Thomas Elementary PTO Budget Category Descriptions Fiscal Year 8/01/15 -7/31/16 Income Categories:

Thomas Elementary PTO Budget Category Descriptions
Fiscal Year 8/01/15 -7/31/16
Income Categories:
Community Rewards- Thomas PTO is registered to participate in “Box Tops for Education” and “Shoparoo” cash back programs
that parents, caregivers, teachers, etc. can participate in by submitting Box Tops found on grocery items and using the
Shoparoo app to submit store receipts. The PTO also works in conjunction with local community business such as Edwards
Family Dental and their Treats for Treasure candy buy-back program of which a donation is paid based on poundage of candy
collected. There is no initial expense to the PTO to participate in the rewards programs. Proceeds are placed into the general
PTO fund to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and activities.
Dads&Donuts/Moms&Muffins- Two separate PTO sponsored social/fundraising events held in the morning before start of
school. This event provides the opportunity for parents/caregivers to come to school with their children to socialize and
purchase food and beverages for breakfast. An initial expense is budgeted for purchase of food and beverages for resale. The
minor income proceeds from the upcharge of food and beverages are placed into the general PTO fund to assist with the
funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and activities.
Dine & Donate- The PTO partners with local area restaurants to dine on predetermined days/nights of the week. Of which a
predetermined percentage of the restaurants proceeds are donated and placed into the PTO general fund to assist with the
funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and activities. An initial expense is budgeted for communication in the form of
flyers/handouts sent home with the students and posted at the school indicating places, dates, and times.
Donations- This account is for general contributions made to the PTO by parents and on occasion by community business.
Proceeds are placed into the general PTO fund to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and activities.
Holiday Shopping – Annual social/fundraising event scheduled in early December sponsored by the PTO. Purpose of the event is to
provide a shopping experience for young children to purchases secret gifts for parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. with the aid of 5
grade students while parents socialize. Food and beverages are also provided for purchase from an initial expense with a minor
upcharge for resale. Crafts and music are provided for entertainment. The items included for the shopping experience are initially
purchased at a discount, donated, or handmade. They are in turn priced very reasonably to cover the expense of the event with
minor profit margins. Proceeds earned are placed into the general PTO fund to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school support
expenses and activities.
Investments- Minor interested earned on the PTO’s savings account bank balance of which is placed into the general PTO fund
to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and activities.
Market Day- Ongoing fundraising program with Market Day Company that parents, caregivers, teachers, etc. can purchase
food for home consumption. A portion of the sales gets donated to the PTO. There is no initial expense to the PTO to
participate. Proceeds are voted on to be either placed in a restricted fund for a specific gift to the school or placed in the
general PTO fund.
School Store- An ongoing program sponsored by the PTO to provide a shopping experience for the school students and a
service in the way of the availability of school supplies and spirit t-shirts during the school year. Items are initially purchased
wholesale with a minor upcharge. Proceeds are placed into the PTO general fund to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school
support expenses and activities.
Supply Sale - A PTO sponsored service provided for the convenience of parents and teachers of which parents can purchase
the required school supplies students need in a kit the teachers deem needed for the school year. This program pays for itself
and contributes a minor upcharge to the PTO general fund to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and
Ways and Means- Committee that develops and manages the major annual fundraising event for the school year, of which finances
the majority of the PTO expenses and activities. As well as developing and managing other minor miscellaneous fundraising events.
Proceeds earned are placed into the general PTO fund to assist with the funding of the PTO’s school support expenses and activities.
Expense Categories:
Bank Fees- Estimated bank service charge for returned NSF (non-sufficient funds) deposited checks that are
uncollectable and fees for check stock.
Beautification- School grounds upkeep. The Dublin City School District maintenance staff only mows grounds. PTO
contribution is based on budget and used for spring/fall clean-up, plants & flowers, and front signage maintenance. For
the 2013-2014 school year funds were budgeted to lay a brick walkway in the front of the building. This expense was
offset from the sales of commemorative 25th anniversary bricks.
Behavior Support Program-Supplements school guidance consolers programs such as past “Good on Green” a student
positive behavior rewards system, 5th grade D.A.R.E. speaker gift, DJ for sprit dance party dance party in celebration of
positive behaviors, and parent education resources.
