• I ~ j ~ C.M. 1989/E : 29 "; Marine Environmental Quality Committee DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANOCHLORINE RESIDUES BETWEEN DIFFERENT FRACTIONS OF SEDIMENTS AND BETWEEN DIFFERENT PLANKTONIC COMPARTMENTS IN THE SCHELDT ESTUARY AND THE BELGIAN COASTAL ZONE. K. DELBEKE TIIOMME,2. 1, M. BOSSICART 1, C. JOIRIS 1, M. BOGAERT 2 and R. VAN- ABSTRACT PCB levels in sediments (bulk and < 63/Lm), suspended matter and zooplank- ton from the Belgian continental shelf and Scheldt cstuary are evaluated in relation .' to their organic carbon content, lipid content and for sediment 'also particle size distributions. Geographical and seasonal v~riations are discussed. A discussion is given on the PCB accumulation mechanisms, considering passive (direct) contamination routes (adsorption- partitioning) and for zooplankton also indire~t contamination through food. '1. INTRODUCTION . Thc ecotoxicological significance of organochlorine residues is a well-known fact since +/- 1960. PCDs, still used in i~dusti-ics (Ascarel), are nowadays, in the . Westerns countries, thc most important organochlorine residues to be studied. The contamination mechllanisms of PCBs in marine and cstuarine environments have been investigated during the past few years by different research groups. • An equilibrium distribution of PCBs between the wat~r and the suspended matter was shown to be based on simple physicochemical adsorption and/or partition mechanismS (ti. Bruggeman et al., 1985; Duursma et al., 1986, 1989; Delbeke arid' J6iris, 1988). For the bulk sediments, adsorption on the organicand silt fraction of sediments was demonstratcd (Simmons et al., 1980, Duinker 'et al., 1983). The partitioning of PCBs into thc lipid fraction of sedimet:Its was furhtermore noted during a preliminarY iIivcstigation of sediments' fr~m thc Belglan c6ntinerital sheif 1 2 Laboratorium voor Ecotoxicologie, V.U.B.. , Laboratorium voor Ekologie en Systematiek, V.U.B., Pleinlaan 2,1050 Brussel. (Delbeke and Joiris, 1988). The aim of this study is therefore : (1) to study the association of PCBs with the different fractions (day,organic carbon, lipids) of the bulk sediments and of the silt and lutim fractions of the sediments « 63J.tm). (2) to get a global image of the actual contaminant levels of the sediments from the Belgian continental shelf and Scheldt estuary, considering spatial and temporal variations and (3) to compare PCB levels between different planktonic compartments and sediments and interpret the results in a more general way. • 2. MATER/ALS SampIes were colleeted between February 1986 and March 1988, during different cruises with the R.V. Belgica in the Belgian coastal zone and the Scheldt Estuary (Fig.l). Surface sediments (upper cm) were colleeted with a stainless steel box corerj suspended matter was colleeted through pumping of sea water at 3m depth and continuous centrifugation. Zooplankton was sampled on a 250J.tm or a 500J.tm net with a "high speed" sampIer. The fresh sampIes were imrriediately deep-frozen, on board. • .640 +630 Fig. 1. Sampllng stations and areas durlng different campaigns between 1986 ..'ind 19ß8 . ;l v .. + ,1.. w i • a> '" ...0:1 .. . ':: 1- ,\l ..,.., ... 1 ... ..'" 1: :!; . . . . (l a . a; ... • ~ a> ~ ~ • t ....... ;:: .... ~ .. ": ;;: , ~ 1 .' r· • . .... .... .... Fig. 2. Comparlson of PCB patterns ln (a) ~ ;e ~ ~ ..,'" : sediments, ..... ... ~ ~ ~ : ;:: ~ , ..... ... '. (b) Araclor 1254 and (c) Aroclor 1260. (A-M: peaks used for calculation of ·"total PCB" values). 