C.M . 1987/H:I Report of Activities International council for the Exploration of the Sea PELAGIC FISH COMMITTEE by R.S. Bailey 1986 BELGIUM (R. De Clerck) No market sampling of pelagic fish has been carried out in 1986. Research vessel surveys with bottom trawl on the juvenile herring and sprat were continued as given in the table below. The research was limited to density and length measurements. Research vessel catches - - - - - - - - -·Area IV c Belgian coast Season April and September Objectives Recording densities of immature herring and sprat Pinland (R. Parmanne & v. Sjoblom) No work carried out on pelagic fish other than tha t reported to the Baltic Fish Committee. - 2 - FRANCE (A. Maucorps) SPECIES Herring Sampling Area I Seasonl type of fishl No of I No of fish I No of fishlNo of fishl l examined I I quarter I I Samples I mesurated I aged I I I vessel! I I racially I Adults I 4 Aw 2 452 121 224 I 72 74 I 58 INorth1Western I North I Sea I 4 c I I Southern I I North I I Sea I I I I I Adults I 1 IV I Adults I 1 I 7 D IV Adults I 6 2 018 I 311 I Southern I I North I I I Sea Research vessel surveys Area 4A - 4B - 4C North Sea 4C - 7D I Southern North Sea I Date 10 jan. - 8 febr 13-29 november Objectives IYFS Acoustic Survey 0 0 - 3 - Federal Republic of Germany (D. Sahrhage/H. Dornheim) Species HERRING Sampling Area Hebrides (01) Season I II III W ofShetland (02) I II III NW-North Sea (03) I II III NE-North Sea (04) I Central North Sea (09) W of Ireland (10) Southern North Sea (12) adult i!h+juv. adult adult i!h+juv. i!h+juv. ad.+juv. i!h+juv. adult No. of Samples Research Commercial Vessel 8 12 10 3 6 7 32 84 9 - No of Fish measured aged 692 1063 100 2133 121 784 99 27 1257 4583 9005 197 735 245 390 843 100 189 192 96 i!h+juv. ad.+juv. 9 7 - 18 - 150 2379 I i!h+juv. juvenile 12 - 1103 283 214 II III i!h+juv. 1 7 - 18 4476 98 ad.+juv. juvenile 56 1 6852 . 98 II 31 III IV ad.+juv. juvenile 88 2 24 41 II III 1 7 - i!h+juv. - 2 757 I juvenile 1 - 53 III NW of Ireland(06) III South Buchan (08) Type of Fish I adult adult 30 2527 25355 1146 196 194 - 4 - Research Vessel Surveys Area Hebrides (01) Date Objectives 03.02. - 22.02.86 Groundfish survey 17.02. - 28.02.86 Groundfish survey Wof Shetland ( 02) NW-North Sea (03) Central North Sea (09) Southern North Sea (12) NW-North Sea (03) 10.02. - 17.03.86 NE-North Sea (04) ICES young fish survey South Buchan (08) Central North Sea (09) Hebrides (01) 26.03. - 09.05.86 W mShetland (02) Mackerel and other pelagic fish survey NW of Ireland (06) W of Ireland (10) Western Approaches (16) Central North Sea (09) 13.05. - 18.05.86 Young fish and brown shrimp survey NW-North Sea (03) 12.06. - 31.07.86 Groundf ish survey NE-North Sea (04) South Buchan (08) Central North Sea (09) NW-North Sea (03) 12.06. - 23.06.86 Groundfish survey Central North Sea (09) 16.09. - 19.09.86 Young fish and brown shrimp Hebrides (01) 14.07. - 08.08.86 Pelagic fish survey Central North Sea (09) 03.11. - 17.11.86 Groundfish survey Central North Sea (09) 1. to 4. quarter Shrimps by catch survey W of Shetland (02) NW of Ireland (06) W of Ireland (10) Western Approaches (16) investigations - s - Species SPRAT Sam~ Season Area N- North Sea IVa Central North Sea IVb No of SamQles Research Commercial I 10 II 10 I 44 II NW of Scotland VIa No of fish measured - 463 1 1982 281 12 675 III 47 8 2525 IV 2 24 1783 II 7 - 25 Research Vessel Survey Area Date Objectives Central North Sea IVb 03.01. - 16.01.86 Groundfish survey N-North Sea IVa 10.02. - 17.03.86 ICES young fish survey 26.03. - 09.05.86 Mackerel and other Central North Sea IVb NW of Scotland VIa W of Ireland VII b,c pelagic fish survey S of Ireland VII g-k Bay of Biscay VIII N-North Sea IVa N-North Sea IVa 12.06. - 31.07.86 Groundfish survey Central North Sea IVb Central North Sea IVb 16.09. - 19.09.86 Young fish and brown shrimp survey Central North Sea IVb 03.11. - 17.11 .86 Groundf ish survey Central North Sea IVb 1. to 4. quarter Shrimp by catch investigation - Ii - Species MACKEREL Sam~ Area N-North Sea IVa Season I II Central North SeaIVb NW of Scotland VIa W of Ireland VIIb,c Bay of Biscay VIII ad.