Date: 3/10/2007 The Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS); Job Division of Public Health (DPH), Western Regional Description: Office in Eau Claire is seeking a Public Health Nutrition Consultant. For Who: Health Promotion and Human Development This position is responsible for assuring that the specialty of public health nutrition is incorporated into local health departments, community partners agencies, schools, child care facilities, WIC, and hospitals. This position is responsible for planning, coordinating, developing, and evaluating public health programs and services at state, regional, and local levels. This position assures that public health nutrition programs and services comply with the American Dietetic Association standards and state statutes; Job Duties: promotes high quality public health nutrition services through education and training; provides technical assistance to local health departments, tribal agencies, and community based organizations; monitors and conducts surveillance of the nutritional status of specific and general populations; develops resources essential to public health nutrition services; negotiates and administers secondary grant contracts; and provides public health nutrition leadership to WIC and public health agencies. Knowledge of principles and practice of public health nutrition, with an in-depth level of knowledge and skill in lifecycle nutrition and food systems; mastery of the process and practice of consultation; strategic and operational public health planning and the organization of public health agencies and nutrition resources; public health program activities, operations, and partnerships for the purpose of assessing community needs; ability to provide expert Knowledge, technical assistance to health administrators, nutrition policy Skills, makers, and nutrition professionals; ability to guide Abilities : consultees in agency operational planning and in integrating nutrition objectives into the planning process; organize or conduct education programs on topics for nutrition and health professionals; present ideas orally and in writing in a clear, concise, persuasive, and politically-sensitive manner to health administrators, health professionals and representatives of community agencies; and ability to work with relative autonomy, but within agency and program guidance. This is a part-time position. Starting salary is between $22.948 and $25.095 per hour. Other: The deadline to receive application/examination materials is March 29, 2007. View PDF Document Send application/examination materials to: Veronica Law Room 555 1 West Wilson Street PO Box 7850 Madison, WI 53707-7850 Contact: or FAX (608) 267-2147 or mail to You can get the State Application form at the OSER website or call to request one at (608) 267-9893 (voice) or (888) 701-1251 (TextNet)