1. Mission
2. Expectations
3. Vision 2020 Chapter Criteria …………………………………………………………
4. Junior Delegate Agreement …………………………………………………………...
Sample Workshops, Events and Activities ………………………………….…….
6. Fundraising Proposal ……………………………………………………………………..
7. National Allies
8. Social Media
9. Contact Information
10. Appendix
……………………………………………………………………….. pg. 02 pg. 03 pg. 03 pg. 04 pg. 05 pg. 07 pg. 08 pg. 09 pg. 10 see attached
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Vision2020 is a national coalition of organizations and individuals united in the commitment to achieve women's economic and social equality. Vision 2020 works with National Allies that represent over 20 million women and girls and National Delegates that represent all 50 states. We have four national goals:
Shared Leadership: Men and women are equally represented in senior leadership positions.
Economic Parity: Equal pay and benefits make women and families more economically secure.
Civic Engagement: Women are engaging in civic issues, voting and running for office.
Youth Education: Boys and girls value gender equality, shared leadership and civic engagement.
Mission Statement for Vision 2020 Chapters
Vision 2020 Campus Chapters carry the unique responsibility of promoting the mission of Vision 2020 and our four national goals to the next generation of leaders through educational workshops and events.
These chapters strive to engage their respective campuses by developing programming to educate the next generation of men and women leaders:
• To learn about and promote the four national goals of Vision 2020 on their respective campuses and engage their peers in interactive conversations and action steps.
• To form a network of strong, confident and intelligent leaders, both men and women, who are looking to build a better future for women, girls and their community.
As a Vision 2020 Chapter, you will work to promote these goals on your campus through events, workshops, and other outlets you find appropriate. As young leaders, we instill confidence in our
Chapter members by allowing them the liberty to design their own programs and projects, with the approval and assistance of the national office. Please refer to the activities and fundraising proposal sections of this handbook for suggestions, and the Vision 2020 event proposal form in the appendix when you are ready to get started.
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Expectations of Vision 2020
• We will provide ongoing support and guidance for chapter initiatives and events, including information and research.
• We will provide communications to keep Campus Chapters abreast of current events regarding the work of Vision 2020 and the progress of our national goals.
• We will provide the opportunity to network with other Junior Delegates and Chapters via bi- annual conference calls, where the National Office will coordinate introductions and discussion.
• When possible, we will be able to suggest speakers and may provide connections with your local
National Delegates for events, workshops and programming.
• As appropriate, we will provide language for Vision 2020 resume bullets and references for job opportunities to chapter presidents.
• As appropriate, we will make connections to relevant state initiatives and National Delegates for internship opportunities.
• We will provide the required information and documentation needed to meet the criteria of community service hours for various commitments/organization requisites.
Expectations of Campus Chapters
• Campus Chapters will establish an organizational structure in accordance with student affairs and register to be an officially recognized student run organization by their college or university (if the chapter is not being adopting by a group already in existence).
• Recruit faculty staff to act as an advisor and/or liaison between the chapter and the university or college.
• Campus Chapters will host a minimum of two events or programs per school year, with at least one per semester or trimester.
• Campus Chapters will represent Vision 2020 at school functions and venues where appropriate, according to the guidelines of Delegate and Chapter standards, found in the appendix.
• Campus Chapter presidents will complete the chapter’s bi-annual report, detailing the results of all chapter events and activities due in January and June.
• Recruit new members of the Vision 2020 chapter, which will include students of every year.
Faculty, staff and graduate students are also welcome to participate.
• Chapter members must have an expressed interest in promoting gender equality.
• Chapter members must be willing to serve a two year term, with the exception of graduating seniors and graduate students.
• There must be at least five individuals involved in the Campus Chapter’s activities in order for
Vision 2020 Chapter Status to be granted.
• There must be two events or activities throughout the school year (one per season- fall and spring).
• The Chapter president must submit bi-annual reports to the National office on Chapter activity and programming.
• Chapter members must become a member of Vision 2020, with a student rate of $10.10.
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Dear Vision 2020 Junior Delegate,
Thank you for your participation in Vision 2020! We are pleased to acknowledge your role as
Junior Delegate of a Vision 2020 Campus Chapter and wish to provide specific criteria to aid you in the development and sustainability of your Vision 2020 Campus Initiatives.
