Geospatial Rock Glacier Inventory of the American West a Gunnar Johnson & Dr. Andrew Fountain b Portland State University: School of the Environment a) PhD student, Glaciers Hiding in Plain Sight While massive ice glaciers are a fundamental element of the alpine cryosphere, rock glaciers are also a major component in many regions. Perennial ice features in mountains span a continuum of ice content, with alpine glaciers at one end and stagnant rock glaciers at the other. While alpine glaciers are easily identified using traditional remote sensing techniques, rock glaciers present challenges due to their surface composition, which is, radiometrically, virtually identical to surrounding talus and scree. Visual clues like flow banding and surface deformation, such as that exhibited by Gilpin Rock Glacier (Figure 1), are sufficient for identification of most rock glaciers but difficult to automate. As such, no continental scale inventories of rock glaciers exist. I will fill this gap with a manually classified inventory based on visual identification of rock glaciers from satellite images. Project Objectives ● ● ● Identify several thousand rock glacier points Delineate several hundred rock glacier polygons Describe American West rock glacier distribution Figure 1: Gilpin Rock Glacier, Colorado Image Credit: Bob Webster 2011 Rock Glacier Identification Using the inventory of alpine glaciers and perennial 1 snowfields developed by Fountain and others and topographic parameters found during an extensive literature review, primary search criteria applied were elevation, slope, aspect and land cover type. These factors were used to target areas across the contiguous U.S. for brute force (lots of coffee!) manual image b) Professor of Geology & Geography, classification. Rock glaciers identified were assigned a classification of 1-3. Figure 4: Rock glacier delineation and ancillary GIS data extraction Class 1: Rock glaciers that exhibit extensive flow banding, over-steepened terminal slopes and are almost certainly currently active ● Class 2: Rock glaciers that exhibit some flow banding, distinct marginal slopes and were very likely recently active ● Class 3: Rock glaciers that appear to be deflated Class 1 or 2 features and are not likely still active ● The preliminary rock glacier inventory contains nearly 10,000 features found in 10 western states (Figure 3). Figure 2: From left to right examples of feature class 1, 2 and 3 Image Credit: Google Earth 2014 Figure 3: Contiguous U.S. rock glacier distribution State CA Rock Mean Glacier Elevation Count (m) 835 3,416 CO 4,048 3,595 ID 2,282 2,739 MT 1,770 2,716 NM 110 3,575 NV 50 3,013 OR 64 2,439 UT 858 3,239 WA 255 1,982 WY 772 3,109 All 11,044 2,982 Rock Glacier Delineation Representative rock glacier points were then translated to polygon delineations to extract existing GIS data (Figure 4). A digital elevation model (DEM) and derivative slope and aspect rasters are shown for example, but geology, precipitation, air temperature and many other ancillary data sets have been evaluated. These data will be used to develop automated classification methods applicable to South America and Asia, where rock glacier distribution is even less certain. DEM slope aspect Implications & Continuing Work Statistical models of rock glacier distribution will inform both automated classification techniques and the landscape scale ecological and geomorphic significance of such features. Diverse microbial communities thrive 2 beneath alpine glaciers , and initial investigations show those inhabiting rock glaciers are even more robust, many playing an active role in nitrogen cycling. Recent 3,4 findings from Colorado have shown rock glaciers to be rich sources of stream nitrate, but without an inventory of features to extrapolate these findings to, the true influence of rock glaciers is unknowable. Acknowledgments: Sincere thanks to Portland State University, the Western Mountain Initiative, the U.S.G.S., the U.S.F.S. and Dr. Jill Baron at Colorado State University. References 1) Fountain AG, Hoffman M, Jackson K, Basagic H, Nylen P & Percy D (2007) Digital outlines and topography of the Glaciers of the American West, U.S.G.S. Open-File Report 2006-1340 2) Hodson A, Anesio AM, Tranter M, Fountain A, Osborn M, Priscu J, Laybourn-Parry J, et al. (2008) Glacial ecosystems. Ecological Monographs, 78(1):41-67 3) Baron JS, Schmidt TM & Hartman MD (2009) Climate-induced changes in high elevation stream nitrate dynamics. Global Change Biology, 15(7):1777-1789 4) Williams MW, Knauf M, Cory R, Caine N & Liu F (2007) Nitrate content and potential microbial signature of rock glacier outflow, Colorado Front Range. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32(7):1032-1047