· ..... r International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1991/0: 1 Report of Activities DEMERSAL FISH COMMITTEE by Niels Daan 1990 • c · , Table of Contents BELGIUM CANADA DENMARK FAROES FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY FINLAND FRANCE ICELAND IRELAND TIffi NETIffiRLANDS NORWAY roLAND PORTUGAL SPAIN SWEDEN UNITED KING DOM (England and Wales) UNITED KINGDOM (Scotland) U.S.A U.S.S.R 2 4 5 11 14 20 21 29 33 36 41 46 47 49 53 54 55 56 57 > ' - 2- BELGIUM (R. de Clerck) Densities and growth rates of the 1989 and 1990 year classes of sole, plaice, dab, flounder, cod and whiting were recorded. Two cruises were undertaken for this purpose according to the criteria of the International Demersal Young Fish Survey. The beam trawl survey was continued in order to estimate the stock size of adult flatfish in the southern North Sea in August. This was part of an international survey in collaboration with the Dutch and English Institutes. The market sampling programme was continued covering cod (North Sea), whiting (North Sea, haddock (North Sea), plaice and sole (North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea and Irish Sea (see tables). 1990 SAMPLING DATAFOR: SOLE Nr of fish Nr of sampies Area IV 1 2 3 4 VIIf,g 1 2 3 4 VIIa 1 2 3 4 VIId 1 2 3 4 VIII .. I I Season 1 4 BELGIUM Res. vesscls Markcl Measured Aged 1 - 6 4 10 8 560 350 1896 770 140 140 331 140 7 9 2 2 630 825 160 150 210 210 160 150 3 8 4 2 240 730 422 150 230 60 70 150 3 1 230 60 175 80 230 60 70 80 280 140 70 140 2 1 1 2 I -3SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 Nr offish PLAICE Nr of sampIes Arca IV VIIf,g Season Res. vessels 1 3 4 VIId 1 2 Agcd 6 388 454 1679 532 100 100 357 100 2 438 576 80 90 150 140 80 90 3 4 4 2 116 202 209 90 116 130 40 90 3 1 2 120 50 122 40 120 50 50 40 1 - 2 1 2 3 4 MC<1sured - 1 2 3 4 VIIa l\larkcL 3 4 SAMPLINGDATAFOR' 6 10 8 7 9 2 1 1990 Nr offish eOD Nr 01' sampies Area IV Season Res. vessels MarkcL Mcasured Aged 1 - 7 2 350 100 376 300 350 100 100 300 1 2 3 4 SAMPLING DATA FOR: 2 6 1990 Nr offish WHITING Nr 01' sampies Area IV • Season 1 2 3 4 Res. vessels MarkcL Mcasurcd Aged 1 - 10 3 400 135 145 270 400 135 120 270 3 6 BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM -4- CANADA (R.O'Boyle) Canada had no fisheries and no research vessel activity on demersal fish in the lCES area in 1990. Activities in the N0l1hwest Atlantic have been reported to NAFO. -5- DEN MARK (H.Gislason) The RN "Dana" made 12 cruises in 1990. Apart from the intemationally coordinated standard surveys (lA, 2, 7), these were aimed at investigating the effect of eutrophication and oxygen deficiency (3, 4, 11), sprat recruitment (lB), sandeel biology (5), catchability of trawls (9) and plankton productivity (6,10). The programme for collecting sampIes from the human consumption fishery was continued in 1990 at the same level as in previous years. The number of market sampIes is given in the tables as the number of boxes collected, each of which contains app. 35 kg of fish. Very few sampIes were collected from the industrial fishery in 1990 due to a reorganization of the sampling scherne. The few sampIes obtained from this fishery weigh between 5 and 10 kg each. R.V "Dana" Cruises 1990 e lB) Period 29 Jan. - 16 February 16 - 20 February Purpose Int. Young Fish Survey Sprat Investigations Area North Sea North Sea 2) 7 - 23 March Baltic Young Fish Survey The Baltic 3) 24 - 27 March Environmental investigations Kattegat 4) 28 April - 7 May Flatfish diseases North Sea, Skagerak, Kattegat 5) 12-21May SandeelInvestigations North Sea 6) 25 May - 4 June Frontal studies North Sea 7) 9 - 18 June MackereI Egg survey North Sea 8) 24 July - 12 August Int Herring Acoustic survey North Sea, Skagerak 9) 23 - 30 August Catchability Skagerak 10) 15 - 28 October Plankton Investigations Skagerak 11) 2 - 7 November Environmental investigations Kattegat 12) 14 -27 November Pandalus Survey North Sea Cruise no lA) -6SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 WHITING Nr of sampies Area Season 22 4 4 lIla (N) 1 2 4 lIla (S) 1 2 3 4 IV 1 2 IVa 0V) 3 IVb 1 3 Res. vessels Market Measured Aged - 1 1 1 1 - 8 9 1 282 198 323 280 198 10 Industrial Industrial Industrial 13 1 1 907 137 327 236 881 137 327 236 Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial 4 1 10 5 10 5 Industrial Industrial 1 3 - Industrial 2 2 20 6 20 5 - SAMPLING DATA FOR: IIIa(N) Season 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 lIla (S) 3 4 IVa (E) 1 2 3 IVb 1 IV 1 2 3 4 3 - 1990 HADDOCK Nr of sampies Area DENMARK Nr offish Fishery Industrial Mixed fishery Industrial Industrial DENMARK Nr offish Res. vessels Market Measured Aged - 5 5 4 4 5 6 1 1078 779 1 193 949 22 36 18 1076 779 1 191 949 22 36 - Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Industrial Industrial Industrial 1 1 5 5 5 5 Industrial Industrial 1 1 2 1 16 7 1 16 7 Industrial Industrial Industrial 1 107 107 Human cons. 3 2 4 2 1 175 342 533 309 2 175 341 533 308 2 Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Humaneons. Industrial Fishery -7 SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990' eOD Arca 22 1 2 3 4 24 1 2 3 4 25 1 2 3 4 lIla (N) lIla (S) IVb IV • Season Res. vessels Market Measured Aga! - 12 9 5 10 777 713 298 655 774 712 292 653 Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Humaneons. 3 3 1 3 666 298 241 513 660 297 241 513 Humaneons. Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. 8 5 1 1 1371 1079 294 336 1369 1077 294 335 Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Humaneons. 6 5 6 5 7 5 1 739 498 558 704 45 16 37 739 497 557 702 45 16 - Human cons. Humaneons. Human cons. Human cons. Industrial Industrial Industrial 10 5 4 7 9 1 643 259 237 418 12 1 642 258 237 418 12 1 Humaneons. Humaneons. Human cons. Humaneons. Industrial Industrial 3 3 2 1 264 284 186 69 261 284 186 69 Human cons. Human cons. Humaneons. Human cons. 10 5 608 361 542 422 601 361 542 422 Humaneons. Humaneons. Human cons. Human cons. - - 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 - - 1 2 3 4 1 4 - 1 2 3 4 - 1 2 3 4 - 8 6 - SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 SAITHE Nr of sampies Arca Season Res. vessels 1 2 3 4 2 - IVa (E) 3 IV 1 2 3 4 - lIla (N) DENMARK Nr 01' fish Nr of sampies - - Fishery DENMARK Nr offish Market Measured Aga! Fishery 2 2 2 2 1 173 225 204 126 1 173 225 204 126 - Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Humaneons. Industrial 1 1 - Industrial 3 2 2 2 284 141 245 68 284 141 245 68 Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. -8SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 SILVERY rOUT I Nr of sampies Arca IVa (E) Scason I Res. vessels Market Mcasurcd 1 I - 1 5 SAMPLING DATAFOR' lIIa(N) Scason 1 4 IVa (E) 1 2 3 IVa (W) 3 IVb 1 1 IVa (E) 1 2 3 Fishcry - 3 9 1 12 1458 117 12 1458 - Industrial Industrial Industrial 1 1 1 42 1 42 Industrial Industrial 5 1 2 750 102 362 750 102 362 Industrial Industrial Industrial 1 96 96 Industrial 1 1 - Industrial - 1990 ßLUE WIIITING IVa (E) Market Mcasurcd Agcd Fishery - 1 1 Industrial 1 1 1 11 10 55 - lila (S) 55 Industrial Industrial Industrial DENMARK Nr of fish Res. vcsscls Markct Mcasurcd Agcd Fishery - 2 2 - Industrial 1990 Nr of sampies Scason 10 1990 ARGENTINE SAMPLING DATA FOR: SrOTTED DRAGONET Arca DENMARK Res. vessels 1 DENMARK Nr offish Res. vesscls Market Mcasurcd Agcd Fishcry - 1 3 - Industrial 1 SAMPLINGDATAFOR: • Nr of fish Nr of sampIes Scason DENMARK Agcd SAMPLING DATA FOR: Arca Industrial Nr offish Nr of sampies lila (N) - I Mcasurcd - Scason Fishery Markct SAMPLING DATA FOR: Arca I Agcd Res. vcsscls 1 2 4 lila (S) I 1990 NORWAY rOUT Nr of sampies Arca DENMARK Nr of fish GREY GURNARD 1990 I Nr of sampies DENMARK Nr of fish Arca Scason I Res. vcsscls Market Mcasurcd Agcd Fishery IVb 1 I - 1 1 - Industrial • -9- . SAMPLING DATA FÜR' 1990 Nr offish SANDEEL Nr of sampies Arca Scason IIIa (N) 2 IIIa (S) 2 IVa (E) 1 2 IVb 2 2 IV 3 Res. vessels Market Mcasurcd Agal Fishery - 1 194 194 Industrial 2 464 104 Industrial 1 1 121 108 108 - Industrial Industrial 1 2 130 233 118 233 Mixed fishery Industrial 1 113 113 Industrial 1 - SA~1PLING DATA FÜR: 1990 Nr of fish PLAICE Nr of sampies Arca IIIa (N) lIla (S) IVb IV Scason Market Mcasurcd Agal - 5 5 5 4 2 1 1 1 129 1621 1655 1363 4 1 1 1057 1497 1546 1278 1 Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Industrial Industrial Industrial 10 9 6 7 3 2153 1829 1018 1739 3 2071 1754 995 1675 Humancons. Human cons. Humaneans. Human cons. Industrial 4 1 2 2 1 835 977 697 1 152 825 971 692 1143 I - Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Industrial 4 6 935 2394 2608 1164 919 2360 2574 1 144 Humancons. Humancons. Humancons. Human cons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 - 1 2 3 4 1 - . 