Vision 2020 is a project established within Drexel University College of Medicine by the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership. As such, it is bound by the nonprofit laws governing academic institutions. While we encourage College Chapters to take part in civic affairs, please be mindful not to engage in partisan activities of lobbying in the name of Vision 2020 that could jeopardize the tax-
exempt status of the University or its Affiliates or subsidiaries.
The Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership will review all Campus Chapter projects before and after their implementation. Review and monitoring will provide an opportunity to reflect on our collective progress and to report successes. The general guidelines for review will include: o
Does the project address the national goals of Vision 2020? o
Does the project support educating fellow peers of the mission of Vision 2020? o
Is the proposed project well organized? o
Is the project specific, measurable and time bound?
As you know, your role as a Junior Delegate with Vision 2020 is without monetary compensation and you are responsible for all private, professional and related activities in which you engage. We do, however, encourage you to use your Campus Chapter title and the Vision 2020 logos in connection with your project. We ask that you work with us to prevent Vision 2020 and its parent institution from being misrepresented in any domain.
Our role within the Vision 2020 national office is to convene and connect you with one another, with other affiliates and any external opportunities or sources of insight that relate to your projects. We will also actively consult with you on the development of your projects. Moreover, we will keep you informed of the overall progress and highlight Vision 2020’s success stories through newsletters and out own websites.
Your term as Junior Delegate begins when you accept our offer to align with Vision 2020 to advance gender equality and will continue with us for a two year term. At the end of your term, your chapter will be given the opportunity to renew your commitment or recommend your successor.
Please acknowledge your agreement with the conditions set forth in this memorandum by signing and dating the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it to the Institute for Women’s Health and
Leadership, Drexel University College of Medicine, 2900 Queen Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19129, Attention:
Carolyn Lynch. If you have any questions about this appointment, please call Carolyn Lynch at (215) 991-
Thank you for your service. We look forward to working with you!
Campus Chapter President Vision 2020 Project Coordinator
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Recommendations Details
Voter Mobilization
Know Your
Title IX Field Day
Let your voice be heard!
Organize events to help your fellow 18+ students register to vote; volunteer at a She Rocks the Vote
During congressional, primary or presidential elections, organize a workshop explaining all the candidates’ platforms, an election flowchart mapping out each step of the election process, from declaring candidacy, voting and the electoral college to inauguration! You can also compare the difference between local, state and federal elections.
Organize a Title IX field day for students to organize teams and play various outdoor activities: flag football, Frisbee football, soccer, botchy ball, softball, kickball, rugby, etc.; contact your athletic director, student group coordinator, or rec center for advice.
Prep/ Materials/ Things to Consider
Educate students about voter rights, voter identification, polling locations, etc. Organize carpools or buses so everyone makes it to the polls!
Talk to history and political science professors for advice, create games to make it more interactive and fun, include food from the candidate’s home state!
Make sure that you have permission to use ample space, enough volunteers to staff/ referee, coordinate team names and colors, enough equipment, could even make this a fundraiser
Title IX STEM Fair Host a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fair at your school. Contact the head of your science department to help organize!
Don’t forget to ask parents and teachers to be judges and have prizes/ ribbons for those who win! Ask a local woman in the STEM field or head of the department to be an honorary judge and present!
Goal #3
Goal #3
Fun activity and promote women in sports
Fun Activity and promote women in
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Self- Defense class
Letter to the Editor
Movie Night!
Book Club
Trivia Night
Social Media
Collaborate with
Take Back the Night
, the National V Day campaign, and other groups on campus focused on Gender
Contact career services to learn more about how to organize and promote a salary negotiation workshop for women
Contact your campus police station to learn more about how to organize a self- defense class
Organize around a cause, such as April is Equal Pay month, and host a writing session after school. Include music, games and snacks for after the letters are finished to celebrate.
Host a documentary viewing and discussion on campus.
Be sure to include popcorn and other fun snacks!
Host a monthly/bi-monthly book club to discuss a variety of books and novels focused on gender equality
Host a trivia night in a student dorm, lounge, or cafeteria focusing on women’s history and current facts
Participate in Vision 2020’s social media campaign by submitting blogs and posting interesting articles on Facebook, pintrest, and tweeting!
Reach out to other student organizations to collaborate on large campus events regarding gender equality and women’s safety
Advertise the event specifics on campus, handouts of useful information, etc.
Book space to hold the class; make sure all materials are provided. After the workshop, consider hosting a discussion about safety on campus and ways to improve.
Make sure you know the contact of your local newspapers to send the letters (the more papers the better) and any restrictions to the letters, i.e. length, before you start!
