PHOTOCOPIER GUIDELINES For receiving new machine and/or removing old machines Effective: June 2015 TWO IMPORTANT STEPS AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY: 1) DELIVERY OF NEW PHOTOCOPIER -- Verify you have all the equipment and features you ordered – this includes a new power filter. All machines include a new power filter with the order except for Xerox machines. After the equipment has been delivered, provide Procurement Services (by email to Vickie Voss, - the serial number, date of installation, and the beginning meter read to be used for maintenance charges. Note: This information is very important for setting-up the maintenance contract. You can also submit this information to me (Vickie Voss) into GrizMart comments in the purchase order if you prefer – your choice. 2) REMOVAL OF OLD PHOTOCOPIER -- Procurement Services MUST RECEIVE FINAL METER READ from the department before the old photocopier is unplugged. The department must follow procedures requested on the “Photocopier Removal” form (see Business Services, Forms website) and send to Procurement Services (by email to Vickie Voss, – within two days. Hard drives removal instructions will be listed on the ordering purchase order also. NOW YOU HAVE YOUR NEW MACHINE – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: 3) Service issues: a) Issues: Departments, at all times, should keep a log of when a service call has been requested. Procurement can help when handling problems if sufficient documentation is maintained by the department. The following information is necessary: Date & time you called for service Describe the problem with machine Date & time repair personnel arrived or fixed over the phone Indicate if the problem was solved 4) UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR MAINTENANCE COVERS – When your order was placed, there should be documentation explaining your coverage. All contracts include toner in your coverage. Some also include staples. So do not pay for these supplies if they are included. A detailed explanation of coverage can be obtained from the Procurement Officer in Business Services. 5) MAINTENANCE COVERAGE BILLING IS DETERMINED BY YOUR METER READS o o o Your meter reads are VERY IMPORTANT to insure correct billing of maintenance charges. Meter reads are read monthly for J&H Office Equipment, Toshiba, Western Business Machines, and Xerox. Meter reads are read quarterly for Anders and Office Solutions. Page 1 of 2 IN010 – Revised 06/29/15 o Departments must contact the vendor to determine if their machine reports their meter read automatically to the vendor or the department has to email the vendor their meter read. Keep this information in your service log. 6) For Leased machines and UM Owned machines: PHOTOCOPIER MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM IN GRIZMART IS DUE MAY 15 of each year, the Department must submit the “Photocopier Maintenance Request” Form available in GrizMart. The completion of this form is for ALL photocopiers to confirm the continuance of the maintenance agreement or request to cancel a maintenance agreement on photocopier machines that the University owns. This information each year verifies which Index should be charged in the new fiscal year; location of the machine; serial number; and Department contact person All photocopiers on leases must have this form filled out also to insure the correct Index is charged in the new fiscal year and the maintenance coverage cannot be cancelled. 7) Vendor contact information: Xerox: Mountain West Attn: Bruce Porch 406-728-7763 Sharp: Office Solutions & Services Attn: Frank Sheehy 406-541-2020 Konica Minolta: Anders Business Solutions Attn: Shannon Davenport or Bob Johnston 406-549-4143 or Page 2 of 2 IN010 – Revised 06/29/15