1 2 3 4 1 - - 1 2 3 4 10 5 EUROPEAN FLOUNDER Nr of sampies 22 Scason IVA (E) 3 I . 1990 Nr offish DENMARK I Mcasurcd Agal I - 2 147 145 I 'VITcn FLOUNDER I Nr of sampies I - Market 1 Scason Fishery Res. vessels SAMPLING DATA FÜR' Arca DENt-.1ARK Res. vessels SAMPLING DATAFÜR: Arca DEN~1ARK 1990 Nr of fish Res. vessels ~furket Mcasurcd . 1 1 Fishery Human cons. DENMARK Agal - Fishery Industrial - 10SAMPLING DATA FÜR: 1990 Nr offish SOLE Nr of sampies Area lIla (S) Season 1 2 3 4 IV 2 3 DENMARK Res. vessels Market Measured Aged - 3 3 3 2 308 301 222 267 308 300 222 266 Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. Human cons. 2 1 231 208 230 207 Human cons. Human cons. Fishery • b - 11 - FAROES (J .Reinert) The sampling programme for eommercial eatehes of saithe, eod, haddoek, ling, blue ling, Greenland halibut and redfish was eontinued in 1990. In addition sampIes of the species mentioned were taken from research vessel eatches. The tables provide more details. The following research cruises with relevance to the Demersal Fish Committee were made in 1990: In January RIV "Magnus Heinason" carried out exploratory fishery with bottom trawl S and S\V of the Faroes for grenadier fish. In January-February the commercial trawler MIS "Phoenix" was chartercd to carry out exploratory fishery for grenadier and black scabbard fish to the Sand S\V of the Faroes. In February RIV "Magnus Heinason" carried out an exploratory fishery with bottom trawl for redfish around the Faroes. • In February-March RIV "Magnus Ileinason" continued the Faroese Groundfish Surveys specially designed to obtain information on the stock sizes of saithe, eod and haddoek. In addition to the usual biological sampIes, stomachs of selected fish species were sampled as apart of the Faroese Stomach Sampling Programme. In March-April RIV "Magnus Heinason" carried out exploratory fishery with bottom trawl for Norway pout around the Faroes. In May RIV "Magnus Heinason" carried out O-Group Surveys in Faroese waters to get information on the year-class strength of saithe. In May-June RIV "Magnlls Heinason" carried out a combined acoustic and trawl survey to get information on the distribution of silver smelt in Faroese waters. In May-July the commercial longliner MIS "J.C.Svabo" was chartered to carry out exploratory fishery with traps for tusk and ling in Faroese waters. • In June-July RIV "Magnus Heinason" eontinued the O-Group Surveys in Faroese \Vaters to get information on the year-class strength of eod, haddock, Norway pout and sandeel. In June-July the commercial trawler MIS "Skardhamar" was chartered to carry out an exploratory fishery with bottom trawl around the Faroes for flatfish, particularly lemon sole. In July RIV "Magnus Heinason" carried out a Groundfish Survey around the Faroes as a part of the Faroese Stomach Sampling Programme. This Groundfish Survey was eontinued in September. In October-December selection studies were carried out with RIV "Magnus Ileinason" using different trawls and different designs of the codend. On all cruises with RIV "Magnlls Heinason" biological sampIes are taken as a routine for most fish species from almost every haul and the measurements are entered into the vessel computer automatically. Since all data have not been edited yet, the number of sampIes and measurements by species for 1990 ean not be given at this stage exeept for selected species in the Faroese Groundfish Surveys in February-March. - 12SAMPLING DATA FOR'. eOD 1990 FAROES Market Research vessel Arca Scason Vb 1 2 3 4 N Sampies NMcasurcd ... NAgcd N SampIes NMcasured NAgcd 298 36 23 28 53 5559 4007 3959 8515 749 348 398 649 5393 ... ... ... SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 IIADDOCK FAROES Market Research vessel Arca Scason Vb 1 2 3 4 N SampIes NMcasurcd ... ... ... ... SAMPLING DATA FOR' NAged N SampIes N~1easurcd NAgcd 315 23 6358 4003 4561 10 175 349 202 251 350 7691 11 18 35 1990 SAITIIE FAROES Market Research vessel Arca Vb Scason N SampIes NMcasurcd ... 1 2 3 4 ... ... ... SAMPLING DATA FOR: NAgcd 4245 N Samples NMeasured 307 35 24 17 43 1990 NORWAY POUT Season Vb 1 2 3 4 N Sampies NMeasurcd NAgcd NSampIes NMcasured ... 4 1 4 10 ... Scason Vb 1 2 3 4 N Sampies NMeasurcd NAgcd N Sampies NMeasurcd Scason Vb 1 2 3 4 N Sampies ... ... ... ... NMcasurcd NAgcd NAgcd - 487 11 317 367 1990 FAROES Research vessel Arca 200 50 200 500 FAROES 2 1 2 2 Sebastes me1ltella NAged Market ... ... ... ... SAMPLING DATA FOR' 236 133 409 977 1990 Research vessel Arca • Market ... ... SAMPLING DATA FOR'. Sebastes mari1lus 350 292 250 598 FAROES Research vessel Arca 7179 5450 4210 9771 NAged Market N Sampies NMcasured 3 3 3 12 880 716 659 8033 NAgcd - - • - 13SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 TUSK FAROES Research vessel Area Season Vb 1 2 4 NMeasured N Sampies NAged Market N Sampies NMeasured 2 1 3 * * * SAMPLING DATA FOR: Season Vb 1 2 4 N Sampies NMeasured NAged Market N Sampies NMeasured * * * SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1 2 311 3 449 • Season Vb 1 2 3 4 N Sampies NMeasured NAged Market N Sampies NMeasured 2 3 1 6 * * * * SAMPLINGDATAFOR: GREENLAND HALIßUT Season Vb 1 2 3 4 * • N Sampies NMeasured * * * * Not possible to quantify at this stage (see text). NAged NAged - 195 435 67 650 1990 FAROES Research vessel Area FAROES Research vessel Area NAged 48 1990 BLUE LING FAROES Research vessel Area - 496 185 1 355 1990 LING NAged Market N Sampies NMeasured 1 2 2 2 177 522 555 167 NAged - - 14- FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY* (G.Rauck) The biological sampling programme of demersal species on board of research vessels, commercial trawlers and on fish markets has been continued. A comprehensive sampling scheme, including length frequency measurements, otolith sampling, individual fish weights, tagging of fish, stomach sampling, as weIl as studies on fish density and distribution of demersal fish species was carried out during groundfish surveys. The monthly by-catch analysis of the shrimp fishery has been continued, as weIl as the joint investigations in the Wadden Sea area of Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein (Young Fish and Brown Shrimp Survey) in spring and autumn together with vessels from the Netherlands and Belgium. Investigations on cod discards in the commercial fisheries and cod selectivity studies using different mesh sizes were carried out in the German Bight. A North Sea groundfish survey with special emphasis on the gadoid and pelagic species covering the area IVa and b has been repeated • Research vessel cruises related to the national sampling scheme of the demersal species were as folIows: Months leES area Objectives R.V. "'Valther lIerwig" January February Febr./March May/June June/July Sept./October Oct.1N ovember IVb IVa,b,c VIa,b IV IVa,b XIVa IIa,IVa,Vb XIV Groundfish survey (fish disease) IYFS Groundfish and pelagic sUrvey Groundfish survey (fish disease) Groundfish survey Groundfish survey Groundfish survey R. V." Solea" January Febr./March June June/July September Nov./December December IVb,c IVb,c IVb IVb,c IVb IVb,c IVb,c VIId Groundfish survey Groundfish survey Sole beam trawl survey Groundfish survey Groundfish survey Groundfish survey Groundfish survey R.V."Ernst Haeckel" May/June XII Groundfish survey * The sampling programme of the former German Democratic Republic has been included in the tables. • - 15 SAMPLING DATA FOR: Area • Season Nr samp. Meas. Agcd Ha 2 4 11) 2491 363 IVa 1 2 3 482) 232) 122) 753 497 106 497 463 99 IVb 1 2 3 3 4 4 1342) 1372) 642) 213) 12) 43) 1932 2644 1421 73 31 5 914 1180 722 IVc 1 2 4 62) 222) 92) 66 73 95 64 69 69 IVb 1 2 3 4 94) 94) 344) 34) 26 96 7 Via 1 92) 85 77 VlIe 1 12) 3 - VlIb,c 1 22) 3 1 Vlh·k 1 22) 9 2 - SAMPLlNG DATA FOR: - Market sampling Nr of fish Othcr Season Nrsamp. Meas. Agcd 4 2 1265 1088 600 525 - 11 F.R.G. 1990 IIADDOCK Meas. Agcd Ha 1 4 11) 1212 229 IVa 1 2 3 532) 202) 72) 8739 2137 945 648 248 104 IVb 1 2 3 262) 322) 102) 3320 2917 510 691 522 91 VlIb,c 1 42) 65 44 22) -·13 1 33 1) SampIes laken on board of commercial trawler 2) Groundfish surveys 3) Young Fish and Brown Shrimp Survey 4) Shrimp bycatch investigations VIIl!