+juv. adult III !!!!..:_+juv . I ad.+juv. No of samQles Research vessel 14 3 7 III ad.+juv. I !!!!..:_+juv. 11 II !!!!..:_+juv. III ad.+juv. 22 29 II adult ad+juv. II !!!!..:_+juv. III !!!!..:_+juv. II adult III adult No of fish measured 8 39 III S of Ireland VIIg-k Type of fish 8 6 46 12 28 2 aged 44 4 665 23 1437 938 2835 1927 2041 936 10040 458 4674 5 157 98 149 100 195 295 195 846 100 489 - 7 - Research Vessel Surveys Area N-North Sea IVa Date Objectives 03.02. - 22.02.86 Groundf ish survey 10.02. - 17.03.86 ICES young fish survey 26.03 . - 09.05.86 Mackerel and other NW of Scotland VIa N-North Sea IVa Central North Sea IVb N-North Sea IVa NW of Scotland VIa pelagic fish survey W of Ireland VII b,c S of Ireland VII g-k Bay of Biscaya VIII N-North Sea IVa 12.06. - 31.07.86 Groundf ish survey 14.07. - 08.08.86 Pelagic fish survey Central North Sea IVb N-North Sea IVa NW of Scotland VIa W of Ireland VII b,c S of Ireland VII g- k Bay of Biscay: VIII - 8 - Species BLUE WHITING Sampling Area N-North Sea IVa Season No of samples Research vessel II 2 III 6 No of fish measured 179 695 Research Vessel Surveys Area N-North Sea IVa Central North Sea IVb Date Objectives 12.06. - 31.07.86 Groundfish survey - y - Species HORSE MACKEREL Sam~ Area Seaso n N-North Sea IVa No of sameles Research vessel 4 II Central North Sea IVb NW of Scotland VIa W of Ireland VIIb,c S of Ireland VII g-k Bay of Biscay. VIII No of fish measured III 3 679 III 25 2297 II 16 1662 III 43 10596 II 8 III 15 3632 4201 20861 II 46 III 29 9253 II 32 25422 III 10 2213 Research Vessel Surveys Area Date N-North Sea IVa 26.03. - 09.05.86 Objectives Mackerel and other pelagic fish survey NW of Scotland VIa W of Ireland VIIb,c S of Ireland VII g-k Bay of Biscay VIII N-North Sea IVa 12.06. - 31.07.86 Groundfish survey 14.07. - 08.08.86 Pelagic fish survey Central North Sea IVb N-North Sea IVa NW of Sco tland VIa W of Ireland VII b,c S of Ireland VII g-k Bay of Biscay VIII - 10 - GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (L. Danke} Blue Whiting ...):11.: 21i 118 Je oson .\:-e:i :~o Ho of fish of Q uarter~:;-en-r::if-Ves_s_e_r -c-6 r:l:·:fr:?·r-cial vesse-:_imeasui-eU faged b,c I 1 722 50 /I. J. :j-:~ I 5 2743 150 '/I I s-1~ I 5141 3,ig '""1" J II II D III II ;::; III :;::r n III 1:~·) ·~.;.J 1 2G8 100 5 /I I :3 19 24 ,)_.).J 2G27 n 589 4-J ,J -· -- III '/ ~)~~/ ~2 III J29 11'J I~ .. III L·.1,) "" 3074 300 './ '/1 III 1 200 I I "' :·./ 10 2035 , !0seo :--ci·1 vcsse l survey Date \r90 ;.:o i-'."le s::.:J ii :J.~J.-:i . J.1J~:\ ..~ :Jo .jpits~srgon/3cor Islnr1d 1<3 t toga t / .>'. -: a LO: r 1·nk ,,(J1-t'1 r=n:-oss ...;Q3 C~ i-ound::> OJjectiveG .\cous tis urvcy micl':Jatc i:-aviling l1yc.i;·o g l·op "/ - 11 IRELAND (J . Molloy) s2ecies: Sam£lir:!g_ Area Season Via South I,IV,V VI,VII, VIII,IX Type of fish Herring No. of No. of No. of fish samples fish (market) (measured) aged No. of fish examined racially Adult 29 4 705 1 217 1 217 Adult 14 2 406 567 567 Adult 40 3 008 1 483 1 483 VII,VIII, Adult IX 21 4 404 1 003 1 003 x VIIb,c III,IV, VI,IX VIIj + X,XI, Celtic Sea VI Ia Irish Sea s.eecies: Mackerel VIa South I,V,VI, North West,X,XI,XII Adult 15 1 957 1 272 VIIb,c West II,III, IV, XI Adult 8 1 264 417 VIIj + II,III, Celtic Sea IV,V, VI Adult 8 542 441 S2ecies: VIIj + I,XI, Celtic Sea XII Adult 18 2 623 S2rat None Research Vessel Surveys Objectives Area Date VI Ia February Young Herring Survey VI a May Mackerel egg survey for the Fishing Industry VIa + VII b,c October Young mackerel survey VIa + VIIb,c Oct-Nov Young herring survey None - 12 - NETHERLANDS (A. Corten & A. Eltin k ) Sampling data for Herring. Quarter of year Area Type of fish No. of Samples research No. of fish market measured aged vessel NW North Sea South Buchan Central North Sea Southern North Sea VIa North VIa South + VIIb, c + " Celtic Sea + VIIj 2 3 4 2 3 2 adult 3 .." 