4 December 2002 Mm«>RANDUMOF AG~..'E;~ FORMING AN EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE BBTWKBN THB DEPARTMENT OP THB NAVY ~ THE DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE !ntroductio~ On March 7, 2002 SBCNAVand SBCAFchartered a .tudy to review graduate educational proce..e.. As a result of that study, the Department8 of Navy and Air Force hereby form an All iance to ensure that the Naval Po8tgraduate School (NPS) and the Air Force Institute of Technology (APIT) meet the advanced education requirement. of the Armed Force. of the United State.. Goals: This Alliance will eD8Ure that NPS and APIT are widely recognized, ~world-class~ institutions, focused to meet the advanced ~-Z-e6 progra. require.-nt8 of the Department of Defen.., owned and operated by the Depart_nt of the Navy and Department of the Air Porce, re.pectively. NPS and AFIT will continue to reflect the heritage and character of their respective Service., meeting Joint and .ervice-unique needs, minimdzing redundancy, maintaining quality and realizing efficiencie. and ecoDO8de. of scale. The Alliance will 1 leverage the complementari ties of NPS and NPS haa strengths in space operations and AFIT. For instance, N The Alliance will leverage APIT bas strengths inn space science. and strengthen 8uch CI comparative advantages. It will: . ensure officers . . continue to receive high-quality, relevant and responsive grad~te education aligned to defense needs prevent unnece.8ary duplication, while 8U8taining excellence at NPS and AFIT, ensure efficient operation of both institutionB, while maintaining each as a -world-classN higher education . Over8ight institution UDderpinned and character by it. in combination, a Joint provide unique Service heritage educational environment in which officer. from all of the Services will engage in education and reaearch programs of the Alliance. The Alliance will be overseen by the lIPS Board of Advi80ra (BOA) and the Air University's (AU) Board of Visitors (BoV). To implement the Joint Navy-Air Force OVer8igbt of the Alliance, the BOA and BoV will interact with each other. The NPS BOA will invite one or more member. of the BoV to each of its ~etiDg.. The AU BoV will invite one or I1K)re member. of the BOA to ...tings at which APIT or graduate education i. to be disCU8sed. The Chairs of the ~ and BoV will the BOA and BoV whenever such a ~eting Alliance. bold a Joint will i~rove meeting of the Over time, and if appropriate, over8ight of the Navy-Air Force Educational Alliance may traneitiOD to a single Board of Vi8itor8, which will serve a8 the governing Board for both NPS and AFIT. Initial As Actiona. . beginning, provided and to improve the quality by the Alliance, the following action. of the education are announced. The Navy will: . terminate Aeronautical Engineering curricula at NPS (curricula 610, 611 and 612); within the Alliance, only APIT will otfer an Aeronautical Engineering curriculum The Air Force will: terminate (curriculum ofter the Meteorology curriculum at AFIT GM); within the Alliance, only a Meteo~logy curriculum 2 NPS will . terminate Aoqui8ition curricula QAQ); within the Alliance, only ACqui8ition ~th Both services ..rvicea . at APIT NPS will (curricula offer an curriculum will: will: establi8h Joint Oversight Boarda for the Aeronautical Engineering, Meteorology, Acquisition, and Space curricula. The Chair of the Aeronautical Engineering Board will be a Navy Flag Officer. The Chair of the Board8 for Meteorology and Acqui8ition will be an Air Force General Officer. The Chair of the Space Board will be a Flag/General Officer of the National Reconnais~ce Office (NRO), Air force, Army, Navy or U.S. Space Co.mand. The Under Secretary of the Air Force/Director, NRO i8 the initial de8ignee to Chair the $pace progra.. Joint OV8r8ight Board. Bach of these oversight bodiea will make periodic reports to the BOA and the BoV. The Superintendent of NPS and the C~Ddant of APIT will e.tabliah the Board8 and en8ure that the Boarda have repre8entative membership and bold periodic meetings. . the DepartD8nt of the Navy .ball designate the Deputy Superintendent/Chief of Staff po8ition at NPS to be filled by an Air Force Colonel, who will serve a8 the senior Air Force liaison officer at NPS. The Air Force .hall designate the Vice commandant/Director of Staff position at APIT to be filled by a Navy Captain, who will .erve a. the senior "VY liaison officer at APIT. Bach service agrees to keep the.. billets filled . the by an 0-6 Depart-.nt of Line the Officer. Navy Air and the Depart~nt of the Force should, after seats are filled at either NPS or APIT in a particular field of study, give priority to sending their student. to the other institution (NPS or APIT), before sending th08e student. to civilian universities. To i8plement thi. policy, NPS and APIT will, in coordination with the ataff. of the other services, to include the Marine Corpe, Arm¥ and the Coast Guard, form a joint admi8sion. and quota control proce... proce88. -3 Follow-on Actions. In order to further fo8ter the ~liance, the Navy and the Air Force will: . review current NPS/APIT policies with the objective of establi8hing commonpolici.., which repre8ent the best practices at both in8titutions . enaure theIeI Manage_nt It alliance A88i.tant Secretarie. tor Assistant Secretarie. for Financial Pi~ program the resource. needed to launch the program resources , review the resource issue. of the re8ource il jannually and take all actions nece..ary to ensure thl j all actions neces.ary has has the resource. resources .. required for Isucce.. hA NPS/APIT identify research will develop. MetmrandUJa of will additional are.. that .upport collaboration alliance, alliance, . . A CB . Under.tanding education - tl and