3. METHODS The granulometrie distribution of the bulk sediments was analysed after an ultrasonic treatment, on a sedimentation balance. The bulk sediments were wet sieved on 63JLm to separate the sand from the silt and lutum fraction of the sediments. The bulk sediment, the fine sediment fraction, the suspended matter and zooplankton were further analysed for the lipid contents (after extraction with hexane/acetone (9/1)), the organie carbon content (CH analyzer) and the PCB levels. The latter was measured after soxhlet extraction with hexane/acetone (9/1), clean up on a florisil column and gaschromatographie measurements with an electron capture detector, a capillary column system, an automatie sampier and a plotter- • integrator. The conditions used are: splitless injection (splitter closing time: 0.5 min)j injector tO : 220°Cj oven tO : 90°C - 270°C in a temperature programj detector tO : 305° Cj column : fused silica CPsil8CB (25 m, 0.22 mm diameter, 0.12 JLm film-thickness)j carrier-gas: 0.6 bar N2 j detector-gas : 20 ml N2/mini injection volume IJLI. The quantitative determination of PCB levels is based on individual PCB congeners (IUPAC nrs. 28, 52, 101, 118, 153, 138, 170 and 180) and on the total PCB quantity as compared with the most similar standard mixture : Aroclor 1254 (Fig. 2) . • 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- 4.1. peB patterns in different sampie types. A constancy in the PCB patterns (it is the relative abundance of the different congeners in the PCB mixture can be seen within a sampIe type for surface sediments (upper cm.), the silt and lutum fraction of the surface sediments and suspended matter (r2 • : 0.7-0.98) (Fig. 3). In zooplankton, being more heterogeneous, the variations were somewhat bigger (r2 : 0.1-0.8). A difference in the relative importance of each congener between the natural sampIes (f.i. IUPAC nr. 138 in zc-oplankton, compared to the other sampIe types) is noted. Higher chlorinated PCll congeners (IUPAC nr. 153 to 180) are more important in natural sampIes than in Aroclor 1254 (Fig. 4). Due to these differences in PCB patterns between different sampIe types and • eventually different regions it is important to compare PCB levels on the basis of individual congeners, and to get a more global view of the PCB contamination, on the sum of the individual congeners, even if they only represent a fraction of the total PCB level. For the researches it is however nowadays not clear which congeners ought to be used. Different teams use different congen~rs and the congeners used change within one research team, according to the gained experience. It therefore seems convenient to additionally express results as total PCB values (in compari,son with standard mixtures), to enable the comparison of resuIts in course of time and with literature, even if analyses were executed on glass column systems. ta I · "071x - "404, R-........ : .94' 6 '" ~ 3 . ........ 'g ...* ~ l/l , • 1.036x - 1.919, R-s'lun4: .918 .. :I Cl ~ .tb_ . . 0 :; / 3 2 V 0 ... 5 '"...~ ""' '1" I II 2 Cl ..... /8 0 ,..0 " )' 0 + ++ + ......:. -I -2 <",';I -3 -4 . . . . . . .V /1! -'.) .. 2 3 W;,,) of PC9 (Il'iI/9 O-Y) 6 7 -3 -2 -I 1 0 2a '.I 3:;;0 = .416)( - ..,) m 6 4' o 40 3:1 200 o ISO ~ 30 ~ 20 ~ tl o o E 100 ". :I SO+----t--~--~-~----'"--~-__,.-_t m I 4 , ••158x + .486, R-.'l..rH: .967 3.932, R-s'lur": .856 2~0 0 3 2b 300 .... 2 w:,,)or $Im 28-1 E:o("'l/9 D'w') ~ ~ + 1:1 10 SO + :I 0 -50 -100 Ol--.ß:~---------------t 0 100 200 300 400 :lOO -:I ~<:;--+---'-~-~-r-~--r---.-....,-.---r-~--r---.---f -50 o 100 t 50 200 2:lO 300 m JWIl28-I80/k 11m FtB(Il'iI/9 o-y) Fig. 3. Pelatlon between (a) the 3um of the PCB congeners (IUPAC nrs. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 170, 180) and the "total PCB" concentraUons in comparison with Aroclor 1254 and (b) the relation between the peB congener nr. 153 and the sum of the peB congeners (28 till 180) in f. i. (1) bulk ~ediments and (2) the silt and lutum fraction of the sediments (<. 63 ~m) (DW = dry welght j . • The PCB results in the further study are esscntially compared as thc sum of 8 congcncrs (IUPAC nrs. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 170, 180) representing respectively for total sediments, silt and lutum fraction of the sediments, suspended matter and zooplankton: 31%, 43%, 34% and 28% of the total PCB contamination. ·"congener 30 I • 20 ". lh I I1h o 28 S2 I!II Oll iI JIJI 101 118 153 01 1 1 I11 I 1111 • • 138 180 170 relatlve centr~bljn,on of seme PCB congeners ~n the PCB (.:i~ .;-um cf the l~cr~qener~}, ~n Aroclor 1:::54 •. total surface .o~th~ent •. the :nlt L~nd 1IJtum fr,"lt"ltlon of the :>urface sedlment (frat1tlon <: f<-; ~m~ A. Btlspended ID.Hter _and Zt)opL"nkton ... from theBeh.llan Contlnental Shelf Imean values 3nd 3tandard dev~dt~on error ~~rs). Y.lg 4 'The ;::ont,'iIDlfüUOn 4.2. Geographical and temporal variation of PCB levels in sediments.' The studied sediments, from thc Scheldt estuary and the Belgian coastal zone, have a broad range of geological characteristics (f.i. granulomctric distribution) and of organic carbon and lipid contents. Large variations in PCB levels according • to the sampling station and sampling period are noted (Fig. 5).' It is therefore important, in order to understand and evaluate the noted contaminant levels, to study their association with the silt, the day, the organic carbon and the lipids of the sediments and thus to standardize the measured PCB levels. , 4.3. Association of PCBs with different sediment fractions. ~. Comparison of the PCB conta.n:tination of 15 bulk surface sediments (2ng.gdry weight) versus their respective silt and lutum fraction (14 ng.g- 1 1 .l' dry weight) shows a higher affinity of PCB for the silt, the fine sediment fraction, than for sand l, , .t i', Oetober 1gei 120 a ~ 100 "" 90 0 "- "" .5 0 ~ , 60 CD N ~ 40 III 20 0 n ..... ..... - .. .,N ...... -C ... • .. ........ ...... OO ,.,.-G.,.--oooO%., • ·_·- .. . UO . 0 ., 000 • .. 0 December 1987 190 160 ~ c b 140 -.."" 120 '" 100 .5 0 ~ , e CD ('. S III 90 60 40 20 0 . " ft. ..... . '" -..... ....~ 1ft • Cl .. 0 .... Februar/198e 3:50 ~ 000 1ft ·e 300 Cl ~~ 0> 5 0 200 I 1:50 0> CO ('~ E 100 :J CI) :50 • nn 0 :::~:-::!~::;~ö~=:~ .. . .; ~g-- n ...... 000 • .. 0 MarCh 1988 -----------'--....-.-"""'------_""---t m,t--....... d 200 ~ 17'5 ~Is) ....... SIZl g cri § ('~ (/) 100 7'5 :10 Zl •::~;:=~::;3 ; • ; ; • • • •• 01;:1°-=-:0" • ~ g - - =: .. : • :. • •• Fig. 5. PCB levels ln surface sediments (fraction .;:: 63 JLDl) from different places in the Scheldt estuary and the Belgian Continental Shelf in different periods in 1987 and 1988 (~g.g-2 dry weight) (see also Fig. 1). on a lipid weighted base however the PCB levels are much more comparable (Table 1) suggesting already partitioning of PCBs into the lipid fraction of the sediments. I Both sediment fractions (bulk< 63Jlm) are therefore, in a first step, separated for a more deeply investigation. Comparing the geological and chemical characteristics of the bulk sediments, high correlation coefficients are noted between the silt fraction (% < 63 Jlm), the organic carbon content and the lipid contents of the sampIes (Fig. 6). y - 2.1 .. 7. - .135. R-s,•• 114: .192 90 • o 80 iO 60 ~ 50 ~ 30 . 40 v 20 10 0 -10 -s ".,,/ .... o 10 15 20 2S 30 35 40 45 50 POC mglg O'W y - 82.299. - ."65. R-slIUre4: .716 90 // .' ." ",'" 60 E 50 ~ 40 oe ~ 0 ./ 0 70 • // 0 80 /// I I 30 //0 20 // 10 o -10 -.2 ..§2. ...&.~ / . ,! o - .4 .6 .8 liP(mgig O'W) 1.2 1.4 FlO. 6 FelatlC'n between silt and particulate organic carban i 6a i ar liPld content:: (6b) ln bIll: '::llrface sedlment.:: fram the Scheldt E~tllary and BelgB.n Contlnental stielf ln 1987 and 1988. ccnt~mlnated =one {S18) excluding one sample fram a highly TtiliLf: 1 Com~x~r~son cf of FCB levels ias sum of congenersl in different ~urf~c ~ediment ~amrle~' fract~on cf the sed~ment imedian levels, n 15 14 and lutum 28 y. 38.653x - 2.611, 20Q 180 160 > co 140 '" ~ c; 100 aI 80 0;- ~ <n 6V 40 20 0 -20 -I R~qu.,.ed: .992 I I • ......,. 1:0 GI N fract~ons and lutum ~g . g-1 11 pid ::ed~ment Tot:ü ~ilt and the = 15), ng.gr1 dry we~ght Identltlc~t~on ~;ilt ~ed~ment~ total ~ /1 0 -7a , Z 3 LiplmQig DWI S 4 . 6 - y. 15.231x + .103, R-squared: .654 12 ,. ~ co a c; 6 .....,.'" ~ 9) 0;GI N •~ 0 10 " 2 0 ~~ ,~ ,..- ~- 0 ,,~- ,,- Cl!8 0,,-"0 &O~ :';;':-?-Q._ 0 °V . . . . I -2 -.1 ,~ 0 .1 1Q.. 0 - 0 ... .4 .3 LiP(1llC)!9 OW') .s .6 - Fi~. 