bs uss'u^ a rcrra and-prized violf'n once owned by the Belgian Cor poser Eugene Yaaye. This V i o i i n i^<as been the constant travel ins oowpenlon of, &f American V i o l ini^t, aw he proforsed ir. Riissis, Germany, 3elciu«', France, Rop^anie, Poland and Car&'Ja, Ader.s receJvo.i th;.= instrument, made by the famous French luthfer Jcan-Bapt i ste Vui I leuine (17981875), fro?;! the henda or the Belgian ?ue&n aftor L! s prefer ence in the Queen I: I izebcth Competition of 1959* The concert wi i 1 bs heid in the Student Union on che rvethcciist Co I I eye campus at o:OC p.m. charge. The p u b l i c is invited with no admission Contact: Carol Ouverscn February 20, 1^68 rOR JT-^TFDTATE RELEASE ?AY>TTEVILLE - Four Durham residents rank among the l£2 students qualifying for the 1967-6.° fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, accord-nor to Dr. Samuel J. Wonack, Jr., Dean of the Collet. They ares Leonard Adams, son of Mr. and --Irs. James R» Gillians of 318 Gary St.j William Billings, son of Mrs. Celeste I.I. Billings of 1209 Liberty St.; Cordon Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Herbert of U6 Beverly Dr.; and Ssndra Vann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vann of 1111 Oakland Ave. Billings presently edits the Carillon, the college yearbook, and serves as archivist and parliamentarian and en the academic a'ffairs committee ;~f the Student Government Association. The Durham senior is also a member of the Student Education Association and has b en editor and ne*?s editor of c-msll Trlk the crnnus newspaner. Miss Vann is the recipient of a M~thodist College Merit Scholarship. To qualify for the Dean's list a student must earn a "P" average or better on 15 or more semester hours. Contact: C^rol Ouverson February 22, 1968 FOR IMMEDIATE FATFTTE7TLLE - Tvo Charlotte residents rank among the 152 students on the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, p.ecordiner to T)r» Samuel «J. Womack, Jr., Dean of the College* They are Ksry Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, '-•'. T. Alexander, and David DeRamus, son. of Mr., and Mrs. J. T. HeRanus of 2115 Runnymede Lane. Miss Alexander is a sophomore mag" or ing in Christian Education. ed "rom Garlnfjer Sigh School in 1?66. She was "DG^ainus, a junior, is a graduate of Myers P':rk Hiffh, To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must earn at least a "B" average on a minimum of 15 semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the fall semes ber from 6U counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. I Contscts Carol Ouverson j February 22, 1968 FOR P*'OPIATE RELEASE F/tYGTTEVTLLE - Horace Barefoot ranks amonp; the l£2 students on the 196?-6n fall serorst' r "lean's List a", Methodist College, accord-in? t<- Dr. Samuel J. Womack, Jr., Dean of the College. He is the son or the Rev. and Mrs. Horace Barefoot, Sr. of 202 Idol St. Barefoot and his wife, the ^orra^r Sylvia Hops Csrtsr, are both in their freshman year at Methodist. 'He is 'najorini? :n Religion. To qualify for t-he Dean's List a student must «arn a "f" ar better average on 1^ or more semester hours. - Methodist Oollrqe as in its eighth academic yesr, havinr enrolled 1069 students in. the fall semester from oh counties ~'n North Carolina and 1? ot'ier states. I WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL Contact: and TWIN CITY SENTINEL Card Cuver&on February 22r 1968 FOJt {iyi^EDi. ,TL KCjL£r.--L F A Y E T T f c V i L L £ - Three >A i nston-oa t em recicents'earned a place nmong the \5Z etudents or. the I96/-6B f a i l sen-ester Dean's List at: Methodist CoHege, according to Dr. oatruei J . cvetnacts, Jr., Dean of the C o i s c e c . They a r e : , Terry boose, sen ov i<r. ar.u iVrs. i pi L. Boose of 3545 Ki i.haven Roau. ; A i i e n Byerly, aon of i's^s. Hurreer Jer,;es Byeriy of 435 Ays i on ivOGd., and Line;a 5 errysan, ae.u£:ivber of and Rrs. Robert F'erryrian of f-;r. i i 9 ivest Devonshire itrt-et. Boose, a junicr ttajcritvg in business aoiaini strati on, / man on the varsity soccer teae:. is a letter- Eypriy is a junior liberal ,«rts ir,cijor ana Miss i-'erryKan, president of her u a ML-us res i dence t i ^ i i , i .3 a j ur, i or hi utory riQ j or . To qualify for the Ueen's List a student must earn at i eeist a "B' averase on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist Cci lege is in its eiyhth acadeitsic year, having enrol Jed »C&9 students in the fail setne&ter from 64 counties in North Carolina and i'/ ether states. _/ "A? A" Contact: Carol Ouverscn February 22, 1968 . FOR P^ ' R~X.EASF FATFITEVTLLE - Six Raleigh residents rank ancng the l£2 students nsmed to the 1967-68 f&ll semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Womsck, Jr., Dean of the College. They are: David Brown, 38lit Blend R.; Jean Barkley, ?108 Sierra Dri-PJ Donna Devi a, Route 6; Sue Carol Jemes, £?£3 ^"2nn c>t.; Jr-ckie Jeffreys, Route ? and Rodney Legates, 1333 -alnut Trail» loth Brown and Kiss Davis, \seniors, serve on the Student -overnmpnt Association, Prown as vi.ce president and Kiss Davis as a senior senator, !'i ?s Davis and wiss Berkley are recipients cf four-resr scholarships. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at Irsst a "rn ayera^e on 1? or more sertester hours. "ethodist College is in "ts ejghth acadenic year, bavins; enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester frora 6h counties in North Carolina dnd 17 other states. Contact: Carol Ouverson February 22, 1968 FOR rWDiATF RFL5ASF. FAYETTZVILLF, - Susan DeLoacb ranks amonr: the l£2. students on the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, ftcecrdin^ to Dr. Samuel J«. Womack, «^r., Dean of the College. She is thf; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. DeLoach of °>3 Bear Creek Rd. Miss womKcn is a -Jupior at "''ethod^ <?t majoring in felementary sducatlon To ouglifj for the Dean's Li^t a student fust earn a niP-w or better average on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist College is "in its eighth academic ye?r, having enrolle'd 1069 students in the fsll semester from 6!i counties in i^orth Carolina and 17 other states. LINCOLN TIMES (Lincolnton) Contact: Carol Ouverson February 22, 1968 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FAYETTEVILLE - Linda Eurey earned a place among the I 52 students on the 1967-68 fall semester Deanfs List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel j. Womack, Jr., [Jean of the College. The Lincolnton sophomore is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Eurey of 515 kadi son Street and a S966 graduate of Lincointon H i gh School. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at least a "B" average on IS or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the f a l l semester from 64 counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. VALDESE NEWS ( V a l d e s e ) and MORGANTOWN NEWS-HERALD (Morgantown) Contact: Carol Ouvepson February 23, 1958 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FAYETTEVILLE - Mrs. A m e l i a H a l l Harper earned a place among the 152 students on the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Wotnack, Jr., Dean of the Col Iege. Mrs. Harper, a senior, is a 1964 graduate of Vaidese High School and is majoring in Music Education. Both she and her husband, Robert, also a Methodist College senior, were named to the Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges for 1967-68. The talented Mrs. Harper directs the choir of Wesley Heights Methodist Church in Fayetteville and works as a secretary in the music department at the college. She is a member of the Methodist College Chorus and has recently served as director of the chorus for two concerts, one in New Bern and one in Rocki ngharr.. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at ieast a "B" average on 15 or more semester hours. THE DAILY TIMES NEWS (Burlington) Contact: Carol Guverson February 22, 1968 FGfMMMEDjATE RELEASE FAYETTEVILLE - Rita Johnson earned a place among the 152 students on the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Woraack, Jr., Dean of the College. Miss Johnson, a junior, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Vernon Johnson of 174k West Davis Street. Mua-d^^^Z^^oi^iet M>£sJ}f»WBi>^5fc_£<5t^^ To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn a "B" average or better on IS or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester from 64 counties in North Carolina and !7 other states. CARTERET NEWS TIMES (Morehead Contact: City) Carol Ouverson February 22, i968 FOR If4 EDIfcTE FAYETTEVILLE-Seyina Keeter ranks among che 152 students or. the 1967-68 fa i « semester Dean's List at Kethociist C c i i e c e , occoroin-j to Or, oart.ue i J, «*or.iaCKf Jr., Dean of t»«e Col i«^e- Miss f.eeter, a junior, keeter of Country Club iioad. i si the daughter of kr. un<u N.ra, J. C. She J s planninu a~ teaching career. To qualify for, tho Dean's ^ist a student ..ust fcarn at least a ' S " average or* better on !5 or iitoru &emester hours. Methodist C c i j o c , e is in its eightfc academic year, having / enroiUid luoy stuiar.ts in the f a i ! semester frois 64 counties in hiortii C a r o l i n a and i7 ether states. * Contacts Carol OWTS n February ?3, 1 - -onnal G. Kr.nnei.i-/ rv=r,tr? .--,. r: the lr? s'. ; v:-ts on the "ncarv.-r Bern's Li.;'t at Me+hodigt ->il--:-e> acccrd-^n- to ->. ! r'i J. --orst-r-,, - r r», H^arj of the "cller?e, "'•nnr- 1 ^, a 1^67 ^r£.vu«tc- .of Jtrves 'Vntral U- h rk:5-ool, •',«. ',HO . . i" of ^r.'.-Efi^ ";•••-. Audrey^. Kennedy of i'ollocksv^lle. /alify f-.-r tK. ^esn's Lint a ;?tV3d^nt ruis*. ecrr, et, I P - • t •' '' " on 15 or norr ft^nertfr h-rurs, •-'eth< ". Ccllepe is in its ei "H•• a< rst-Jtirrrts In \he fall semester fr-." c': c ot cr sta1;: . ' c r^er, havlnr '-rollr^ - ; . rtb Jfer*ol^ns • RENDER CHRONICLE (Burgaw) Contact: WILMINGTON MORNING STAR (Wilmington) Carol Ouverson February 22, 1968 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FAYETTEVILLE - A m e l i a C. Leimone ranks among the 152 students on the 1967-68 fail semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Womack, Jr., Dean of the College. V< i ss Leimone is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lei'mone of rural Burgaw. The 20-year-old sophomore serves as secretary of her campus residence h a l l and is planning a teaching career. To qualify for the Dean's List a student rcust earn at ieast a "B" average on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year^ having enrolled 1069 students in the f a i l semester from 64 counties in North Carol 5na and 17 other states. KERNERSVILLE NEWS ( K e r n e r s v i I Ie) Contact: Car-oi Guverson February 22, !968 FOR IfcfcEDh'.TE KrlLEAiE FAYETTEV I LLE - Dor.diJ c . ' f ' c r s h , e i i renks atnony the ;j2 students on the 1967*68 f c« i I't<ir Jean'^ L t o t at • i 119. to Dr, Odtruei J. Mdthodist C o i i e g e , accord- .kCTidck, J r . , Dears of ti:o College. i>'ut*shu I ! , <_. sophomore utajoring in ousineas adni ni atrat i on, the son cf ^.r. and fcrs. Ralph E. f>:ersh.ail of Rcute 3To qua > ivy for tise Dean's i-ist a student c-uat earn at a "B'" averacs on 15 or ! east R_ore SemeaCer hours. Methodist CoHeye is in its eighth acodciruc yecr, having erirc i led il-O^ stitc-en'ca in "che fa! i > semester frcav 64 count; ies in North Carolina a n d - 1 7 other states. is SUN JOURNAL (New Bern) HAVELOCK PROGRESS (Havelock) CARTERET NEWS TIMES (Morehead City) Contact: Caret Ouverson February 23, 19^8 FOR IMMEDIATE iii£ LEASE FAYETTEVILLE - Two coeds from Newport rank among the io2 students on the 1967-68 fail semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Womack, Jr., Dean of the College. They are Sharon Mauney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. /.eb fceuney. New Bern St., and Lynda Seymour, daughter of the Kev. and Mrs. E. F. Seymour, koute 2, Miss Mauney, a junior history major, ptans a teaching career?.,. She is the recipient of a four-year Rehabilitation Scholarship. Miss Seymour, a junior majoring in elementary education, holds a Methodist College Merit Scholarship. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at least a "B" average on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester from 64 counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. richmond county journal (Rockingham) SANDHILL INDEPENDENT (Rockingham) Contact: Carol Ouverso©/ February 23, 1968 FOR RELEASE IMMEDIATELY FAYETTEVILLh - Terry McPherson ranks among the 152 students on . the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Wornack, Jr., Dean of the College. McPherson, a senior, is a 1964 graduate of Rockingham High school and the sen of f*r. and Mrs. Woodrow W. MePheraon, Route 3- On campus he is active in intramural sports and is a Student Government Association Senator. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at least a "B" average on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester from 64 counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. # Contact: Carol Ouverson February 22, 196?8 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ! i FAY5TTEVILLE - Two Goldsboro residents rank among the l£2 students named to the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J, Womack, Jr., Dean of the College, They are Harriet Rollins, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James F. Rollins of 1711 E. Pine St., and Diane Underwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Underwood of 108 Ash St. Kiss Rollins is a 1967 graduate of Qoldsboro High School, fcolds a Methodist College Merit Scholarship and is planning a teaching career* Miss Underwood, a senior, is majoring in elementary education and serves in the Student Education Association, To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at least a "P" average on 1? or more semester hours, - Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having, enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester from 6U counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. (_,' Contact* Carol Guverson February 22, 1968 FOR If-r-EDIATE RELEASE FAIETTEVILLE - Two Elizabeth City residents rank among the l£2 students named to the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Womsck, Jr., r>ean of tnr? College. They are Fred M. Stanton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Stanton, Sr., of HOU Cedar St., and R. tfayne Trousdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Trousdale of 11L S. Ash St. Stanton, a member of the class of 1970, is a politics! science major. Trousdale, a senior history major, is a Student Ipvrnment Associate Justicf, president of Circle K, and was vice"president of his class during his junior year, .To qualify for the Dean's List, a "tudent.must earn at least a "B" average on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester from 6l± in North Csrolina and 17 other states. <lc s Contact* O Carol Ouverscn February 22, 1968 FOR IMV3DIAT7: RTT, ' FAYIiTrsVILLE - Six Raleigh residents rank among the 152 students named to the 1967-68 fall semester Dean's List-at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J. Womack, Jr., Dean of the College. They are: David Brown, -381U Eland R.j Jean Barkley, 2108 Sierra Drivej Donna Davis, Route 6j Sue Carol James, £2£3 Vann St.} Jackie Jeffreys, Route 7 and Rodney Legates, 1333 walnut Trail. Both Brown and Miss Davis, seniors, serve on the Student' Government Association, Frown as vice president and Miss Davis as a senior senator. Miss Davis and Fiss Barkley are recipients pf four-rear scholarships* i To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at least a "P" average on 15> or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled 1069 students in the fall semester from 6)4 counties in North Carolina etad 17 other states. •• Contact: Csrcl Quv-?rson February 22, 1968 a?.L T-^-^y, - --Two Charlotte residents rank amors the 1*2 students on l?67-':8 fall semester "pan's List' at MethocM st' College, accorf^n" to nr. Samuel J. %?, Jr., Dean of the Coll--"-'e. They are nsv-5.d :r iss Mar/ Alexander, daasnter of '"'"r, ?.n^ *'rs. '•-'. T. Alex^n^er, ^eHamus, pon of. Mr. arr1 "rs. J » T. ^e^aTnus of 211? ''Runnyme^e1 L-r«;. '''.!'? xf."d..-r is a sophomore m8jcrln<r In Christian p dncation. Sne was graddated "rom Oarinj?pr H5gh School in 1 ;66. TV^arons, a jurrior, is a l-><:5 ?;raoi.;abe of "yers P rk PTv-^h. To qualify fcr the Dean' s List, a ptnderit m'ist earn at lra?t P. " n " average en a m l n ' m u m of 15 semester. hours. '•' Coll&.re is I n its eighth scade^r c yesr, ha^r'n^ enrolled 106.9 students in t'np fall sftmpsr,fr frcra 6h ccvinties in ^crth and 17 ether -t-'tes. WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL and TWIN CITY SENTINEL Contact: Carol Cuverson February 22, 1968 FOR I MINED I ATE FAYETTEVILLE - Three Wincton-$•!