General Education Committee Minutes, 11/14/12 Members present: R. Baker, L. Calderon, S. Caro, L. Frey, K. Reiser, F. Rosensweig, N. White Members Absent: K. Huthaily, K. McKay Ex-Officio Members Present: E. Johnson Guest: S. Bradford The minutes from 10/31/12 minutes were amended and approved. Business Items The committee discussed the review. The following courses were approved. Ethics and Human Values (Group VIII) Anthropology ANTY 191 International Human Rights Applied Arts and WRIT 240E Arguments and Contemporary Science Issues HHP HHP 475 Legal & Ethical Issues in the Exercise Profession One-time-only remove renew History Liberal Studies HSTR 272E RLST 281 E (381E) Terrorism in the Modern World Comparative Ethics renew renew Liberal Studies LS 191 Same-Sex Relationships & Human Rights One-time-only Mansfield Center MANS 291 Justice and Global Problems One-time-only NAS NAS 303 E Ecological Perspectives of Native Americans Renew Montana Writers Live New Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Cotemporary Latin American Literature and Film One-time- only Science in the 21st Century Human Genetics, Your Family, and Global Health One-time-only One-time-only Can Giving Change the World? Engaging Social Responsibility through Philanthropy One-time-only Literary and Artistic Studies (Group V) English ENCR 110L MCLL MCLL 191 Natural Science w/out lab (Group XI) Chemistry DBS CHMY 191 BIOL 191N Social Sciences (Group VII) Communication COMM 191 Studies CSD CSD 191 Diversity in Communication / Service Learning One-time-only Political Science Sociology PSCI 191 SOCI 191 Political Regimes and Society Who am I? Identity and Our Social World One-time-only One-time-only Sociology SOCI 191 Privation in the Land of Plenty: Hunger and Homelessness in the U.S. / Service Learning One-time-only Psychology Psychology PSYX 100 PSYX 230s Introduction to Psychology Developmental Psychology Renew Remove Psychology Psychology PSYX 270S PSYX 340S Fundamentals of Learning Abnormal Psychology Remove Remove Psychology Psychology PSYX 378S PSYX 385S Intro to Clinical Psychology Psychology of Personality Remove Remove Not approved American and European Pharmacy Practice PHAR 513 Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Theatre & Dance DANC 334 Literary and Artistic Studies Dance History Theatre & Dance Introduction to Acting I THTR 120AL The following items still require follow-up. Information will be sent via email for a possible vote by Monday, November 19th. American and European (Group IX) Theatre & Dance U THTR 331Y Theatre History II New Ecological Perspectives of Native Americans Renew African Americans and Native Americans New Ethics and Human Values (Group VIII) NAS NAS 303 E Indigenous and Global (Group X) AAS AAS 260 /NAS 860 Anthropology ANTY 191 International Human Rights One-time-only Anthropology ANTY 241 Central Asian Cultures and Civilizations: Peoples and Environments One-time-only CCS CCS 103 Introduction to Climate Change: Science and Society New Geography GPHY 191 Green Cities for the 21st Century One-time-only Mansfield Center MANS 191 Global Challenges in the 21st Century One-time-only WGS WGS 191 Women's Rights and Women's Roles around the World One-time-only Applied Arts and Science COMX 212 Introduction to Intercultural Communication New Social Sciences (Group VII) EVST ENST 489S The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM Environmental Justice Issues and Renew Solutions/Service Learning