1 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 " " " " - - " - " " " - " " - " " - 3 23 2 3 3 1 16 8 1 16 14 5 4 2 1 102 Total 478 3,301 314 696 489 167 2,584 1,489 48 2,544 1,512 746 392 281 169 examined racially 75 575 50 75 75 25 400 200 25 400 350 125 100 50 25 15,210 2,550 Sampling data for Mackerel. Area Quarter of year Type of fish No. of Samples research vessel IVa Northern North Sea 3 4 IVb Central North Sea 2 3 4 IVc Southern North Sea 2 3 4 Vla NW Ire land l 3 4 VII South of Ireland 1 2 3 4 Total adult " " " " " " " " " " " " " " - - No. of fish market measured aged 25 100 25 100 25 50 50 75 125 50 150 675 475 50 25 4 1 4 1 2 2 3 5 2 6 27 19 2 1 96 220 34 365 58 343 227 328 314 144 539 1,875 1,915 215 176 80 6 , 849 2,000 l examined racially - 13 - Herring/Research vessel surveys Area Dates IVa,b,c North Sea IVa Northern North Sea IVb Central North Sea IVc + VIId Southern North Sea IVc Dutch Waddensea 6 3 3 8 26 feb sep sep dee march- Objectives 1 march 23 sep 25 Sep 19 dee 24 april ICES ICES ICES ICES Young Fish Survey Herring larval survey Herring larval survey Herring la rval survey Herring larval survey Mackerel + Horsemackerel/Research vessel surveys (A. Eltink) Area Dates Objectives VII Celtic Sea VII Celtic Sea 12 may - 19 july 10 nov - 29 nov ICES egg survey o-group survey Sampling data for Horsemackerel Area Quarter of year Type of fish No . of samples research No. of fish market measured aged vesse l IVb Central North Sea 4 IVc Southern North Sea 2 3 4 1 VIa NW Ireland 3 4 1 VII South of Ireland 2 3 4 Total adult " " " " " " " " .. " - - - examined racially 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 4 8 8 38 133 25 25 75 25 25 75 50 100 200 200 27 5 11 284 103 239 260 280 530 871 1,527 1, 296 43 5,561 1,075 - 14 - NORWAY (0 . Dahl & I . Ro tt ingen) Herring (Cl~Qga tlarfngys) Sampling Area Season Type of fish -- - - Research vessel Market No.of fish measured No.of fish aged No.of fish exam. racially Skagerrak I Ila I Mixed Adult lmmat 2 1 It JV ., 2 220 200 700 220 200 700 1 00 200 500 Northern Nartt1 Sea !Va l II Ill IV Mixed Adult Mixed Mixed 1 1 5 140 336 160 160 14 000 33000 16000 16000 700 600 1200 700 500 600 1 000 500 c oast !Va IV Immat. 5 299 299 299 CentrJl No r th Sea !Vb I II lmmat. Adult 4 1 57 12 7 4 500 5500 12000 2000 400 100 700 1500 300 100 500 1000 4 400 500 100 100 Norwegian NW North Se d Vl a 111 Mixed JV Jmmat. Ill JV Adult Adult 19 5 - - - - - - -- -·-------------- -- ---- -·------ - - ---- · Research ves s el survey Area Season Objectives North Sea Jan/Feb Int.Young Fish survey. herring The Norw. coa s t from Stavanger to Va ranger fjord Oct/Nov/Dec Fish survey, 0-group sprat/herring North Sea/ Skagerrak Nov/Oec Herring acoustic survey Tagging Area No r th Sea Season Nov Type of Tag No tagged Type of fish Int.steel 9300 Herring - 15 - Sprat ( Sprattus Sampl.1ng spratt~I - --- - - - ----------Area Norwegian Season Type of fi s h [V Hi><ed IV Mixed No.of samples Researc~1 vessel Market No.of fish measured 10 No.of fish aged 1000 100 1 00 100 coast !Va Northern North Sea !Va Research vessel. surveys Area Season Objectives North Sea Jan/Feb Int. Young Fish Survey, sprat The Norw.i:oa s t from St avar1ger lo Varangerfjord Oct/Nov/Dec Fish survey, O- gr11up, s prat/herring - 16 - Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Sampling ·-- - -- -- ------ - - -Season Area Type of fish No.of fish No. of sa mple s Research vessel Market --·--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- · Norwegian I Ia No.of fish aged measured --- - -~---· I II Mixed 4 4DO 40D Skagerrak II IIIa III Mixed Mixed 1 2 ·1 DD 2DD 1DD 2DD 2 14 5 3DD 170D 5DD 3DD 17DD 5DD 1DO 3DD 1DD 30D 1DD 100 500 ~00 Sea, North ern II Mix~d 1 North Sea !Va III IV Mixed Mixed 3 Central II Mixed North Sea !Vb Ill Mixed 1 3 NW North Sea, Via IV Mixed SW Ireland VI lg-k 11 Mixed - 1 5 ·-- - - - - - - --·- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- --- Research vessel s urvey Area Season North Sea Jun - .Jul Objectives Spawning survey Eggproduclion North Sea/Skagerrak Fish survey, mackerel Nov-Dec I-group Tagging Area Season - Type of tag SW Ireland, VI lg-k May Int. North Sea Skagerrak, !Va,b, I I I a Jul/Aug Int. steel steel No. tagged Type of fish 18 015 Mackerel 15 001 Mack erel - 17 - Herring ( Clupea harengus I North of 62 ° N SamQlill Area Season Barents Sea No. of samples Research