-k Nrsamp. - Research vessels Nr of fish Area F.R.G. 1990 COD Research vessels Nr of fish Market sampling Nr of fish Othcr Nr samp. 4 2 Mcas. Agcd 290 1 109 104 431 - 16SAMPLING DATA FOR' Scason Nrsamp. Mcas. Aged IVa 1 2 3 502) 202) 72) 11949 1 591 1237 490 173 134 IVb 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1172) 792) 663) 512) 213) 412) 743) 13917 14388 432 8930 673 8145 2224 333 757 IVc 1 2 4 22) 222) 192) 99 73 1953 IVb 1 2 3 4 94) 734) 944) 144) 56 1581 2903 424 VIa 1 82) 1554 104 Vllb,c 1 32) 196 92 Vlld 4 72) 636 - Vlle 1 12) 175 70 VlIg-k 1 22) 258 55 SAMPLING DATA FOR: Other • Agcd - 1 1 162 VlIg-k 1 5 673 Other 4 XIV 3 4 I - I Mcas. Agcd - I 78 1 - - 3) Young Fish and Brown Shrimp Survcy 4) Shrimp bycatch investigations , Nrsamp. Mcas. Aged I FRG . . . Market sarnolinl! Nr 01' fish Other Nrsamp. Meas. Agcd - 1 235 116 78 2 1 581 324 298 167 - 1) Sampies taken on board of commercial trawler 2) Groundfish survcys I I 1990 Research vessels Nr of tish Vb Market sarnpling Nr of fish I ßLUE LING Scason Nr samp. F.R .G. 1990 I I I Arca Aged - Mcas. VIa Meas. 126 ßLUE WIIITING Scason Nr samp. SAMPLING DATA FOR: Nrsamp. 307 Research vessels Nr offish Arca Market sarnpling Nr of fish I Research vessels Nr of fish I Arca FRG . . . 1990 'VIIITING - 17 SAMPLING DATA FÜR: Arca Ha IVa VII Season Nrsamp. Agcd I üther Nrsamp. Meas. Agcd - - - - - 2 1 3 729 421 1415 1081 220 703 1 2 3 4 2 1 138 500 4 6 8 7 2145 2747 3619 4108 1055 1504 1858 2067 1 1 1 - Scason Nrsamp. 284 - 284 - 66 62 - 1990 SOLE Research vessels Nr of fish Meas. Agcd 4453 710 - IVb 2 902) IVc 4 1 20 IVb 2 3 4 763) 313) 133) 787 141 23 IVb 1 2 3 4 174) 1014) 824) 34) 146 1507 583 4 Season Nrsamp. Meas. Agcd IVa 1 2 3 12) 152) 62) 40 981 673 - IVb 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 832) 902) 1263) 372) 433) 362) 543) 5622 11684 3119 4791 1010 2979 1515 - IVc 2 4 22) 52) 137 415 VHd 4 12) 42 - IVb 1 2 3 4 204) 834) 634) 134) 258 1614 1155 387 - - F.R.G. Market sampling Nr of fish üther SAMPLING DATA FÜR·. DAß Research vessels Nr of fish Arca Market sampling Nr of fish 1 3 4 SAMPLING DATA FÜR: Arca Meas. FRG . . . 1990 SAITIIE Research vessels Nr of fish Nrsamp. Meas. 3 1472 Agcd . FRG . . 1990 Market sampling Nr 01' fish üther Nrsamp. Meas. Agcd - 18SAMPLING DATA FOR: Arca Aged Scason Nrsamp. Mcas. 58 60 3367 IVa 2 3 14 11 IVb 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 732) 1302) 1433) 442) 423) 262) 823) 4252 3906 5616 1225 1 851 803 3865 IVc 1 2 4 62) 12) 42) 26 1 82 IVb 1 2 3 4 234) 1314) 1234) 134) 2445 10891 15064 738 SAMPLING DATA FOR: Market sampling; Nr of flsh Nrsamp. Other Mcas. IVb 1 2 4 22) 22) 32) 61 198 193 IVb 2 3 4 923) 433) 413) 926 303 110 IVb 1 2 3 4 214) 944) 1034) 94) 161 567 807 80 - 132 Arca Aged Market sampling; Nr 01' flsh Othce Research vessels Nr 01' flsh I XIV Season INr samp. 4 I 1 I Mcas. I 305 F.R.G. 1990 Nrsamp. SAMPLING DATAFOR'. GREENLAND IIALIßUT I I Agcd 125 FLOUNDER Scason Nr samp. Mcas. - Research vessels Nr of fish Arca F.R.G. 1990 PLAICE Research vessels Nr of fish Aged 305 1) Sampies taken on board of commercial trawler 2) Groundfish surveys 3) Young Fish and Brown Shrimp Survey 4) Shrimp bycatch investigations Market sampling Nr 01' fish I Nrsamp. I Agcd FRG . 1990 I I Other Meas. Meas. Agcd • - 19SAMPLING DATA FOR: Area IVb Season INr sarnp. I Meas. Agcd I I 229 65 2 3 53 SAMPLING DATA FOR· Area 1 XIV 3 4 61) 14 74 . SAMPLING DATA FOR· Aged 881 223 3 139 10253 225 590 Meas. Agcd 1 2 XII 3 13 4262 600 XIV 2 3 4 50 23 35 16973 3268 3835 1 SOO 340 350 1 4 6 2703 340 . XII Season INr samp. 2 I 3 I Meas. Agcd I I 130 130 Other I S07 Agcd 200 1) SampIes laken on board of commercial trawler 2) Groundfish surveys 3) Young Fish and Brown Shrimp Survey 4) Shrimp bycatch investigations 2 FRG · Market sampling Nr 01' f1sh I · Meas. Agcd 1 I 413 200 I I 1990 Other · Nrsamp. I I FRG · Market sampling Nr of tish · · Nrsamp. Meas. Agcd 1 1 816 655 238 2 755 150 2 3 633 2205 150 170 Corvl1h . rUllestr;s I Meas. F.R.G. Market sampling Nr 01' f1sh I I Nrsamp. 1990 1990 Research vessels Nr of fish I I I Area Other S ebastes mentella Research vessels Nr of tish Season Nr samp. SAMPLING DATA FOR' • Meas. Vb ? I I S ebastes mar;nus Research vessels Nr of f1sh Season Nrsamp. Ha Area 1990 TURBOT Research vessels Nr of f1sh I I I I I Other FRG · Market sampling Nr of fish I · · I Nrsamp. I I I Meas. Agcd L - 20- FINLAND (E. Ara) No work was carried out on demersal fishes other than that reported to the Baltic Fish Committee. • - 21 - FRANCE (A.Souplet) SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 WHITING Nr of sampies • Area Season IVa FRANCE Nr offish Res. vessels Market Measured Aged 1 16 1980 577 IVb 1 29 - 4791 1365 IVc 1 1 2 3 4 25 - 12 3 955 270 - 3 3 3 3 896 1 114 646 879 609 697 641 636 VIIa 1 VIId 1 4 4 - 13 570 942 1 173 - 8 7 10 835 1 433 1 - 1 151 925 - - 307 905 - VIIf,g 1 2 3 4 VIIg,j+ VlIIa,b 4 43 - 1301 397 VIIh,g,j 4 16 - 263 VIII 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 - 4 13 4 12 6 - 215 717 235 881 502 884 292 363 - 26 36 - 27 - VIlla 4 19 - 665 VlIIb 4 8 - 373 SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 HADDOCK Nr of sampies FRANCE Nr of fish Res. vessels Market ~feasured Aged 1 16 1960 746 IVb 1 10 - 572 340 Via 1 2 3 4 - 29 18 20 36 1908 1389 1257 2731 - - 13 - 54 - Area Season IVa VIIl!.h.i 4 - - 22- SAMPLING DATAFOR'. COD 1990 Res. vessels Area Season IVa 1 16 IVb 1 25 IVc 1 4 12 FRANCE Nr offish Nr of sampies Market Measured Aged - 185 163 335 299 - 66 3 - 61 225 7 8 4 6 1 136 1312 1032 1241 315 391 315 344 1 117 - Via 1 2 3 4 VIIa 1 - VIId 4 17 - 90 45 VIIf,g 1 2 3 4 - 4 7 5 3 431 513 718 439 307 321 440 293 VIIg,h.i 4 25 - 52 - SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 SAITHE Nr of sampies Res. vesseIs Market Measured Aged 1 5 - 14 14 1 2 3 4 - - 60 53 - 59 1815 1873 2077 2034 373 358 401 388 11 - 26 - Area Season IVa Via VIIg,h ,i FRANCE Nr offish 4 SAMPLING DATA FOR: 60 1990 POLLACK Nr of sampIes Area Season VII 1 2 VIIe VIlla Res. vessels PRANCE Nr 01' fish Market Measured Agcd 163 108 - 338 193 1 2 - 8 5 692 589 . 22683 4 8 - 15 - • - 23SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 BIß Nr of sampies Area Season IVb IVc VIId Res. vessels Market Measured Agtx1 1 3 6 1 1 2 3 9 - - - 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 11 12 - 31 7 VIIg,j+ VIlla,b 4 55 VIlla 4 29 VIIIb 4 21 SAMPLING DATAFOR: - NORWAY POUT 205 331 369 474 158 317 229 736 1227 1404 2805 802 234 245 301 743 332 2472 515 740 - 1723 1990 Nr of sampies FRANCE Nr 01' fish Res. vessels Market Measured Agtx1 1 16 - 1440 185 1 5 - 281 28 Area Season IVa IVb SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 HAKE Nr of sampies Arca FRANCE Nr offish Season Res. vessels FRANCE Nr 01' fish Market Measured Aged VI 1 - 13 619 - VII 1 2 3 4 - 2 12 21 15 116 335 - VIIg,h,j 4 67 - 2131 VIlla 4 73 10660 VIllb 4 43 - VIII 1 1 2 2 - 68 30 42 68 3 103 2592 3450 5396 - 779 398 3176 - - ,.