Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 11/2/11 Members Present:

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 11/2/11
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: R. Arouca, A. Borgmann, D. Campbell, D. Erickson, J. Halfpap, J.
Hodgin, J. Hunt, R. Judd, M. Mayer, H. Naughton, C. Palmer, K. Swift
Members Absent/Excused: A. Heavy Runner-Rioux, J. VanDyke S. Ross
Ex-officio members Present: S. Sprang
The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m.
The 10/26/11 minutes were approved.
Student member Raquel Arouca was welcomed to the Council. Chair Palmer
provided a brief overview of the Council’s charge.
The Changes to the TARA procedure were reviewed by the Executive Committee of
the Faculty Senate. It was noted that the second bullet uses employment terms such
as pay rate and salary. ECOS recommended replacing these with stipend to be
consistent. Camie will ask Human Resource Services to review the language to
assure compliance with Federal Labor Laws. Professor Campbell will discuss the
language with his department chair.
Business Items
Humanities - CR 513 was approved. Follow up is still pending for the Linguistics
Social Science – HS 420 was approved. Follow-up is still pending for Political
Science – CSD 450 UG was approved. Still waiting for follow-up on the other items.
Schools Subcommittee approved 58 out of 60 proposals (Consent agenda appended).
Follow-up is pending regarding two courses ARTH 400 UG and ARTH 492 UG.
ARTH 400 is also taught at MSU, but has a different title. According to common
course numbering the titles must be the same. Art is requesting to increase the
repeatability from 12 to 24 on ARTH 492 UG Independent Study. The Council
agrees that this is too many credits for one course and did not approve this request.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 PM.
Professional Schools Consent Agenda
Accounting and Finance
ACTG 410 UG Cost Mgmt Acct I
BFIN 651
Cornerstone of Grad Fin
ATRZ 491
Special Topics
ARTZ 591
Special Topics
ARTH 698
Methodologies in Art History
Counselor Education
Level I
Master degree option
COUN 510
Introduction to the
Counseling Program (1)
COUN 530
COUN 589
Applied Counseling Skills (3)
Comprehensive Project (1)
Curriculum and Instruction
Implementing IEFA in the KC&I 411
12 Classroom
Area of Special Permissive
Competency in Technology
AREP 578
ATEP 534
ATEP 540
ATEP 541
ATEP 542
ATEP 544
Leadership in Athletic
Athletic Training Techniques
Clinical Practicum in Athletic
Training I
Clinical Practicum in Athletic
Training II
Assessment of Lower
Assessment of Upper
Change Prereq
change to permanent
Repeat to 12 credits
Repeat to 12 credits
Drop repeatability
Retitle option to Clinical Mental
Health Counseling from Mental
Health Counseling
New course.
Increase # of credits from 2 to 3
Reduction of credits from 2 to 1
New UG course; has been taught as
special topics course in past
Joint MUS program with UM and
MSU Bozeman, Billings, and
New course
New course
New course
New course
New course
New course
ATEP 546
ATEP 550
ATEP 551
ATEP 566
ATEP 569
ATEP 572
ATEP 574
HHP 435 UG
HHP 450 UG
HHP 530
HHP 540
HHP 541
HHP 544
HHP 545
HHP 554
HHP 598
Level II
JOUR 585
JOUR 690
Assessment of the Thorax
and Medical Conditions in
the Athlete
Advanced Clinical Practicum
in Athletic Training I
Advanced Clinical Practicum
in Athletic Training II
Therapeutic Modalities
Clinical Anatomy Laboratory
Therapeutic Exercise
Manual Therapy Techniques
Advanced Strength Training
and Conditioning
New course
New course
New course
New course
New course
New course
New course
Change title from: Certification
Preparation for NSCA-CSCS and
ACSM HFS, change descr and prereq
Analytical and
Communication Techniques
Advanced Physiology of
Exercise II
Community Health
Promotion Strategies
Change descr and prereq
Program Development in the
Health Professions
Participatory Research
Methods for Health
Advanced Nutrition and
Chronic Disease
Community Health
Promotion Strategies
Change descr and add prereq
New degree / change
Community News Service
Change prereq and semester
Change title from Health Promotion
Change when course is offered
Change when course is offered
Change title from Health Promotion
Strategies, change descr
Change descr, add prereq, and
change minimum credits
Master's in Athletic Training
Change from 3 cr to variable credit 1
to 3 and make repeatable to 3 cr
MGMT 420
MGMT 449
MGMT 458
Leadership &
Motivation/Service Learning
Business Plan
Advanced Entrepreneurship
MGMT 475
Entertainment Research &
MGMT 493
International Experience in
Media Arts
MAR 470 UG Advanced Acting for Film I
MAR 471 UG Advanced Acting for Film II
Society and Conservation
NRSM 515
Multiparty Negotiation and
Theatre and Dance
THTR 426
Acting VIII: Company
THTR 510
Graduate Singing for the
Graduate Voice & Speech I
Graduate Voice & Speech II
Graduate Physical
Performance Skills
Studio Training for the Actor
Studio Training for the Actor
II: Period Plays
Studio Training for the Actor
III: Contemporary
Studio Training for the Actor
IV: Company
Graduate Methods of
Teaching Theatre
THTR 513
THTR 514
THTR 515
THTR 526
THTR 527
THTR 528
THTR 529
THTR 539
THTR 540
Graduate Costume Design
Service learning course designation
remove one prereq
Replace 348 with 486 as pre/corequisite ; turn into 3 - one credit
New course
New course
Change course to UG
Change course to UG
New course, cross list w/ PSCI,
Removing graduate increment—to
allow for co-convening
Requesting approval to co-convene
with THTR 410
New course
New course
New course
New course; co-convene THTR 420:
New course; co-convene with THTR
New course; co-convene with THTR
New course; co-convene with THTR
Renumbering course—to allow for
co-convening; requesting approval
to co-convene with THTR 439
Requesting approval to co-convene
with THTR 440
THTR 550
Graduate Scene Design
THTR 560
Graduate Light Design
THTR 565
Graduate Sound Design
Requesting approval to co-convene
with THTR 450
Requesting approval to co-convene
with THTR 460
Requesting approval to co-convene
with THTR 465