•« re&idents earned a place among the 152 students on the 1967-68 f a i l semester Dean's List at Methodist Collet, according to Or, Sawue! J. Wossack, Jr., • Dean of the CoS lege. They are: Terry Soose, son of ¥r. and fcrs. Ira L« Boose of 3545 fciilhaven ftoad.; A l l e n Byerly, son of Mrs. Hunter Byerly of 435 Aval on Road., and Linda Perryean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perrywan of M9 West Devonshire Street. Boose, a junior isajorins in business administration, is a letterKan on the varsity soccer tean*. -By.jsr. i'y is a junior liberal arts * usajor and Miss Perrywan, president of her sarr.pus residence h a i l , i a a junior hiatory r.ajor. To qualify for -the dean's List a student must tsarn at least a "8" average on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist CoiI©s© ia in its eighth academic year, having enrolled J•''&) students in the fall semester frees 64 counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. THE D A I L Y TIMES NEWS ( B u r l i n g t o n ) Contact: Carol Guverson February 22, I TOR .1? MDJATE S£LEASE FAYLTTtVltL£ - Site Johnson earned a place iiron^ the J 52 students on the i y f a l l «e»,csttJi» Dean's List at kethcdiat Coi'le: according to DP', Sawuei. J. Worack, J r . , Dean of the Col WiJis Johnson, a j u n i o r , is the daughter of fcr. and L. Vernon J-ahnson of 5741 Wo».t Davis street ^KjTS^A>»jO>*^jrVuM^^^ To q u a M f y for the Dean's List a student euat ecrri a "B" avera'j*j cr better < n ? ' or wore aet>o«ter hours. Methodist Colieij© i«- in its* eighth acad«»ic year, h a v i n y enrol U-d Ju59 students* in the f a i J s»ea>e4iter f'rot-, 64. counties in North Carolina and ?7 other states. So £c Contact i Carol Quverscn -February 22, 19686 'i '"^ VTLir - Two Goldsboro residents rank amon-r the 152 students named to the l%7-68 fall seraester Dean's List at Methodist College, according to Dr. Samuel J, 1'i'oTnack, Jr., Dean of the College, They are Harriet Rollins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan)p>s •:•". Roll-'ns of 1?11 £. Pine St., a^d Diane Underwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Underwood of 108 Ash St. Miss Rollins is a 1967 graduate of Goldsboro Ki?h School, Jrolds a Hethodfst College Merit Scholarship and is planning a teaching career* Miss Underwood, a senior, is tnajorin- In elementary e-yc/sticn and serves in t*e Student Education Association. To qualify for the lean's. List a student must earn at least a "p" avrra^e on 15 or more semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, bavins; enrolled 1^69 students in the fall semester from 6U counties in North Carolina ard 17 other, states. ' Contact: Carol Cuverson . 22, 1966 T-V — 1- LLr. - Susan De Loach ranks amon.^ the 1^2 students on the fall s.-nes--. .• "ear's L-'st a1-, "-tho':!-!.5t College, accprdlnp to Dr. J. '.'.'omack, Jr., Dean of • the Colle *e. '-he is thp da:r<?h'-,pr of M r . P •I. C. tieLonc1 of 93 Bear Crock Rd. •!ir-s l-'onack is a junior at "'ethcdist majcr-'n? in elemcnt,?r7 erlucablon. To nullify for t>ie r>ean's List a student Tust er-rn a "^" or better on 15 or ncre ne^ester hours. College- is v in its eighth academic year, havin^ enrollf-d l')69 students, in the fall se^esoer frcm 6)1 c~unt'Ves ^ n »orth Cr-r^l'na 17 other states. a i n t wuiMKUt t N U U I K E R -JOURNAL Contact: (Monroe) Carol February 23,196S , FOR_ IMMEDI ATE RE LEAS E FAYE.TTEV I LLE - Bonnie i-ou btarnes ranks among the 152 students on the 1967-68 f a i l semester Dean's List at Methodist Col Iege, according to Dr. Satuuel j. Womack, Jr., Dean of the College. Miss citarnes, a sophomore planning a teaching career, holds a Methodist College Merit Scholarship. A 1966 graduate of Parkwood High School, she is the daughter of tor. and Mrs. S. Oren Starnes. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must earn at least a "B" average on 15 or B.ore semester hours. Methodist College is in its eighth academic year, having enrolled SQ69 students in the f a l l semester from 64 counties in North Carolina and \7 other states.