1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sustainable Vending Resolution Whereas: Most plastics are made from non-renewable petrochemicals, Whereas: Plastic bottles, even when recycled, are not environmentally friendly, Whereas: Aluminum cans are 100% recyclable, Whereas: According to a 2009 study1, production of bottled water takes 2,000 times more energy than the production of an equivalent amount of tap water, Whereas: The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point currently offers alternatives to bottled water, such as drinking fountains with “Nalgene-friendly” spigots, Whereas: UWSP’s vending contract will be reviewed and renewed before the end of the semester, Therefore be it resolved: The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Student Government Association supports and encourages the conversion of all soda vending machines from plastic bottles to aluminum cans, so long as it is economically feasible, Therefore be it further resolved: The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Student Government Association recommends that the sale of bottled water in said vending machines be discontinued, Therefore be it finally resolved: This resolution, if passed, shall be sent to all appropriate committees by the President of SGA, Author(s): Andrew VanNatta, CNR Senator Sponsor(s): Justin Glodowski, CPS Senator Committee: Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee Gleick, P.H. and Cooley, H.S. “Energy implications of bottled water.” Environmental Research Letters 4 (2009) 014009 (6pp).