----------- ---- - 24SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 LING FRANCE Nr 01' fish Nr of sam les Market ~1easured Aged 1 2 8 5 764 884 69 VIIc2+ VIIf,j+ VIIla2 1 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 701 1005 445 721 310 753 213 314 VIII 3 3 4 4 42 2325 7579 2399 3607 Arca Season VIIc Res. vessels 47 56 35 1990 FRANCE Nr 01' fish Arca Season VIa 1 2 Res. vessels SAMPLING DATA FOR: ~1easured Aged 137 513 70 240 1990 MEGRIM Nr 01' samples Arca Season VIA 1 2 3 VII 1 2 3 4 VIII 1 2 3 4 VIIg,h,j 4 61 VIlla 4 36 VIIlb 4 19 Res. vcssels Markct Measured Agcd - - 254 217 263 136 101 159 4482 3752 3749 2741 389 317 386 301 2095 3343 2408 2388 - SAMPLING DATA FOR: RED GURNARD 611 125 127 1990 Nr of sampIes Arca Season VIId 1 2 3 4 FRANCE Nr of fish FRANCE Nr offish Res. vessels Market Measured Agcd - 4 10 578 614 303 259 280 232 257 192 5 5 - 25SAMPLING DATAFOR'. BASS 1990 Nr offish Nr of sampies Area Season VIIe 1 2 Res. vessels Market Measured Aged - 8 5 286 198 108 36 SAMPLING DATAFOR: BLUE WHITING Nr of sampies Area Season 1990 Nr offish FRANCE Res. vessels Market Measurcd Aged - 5935 - 7576 - 3696 - VIIg,h,j 4 59 Villa 4 63 Vlllb 4 28 SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 Nr of fish PLAICE Nr of sampies FRANCE Res. vesse1s Market Measurcd Aged 1 13 263 58 IVb 1 27 694 537 IVc 1 1 2 3 4 11 - 374 935 1228 936 123 148 2026 1082 1876 329 589 275 Area Season IVa Vlld • FRANCE - 1 1 1 3 - - 16 23 27 1 2 3 4 4 23 - VIIg,h,j 4 7 VIlla 4 6 - 16 - 27 16 - 11 - 562 300 - - 26SAMPLING DATA FüR: 1990 Nr of fish DAß Nr of sampies FRANCE Res. vessels Market Measured AgexI 1 15 923 235 IVb 1 28 3887 521 IVc 1 4 13 5 - 1270 55 236 27 Vlld 1 2 3 4 4 21 - 7 12 12 971 1 174 1299 601 913 130 164 164 543 VIIg,h,j 4 6 VIlla 4 6 VIIIb 4 2 - Area Season IVa SAMPLING DATA FüR: Area Season IVa 1 IVb 1 IVc VlId 26 17 LEMON SOLE I I I I I 4 I - 30 I Nr of sampies 4 1 - 6 Res. vessels Market 12 - 12 - I I I ~ ~ 14 - 1990 Nr offish Measured Aged 198 140 37 29 I 3 47 33 I 96 62 FRANCE - 27- 1990 SAMPLING DATA FÜR: SOLE Nr of sampies • Res. vessels Market Measured Aged 1 7 14 1 1 2 3 4 6 - - Area Season IVb IVc Vlld FRANCE Nr offish - - 1 2 3 4 4 Vlle 1 2 VIII 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 29 241 292 320 104 136 247 221 204 - 4 - - 23 20 35 30 39 - 32 2462 797 3001 129 1597 8 5 2017 358 33 1885 479 2027 565 2394 202 2114 589 8 - 32 41 34 - 26 - 31 Villa 4 7 Villb 4 8 SAMPLING DATA FÜR: 16 1099 970 372 34 WUITE ANGLER· 1990 - 10 - 17 16 19 341 112 581 97 554 30 556 48 1 1 2 23 2 30 3 3 4 4 21 Villa 4 9 VIIg,h,j 4 14 VII+VIII 1 2 3 4 - *Lophius piscatorius - - FRANCE Nr offish Measured VIII - 10 Market Res. vessels Season 308 18 Nr 01 sampies Area - - - 22 x x x x 11 20 4230 4170 4200 4325 Aged -250 245 240 260 - 28SAMPLING DATA FOR' ßLACK ANGLER· Nr of sampies Arca Season 1990 Nr offish FRANCE Res. vessels Market Mcasured Agcd VIIg,h,j 4 10 - 13 - VII+VIII 1 2 3 4 - x x 4220 4430 4400 4550 160 175 170 180 x x *Loo/zius budegassa SA~1PLING DATA FOR' 1990 Nr offish RED MULLET Nr of sampies Arca VlIIa,b Season Res. vessels Market Mcasured 37 - 8 10 494 546 573 546 681 336 1 2 2 3 4 4 - 10 12 - 31 SAMPLING DATA FOR: VI Season FRANCE Mcasured Aged - x x 81 140 132 81 140 132 x 1990 Nr of fish NEPHROPS Nr of sampies FRANCE Res. vessels Market Measured 16 - 482 - 6 896 2083 450 2580 506 3985 372 2271 - 588 - 63 - VIIh,h,j 4 VIIla,b 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 27 VIlla 4 19 5 4 4 - VIIIb 4 12 - 19 40 30 • Nr offish Market 2 3 4 Season - Res. vessels SAMPLING DATA FOR: Arca Aged ROUNDNOSE GRENADIER 1990 Nr of sampies Arca FRANCE Aged • - 29- ICELAND (1. MagmIsson) The bioIogicaI sampling programme and research work on demersal fish was carried out along the same lines as in previous years and is thus based both on research vessel data and market sampies. The greatest part of the research vessel data was collected during the annual groundfish survey in March. The survey is carried out simultaneously with five commercial stern trawlers of the same type covering the whole shelf area around Iceland with some 600 trawling stations. Market sampIes were collected at the headquarters of the Marine Research Institute in Reykjavfk and the five branches of MRI Iocated at other important fishing ports. Fishery inspectors collected a considerable amount of data both on board of commercial fishing vessels and at the landing places. • Emphasis was laid on assessment work, as usual, and steps were, taken to increase studies on species interactions. One short cruise was directed towards the oceanic-type S. mentella in the Irminger Sea. Some data from commercial catches from this stock were also collected. These data are not included in the following rabIes, which show the number of fish sampled by species. SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 Nroffish COD Nr of sampies Arca Scason Va 1 Res. vesscls Markct Mcasured AgOO 11 109 587 14301 18444 7161 45291 1447 23879 1126 5939 3156 1 111 2677 2618 700 1334 501 191 221236 18036 1426 96 2 118 3 346 4 247 69 15 • 2137 Total SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 Nr offish HADDOCK Nr of sampIes Arca Scason Va 1 Res. vcssels Markct Measured Aged 24 74264 2890 16475 2445 15612 1914 12602 3593 2229 946 327 700 715 650 888 830 87 129795 7285 866 24 2 92 3 124 4 111 21 18 Total 1 193 lCELAND ICELAND - 30SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 Nr offish SAITHE Nr ofsam les Area Season Va 1 Res. vessels Market Measured Aged 5 9542 4064 2874 978 4686 1 195 1034 422 1839 1344 301 500 547 400 164 200 60 24795 5295 454 33 2 18 3 68 4 17 12 10 Total 557 SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 Nr of fish LING Nrofsam Area Season Res. vessels Va 1 3 4 121 Total 121 SAMPLING DATAFOR: Va Season 344 48 SAMPLING DATA FOR: Aged 223 3 3 76 2 3 5 229 76 1990 Nr offish TUSK Area Va Season 1 Res. vessels 290 3 4 Total Market 10 2 290 12 Countcd • 135 Measured Nrofsam les ICELAND 5 1990 Nr offish 48 Total 135 11 Res. vessels 1 328 11 BLUE LING 3 4 Aged 8 3 Nr of sam les Area Measured lCELAND Measured Aged 1446 19 1911 5 1470 1911 lCELAND Countcd lCELAND Countcd • - 31 - . SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 S ebastes marinus Nr of sampies Area Season Va I Res. vessels Market Measured Aged 382 355 8 50726 3232 1662 1623 7323 3174 1543 2626 29 71909 1437 543 9 2 11 3 70 4 41 4 8 664 Total . SAMPLING DATAFOR' • Season Va 1 Res. vessels Market 3 4 3 6 54 SAMPLING DATA FOR: • 1231 217 783 419 248 986 97 4 393 8 4277 Season Res. vessels Va 1 3 4 182 Total 182 SAMPLING DATA FOR: Market Measured Agcd 2 2 3688 503 340 238 100 198 4 4531 536 1990 DAß Res. vessels Market Season Va 1 108 2119 Total 108 2119 Measured GREAT. SILVERSMELT Va 1 3 Total Res. vessels Market Aged 1990 Nr of sampies Season ICELAND Nr of fish Area Area ICELAND Nr offish I Nr of sampies SAMPLING DATA FOR: 97 1990 PLAICE Nr of sampies Area ICELAND Aged 2 Total 150 Measured 2 4 161 Nr offish 41 2 389 1990 Sebastes mentella Nr of sampies Area ICELAND Nr offish ICELAND Nr offish Measured Aged 54 9 2511 968 168 63 3479 168 - 32SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 CATFISII Nr 01' sampies Res. vessels Arca Scason Va 1 2 3 454 Total 520 . SAMPLING DATA FOR' Markct 1\'1easurcd Agcd 2 2 16123 158 149 1664 200 100 8 16429 1964 1990 LUI\IPSUCKER Scason I Va 1 2 II Total Res. vessels Market Measurcd 21 1671 2140 21 3811 250 250 SAMPLING DATA FOR: Scason Va 1 Res. vessels Market Scason 193 1 4 368 100 200 5 2114 300 GREENLAND IIALIßUT Va 1 Res. vessels Market 1990 1 59 17110 26 54 72 Total 143 SAMPLING DATAFOR: Measurcd 1 199 715 293 10185 2585 155 4 3 4 HALIßUT Scason Va 1 Total I I Res. vessels I • lCELAND Markct Agcd 156 1 107 715 1978 1990 I Nr of sampies Arca Counted Nr offish 45 2 lCELAND Agcd Measurcd Nr ot sampies Arca Counted 1746 4 SAMPLING DATAFOR: Aged Nr offish 