7: Relation between peB and lipid contents of bulk sediments e?cluding samples from a more contamlnated zone . • : station 140 in February 1988. (7b): "Thc association betwcen silt and organic carbon and thc association bctween silt or organic carbon and PCDs, indicates thc importance of adsorption of PCDs onto sediments, a statement already noted during previous investigations, on bulk sediment sampIes (Simmons et al., 1980j Duursma et al., 1989). Our study revealed additionally a very high correlation between the PCD and the lipid content of the bulk sediments indicating the importance of partitioning of PCDs into the sediment particlcs (Fig. 7). Similar assodations were invcstigated within thc silt and lutum frac~ion « 63 J-lm) of thc sediments : a positive relation bctween the organic carbon 'and lipid contents was noted. Thc lipid and carbon contents of thc sediments are howcver not rclated to thc prcsencc of day (%) (Fig.. 8). Thc PCDs of thc silt and lutum fraction of the sediments, exduding somc sampIes from a particular zone in thc Scheldt cstuary (sec later), are ~sociatcd with thc lipids in thc samplcs, lcss with thc organic carbon and not at all with the day (Fig. 9). This dearly revcals the association of PCDs with the lipids of thc sediments in an equilibrium state with thc surrounding watcr. Thc non-association with thc day shows cvidence ror thc . . origin of the PCDs in thc sediment: sedimented biological material (cssentially suspended phytoplankton). The similar relationship (PCB-lipids), with siInilar regression coefficient, notcd in rcspectivcly the bulk (Fig. 7) and the fine sedieinnt fraction e· « 63 J-lm) (Fig. 9) can be understood considering the origin of the sediment lipids (biological material). All sampIes can therefore be combined into onc general cquation and a PCD level . . of +/- 20 J-lg. g-l lipid can than bc calculatcd as an acccptablc mean valuc for the Belgian coastal zone and the Scheldt Estuary ror thc period Oetober 1987-March 1988 (Fig. 10). The zone Kalo-Doel needs special futur~ attention with sohle very high, some very low and some "normal" PCB valucs. Possibly we are dealing with . '. occasional dumping ofratty materials either with or without PCBs. The equilibrium . . state, depending on the diffusion transport via interstitual water, resilspension of . ,, ,, I .f ~ i r sediment material, biotrubation etc., has in those "special" sampIes not yet becn I lr 1.. I I ,I t I f' l R~qu.red: 7S 70 0 0 65 ......'" '"lIt .02 J 0 ° 60 0 8 0 co,," "'''' 0 0 50 0 00 4S 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0° 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 ~S 10 0 30 20 50 40 POC mg/g DW R~qu.red: 60 .062 7S 70 65 . ....'" '" lIt 0 0 0 P 60 0 5S 50 0 00& 0 Q) o 0 00 0 0 Cf:) 0 c) 0 4S 0 .;0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 35 0 ...... 1.5 .5 2.5 3 3.5 4 liP{mg/g DW) 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 y - .086. - • J 78. R-squ.red: .629 7 6 ,.. )0 0 4 ~ 3 r •... '0 5 2 0 -I 0 :5 10 1:5 :zo ~ :50 0 ~ POC ITlCJ/II rJvI 40 4:5 :50 ~ 60 Fig. 8. Fielations between the geological and chemical characteristics of the silt and lutum fraction of surface sediments from the Scheldt estuary and the Belgian Continental Shelf in 1987-1988. R~"".... tI: .353 160 0 1040 s;- 120 Q 100 ..... ~ ~ ,5 . 0 0 80 ~ CD N l: :> '" 0 0 0 00 0 40 20 o 00 o 0 ~.rt 6>0 0 ~8r\.- - ~ ~f"\ 0 9a - n -20 0 10 20 y 30 POC mg/g DW = 22.626x - SO 40 60 1.745. R-squel"ed: .713 160 o 140 • ":> <:0 ..... ~ ~ 120 100 c ..... 0 80 CD 7 60 CD N E :> (/) o 000 40 o 20 9c 0 -20 -1 0 2 3 ~ 7 Lip(mglg D'N) F~g. 9. Relation between the PCB levels and the silt fraction (9a), the POC (9hl, and the hp~d content (9c) of sed~Dlent sampIes from the Scheldt estuary and the Belgian Continental Shelf in 1987-1988. Some sampIes from the Scheldt estuarv w~th a very particular peB behaviour (see fig. 10) are exc:Iuded from this graph. t~ontent reached. Seasonal variations in PCB contents must also be considered, the highest levels being noted in February (Fig. 5) (see also later) . • 4.4. Distribution of PCBs between the different compartments of the water column. Comparing PCB levels between the different planktonic compartments and the sediments from the Belgian coastal zone (1986-1988) shows on