vessels Market No. of fish measured No. of fish aged 378 135 18 4 3 1 0 0 154 8 206 Ill 13 14 15 JV 43 13 2 20 0 45 1113 7 no9 1263 9666 2427 1236 1031 3581 10 0 532 220 121 19 8 26967 9012 I II Ill Norw. coast 11 a I Juv. Hi><ed 11 coast Norw. Type of fish 11 Juv. No . of fish e><am. rac. 5 11 I 1Jb Total Rt?search vessel surveys Date o A1 €. Norw~yiar1 coa~t Ila Objectives Experin1er1tal fishing, acoustic suruey of s~awning stoc.k Tagging February-March April-May Nllrwt:gian Sea/ Edrents Sea Jla/l Hay Acoustic survey, juvenile herring August 0-group distribution Barent s Sea I la/I September Acoustic survey Norwegiar1 toast I/Ila November-December 0 - group survey Norw1: 91 ~~11 CdrE·11t~ :. cd/ Sea llo/l ~ Ar~o Nurw. coast Season 1ype of tags 11 intl'rnal No. tagg. 3B9C lype of fish adult Recoveries - 18 - Capelin (Hallotus villosus) S a m2.l!llil Area Barents Sea I - Ila - !lb Season I 1ype of fish Hixed II 111 IV No. of samples Research vessels Market 52 41 69 12 No. of fish measured No. of fish aged 4449 3458 3811 790 3898 2415 3006 201 No. of fish exam . rac. Jan Mayen Va XI Va I 111 Spawn. Adult 1otal 12 '27 12 1907 2167 1835 1646 186 39 16588 13001 Resedrch vessel surveys Area Barents Sea 1,11 Barents Sea 1,11 Barents Se& J,JJ Barents Sea J,JJ Norwegian Sea 11,XIVa Date 5/ 1 28/4 H/5 6/9 28/7 Objective" 23 / 1 25/5 2on 15 / 1 0 20/8 Acoust.surv.prespawners Acoust.surv. immatures Larval survey Acoust.surv.total stock Acoust.surv.matures - 19 - Blue whiting (Micromesistius potassou) Sampling Area Barents Sea I, IIb Norwegian Sea II a Northern North Sea I Va Season Type of fish III Mixed IV II III IV No . of samples Research vessels Market No . of fish measured No. of fish aged 4 1 172 116 29 58 10 2197 4293 505 1203 4059 100 2 200 800 333 100 50 546 279 100 5 2 4 798 884 788 669 125 17 10382 7910 I II 3 9 III IV West of the British Isles Farces, Vb, VIa VIb, VIIbc, I II 6 TOTAL 100 2 7 Research Vessel surveys Area Date West of the British Isles, Vb, VIa, VIb, VIIbc 12 March-6 April Norwegian Sea Ila Northern North Sea IVa 22 July-18 Aug Objective Acoustic assessment and structure of stock - 20 - Polar cod f8oreogadus saida) Sampling Area Barents Sea I, II Season Type of fish I II II I JV Total Research vessel Area No. of samples Research vessels Hetrket No. of fish No. of fish measured age,d exam. rac . 21 6 12 15 1568 525 6031 707 11 4 8831 81 75 2508 0 2610 surve~s Datt- Barents Sea I. I I Barents Sea I. I I Barents Sea I . II No. of fish ~/ 1 23 / 1 28/4 - 25/5 6/9 15/ 10 Objectives Att•U$lic ~urv.imm. Acoustic surv.imm. Acoustic surv.tot.stock - 21 - Greater Silver Smelt !Argentina silus) Sampling Area Season Type of fish Barents Sea I IV Adults Norwegian Sea Ila Northern North Sea !Va West of the British Isles VI a II III IV II III No. of samples Research Market Vessels . . II TOTAL No . of fish measured No. of fish aged 19 6 9 2722 181 358 2006 103 30 2 3 83 54 82 2 112 95 3529 2322 2 26 8 52 15 15 Research vessel surveys Area Norwegian Sea Ila Date 1-19 April Objective Acoustic survey, structure of stock and catchability - 22 - SPAIN (C. Porteiro et M.A. Rodriguez) Echantillonnages Espece: Sardina pilchardus Region Trimestre Type de Nombre d' No. de No.de poissons Classes par poisson echanti llons poissons dont age determine race Bateau Marche mesures l 2 VI 1Ic 3 Adultes et immatures 4 IXa 27°N ii 28°N 22°N ii 26°N l 2 3 4 Adultes et immatures l 2 3 4 Adultes et immatures l 2 3 4 Adultes et immatures 16 -- 2095 761 17 -- 1037 304 --- 4 2 33 50 52 29 4077 4725 4889 3128 1026 389 409 573 ----- 15 21 71 99 803 3889 15694 21890 -- 19 58 18 23 3195 9450 3592 4501 ----- 179 269 Espece: Trachurus trachurus Region Trimestre Type de Nombre d' No. de No. de poi ssons Classes par poisson echant i 11 ons poissons dont age determine race Bateau Marche mesures VII le IXa l 2 3 4 l 2 3 4 5 -- 31 20 6 -- 10 6 ----- 297 297 760 2407 760 6 12 26 19 1189 948 2175 1673 798 -- -- -- 130 428 - 23 - Espece: Scomber scombrus Region Trimestre Type de Nombre d' No. de No.de poissons Classes poisson echantillons poissons dont age par determine race Bateau Marche mesures 4 7 30 14 