193 Total ICELAND 1990 WITCII Nr of sampIes Arca Counted Nr 01' fish I Nr 01' sampies Arca ICELAND Nr offish I ICELAND Nr of fish Measurcd Agcd 119 248 143 119 248 143 • - 33- IRELAND (E. Fahy) The demersal section carried out the following young fish surveys in 1990: 1) lrish Sea Juvenile Plaice Survey. May. This survey is carried out annually along the east coast of Ireland (Division VIIa) from Carnsore Point to Dundalk Bay. The survey has been earried out sinee 1980 at 43 pre-detennined stations using a 3 m beam trawl with 1 cm mesh. operated from a ehartered fishing vessel. The results are used to eonstruct recruitment indices and are presented annually to the ICES lrish Sea - Bristol Channel \Vorking Group. • 2) lrish Sea Young Fish Survey. June and September. This survey is earried out biannually on the gadoid nursery grounds in the north-west lrish Sea (Division VIIa). The survey has been carried out since 1982 at 34 pre-detennined stations using a standard otter trawl with eod end liner. operated from the state research vessel RV "Lough BeItra". The results of these surveys are used to eonstruet recruitment indices and are presented annually to the ICES lrish Sea - Bristol Channel Working Group. 3) Iris \Vest Coast Young Fish Survey. November. This survey is earried out annually along the west coast of Ireland from the mouth of the Shannon to Tory Island (Divisions VIIb and VIa). The survey has been carried out sinee 1983 on young pelagic species (herring and mackereI). but was broadened in 1990 to include the important demersal species (eod. haddock. whiting. and plaiee). A standard otter trawl with eod end liner is operated from a commercial fishing vessel at 28 pre-detennined stations. The results will be presented to ICES when a suitable time series has been generated. SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 COD IRELAND Nr of fish Scason Ne sampIes Agcd Wcighcd Meas.only Total ne VIa-N 1/4 34 230 316 1588 1904 VIa·S 1/4 80 137 251 3095 2346 VIIa·N 1/4 57 319 564 1227 1 791 VIIa·S 1/4 20 187 340 994 1334 VIIb 1/4 90 140 241 1854 2095 VIh! 1/4 3 - 78 78 Arca • SAM.PLING DATA FOR' 1990 HADDOCK IRELAND Nr of fish Arca Scason VIa·N 1/4 VIa·S 1/4 VIb 1/4 VIIb 1/4 I Ne sampIes I 19 I 22 I 7 I 48 Agcd Weighcd Mcas.only Total ne 85 238 1400 1638 - 120 1906 2026 - 650 650 190 1491 1678 - 34SAMPLING DATA FüR: 1990 WlIITING IRELAND Nr of t1sh Agcd Weighcd Meas.ooly Total nr 354 1415 1488 25 - 215 4575 4790 1/4 60 24 335 8001 8436 VIIa·S 1/4 26 - 253 5128 5381 VIIb 1/4 35 - 156 5882 6038 Arca Scasoo Nrsamplcs VIa·N 1/4 9 Vla·S 1/4 VIIa·N SAMPLINGDATAFüR: 1990 HAKE IRELAND Nr of fish Agcd Wcighcd Meas.ooly Total nr 4 - 202 202 1/4 20 - - 1869 1869 VIIa·N 1/4 15 14 228 242 VIIa·S 1/4 1 - 9 9 VIIb 1/4 , 48 95 1351 1446 VIIc 1/4 1 - 52 52 VIIe 1/4 25 349 1009 1358 VIIg 1/4 48 424 3993 4417 VHi 1/4 1 - 56 54 HO Scason Nrsamples VIa·N 1/4 Vla-S Arca SAMPLING DATA FüR' Arca VIIa·N Scasoo 1/4 I Nrsamples I 1990 SOLE 4 SAMPLING DATA FüR: IRELAND Nr of fish Agcd Weighcd Mcas.ooly Total nr - 231 1235 1466 1990 PLAICE IRELAND Nr of fish Arca Scasoo VIIa·N 1/4 VIIa-S 1/4 I I I Nrsamples 15 17 • Aged Weighcd Meas.ooly Total nr - 275 1756 2031 317 2048 2365 • - 35- 1990 MEGRIM SAMPLING DATA FÜR: IRELAND Nr of fish Area Aged Weighcd Meas.only Total nr 4 - - 607 607 1/4 34 - - 4162 4162 VIb 1/4 1 - 116 II6 VIIb 1/4 28 4330 1/4 18 - 4330 VIIe - 4532 4532 VIIi 1/4 157 432 792 15931 16723 Season Nrsamples VIa-N 1/4 VIa-S FOUR SPOT 1\1EGRIM 1990 Nr of fish SAMPLING DATA FÜR· • IRELAND Area Season Nrsamples I Agcd Weighcd Meas.only Total nr VIIi 1/4 10 I 88 99 32 131 1. oohius SAMPLING DATA FüR· 1990 bude~assa IRELAND Nr of fish Season Nrsamples Vla-N 1/4 8 VIa-S 1/4 35 Vlb 1/4 3 VIIb 1/4 43 VIIg 1/4 3 VIIi 1/4 44 Arca SAMPLING DATA FÜR· Agcd Weighcd Meas.only Total nr - - 94 94 - - 548 548 - 15 15 15 460 475 2 47 49 155 2130 2285 1990 Lonhius niscatorius IRELAND Nr of fish • Area Scason VIa-N 1/4 VIa-S 1/4 VIb 1/4 VIIb 1/4 VIh! 1/4 I Nr sampIes I 17 I 128 I 5 I 78 I 38 Agcd Weighcd Meas.only Total nr - - 273 273 - 3513 3513 - 126 126 - 1411 1411 1494 1532 38 - 36- THE NETHERLANDS (F. van Beek) In 1990 the market sampling of landings of the Duteh fleet from the North Sea in The Netherlands was eontinued for the following species: brill (Scoohtha!mlls rhomblls), eod (Gadlls morhua), plaice (Pleuronectes 12latessa), sole (Solea solea), turbot (ScOl2htha!mlts maximlls) and whiting (Merlangills merlanglls). A new species, the greater silversmelt (Argentina saus), was added to this list. For all species sampIes were stratified by harbour. All sampIes were also stratified by market eategory. The tables below indicate the level of sampling. In February the 22 year old research vessel "TRIDENS" was replaeed by a new vessel with the same name. The new "TRIDENS" is 73.54 m long and has a width of 13.86 m. It offers aeeommodation to 12 scientists and a crew of 21 heads. It can handle eommercial fishing gears as bottom trawls, large pelagic trawls and twin beam trawls. Beside it is equipped to obtain hydrografieal data and to carry out plankton surveys, echo surveys and surveys with a Remote Operated Vehic1e. In January, June and August surveys were carried out with R.V. "Tridens" (5 weeks) and RV. "Isis" (2 weeks) in the southern and central North Sea with the standard GOV trawl and the IYGPT in the framework of the ICES multispecies program. The trips in June and August on the "Tridens" were combined with an O-group roundfish survey. In February the old and new Tridens carried out a trip (2 weeks) for eomparative fishing with various gears. In February R.V. "Isis" (2 weeks) participated in the International Young Fish Survey (lYFS). These surveys, earried out sinee 1965, estimate the relative abundanee of 1 and 2 year old herring and roundfish. On board of R V. "Stern" 2559 flounders (Platichthvs flesllS) were tagged in Dutch coastal waters with the Peterson tag in the period March-May (3 weeks). A combined egg survey in the period April-July on sole and horse mackerei was carried out by R.V. "Isis" (7 weeks) and RV. "Tridens" (3 weeks) in the southern North Sea. The aim of these surveys is to estimate the egg produetion and stock size of these species in this area. In April a SNS survey (Sole Net Survey) was carried out by RV. "Isis" (4 weeks). In September-Oetober this survey was carried out by R.V. "Tridens" (3 weeks). These surveys provide recruitment indices for 1- and 2-year old plaice and sole. In June 2213 plaiee were tagged along the Danish coast by RV. "Isis" (2 weeks). In August another 157 plaice were tagged in the Central North Sea by RV. "Tridens" during multispecies trips. In August-September a Beam Trawl Survey (BTS) was carried out by R.V. "Isis" (5 weeks) in the southern North Sea in collaboration with Belgium in order to investigate the abundance and distribution of adult plaice and sole in this area. In September-Oetober R.V. "Isis" (4 weeks), R.V. "Stern" (3 weeks) and R.V. "Schollevaar" (2 weeks) participated in the Demersal Young Fish Surveys (DYFS). These surveys estimate the relative abundanee of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) andjuvenile plaice and sole in the eontinental nursery areas. The surveys are earried out sinee 1969 in eollaboration with Belgium and the Federal Republic ofGermany. In Oetober-November R.V. "Tridens" (3 weeks) and R.V. "Isis" (4 weeks) earried out a survey in the southern North Sea with the GOV trawl direeted to roundfish. This survey is held since 1980 (Dutch Groundfish Survey). • • - 37SAMPLINGDATAFOR: 1990 TIm NETHERLANDS Research vessels COD Market Arca* Measurcd Agcd Aged 2 3 4 98 104 125 100 55 4 4 91 - NRFA 5 1 2 3 50 447 283 50 40 50 - 1 2 3 4 1695 943 926 1 172 480 207 155 283 100 268 3 - - 205 23 5934 1420 770 Season NRFA 2 NRFA NRFA 6 NRFA 7 4 • 1/4 Total SAMPLING DATA FOR: Total - THE NETHERLANDS Research vessels Measurcd Aged Agcd 3 - - 140 1/4 - - 140 Season NRFA 7 174 1990 HADDOCK Market Arca* - * North Sea Roundfish Sampling Arcas SAMPLING DATAFOR: 1990 TIm NETHERLANDS Research vessels \VUlTING Market Arca* • Season Measurcd Agcd Aged - NRFA 1 1 76 50 NRFA 2 2 269 51 NRFA 4 4 97 NRFA 5 1 2 3 56 331 573 - 1 2 3 4 1402 1 111 1250 1914 250 200 250 300 75 1 111 3 4 - - - 88 114 7079 1201 1709 NRFA 6 NRFA 7 Total 1/4 100 321 - - 38SAMPLING DATAFOR: 1990 SAITHE Market Area* NRFA 7 Total Season THE NETHERLANDS . Research vessels Measured AgOO Agcd - - 26 - 26 3 1/4 * North Sea Roundflsh Sampling Areas SAMPLING DATA FOR: Area* Season IVa 2 VIa 2 VIIc 2 Vb 2 Total 1/4 SILVER Sl\IELT I Measured Agcd Agcd 146 75 - 885 606 307 75 47 25 1385 781 - I I I I I 1990 PLAICE Market IV Season Total Agcd 1318 1019 1030 961 765 546 1607 - 238 4 . - 1/4 - 4328 3295 1 2 3 4 - 141 1990 TIIE NETIIERLANDS Research vessels SOLE Market Measured Agcd - Waddensea 4 - 893 1287 817 4 - - 78 1/4 - 3497 1914 IV Zeeland estuary Total Season 1 2 3 4 • Research vessels Agcd SAMPLING DATA FOR: Area THE NETHERLANDS Measured Waddensea 4 Zeeland estuary nIE NETHERLANDS Research vessels I SAMPLING DATAFOR: Area 1990 Market 500 Agcd 522 . 