See Appendix I for a list of
Vision 2020 recommended movies
Pre and post survey to gauge the audiences’ opinion
Vision 2020 list of books and novels
Create/adapt discussion questions for your group
Permission for space to use, prizes, enough questions for
3 rounds of trivia, food and drinks
See below for our IDs and hashtags
Goal #2
Safety and selfawareness; developing strong self-
Vision 2020 and its goals locally
Educational discussion and survey results discussion
Educating peers about
Vision 2020 and gender equality
Vision 2020 through various communicatio ns
Promote Vision
2020 and form a stronger network in advancing gender equity!
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If you are interested in fundraising for an event, and need help with ideas, please contact Ali
Gathers, Vision 2020 Project Coordinator, at Althrisca.Gathers@DrexelMed.edu or (215) 991-
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Catalyst, Inc.
Vision 2020 Program Partners
Drexel University National Constitution Center
Vision 2020 Allied Organizations
• 2020 Women on Boards
• Alice Paul Institute*
• American Bar Association
• American Medical Women’s Association
• American Society of Civil Engineers
• Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Univ. of Pennsylvania
• Anita Borg Institute
• Association of Women in Science
• Association of Junior Leagues International Inc.
• Athena Center for Leadership at Barnard College*
• Athena International
• Black Women’s Health Imperative
• Business and Professional Women’s Foundation
• Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State Univ.*
• Living Beyond Breast Cancer
• Main Line Society of Professional Women*
• MBA Women International
• Ms. Foundation for Women
• National Association of Commissions for Women
• National Association of Women Business Owners
• National Association of Women Lawyers and the National
Association of Women Lawyers Foundation
• National Center for Women & Information Technology
• National Coalition of 100 Black Women
• National Conference of Puerto Rican Women
• National Council of Negro Women
• National Council of Women’s Organizations
• National PanHellenic Conference
• National Women's Hall of Fame
• National Women's History Project
• National Women’s Law Center
• Catalyst Inc.
• Center for American Women and Politics, unit of the
Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers Univ.
• Center for Talent Innovation
• Center for the Advancement of Girls*
• Center for Women in Law, Univ. of Texas School of Law*
• Center for Women, Politics and Policy, Portland State Univ.*
• CFO Roundtable
• Circle 200*
• Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues
• Committee of Seventy*
• Common Cause Education Fund
• Connecticut Permanent Commission on the Status of Women*
• Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics at Chatham Univ.*
• Political Parity
• Professional Women’s Roundtable*
• Re:gender
• The Representation Project
• Rock the Vote
• School Girls Unite with the Youth Activism Project
• Sewall-Belmont House and Museum*
• Simmons College*
• Society of Women Engineers
• Sue Shear Institute at Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis*
• Take the Lead • Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame*
• DirectWomen
• ERA Education Foundation, Inc.
• Forum of Executive Women*
• General Federation of Women’s Clubs
• Girls Inc.
• Girls on the Run
• Girl Scouts of the USA
• Golden Gate Univ. School of Law*
• Grace After Fire*
• Great Dames, Inc *
• Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce*
• Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce*
• Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
• Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association
• International Center for Executive Leadership in Academics,
• Temple Univ. Beasley School of Law*
• Thirty Percent Coalition
• VoteRunLead
• Voter Participation Center
• Wellesley Centers for Women
• WIL of Greater Philadelphia*
• Women’s Campaign Forum
• Women’s College Coalition
• Women Donors Network
• Women’s Funding Network
• Women’s Intercultural Exchange*
• Women’s Law Project*
• Women's Leadership Institute at Cedar Crest College*
• Women’s Media Center
• Women’s Resource Center* Drexel Univ. College of Medicine
• Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice Univ.*
• League of Women Voters
• Women’s Way*
Regional Ally*
• Legacy Center at Drexel Univ. College of Medicine
Legal Momentum
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Vision 2020 has many different social media outlets including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, a blog,
Youtube, and Pintrest. Below, please find a list of how to access our profile on each site. Please like us, follow us, connect, and tweet us on all our social media outlets!
Vision 2020: Equality in Sight
Vision 2020 @equalityinsight
Blog http://equalityinsight.wordpress.com/
Pintrest http://pinterest.com/equalityinsight/
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Ali Gathers, Project Coordinator Vision
2020 National Office
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129
Main line: 215-991-8190
Direct line: 215-991-8831
Main Email: vision2020@drexelmed.edu
Direct Email:
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