a dry weight base increasing PCB levels: bulk sediment, silt and lutum, suspended matter, zooplankton. On a lipid weight base, PCB levels in sediments and suspended matter are comparablej in zooplankton they are lower (Table 2). The similarity in PCB levels (on lipid weighted base) between the sediments and the suspended matter clearly shows the importance of a passive physicochemical equilibrium partitioning between • the water, the suspended matter and the sediments. For the sediments, one must therefore consider sorption and desorption phenomenons of PCBs. A redistribution of the contaminants into the water-column in association with the breakdown of organic material clearly exists in agreement with results during laboratorium experiments (Wildish et al., 1980). The sediments can thus not be considered as a "sink" for PCBsj the sediments represent nevertheless an enormous "stock" of PCBs considering the large amount of organic sediment material present at the bottom of the estuaries and seas. - ---------- TABU: ::; PCB levels (as sum of congeners ln different natural sampIes from the Belgian coastal zone. (median levels. n = nllmbers of samples) . Identification Period Surface sediment (1987-1988 ) Silt and lutum ( 1987-1988) Suspended matter 198ö 1987-1988 • n ng.g- 1 dry weight IL9·g- 1 lipid 9 2 10 8 3 8 15 27 21 27 9 8 154 ~ 159 2 6 15 Zooplankton: >- 250 ;.. 1986 1987-1988 J.1m 500 J.1m ,.. • • 21.715x - .67 ............. ::r.a 3'50 300 , ~ I ~ 200 ..... "" 1:50 "" .5 0 • 0 cu 100 ... :50 -;- a> § ~) 0 -so - 1 ~ ~ 1+ • • • • •• o I! ! o 6 7 tlg 10. Relation between PCB and lipid levels of sediments (bulk and silt sediments) from the Scheldt estuary and the Belgian continental shelf (. ZQIle Kalo-Doel alld 1 sampIe !rom Antwerp. -t: 140 February 1988). 4.5. pcn uptake mechanisms in suspended matter and zooplankton. Considering the planktonic compartments, a positive tendency between pcn levels and lipid contents can be noted for suspended matter, not for zooplankton (Fig. 11). This .again indicates the existence of a passive physicochemical adsorption/ paritioning mechnisms of pcn in suspended matter and the importance of biologically regulated uptake and elimination mcchnisms of pcns in zooplankton. In . . suspended matter (and sediments) one must however also consider the dilution of pcns into the available lipids and thus evaluate pcn levels considering the biomass levels (Delbeke and Joiris 1988, Joiris et aL, 1987). lIighest pcn levels, in suspended • matter, zooplankton and also in sediments can therefore be noted during the winter (February 1986 and 1987), when the amount of suspended matter is low (Fig. 12 and Fig. 5). 4.6 Geographical differences in pcn levels in the Belgian Continental Shelf. The geographical comparison of PCB levels in suspended matter and zooplankton reveals, for the different periods considered, higher PCB levels in t~e near coast area than in the open sea region (Fig. 12). This dilution of PCHs into the sea is rlated to the transport mechanisms of PCBs : PCBs are, due to their low. water solubility essentially associated with the particulate fraction of the water-column (f.i. Verscheuren 1983 and f.i. Duursman et aL, 1989) and are therefore to a very high extent deposited on and transported by the sediments. They are only, to a .• limited extent, transpo~ted with thc watter current, causing lower PCD levels, in remote areas from the dumping origin. CONCLUSION The investigation of the pcn concentrations in sediments, suspended matter and zooplankton from the Belgian Continental Shelf and Scheldt Estuary in com-· . parison with chemical parameters (particulate organic carbon, lipid contents) and for the sediments also geological parameters (particle size distribution) indicates the existence of anequilibrium partition between the water, the suspendedmatter R"1ö'lu.r.4: .669 300 0 ,... ~ 0 .... ..s ... ~ ~O 200 0 ~ C1' ISO 0 ";'" CD N § 100 ~ 0 :50 0 0 00 0 0 lla 0 .5 1.5 2 2.5 :3 lip(mglg DIN) 3.5 350 0 ,.., )Q ... !... ..... 0 300 .!.!!!.. 250 . 200 N ISO 0 ";'" • ...