5 ----- 84 739 58 262 84 739 58 262 4 2 3 4 8 16 l 2 723 8 15 6 103 743 990 653 146 5 311 l 2 3 Ville lXa Espece: Micromesistius poutassou Region Trimestre Type de Nombre d' No. de No. de poi ssons Classes poisson echantillons poissons dont age par Bateau Marche mesures determine race l 2 VI! le 3 32 31 -- -- 2578 2889 2578 2889 -- 19 23 27 26 2240 4227 5348 3079 38 1643 2538 105 4 l X3 l 2 3 4 19 19 -- CAMPAGNES DE NAVIRES DE RECHERCHE Region Date Object if Vlllc Mars Estimation de l 'abondance de sardine par classes d'age. Distribution pendant la saison de ponte. Novembre Estimation de l 'abondance par classes d'age et du recrutement de la sardine. lXa VII le lXa - 24 - SWEDEN (O. Hagstrom) HERRING Sampling Area Season Type of fish! No. of Samples No. of Fish No. of Fish ' Rese~rch Vessel Kattegat Skagerrak examit"led I, II, Ill 10 I IV, V, VI - I VII, VIII, IX 18 X, XI, XII I, II, Ill 26 357 2 749 22 153 1 036 892 84 31 586 2 !l81 1 34() 4 37 12 157 995 995 10 3 5 180 1 424 1 063 I - 6 22 24 X, XI, XII 1 1 Baltic I, II, Ill 5 North Sea IV, V, VI 2 839 450 316 3 581 1 527 613 117 117 - 3 333 1 729 1 729 1 414 90 90 300 108 074 15 052 10 238 II ·· --· ·---- 70 RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS Area Season Kattegat, Skagerrak Baltic II, Ill Kattegat, Skagerrak IX 2 169 13 442 -··- - - - - ·- - .... - ..---- Total racially 72 IV, V, VI · - · - - - - - ---·-· Aged 72 VII, VIII, IX - Measured Market Objectives Investigation on young fish; herring larvae and stock separation Acoustic survey; herring, sprat I II - 25 - UNITED KINGDOM --- (England and Wales) (P.O. Johnson) Sampling HERRING ICES Div. (Area) Quarter I Va (N. North Sea) 3 I Vb (E of 3°E) 1 Type imm./ mat. juv/ No.of Samples No. R.V. comm. Measured No. Aged No. examined racially 2 260 153 153 25 2,905 809 809 2 273 117 117 - 2,352 1'075 1'075 - 142 842 98 359 98 359 684 286 286 537 581 354 325 354 325 2, 101 837 837 299 358 151 196 151 196 188 31 112 30 112 30 imrn. (East Central North Sea) 3 imm. I Vb (W of 3° E) 1 (W. Central North Sea) 3 3 juv./ 24 imm. imm. 1 mat. 4 IVc (South North Sea) 1 juv./ 10 imrn. (Thames Stock) 1 4 mat . mat. (Wash-Thames Coastal) 3 juv. (East Anglian Coast) 2 4 spent mat. VIIe (West Channel) 1 2 mat. spent 3 3 17 1 2 1 1 - 26 - SPRAT ICES Div. (Area) Quarter Type No.of Samples No . R.V. Comm. Measured IVb (E of 3oE) (East Central North Sea) 1 imm. I mat. 18 IVb (W of 3o E) (W. Central North Sea) 1 imm. /mat. mat. 15 1 IVc (South North sea) 1 imm./mat. " 11 (Wash-Thames Coastal) 3 juv./imm 16 (Suffok Coast) 4 mat. VIIe (West Channel) 1 1 4 4 mat. " - 1 '441 487 - 499 92 240 65 6 516 1,250 234 437 1 '231 202 3 489 134 2 365 123 269 486 106 55 148 87 1 2 " " 3 No. Aged MACKEREL ICES Div . (Area) VIIe VIIj VIII a VIIIb VIIe VIIh VIIj VIIb VIIj VI Ia IVc I Vb I Va VIIe Quarter 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th Type of Fish Mack . Mack. Mack. Mack. Mack Mack. Mack . Mack. Mack . Mack. Mack. Mack. Mack. Mack. No.QI Sgmples No. R.V. Comm. Measured 3 5 2 2 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 320 600 140 140 430 120 450 116 147 130 52 250 92 278 No. Aged No. examined racially 440 448 178 162 87 114 212 116 147 130 52 157 92 186 PILCHARD ICES Div . (Area) VIIe VIIe Quarter Type of Fish 2nd 1st Pil . Pil . No Qf sample§ No. Comm. Measured R.V. 2 1 210 60 No. Aged 145 60 No. examined racially - 27 - SCAD -ICES Div. (Area) VIIk VIII a VIIa-k VIIIb VIIh VIIj VIIh VIIj VIIg Quarter Type of Fish 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd Scad Scad Scad Scad Scad Scad Scad Scad Scad No.QI R.V. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No . Comm. Measured ~am2les - - 156 151 135 147 132 133 24 28 16 No . Aged No. examined racially 24 28 4 Research Vessel surveys MACKEREL Area Dates Objectives Vessel VIId,e (Channel) 3-23 Jan Mackerel Acoustic Survey Cirolana VIIg - j (Celtic Seasw Approaches) 10 Mar7 Apr Juvenile Mackerel Distribution (part of multispecies survey) Cirolana VIIb · h: VIII (W. Ireland Biscay) 9 May5 Jun Mackerel Egg Survey (ICES) Cirolana VIIg-j (Celtic SeaWestern Approaches) 14 Jul30 Jul Mackerel Distribution (part of multispecies survey) Clione VIIg - j; VIII (Celtic SeaBiscay) 28 Nov22 Dec Mackerel Distribution (part of multispecies survey) Cirolana HERRING/SPRAT Objectives Area Dates Vessel IVc/VIId {S. North Sea/E.Channel 3-13 Jun Herring Larval Survey Clione IVc (Wash-Thames Coastal) 15-23 Jul Inshore 0-Group Herring Survey Dawn Hunter (Charter) IVb (W of 3°E) (W. Central North Sea) 20 Aug4 Sep Acoustic Survey for "Banks" Spawning Herring Clione VIIe (West Channel) 1-19 Dec Acoustic Survey for Pelagic Specie:c (Mackerel, Sprat, Scad and Pilchard) Clione - 28 - Scot l and (R.S. Bailey ) Herring Sam~ling No of Samples Type of Research Market Fish Vessels No of Fish Measured Aged Examined Racially Area Season South Buchan Jan-Mar Jul-Sep Juv Juv Adult 14 2 8 0 0 10 1950 277 3897 304 22 627 0 0 0 Central North Sea Jan-Mar Jul-Sep Juv Juv Adult Mixed 23 7 4 5 0 0 3 0 5554 147 1240 992 299 291 61 0 0 0 0 Juv Adult Mixed Adult Adult Mixed Adult 8 12 13 0 53 8 I 0 11 0 8 87 0 13 2055 4161 1933 1590 18207 1763 2577 144 938 219 505 2981 414 562 0 0 0 0 540 180 0 Juv Mixed Juv Adult Mixed 2 l 1 l I 0 0 0 0 0 26 23 1 2 90 2 5 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 Juv Adult Mixed Adult Adult Juv Adult Mixed 5 10 8 0 0 1 8 4 0 6 0 l 19 0 18 JO 646 2919 652 237 2761 16 6248 4852 231 1125 253 139 989 0 770 1393 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Juv Adult Adult Adult Mixed 1 8 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 1425 13 397 7 0 510 11 83 6 0 0 0 0 0 Nor th Western North Sea Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec North Eastern North Sea Jan-Mar Jul-Sep Via North Jan- Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Via South Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Oct-Dec 23 - 29 - Herring SamEling (contd) Area Season No of Samples Type of Research Market Vessels Fish Jan-Mar Clyde Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2 2 6 5 2 0 0 8 2 Juv Adult Mixed Adult Mixed Adult Mixed Juv Mixed 0 0 0 52 0 80 7 0 3 No of Fish Measured Aged Examined Racially 77 246 1401 9746 443 9570 1003 142.9 1320 33 97 498 831 163 682. 2.74 182. 369 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Area Northwestern North Sea Season Tag type July Floy T tags No tagged 14662. Type of fish Recoveries Adult 144 Research Vessel Surveys Area Season Objectives Northwestern to Southeastern North Sea (Areas IVa, IVb) February International Young Fish Survey North and West of Scotland (Area VIa) Feb-Mar Recruit Trawling Survey Firth of Clyde March Larval Survey and Trawling Survey Firth of Clyde April Larval and Trawling Survey Firth of Clyde May-Jun Acoustic and Trawling Survey Northwestern North Sea July Acoustic and Trawling SurveyZ (contd) Notes 2. In accordance with C. Res. 1980/2.:2.4. - JO Research Vessel Surveys (contd) Area Season Objectives VIa (North) and Northwestern North Sea Aug-Sep Larval Survey and Herring Patch Studyl South Buchan September Larval Surveyl Vla (North) and Northwestern North Sea September Larval Survey 1 Vla and Northwestern North Sea October Larval Surveyl VI a November Acoustic Survey for Herring and Mackerel Notes In accordance with previous ICES resolutions. Additional Research Activities Otolith studies of the Clyde herring using computer digitisation of oto!ith measurements to investigate stock mixing. Sprat Sampling No of Samples Area Research !Va Northern North Sea !Vb Central North Sea No of Fish Season Commercial Measured Aged Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 20 - 2737 341 7 - 514 1635 45 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 27 3983 468 - 6 6 - 221 (contd) - 31 - S12rat Sam12ling (contd) No of Samples Area No of Fish Season Research Commercial Measured Aged VIa West of Scotland Jan-Mar (excluding Clyde) Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 25 1 2009 356 10 8 2982 187 VIa West of Scotland Jan-Mar (Clyde) Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 10 6 2 2054 1267 285 279 7 2 879 179 Research Vessel Surveys Area Date Objectives Northern and Central Nor th Sea January Sprat Acoustic Survey! Northern and