376 932 6 • - 39SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 TURBOT Research vessels Market Area IV Season 1 2 3 4 Aged Agcd 848. 1269 789 805 169 141 156 140 45 194 221 - - 2 3711 606 463 Measmed Waddensea 4 Zeeland estuary Total 4 1/4 SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1 Measmed Aged Agcd 1 2 3 4 668 677 331 620 111 101 123 108 25 85 82 Waddensea 4 - - 3 2296 443 200 Area IV Season Zeeland estuary 4 Total 1/4 Market Area Season Measmed Agcd 515 373 1303 2495 - Waddensea 4 4 - 1/4 - - Zeeland estuary Total - THE NETHERLANDS Agcd 4 2 3 5 Research vessels - IV - 1990 SAMPLING DATA FOR: DAß • - 1990 THE NETHERLANDS Research vessels BRILL Market • THE NETIIERLANDS - 254 50 - 40SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 THE NETHERLANDS Research vessels FLOUNDER Market Area IV Season 1 2 3 4 Zeeland estuary 4 Measured Aged Aged - 376 130 - - 114 - 131 202 - 26 2 Lake IJsselmeer - 144 - Total - 764 359 1/4 • • ----------~ - 41 - NORWAY (T.Jakobsen & O.M.Smedstad) Sub-areas land 11. Routine research surveys were carried out as in previous years, accounting for most of the activity at seal The experim t to use commercial trawlers for a bottom trawl survey in the Barents Sea/Svalbard area was continued, but the number of trawlers was reduced from fifteen to five and the duration was extendcd from one to two weeks. Stomach sampling for multispecies research was carried out on routine surveys throughout most of the year. Investigations on cod and haddock spawning (eggs, larvae) were combined with other surveys. • The abundance of eod, haddock and redfish in the Barents Sea was investigated during a eombined acoustic and stratified bottom trawl survey in January-February. The distribution and abundanee of spawning eod was investigated by acoustic surveys in the Lofoten area in February-March. Combined with shrimp investigations, the distribution of young eod and haddock was studied in the central Barents Sea in April-May and in the Svalbard area in July-August. The distribution and abundance of eod, haddoek, redfish, and Greenland halibut was investigated in the Svalbard area in September-Oetober. Part of this survey was inc1uded in a multispecies acoustic survey carried out together with U.S.S.R. vessels during the same period, when the distribution of cod, haddock, redfish and pelagic species was investigated in the Barents Seal Stomach sampIes from eod and haddock were eolleeted on all the routine surveys for eodlhaddock in the Barents Sea and at Svalbard, and in addition on shrimp and pelagic fish surveys. In November, a bottom trawl survey with five eommercial trawlers was earried out during two weeks in the Barents Sea under the supervision of the Institute of Marine Research. The intention is to repeat the survey for at least three more years. In addition to thc abundanee estimation, emphasis was put on eomparisons between eommercial trawls and the standard sampling trawl used by research vessels. The post-Iarvae were studied in July. In August-September the International O-group survey, aimed primarily at eod, was earried out in the Barents Sea and adjaeent waters in eooperation with U.S.S.R. vessels. • An O-group (post-Iarvae) survey for saithe was earried out north of 62°N up to the Lofoten Islands in May, and an aeoustic survey for saithe and redfish was earried out on the eoastal banks from North Cape to 62°N in Oetober. The sampling programme for eommercial eatehes of eod, haddoek, saithe, redfish and Greenland halibut was eontinued. Sub-area IV The distribution and abundanee of I-and II-group Gadoids were studied in JanuaryFebruary as part of the International Young Fish Survey. During the annual aeoustic survey for saithe in the North Sea in February, weather eonditions prevented the programme from being carried out. In May the distribution of saithe post-Iarvae in the North Sea was studied. The sampling of eommercial eatehes of saithe, sandeel and Norway pout was eontinued. - 42- SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 COD Market Area I Ha Hb IVa IVb Samo Measured Fish 1 6 262 920 Agerl Fish 514 5 16 1536 88 16 8301 1002 112 10 102 13 1085 - - Season 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 - - SAMPLING DATA FOR: Samo - - - - - - I Ha Hb IVa IVb Season 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 Measured Fish Samo 5 - 1478 - 27 12 997 638 - - 431 149 82 221 216 67 68 200 9 30 311 122 42 15 11 23051 8324 2709 16093 15399 3167 1364 15908 174 401 11 707 14256 491 98 89 71 34 25 29 55 28 10 20 4 6 72 5 21 1939 1960 888 1 146 2141 1093 351 914 150 136 2027 224 340 8 39 - - 1990 HADDOCK Market Area NORWAY Research vessels Measured Agerl Fish Samo Fish Samo Samo Agerl Fish 9 961 - - 21 1886 561 6 - - - NORWAY Research vessels Measured Aged Fish Samo Samo Fish 283 172 46 155 225 154 88 117 5 14 168 53 48 30 12 28262 11205 1045 11 001 8693 2335 1537 7696 382 137 3800 1064 2909 943 353 48 3 2 14 41 14 2 19 1 987 80 80 478 1 163 308 38 844 91 14 3 13 275 59 491 4 95 - - • - • ------------- - 43- . 1990 SAITHE SAMPLING DATA FOR' M3fket Area Season Measurcd Fish Samo 1 90 1 8 9 528 957 10 Samo I Ha IIb IVa 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 - - - -- - - 67 - 875 6 1286 - - Agcd Fish - - - - NORWAY Research vessels Measurcd Agcd Fish Samo Fish Samo 38 4 8 101 92 14 98 2 5 24 36 351 4 359 6408 2349 138 3058 2 6 195 560 - - 1 80 4 1 151 37 18 911 14 138 - - - - - GREENLAND HALIßUT 1990 NORWAY M3fket Research vessels Agcd 11easurcd Measurcd Agcd Samp Samp Samp Fish Samo Fish Fish Fish SAMPLING DATA FOR: Area • I Ha IIb Season 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 - - - 274 351 1 3 - - SAMPLING DATA FOR: - 1 - - -- - - 112 - - Season Samo • Measurcd Fish Samo 7 Ha -IIb IVa SAMPLING DATA FOR'. '\VHITING I 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 .. - - - Agcd Fish - Season Samo I IIa IVa IVb 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 - - Measurcd Fish Samo - - - - - - - 119 1382 4969 2310 3 8 53 181 1 2 1 2 33 47 36 28 4 30 118 714 - - - - - - NORWAY Research vessels Measurcd Agcd Samo Fish Fish Samo 6 17 39 16 97 25 36 256 1 I 9 47 15 44 10 44 - - - - - - - 1990 M3fket Area 782 1581 62 873 131 127 252 275 1990 TUSK M3fket Area 85 67 22 80 17 12 21 28 5 30 180 86 - Agcd Fish - - NORWAY Research vessels Measurcd Agcd Samp Samo Fish Fish 1 4 5 24 44 .49 2 10 4 8 22 195 396 3346 3 44 - - - 269 10 - .. - - 44SAMPLING DATAFOR' Arca I Scason 1 2 IIa IIb IVa IVb Vb 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 NORWAY POUT Markct Agro Mcasurcd Fish Samo Fish Samo - - - 5 42 4 550 4182 438 . - - - 2 3 1 - - - 239 346 103 - SAMPLING DATA FOR: Arca I Ha Hb IVa Vb Scason 1· 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 ßLUE WIIITING Market Agro Mcasurcd Fish Sumo Samo Fish - - - - - - 