fyform a U M School o f Music Presents -M a y 26-July 5, 2015 cerma TH E C IT Y OF M U SIC Performance Music History A rt History Music Education Music Tech/Media Arts A CUSTOM ZED PROGRAM JUST FOR YOU UM Faculty have created a customized program w ith YOU, the Music Student in mind! Those w ith a m ajor or inter­ est in music or art w ill study the great master works o f the ages, perform in historic concert halls, walk the path o f the great composers and artists that lived and worked in Vienna: Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, Klimt, Otto Wagner, Bruckner, Czerny, Haydn, Mahler, Schoenberg, Strauss and many, many more.... JOIN US FOR THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME! LIVE IN THE BEST CITY IN THE WORLD! Ranked as the "best city in the world Every night in Vienna about 10,000 music fans are treated to classical music, something th a t is simply unheard o f in any other city in the w orld! Each year the Vienna concert schedule in­ cludes more than 15,000 events o f all types and sizes! to live" Vienna has proven itself to be safe, friendly to Americans and clean. Students will live in apart­ ments with full kitchens, living Vienna's musical life is dominated by four great m onum ental performance venues. The mag­ nificent Musikverein, the Vienna Konzerthaus, and the overwhelm ing cathedral-Stephansdom . the Vienna State Opera House Combined w ith world-class theatre, art rooms or common areas close to classes, transportation, concerts, faculty, top medical facilities, shop­ ping and recreation. museums, galleries and historic sites th a t span the ages, there is something fo r everyone in Vienna! Field trips to other areas of interest such as Salzburg! INSIDE!!! World Class Concerts Opera and Art The Vienna Philharmonic: Considered Budapest and Prague: Vienna's sister cities in music and culture-UM 's Director by many to be the best in the w orld! o f Bands/Trumpet James Smart Hear Performances and Open Rehears­ MUSIC EDUCATION: 3 credits opera addresses in the w o rld —where als! Vienna State Opera: One o f the top you can hear the best in first-class pro­ Music and the Arts fo r Children w ith Dr. Lori Gray-UM's Music Ed. Specialist* ductions. The famous stage offers a Fieldtrip to Orff Institute in Salzburg, Austria different program every day, w ith over 50 operas and ballets each season! INSTRUMENTAL: 2 credits Chamber Music: Hear the leading pia­ nists, violinists, cellists, string quartets, Clarinet in Vienna w ith Dr. Maxine Ramey and Dr. Christopher Kirkpatrick-UM's contem porary ensembles, vocalists, Clarinet faculty wind players, brass ensembles, percus­ String Style and the Classical U M 's Violin faculty Vienna Composer w ith Dr. Margaret Baldridge- sionists and period instrum ent ensem­ bles in the w orld! Grand Choral Con­ certs and Performances by the Vienna VOICE: Boys Choir who have an enthusiastic 2-3 credits each follow ing all over the world. They are often called "the youngest Viennese Opera in Vienna (3), The German Lied in Vienna (2), The Sound o f Music: Acous­ Ambassadors." Museum of Fine Arts tic and Architecture o f Musical Spaces (3Jwith Professor Anne Basinski, Dr. Da­ was built in 1891 near the Imperial Pal­ vid Cody and Dr. Kimberly Jam es-U M 's Voice Faculty ace to house the extensive collections of the imperial family. W ith its vast array MUSIC TECHNOLOGY/MEDIA ARTS: o f eminent works, it is considered one 3 credits o f the most eminent museums in the w orld! Integrated Audio-Visual P ro je c t: Viennese Culture w ith Dr. Simon HutchinsonU M Composer and Heejoo Kim-UM M edia Arts/Sonic Arts Professor ENSEMBLES^_1 credit each CLARINET ENSEMBLES w ith Dr. James Sm art-UM Director of Bands VIENNA CHORAL ENSEMBLE w ith Dr. David Edmonds-UM Director of Choirs VIENNA ENSEMBLE— Dr. James Smart and Dr. Luis Millan UM's Director of Bands and Director of Orchestra. 178 miles of walking tours! See the homes of Mozart, Beetho­ ven, Schubert and more! Visit the graves of these Vienna composers including Mahler and Brahms. Walk where they walked, listen to concerts in the grand halls that premiered their works. Program Fees W ill Cover: • Round Trip Flight from Montana or Spokane to Vienna sS:ailztoq^at-£lil£®t 6 Credits of Summer Tuition • Apartment housing • All in-city transportation Salzburg and Eisenstadt trip: All housing meals, concert tickets W h e re w ill I live and study? and travel for fieldtrip • Housing: Medical Insurance with 2 4/7 emergency services and fully staffed support for students Students w ill be housed in apartm ents w ithin the Vienna City Center close to shopping, con­ certs, classes, museums, faculty and city transportation. Students w ill stay in shared apart­ • Welcome and Farewell dinner ments th a t w ill have a bathroom , full kitchen and a living room or common area. Non-Coed *The cost of the program does not cover daily Roommates can be selected before leaving Montana. All apartm ents w ill have internet ac­ food in Vienna ,required 50 Euro deposit for "student safety" cell phone, or concert tickets cess. (However, student tickets, and standing room tickets for all events are only 3-5 Euro! Some financial assistance available for required Classrooms and Performance Venues: tickets) Classes w ill be mostly presented as walking tours, but the central facility fo r the program will be in the Palais Corbelli. This palace is but a few blocks from the Stephansdom, the central cathedral in Vienna. It contains ♦ Classrooms and Practice rooms w ith pianos ♦ A Baroque concert hall w ith tw o Bosendorfer Concert Grand Pianos ♦ Study room and library w ith wireless in te rn e t, computers and printers The Palais Corbelli IES Vienna Center (International Education o f Students) B a ro qu e C o n ce rt Hall S tu d y Room ienna For M ore Inform ation: Maxine Ramey, Director School o f Music Vienna Program 2015 w w w .um t.edu/m usic maxine.ramey@umontana.edu 406-243-6880 How much will it cost? $6800 * t o t a l c o s t* Price quoted is fo r in-state, o u t-o f state, and non-U M students! Does n o t include food, except W elcom e and Farewell Dinner. Cost dependent on 55 students partic­ ipating in the program, estim ated final airline costs and airline fuel surcharges. Price does n ot include 50 Euro deposit fo r "stu d e n t safety" required cell phone or concert tickets. Vienna Study Abroad Fee: $5500 depending on a 55 student program. Estimated Group Air Fare Fee $1300 (You may make your own flight arrangements, but UM uses a group travel service to guarantee this price and a seat. Students are welcome to use Frequent Flyer Miles, or leave from another city other than Spokane in tim e fo r the o ri­ entation meeting in Vienna which is required.) FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION: • Students are encouraged to notify Financial Aid th a t required courses w ill be offered during the summer. • No-Interest loans are available through the CVPA Student Loan Program. Application form s are available in the music office. • International Student Loans are available at w w w .internationalstudentloan.com PAYMENT SCHEDULE: O c to b e r 15: A irfa re /V ie n n a Fee D ue- $ 2 0 0 * F e b ru a ry 1, 2015 S tu d y A b ro a d Fee D u e — $ 5 5 0 0 * * A p ril 1: R e m a in d e r o f A irfa re D u e - a p p ro x . $ 1 1 0 0 TOTAL: $ 6 8 0 0 D e p e n d in g o f 55 p a rtic ip a n ts 100 % re fu n d a b le b e fo re A p ril 1, 2015 *P ro ra te d re fu n d a b le ra te s a p p ly a fte r Feb. 1, 2015