Central North Sea January Sprat Trawling Survey! In accordance with C. Res. 1981/2:22. Squalus acanthias (Spurdog) Sampling: Length measurements continued to be taken from commercial and research vessel samples. Tagging: No new tagging experiments were carried out but recoveries from previous experiments continued to be monitored. - 32 - MACKEREL Sampling No of Samples Area Season Type of Fish Research Vessel IV a Northern Nor th Sea Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 1 mm/adult adult 29 IVb Central North Sea Jul-Sep 1 mm/adult 20 VI a West of Scotland Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 1 mm/adult adult adult 1 mm/adult 18 18 VIlb West of Ireland Apr-Jun 1 mm/adult VIlc Porcupine Bank Apr-Jun VIIj Great Sole Bank VIIh Li tt!e Sole Bank Market No of Fish Measured Aged 695 188 204 9 726 178 3432 107 1513 7637 1184 7 436 172 1 mm/adult 1 6 6 Apr-Jun 1 mm/adult 15 811 586 Apr-Jun 1 mm/adult 1 54 24 2 9 1 16 72 632 1855 Research Vessel Surveys Area Date Objective West of UK May Mackerel egg survey West of UK June Mackerel egg survey West of Scotland December Recruits survey Other Research Activities Investigation of mackerel otolith morphometrics wi th a view to stock discrimination (ICES CM 1986/H:7). Mackerel fecundity investigations. - 33 - M. Poutassou Sampling Area VI a Season Jan-Mar Apr-Jun No of Samples Research Market Vessel Type of Fish Mixed Mixed No of Fish Measured Aged 1 57 2 192 57 151 U.S . A. (R . C. Hennemuth) General Seasonal fish trawl surveys, plankton net surveys, and hydrographic surveys were continued. Annual assessments were completed for scup, Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, butterfish, bluefish, river herrings, striped bass, and squid. Studies of the evaluation of precision of trawl surveys, and hydrographic and ichthyoplankton production in zooplankton faunal zones were completed. Atlantic mackerel Completed fourth year of cooperative research with Polish vessels on distribution, abundance, and biology. Herring Studied parasitic Anisakis simplex as a means of differentiating stocks. Studies were also conducted on the process of recruitment and comparative distribution of larvae in 1970's and 1980's on Georges Bank. Large pelagics (sharks, billfish, and tuna) Cooperative longline cruise on Polish research vessel to study ecology was completed. Butterfish Special study of the spatial distribution by size groups was completed . - 34 - U. S.S . R. (A. A. Eli zarov) SAMPLING --------------------------------Area !Quarter Month Type of fish No. of age! No. of fish ___ ; _________________ s_:m.~:i_:s_ .i_m~a~U£e.2: _ai!je,2: _ _ 1__ !_·: --- ~ ----- ~ ------ ~ -_l _~ - - - _7_ - Blue whiting II a I II Jan Feb Mar In all Apr May Jun III IV Prespawning Spawning Postspawning Postspawning Feeding Feeding In all Feeding Jul Feeding Aug Sep Feeding In all Oct Feeding Nov Feeding Dec Feeding In all 'l 'otal IIb IV Nov Feeding Feb Mar In all Apr In all Oct Nov In all Spawning Postspawning Total IVa I II IV 'l'otal Postspawning 340 4 2 38 3705 5091 9136 21819 18990 21737 62546 13024 29139 11808 53971 4909 11049 2356 18314 143967 2 2 348 348 6 2 7 2 11 3 10 7 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 Feeding Feeding 1944 400 200 600 200 700 200 1100 300 1000 600 1900 100 100 3700 50 50 339 100 2283 317 317 323 100 100 100 401 724 2 3324 200 - 35 - ---------------------------------1 =2 :3: 4 : 5: 6: 7 - - .l - - _,_ - - .!. Vb I Jan 1 Feb Mar In all May II In all Nov IV Dec In all Total Vb 2 II - - - - - - - - _:_ - - _:_ - - - .1 - - - - Prespawning 1019 Spawning 7707 Postspawning 1 100 327 100 1 9053 Feeding 100 1 1058 100 1058 1 Feeding 200 2 4572 Feeding 100 1 607 300 5179 3 500 15290 5 May Feeding Mar In all Apr In all Postspawning 3 Postspawning 3 1 1 347 347 Total VI a I II Total VIb 4 II Apr Postspawning I Jan l!'eb Mar In all Apr In all Prespawning Spawning Postspawning II VIIk 3 3 I II Feb Mar In all Apr In all Spawning Postspawning Postspawning VIII 4 3 7 4 4 11 Total 1'otal 1 1 1 Postspawning 1'otal I Feb Spawning 300 300 100 100 400 337 337 Total VIIb,c 1431 1431 986 986 2417 