1 102 - . .. - 1 - I Ha IIb IVa IVB Scason 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 - - 19 8 5 6 43 42 15 58 16 50 19 368 283 12 31 1832 1628 269 3570 96 4204 436 9 1 423 75 - Sumo 50 - 13 64 1 2 3 Aged Samo - - -- - 1990 59 38 52 58 LONG ROUGH DAß Markct Mcasurcd Agro Samo Fish Samo Fish - Mcasurcd Fish - NORWAY Research vessels Samo 11 8 10 SAMPLING DATAFOR: Arca 1990··· - -. - 6 161 2 - 66 - NORWAY Research vessels Mcasurcd Fish Aged Sumo - 351 4 363 135 2087 1574 2023 1862 1203 1 151 127 14 12 2 - - - Fish - - 1 Fish - 1011 • 542 100 100 - 1990 NORWAY Research vessels Mcasurcd Aged Samo Fish Samo Fish 157 82 64 44 94 27 49 47 6 28 271 11 47 2 14 6785 3363 3736 2965 3316 927 1 831 1069 200 1 114 12386 487 1533 11 317 -. - - - • - - 45SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 LING NORWAY Research vessels Market Arca Season Ha [Va [Vb Aged Measured Samo - 1 2 3 4 1 1 - Fish - - Samo - - Fish - - SILVER Sl\1ELT Market Agcd Mcasured Fish Samo Samo Fish SAMPLING DATA FOR: Arca [ Ha • I1b [Va Vb Scason 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 2 - 4 5 1 - - - - - - 295 369 100 4 5 1 295 369 100 - - - - - SANDEEL Market Mcasurcd Fish Samo Samo - - - Area [ [Va IVb Scason 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 - - 2 2 - 40 10 1 SAMPLING DATA FOR: - - 241 239 - 4233 1272 124 - - - 10 1 1990 Fish - - 447 - Mcasurcd Scason Samp I Ha Hb 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 - 3 1 - - Fish 6 - 373 238 - Samp - 1 - - Agcd Fish - - 4 - - - Aged Fish 10 1 1 457 30 50 - - 1 1 1 - - 1 - - - - 71 6 Aged 5 - Samo - -- . Fish - - - NORWAY Research vessels Aged Mcasurcd Samp 43 72 23 25 102 22 56 62 7 27 280 47 - NORWAY Research vessels Fish 82 1 4 - Samo Mcasurcd Samo Market Arca Fish - NORWAY Research vessels Fish 5 1 1 307 915 70 1209 4 56 82 6 1990 REDFISH Samo Mcasurcd Samo 4 1 1 36 27 17 41 4 2 6 1 Agcd 28 3011 643 6 4 Fish 14 11 1 39 11 1 1990 SAMPLING DATA FOR' Aged Measured Samo 11 6 1 26 Fish 2726 3894 1522 1087 7194 1252 4033 2061 696 1494 15560 781 Samp 1 1 2 1 10 Fish 11 20 85 40 366 4 9 1 155 591 13 6 110 - - - - - 46- POLAND (J.Janusz and M.Liwoch) No biological sampies were collected in the northeast Atlantic area by Poland. • - 47- PORTUGAL (F.Cardador) During 1990 the National Institute of Fisheries Research (INIP, Lisbon) has continued its National Sampling Programme at the main fishing ports. The main objective of this sampling programme is to provide length frequency distributions of the landings for the most important commercial species. The Azores University has carried out a sampling programme at different Azorean islands, in order to provide catch per unit effort data, effort data and length distributions of the landings. This programme is mainly directed to Pagellus bogoraveo, Phycis phycis, 1k!:ll decadactylus, Beryx splendens, Helicolenus dactyloptems, Pontinus kuhlii and Dalatias licha. • INIP has carried out two groundfish surveys on board of the RN "NORUEGA". These surveys covered the entire Portuguese coast in depths ranging from 20 to 750 m. The main goal of these surveys was to provide abundance indices and to study the distribution pattern of the most important species. The second aim comprised the estimation of the abundance and distribution of eggs and larvae of the main species associated with basic environmental parameters. The surveys took place in summer (July) and in autumn (October/November). The methodology adopted is a fixed station scheme. Each survey had a duration of 30 fishing days, using aboltom trawl net (Norwegian Campell Trawl) with 20 mm eod-end mesh size. Trawl stations were fished during day light, with a tow duration of 60 minutes and a mean trawl speed of 3.5 knots. The distribution and abundance of eggs and larvae were evaluated based on a sampling scheme with fixed stations, which were fished at night using a Bongo net and CTD equipment. Surveys on board of RN "MESTRE COSTEIRO" were also carried out in lune and September for gillnet selectivity experiments and in August to estimate abundance indices for cephalopods. The following tables present the sampling data collected by INIP for hake (Merlllccius werlucdus), black scabbard fish (Apbanoulls carbo), some species of seabreams (RoQ[?s , /2QQJJ.s., Pagellus acarne and Spondv!iosowa cantharus) and monkfish (Louhius blldegassa and L. piscatorills). SAMPLING DATA FOR' 1990 HAKE Nr of sampies Res. vessels Market PORTUGAL Nr of fish Measurcd Aru1 Season IXa 1 2 3 4 36 24 150 132 191 210 158 224 19908 23925 27037 33216 Total 342 783 104 086 Agcd - 48SAMPLING DATA FOR' ßLACK SCAßßARD FISII 1990 Nr of sampies Arca Scason IXa 1 2 3 4 Res. vessels Market Measured - 34 37 37 22 2930 3446 4075 2267 130 12718 Total Nr of sampies Scason IXa 1 2 3 4 28 Total Res. vessels Market Measured - 38 30 37 22 35 1935 2119 1 781 3967 66 124 9802 IX Res. vessels Market Measured 1 2 3 4 - 14 31 41 42 27 4S 3980 4245 2652 4503 Total 4S 155 IS 380 SAMPLING DATA FOR' STJondvliosoma cantharus Nr of sampies Arca IX Scason Macket Mcasurcd 1 2 3 4 - 16 19 16 29 22 27 413 803 621 730 Total 35 94 2568 Arca Scason DCa 1 2 3 4 Total Macket Mcasurcd - 7 19 64 80 56 83 606 1 149 394 861 26 283 3010 * LnphillS lmdegassa & LoDlzillS piscatQrius PORTUGAL • PORTUGAL Nr offish Res. vessels • Aged 1990 MONKFISII* Nr 01' sampies PORTUGAL Agcd 1990 Nr offish Res. vessels SAMPLING DATA FOR: Agcd 1990 Nr offish Nr of sampies Scason PORTUGAL Nr of fish SAMPLING DATA FOR'. Pae.ellus acarne Arca Aged 1990 SMfPLING DATA FOR' B OOTJS bOOTJS Arca PORTUGAL Nr offish Agcd - 49- SPAIN (F.J.Pereiro) A groundfish survey has been eondueted in 1990 along the eontinental shelf of Divisions VIlle and IXa North (420 -43 0 N) to estimate reeruitment indices of hake and abundance indices of the main demersal species (e.g. monk. megrim, hake). The time period was 10 September - 16 Getober. During the first months of the year short bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the c10sed areas established in Spanish waters to protectjuvenile hake. The main aim ofthese surveys was to follow the eoneentrations of reeruits on the nursery grounds. The number of hauls per quarter sampled and the number of fish measured are given in the table below. SPEClES Prior Cape - Villano Cape • 43°34'N 8°19.5'W 43°09.7'N 9°12.8'N Corrubedo Cape - Silleiro Cape 42°6.3'N 42°34.7'N 8°54.l'W 9°5.7'lV Season Sampies Measured 1 2 3 10 22 11 4185 5325 1550 1 2 3 24 24 12 2419 5008 3265 Numbers of sampIes and numbers of fish measured and aged on board ofresearch vessels and in the market sampling programme are given in the next tables. SAMPLING DATAFOR: Arca • Season HAKE 1990 Nr o1'fish Nr 01' sampies Res. vessels Market Mcasured VI 1 2 4 4 1 5 289 80 322 VII 1 2 3 4 33 33 31 27 7964 8151 6449 6139 VIIIa.b 1 2 3 4 54 56 45 34 5926 6397 5662 3772 VIIIc 1 2 3 4 81 119 79 68 7220 9922 12483 8754 30 33 29 30 3083 3332 4283 2853 792 103081 IXa Total 1 2 3 4 36 61 18 115 Agcd SPAIN - 50SAMPLING DATA FOR' L . whi(fiag.onis Nr of sampies Area Season Res. vessels 1990 Nr offish Market Measured VI 2 3 4 2 2 4 161 156 349 VII 1 2 3 4 24 28 25 21 4706 5464 3821 4070 VIIIa,b 1 2 3 4 24 12 15 17 1734 868 757 1 166 VIIIc 1 2 3 4 28 36 32 33 1776 2341 1588 3719 16 16 14 15 69 8 137 3 364 32893 IXa 33 56 1 2 3 4 15 104 Total SAMPLING DATA FOR' Levidorhombus boscH Nr of sampies Area Season Res. vessels Measured VI 3 4 2 3 22 58 VII 1 2 3 4 21 24 23 20 683 1087 1 2 3 4 18 9 13 248 71 50 148 1 2 3 4 28 36 32 33 1668 1866 3852 3720 18 16 16 14 15 1066 1435 2489 1496 112 334 22256 VIIIa,b VIIIc IXa Total 1 2 3 4 11 37 57 Agcd • 1990 Nr 01' fish Market SPAIN SPAIN Agcd 1371 924 • ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51 SAMPLING DATA FOR' LOllhius /liscatorius 1990 Nr of sampies Area Season Res. vessels Market Measured VI 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 131 144 91 162 VII 1 2 3 4 21 25 23 18 1626 1797 1581 1214 VlIIa,b 1 2 3 4 32 21 24 26 1290 726 