Discovery Education- PTO support 1/3 of the cost for the annual license fee for the online digital media content that is
accused and used by various classrooms, teachers and media specialist in an effort to enrich curriculum and classroom
Destination Imagination- Extra curriculum educational club type program managed by the PTO DI Committee that
students can enroll in to work as teams solving open ended challenges and present their solutions at tournaments. PTO
funds cost for flyers regarding initial registration information. Receipts and expenses are managed through this account
and deemed restricted from the general PTO fund.
Fifth Grade Project- Bi-annual art project created by the 5th grade class with the guidance of the Thomas art teacher.
Project becomes a permanent art piece in the Thomas school.
Fifth Grade Year End Event- Annual fun day in June for the 5th grade students who will finish their Thomas Elementary
experience and move on to middle school. This event usually consists of a trip to Magic Mountain Fun Center, lunch, and
a memory DVD and/or book published by the PTO.
Gifts- PTO sponsored gifts given to the school and teachers upon approval via PTO vote of submitted proposals. Past
gifts have been playground equipment, i-Pads, i-Pods, Smart Boards, Big universe annual subscription, PEG Writing
Program, sensory room equipment, color ink jet printer.
Indoor Recess Games- PTO funded purchase of board games etc. that students can use to occupy themselves with
during indoor recess.
Insurance (Bond)- PTO dishonesty bond insurance policy premium for $25,000 coverage under the Dublin City School
Districts liability insurance program required by the Board of Education.
Leader In Me Program- Stephen Covey's 7 habits complete program implemented in an effort to teach pro-social skills. .
Funds aid teacher / facilitator training, continuous improvement tools / resources (guides, books, license, games,
coaching etc.).
Newsletter- PTO monthly newsletter publication used to communicate PTO information.
Nurse Clinic- PTO funded purchase of underwear for the school clinic.
Ohio Charitable Registration Fee- An annual non-profit organization fee that is paid to the Ohio Attorney General’s office
based on the total amount of cash assets held by the PTO at the end of the fiscal year.
Operations- PTO operation expenses i.e.: babysitting at PTO meetings, postage, office supplies, correspondence, and
cost for misc. various flyers/handouts.
Professionals in School- Professionals from the community such as; Primary Focus, Carnegie Science and visiting
authors/artist from the Greater Columbus Arts Council are selected by the Professionals in School Committee & school
staff to present educational programs in a school assembly.
Publishing Shop- The PTO supports the writing efforts of the students by assisting them in publishing their creative
writing with the supplies and volunteer staff needed to make hardcover books.
Scholarship / Grants.- Dublin City Schools PTO Presidents Scholarship grant of which all Dublin PTO’s contribute $165
towards scholarships for graduating students from each of the 3 Dublin High Schools. P.E.R.C. = Parents Encouraging
Responsible Choices a non-profit Dublin organization supported by Dublin Schools that provides educational speakers
related to the health and safety of our youth as well as parenting skills. All Dublin PTO’s generally donate $100-$150 a
year to P.E.R.C. Thomas Summer Camp Grant that is awarded to 1 current 5th grade graduate to attend a summer camp.
Award will be granted based on essay submissions showing / describing leadership skills.
Second Grade Winter Program- PTO funded purchase of T-Shirts for the annual winter program. Students retain the tshirts as a keepsake.
Social Events- PTO promoted and funded events such as an Ice Cream Social at the start of the school year, a school
dance, and an end of the school year event. The socials are not intended to be fundraisers but rather an event to bring
the Thomas Elementary School community together to bond with each other in celebration.
Staff Appreciation- PTO provides dinner to the teachers and school administrators during parent/teacher conference
nights in an effort to show support and appreciation during those nights when the teachers are working late and during
staff Appreciation week and holiday luncheon.
Super Games- PTO funded year end event held during the school day for all the students to participate in. Super Games
Company is contracted to organize a field day event and bring in rentals like rock climbing walls, inflatables such as
bounce houses and obstacle courses. Water refreshment supplies are also purchased for the parent volunteers.
Thomas Folders- Printed folders with the Thomas Elementary School logo that are used at start of new school year to
distribute important PTO and school forms and handouts to all students. The school and PTO split the cost of producing
the folders 50/50. PTO volunteers assemble and stuff the folders.
Volunteer Appreciation- Fund used to support and acknowledge volunteer service through minor gifts and/or door
prizes used in an effort to increases attendance and participation at PTO meetings.
Welcome/New Student Orientation- Fund used by Guidance Consoler to welcome new Thomas students. Funds are used
to purchase brochures, meeting / special supplies such as food for breakfast etc. in an effort to welcome new
enrollments/ transferred students during the school year.