5420 6099 3388 14907 657 657 15564 100 100 15917 34919 50236 1325 1325 51561 400 300 700 400 400 1100 13056 13056 100 300 300 - 3 6 - 1-:- 2 - : - -; - -:- - - - - 4 - - - -:- -5- - : -6- - : - -7- - - - _,_ - - .!. - .:::: - _:_ - - - - - - - - _:_ - - - .!. - - - .!. - - - - Polar cod I I II III IV Total Ila III IV Jan Mar In all lvlay Jun In all Aug Sep In all Oct Nov In all Prespawning Postspawning III IV 585 Feeding Feeding Feeding Prespawning Prespawning Prespawning 7 8 15 4 4 19 Sep In all Oct Nov In all Feeding Aug Sep In all Oct Nov In all Feeding Feeding 3 Prespawning Prespawning 1 Prespawning Prespawnine 1 1 1 Total IIb 573 310 883 1 I} 1 5 Total 750 1335 2930 5675 8605 3224 4396 7620 18443 110 110 406 356 762 872 650 500 1150 400 400 1550 12 12 12 1649 4707 6356 2224 8775 10999 17355 300 100 400 100 14402 6324 17635 38361 4376 1128 436 5940 400 300 1700 2400 400 100 500 Capelin I I II Jan Feb Mar In all Apr May Jun In all Pre spawning Prespawning Spawning Spawning Feeding Feeding 4 3 17 24 4 1 1 6 25 600 1025 - 37 - -1-: - 2-:- -3- -:- - 5 -:-· -6- -:- -7- - - - - -4- - - - : - -------------------------------: : III IV : : Jul Aug Sep In all Oct Nov Dec In all Feeding B'eeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Ii'eeding '.i.'otal II a l!'eb !.Jar Prespawning Spa1?ning III In all Jul Aug Sep Feeding Feeding Feeding IV In all Oct l<'eed ing I 1 3 10 14 2 3 47 50592 1 1 5 ,- 7 I III Jan Feb In all Prespawning Prespawning Jul Feeding Feeding Feeding AU(i Sep IV In all Oct Nov Dec In all 100 202 4600 100 100 200 264 264 464 355 571 894 3245 5194 100 349 300 9333 1675 1254 749 34 200 2929 12833 534 1283 1 4 8 7491 7491 2190? 2387 200 200 400 800 12 24368 1200 13 31859 1400 1 4 3 2 2 3 7 15 'rotal 47 229 276 251 59 52 362 1764 1/'64 2402 100 300 573 973 102 216 8 Feeding Feeding Feeding 902 768 3350 5020 420 851 1271 7 'l'otal : 1 2 In all IIb : ;)00 Mackerel Ila II III Jun In all Jul Aug Sep In all 'l'otal Fostspawning Feeding Feeding l?eeding 1 71, - 38 - -1-: -2- - :- - 3 - : - - - -4- - - - -:- -5- -=- -6- - : - - 7- - - - l. - - _,_ - - - l. - - - - - - - - _:_ - - _:_ - - - l - - - - Feeding Jul IIb III 300 3 '.l'otal 300 3 I Va Spawning II Mar In all Apr May Jun In all Spawning Postspawning Postspawning 269 269 335 621 1363 2319 2588 II Jun Postspawning 3251 I 'l'otal Vb1 'l' otal VI a 'l'otal VIIk 3251 II I II Apr Postspawning 318 318 Spawning Mar Apr Postspawning Postspawning May In all 205 678 311 989 1194 'l'otal VIII II May Postspawning 911 911 'l'otal Atlanto-Scandian herring I I II III Jan Feb Mar In all Apr May Jun In all Jul Aug Sep In all Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding 26 20062 20950 15243 56255 1 9655 8 10 8 5 6 1 16 15 32 3374 262 13291 31 2142 2173 800 1000 800 2600 100 500 600 2 63 508 573 - 39 - ==I =IV=I=~= ==== Oct I====~==== I= = 350 I= = 109 5=I=~= 11 1 2 5 Nov Dec Feeding 1'' eeding Feeding In a ll II a III IV 6 Aug Feeding In a ll Feeding Oct F eedin g Nov Feeding Dec In all '11 otal IIb III Sep Oct Feeding Feeding !Va '.l' otal II May Postspavming Vb 'l.' otal II Jun Feeding 2 13 2 15 17 350 72069 120 3893 25 25 154 684 834 1672 1697 25 25 159 100 2 I Mar Spawning In all Apr Postspawning May Feeding In all 259 284 2 1 1 2 680 680 36 36 2 2 II '11 otal 2 2 'l'otal VI a 1 70 'l.' otal 7 706 706 301 305 606 13'12 -- 40 - RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS Survey area Barents Sea Period Investii;ations Jan-Apr Observations over dis tribution and migrations of capelin and AtlantoScandian herring Echo survey of blue whiting stock in spawning areas West Ireland shelf, areas off the Hebrides, Faroe and Shetlancl Islands Norwegian Shallows Feb-Apr SW Barents Sea Apr-Jun Faroe Islands and off-shore Norwegian Sea areas Barents Sea and adjacent waters Aug Aug-Sep Barents Sea Sep-Oct Feb-Apr Studying the spawning efficiency of AtlantoScandian herring Survey of bottom and pelagic fish larvae International echo survey of blue whiting stocks in feeding areas International 0-group fish survey International echo survey of the Barents Sea capelin, polar cod and young Atlanto-Scaxidian herring