824 916 VlIIc 1 2 3 4 33 51 37 40 602 1323 1 159 1204 6 7 7 3 141 91 59 68 382 15149 IXa 12 45 1 2 3 4 5 62 Total LO/lhiu... budeg.assa Nr of sampies I SAMPLING DATA FOR' • 1 2 3 4 21 25 23 18 1436 1935 1928 1466 VIIIa,b 1 2 3 4 31 19 21 27 1698 786 782 1026 VIIIc 1 2 3 4 31 34 34 39 345 835 541 830 6 6 7 6 482 225 249 213 358 14777 VII IXa Total 1 2 3 4 Res. vessels 17 39 7 63 SPAIN Nr of fish Measured Season Agcd 1990 Market Area SPAIN Nr of fish Aged - 52SAMPLING DATAFOR· Pa~ellus bo~araveo· Nr of sampies Arca Season VII 1 3 1 1 VlIIa,b 1 2 4 4 5 1 VIIlc 1 2 3 4 34 27 Total Res. vesseIs 1990 Nr offish Measured Market I Aged 6 52 125 153 18 3 6 1675 950 227 108 3 88 3314 9 SPAIN • - 53- SWEDEN (P-O.Larsson) Sweden took part in the International Young Fish Survey in the North Sea and Division lIla. An evaluation of the results from the Swedish part of the IYFS regarding cod was reported to the ICES Statitutory Meeting. The results strongly indicate a separate stock in the Kattegat having little exchange with the Baltic and the Skagerrak stocks. Cod in the Skagerrak seem to be recruited from the North Sea, with the exception of the so-called fjord stocks present in both Norwegian and Swedish fjords. SAMPLING DATA FOR: • COD 1990 Nr offish I Nr of sampies I I Measured Aged I 2440 610 Area Season I Res. vessels lIlA 1 I 1 Market SWEDEN - 54- UNITED KINGDOM (England and Wales) (C.T.Maeer) The market sampling programme was eontinued in 1990. Details of number of fish measured and otolithed are available on request. The following researeh vessel eruises took plaee in 1990: - R.V. "CIROLANA" participated in the North Sea International Young Fish Survey in February, and earried out groundfish surveys in the western Celtie Sea in Mareh and in the North Sea in August-September. A new boltom trawl survey was eondueted in the eastern and western Channel (VIId,e) during Deeember. - R.V. "CORYSTES participated in the International Beam Trawl Survey for fIatfish, eovering the Southern Bight and eastern Channel (VIId) during August and made a survey of pre-reeruit gadoids in the north-western Irish Sea in September. Sole egg production in the Bristol Channel was investigated during February, April, May and June. - Chartered vessels earried out bouom trawl surveys during June and Oetober along the north Wales eoast and a year-long investigation into the spatial distribution of sole and plaiee year-cIasses in the area was eoncIuded by the end of August. A ehartered vessel was also used to survey sole in the western Channel (VIIe) in the period September-Oetober. - During September an inshore beam trawl and push net survey took plaee between FIamborough Head in the North Sea and Swanage Bay in the Channel (VIId) to eolleet data for juvenile flatfish year-cIass determination. - The feeding eeology and size strueture of O-group gadoids was studied in different areas of the North Sea during June, and predation and prey seleetion in eod and whiting was investigated in the western North Sea in November. - The incidenee of fish diseases was investigated in the North Sea during May and August-September. • - 55- UNITED KING DOM (Scotland) (R.Cook) Monitoring of the main demersal species by Scotland is undertaken through three main sampling activities. These are market sampling of fish landed by the commercial fishery, sampling fish caught but discarded at sea and annual trawl surveys by the Department's research vessels. Most of the data collected are used by the ICES Roundfish Working Group (RFWG) and Industrial Fish Working Group. During 1990 sampling continued at the same level as in previous years. Port sampies are stratified by month, gear type an4 sea area. The numbers of fish sampled in ICES sub-area IV and Divisions VIa and VIb are given in the table below. Soecies Cod Haddock Whiting Saithe Lemon sole Plaice Angler Megrim Sandeel Spurdol! Vessels sampled All areas (IV, VIa VIb) measured 563 510 511 419 233 278 124 81 99 65 agcd 74603 155707 126610 31642 36933 38508 .7819 12086 15412 4345 17 206 19523 11742 13068 4344 5634 658 427 1794 - In 1990, approximately 50 commercial vessels were sampled for discards in the North Sea. No sampling was possible in Division VIa. Discard sampling, like port sampling is stratified by gear type and sea area but because of resource limitations sampling is undertaken on a quarterly basis. Aggregate numbers of fish sampled are given below: North Sea (IV) • Soecies Cod lIaddock Whiting Saithe measured agcd 8175 38107 47159 690 1605 3220 3341 232 The following bouom trawl surveys were carried out for groundfish: Vcssel Arca Period Comment Scotia Scotia Scotia Scotia Clupea North Sea (IV) West of Scotland (VIa) North Sea (IV) Rockall (VIb) Clvde (VIa) February IYFS Commitment Indices used by RFWG SGFS. indices used by RFWG Indices used by RFWG New survev. results not vet available March August September November In addition, a commercial vessel was chartered in August for a survey of recruiting sandeeIs at Shetland. - 56- U.S.A (F.Serchuk and B.Rothschild) The U.S.A. had no fisheries and no research vessel activity on demersal fish in the leES area in 1990. Activities in the Northwest Atlantic have been reported to NAFO. • - 57- U.S.S.R (A.A.Elizarov) In 1990, as previously, trawl, trawl-acoustic and ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted to assess abundance and biomass of the main commercial fish species, and the potential recruitment of co<!, haddock, redfish and other fish species in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Investigations were continued to determine the influence of hydrological conditions and food supply on fish distribution and behaviour. Population structure, dynamics of their biological characteristics and migration patterns of major commercial fishes were studied. The investigations of the food web between fish stocks were in progress. The tables present the information collected during 1990 SAMPLING DATAFOR: 1990 COD U.S.S.R. Nrof fish Season Mcasurcd Feeding investigations Aged I 1 2 3 4 5326 10576 23876 8340 975 1351 4192 1632 207 766 2183 502 IIb 1 2 3 4 4031 19851 4827 5631 647 931 1 147 1180 529 286 661 626 IIa 1 3 4 15416 36 588 1703 12 145 440 1/4 98498 13 915 6200 Arca Total SAMPLING DATA FOR: HADDOCK 1990 - U.S.S.R. Nrof fish • Area Season Mcasurcd Feeding investigations Aged 182 325 1 199 56 [ 1 2 3 4 3200 3096 18665 1601 452 325 1536 261 IIb 1 2 3 4 82 1402 3245 - 489 489 1 4 1030 125 220 25 127 32446 3308 2378 Ha Total 1/4 - - - - - - 58SAMPLING DATA FOR: 1990 REDFISH U.S.S.R. Nr of fish Area Season Measured Feeding investigations Aged 1 2 3 4 835 1378 4936 920 33 - 20 - IIb 1 2 3 4 10 379 4136 9154 4156 1260 325 100 50 400 300 100 15 Ha 1 3 4 11925 189 133 1591 1271 1/4 48141 3379 2106 I Total SAMPLING DATAFOR' - 20 - GREENLAND HALIßUT 1990 - U.S.S.R . Nrof fish Area I IIb Ha Total Season Measured Feeding investigations - Aged - 1 2 3 4 29 8 817 766 83 1 83 1 1 2 3 4 3264 383 3784 14306 610 75 806 1688 610 431 486 1 3 4 478 43 1060 161 179 100 - 24938 3524 1 790 1/4 SAMPLING DATA FOR: - 1990 SAITHE - U.S.S.R. Nrof fish Area Season Measured Feeding investigations - Aged I 1 2 3 4 159 29 13 1 Ha 3 4 1 5 - - 208 - - Total 1/4 - - - - - - -- ----- 'w - 59, SAMPLING DATA FOR : Area Season Measured Feeding investigations U.S.S.R. Aged 148 81 817 373 115 115 187 224 34 79 IIb 1 2 3 4 401 211 466 1471 162 121 59 269 137 121 10 269 IIa 1 3 4 140 6 6 9 2 5 2 1/4 4120 1 148 772 Total SAMPLING DATA FOR : Area Season LONG ROUGH DAß Measured 1990 Nrof fish Feeding investigations U.S.S.R. Aged 1 2 3 4 1707 162 3841 6198 517 50 138 677 242 1 2 3 4 1084 153 1625 7285 100 100 202 262 152 56 1 3 4 998 52 85 175 100 Total 1/4 23190 2121 1 137 SA~1PLING DATAFOR: I IIb IIa e 1990 Nr of fish 1 2 3 4 I e WOLFFISHES Area Season PLAICE Measured I 1 2 3 4 2125 2724 3567 1 IIa 4 78 Total 1/4 8495 1990 Nrof fish Feeding investigations 123 364 U.S.S.R. Aged 844 500 833 584 300 688 2177 1572