Student Employee Manual Job Description for Student Position Dr. Ray Reser, Director

Student Employee Manual
Revised 12/08/11
Dr. Ray Reser, Director
Lisa Viegut, Manager
Job Description for Student Position
Job Title: Museum Assistant
Beginning Wage Rate: $7.25/hour
Number of Positions: Usually one to four, but may vary depending on demand
and budget
• Greet the public: Answer questions and give directions in a friendly manner.
• Sell items at the Museum Store: Show items to shopper, make change,
record sale, smile and thank the customer for visiting the Museum.
• Complete tasks on the “Daily Checklist.”
• Show up for scheduled shift and be punctual
• Be willing to perform a wide range of tasks
• Be friendly, warm, respectful to all people regardless of race, creed, age,
sex, physical or mental handicap
• Maintain a minimum of 2.0 GPA
• Be neat and clean in work habits and appearance
• Value constructive job performance evaluation and desire to improve
• Display competency and trustworthiness in handling money and gift shop
• Desire to interact as an educator with children and other visiting groups
• Show enthusiasm and friendliness when giving presentations/tours
• Be willing to occasionally come in at times other than scheduled
• Prepare and learn program material before giving a presentations
• Smile and have fun!
Student Daily Checklist
Opening the Museum/Store
• Turn on Museum/Store lights
• Make sure both of the entrance doors to the FFT Café are open
• Walk through the Museum to check the following:
o Damage to any exhibits or Museum property
o Lights inside and outside the exhibits are not burned out (if any are
burned out, inform the manager or director)
o There is no garbage on the floors/tables
o The kids’ area is organized/clean
• Log on to the computer and open the Point of Sale program
• Unlock cash drawer and check that there is enough change in it
• Turn on the DVD player and monitor; start DVD
• Put posters in the hallway
• Turn the sign on the door to “Open”
• Put the large donation box near the podium
• Record the number on the people-counter near the entrance
During your shift
• ALWAYS greet customers who enter the store
• Dust store shelves and inventory
• Clean countertops and glass display case
• Restock inventory as necessary
• If an item is out of stock, inform the store manager
• Check to make sure literature rack is stocked and neat (restock as necessary)
• Check to make sure there are enough activity sheets in the kids’ area and
scavenger hunt activity sheets (make more copies and restock as necessary)
• Sharpen pencils near the scavenger hunt pages
• Empty the comments box (put comments on manager’s desk)
• Complete any miscellaneous projects given to you by the director or
• You may read or do homework only after tasks are done and no customers
are in the store
Closing the Museum/Store
• Record the number on the people-counter near the entrance
• Turn off the DVD and monitor
Bring in the posters from the hallway
Turn the sign on the door to “Closed”
Bring in the large donation box next to the podium
Close the POS program and log off of the computer
Lock the cash drawer and put away the key
Turn off the store lights
Close the door to the store
• Contact information for the director, manager, employees and volunteers are
posted inside the back cabinet behind the sales counter.
• If you need to change your shift, contact one of the other store employees to
cover your shift and then let the manager know of any shift changes.
• If you cannot work your shift, please contact the manager as soon as
possible so that a replacement might be found.
• If you see someone suspicious in the Museum or feel threatened, close the
store and call protective services at 715-346-3456. Then call the director or
• Please use common sense in regards to appearance. No baseball caps or
stocking caps. No ripped jeans or shirts. Please do not wear clothing overtly
endorsing a specific political or religious viewpoint. Shoes must be worn at
all times (sandals are acceptable).
• No headphones or ear buds allowed while working in the store.
• Wear your name tag while working in the store.
• Coats, backpacks, etc. should be stored in the manager’s office during your
• When pricing items, price tags should be placed on the back of the item.
Price tag should not cover bar code.
• Museum employees receive a 25% discount on all gift shop purchases.
• If an inventory item is not showing up on the cash register (or if there are
any other problems with the register) please notify the manager.
• Please enter your hours worked into the payroll system in a timely manner.
• You may eat/drink in the store, but only while no customers are present.
Please clean up after yourself.
• If you are given a key to the store, you will need to sign out your key at the
beginning of the term and sign in your key at the end of the term. Your key
is not to be shared with anyone not employed by the Museum.