Why become a Peer Educator?

Office Number: 243-4429
Curry Health Center Rm. 108
Why become a Peer Educator?
Becoming a Peer Educator provides you with an excellent opportunity to become involved with
positive change on campus while learning valuable skills in public speaking and facilitating
social change. As a peer educator you will endeavor to help prevent sexual assault, relationship
violence, and discrimination amongst your peers at the University of Montana through providing
training and raising awareness. Upon completion of 40 hours of training and after an approval
process, you will help co-facilitate 1½ hour trainings on bystander intervention to classes, school
groups, residence halls, etc. You will also have the opportunity to be involved in other activities
related to raising awareness around interpersonal violence on campus, such as facilitating open
discussions, organizing awareness raising activities, developing and distributing social
marketing material, etc. Independent Study or internship credits may be available through some
Volunteer Expectations: To be considered for this training, you must:
 Turn in an application by May 8th at 5:00pm to be considered for the Fall 2015
 Commit to co-facilitate at least two trainings to fellow students per semester (commit
to at least one year).
 Commit to attending mandatory meetings with Advocates Against Non-Violence
(ANV) student group twice a month until the end of the school year after training.
 Have an interest in raising awareness and starting a dialogue about sexual assault,
relationship violence, and discrimination on campus.
 Dedication to non-violence and to the empowerment of survivors.
 Non-judgmental and non-victim blaming approach to sexual and relationship violence.
 An interest in and respectful attitude toward all people regardless of gender, culture,
ethnic group, religion, or sexual orientation.
 Self-motivation and dedication.
 Ability to communicate effectively and work cooperatively with a variety of people.
 Ability to consistently participate in and learn from constructive feedback.
 Public speaking, group facilitation, marketing, graphic design, and cross-cultural skills
are not required, but would be extremely helpful.
Office Number: 243-4429
Curry Health Center Rm. 108
to be a
Peer Educator
Peer educators are carefully selected, beginning with a written application. Applications are
due on May 8th at 5:00pm to be considered for the Fall 2014 training, however applications
received after this date may still be considered. Applications can be dropped off at the Student
Advocacy Resource Center which is located in the east entrance of the Curry Health Center,
upstairs in Room 108. Applications are also available via email. We appreciate all efforts to turn
in applications early. Contact SARC at 243.4429 with any questions or e-mail:
leah.fitch@mso.umt.edu for more information or to receive an electronic application.
University affiliations (clubs, groups, etc.)____________________________________________
Please answer the following questions: (attach page if you need more space)
1) Why do you want to become a peer educator?
2.) What pertinent skills or experience do you have that you think would be helpful to you as a
peer educator? Please list relevant experience in public speaking, political activism, leadership
positions, working across cultures, personal experience, etc.
Office Number: 243-4429
Curry Health Center Rm. 108
3.) Explain what strengths and leadership qualities that you possess.
4.) Why do you think interpersonal violence (stalking, relationship violence, and sexual assault)
occurs so prevalently in our culture?
5.) How would you respond if you were in a social setting and someone told a sexist joke?
6.) Please respond to the following statements:
Men and women have equal power in relationships.
Women who engage in risky behaviors are partially responsible for what happens to them.
7.) What ideas do you have for SARC that might help change people’s perceptions about sexual
assault, relationship violence, and/or discrimination here on campus and in the Missoula
Office Number: 243-4429
Curry Health Center Rm. 108
9.) We rely on the dedication and commitment of peer educators to ensure that we can offer
quality training and raise awareness. There is a significant time commitment required to be a
peer educator. Are you willing and able to commit to the following?
40 Hours of required advocate training.
Attend two meetings per month with Advocates Against Non-Violence (ANV) until the
end of the school year?
Co-facilitate at least 2 bystander intervention trainings per semester.
Can you commit to a minimum of one school year?
RETURN THIS APPLICATION to the SARC office by May 8th at 5:00pm.