~ 0 0 0 100 0 0 SO 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 !lO 90 100 110 LiP(rnq/Q OW) F~g 11. Relation between PCB and lipid levels of suspended matter (11a) and zooplankton (llb) from the Belgian Continental Shelf and Scheldt estuary in 1986 ...------------ ~ 100 +'6311 ~"'" - - - -- - suspended aatter 1 ~ -- :;300 ... Ü"' >.«lO e Q, ~ ........ .a=0 tlQ?lIl - ":'2110 lZl I"" ~ IOD !IO 4 '01JI5O ::l 'uii:i 1 "- 2-lJ2 • month F~g. 200 tlO ~D1 0 0 suspended aatter 1 10 1 100 50 ~_.2 0 12 0 • • 1O 12 ..onth 12. Seasonal and geographical differences in PCB levels (as total PCBs, compared to Aroclor 1254) in suspended matter and zooplankton trom the Belgian Continental SheH and Scheldt. estuary in 1986. - , 1: near coast area; ---- 2; open sea area. and the sediments. The partitioning coefficient, being different for the different PCll congeners, , causes different pell concentration factors for the congeners in the natural sampIes. Differences in "PCll patterns" are thereforc encountered between standard solutions, sediments, suspended matter, and zooplankton. PCll congeners with . high chlorination (138, 153, 170, 180) are more important in natural sampIes compared to standard mixtures espccially in zooplankton. It thus seems important to· compare PCll levels as sum of congeners. To be able to compare with literaturc it is however still important to measure the "total PCll" concentrations, as compared to the standard mixture. An estimation still valuablc within a compartment and geographical region. The pollutants are essentially associated with thc lipid fraction of thc partieu':' lates, in an cquilibrium statc. Stable ratios can bc noted between the PCll levels and thc lipid levels in suspended matter and sediments: """"",,20IJg PCll . g- 1 lipid (as sum of the congeners, 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 170, 180) for the llelgian coastal' zone and Scheldt Estuary during the period October 1987-March 1988. Thc similar contaminant levels (on a lipid base) in sediments compared to suspended matter indicatcs sorption and desorption phenomenons of PCBs in the sediments and redistribution of the contaminants in the water-column. Sediments can therefore not be considered as a sink for PCll compounds. The sorption and desorption speed of PClls in the sediment is however dependen~ on diffusion transport, rcsuspension of bottom material, bioturbation .... Local dumping of PCll rieh and PCll poor silt could thus be noted in a particular '. region of the Scheldt Estuary : between Antwerp and Doel. The elevated PCB levels could nothe related to particle size or chemical characteristies (organie carbon and lipid concentrations) of th~ sediments. A dilution of PClls from the near- coast area into the open sea area is noted, in different periods, for suspended matter and zooplankton. This transport phenomenon is related to the low water solubility and therefore to the . . , association of i i f• pcns with the biological particlcs from the water-colwnn and sediments. The pcn levels in zooplankton are superior on a dry weight base inferior on a lipid weight base to thc ones in suspended matter and sediments and not related to the lipid contcnts of thc zooplankton, indicating uptake of these organochlorine residucs through food intake and dilution of these organoclorines in the autogenticaJly formed zooplankton lipids. Acknowledgement The authors express their gratitude to the personnel of the R.V. "Belgica" for their co-operation during the campaigns, to Mr. J. Nieuwenhuize (Delta Institute, Yerseke), for the practical tips on gaschromatography with capillary colums and to Ms. C. Van OngevaJlc for carcfully' typing tfiis manuscript. This researCh study was cxecuted with the financial support of the Ministry of Public Health and Environment (Unit for the Mathcmatical Model of the North Sea and Scheldt Estuary) . ,and the conccrtcd actions (Ministry of Scicncc - V.U.B.). REFERENCES Druggcman, \V.A., Kerkhoff, M.A.T. and Wegmann, R.C.C., 1985. 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