GRADUATE COUNCIL MINUTES 9/3/14 GBB 205, 12:10-1:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: B. Bach, M. Berthelson, K. Briknarova, I. Crummy, R. Delaloye, L. Gray, M. Kia, A. Kinch, M. McGuirl, D. Spencer, K. Swift Members Absent/Excused: C. Stanick, S. Williams, M. Alwell Ex Officio Members Present: R. Arouca, N. Lindsay, S. Ross Past minutes: The minutes from May 7th 2014 were amended and approved. COMMUNICATION: New members were welcomed and members introduced themselves. Members were reminded of the October 3rd Curriculum Deadline. Chair Swift provided a brief overview of the curriculum review process. Most curriculum forms are minor changes and can be approved in mass. The substantive changes should be discussed by the subcommittee and brought to the full committee as necessary. Subcommittees should decide on their chair as soon as possible. The program reviews are also reviewed according to subcommittee. Materials are posted on Blackboard for the following reviews. Communication Studies (Social Science) Political Science (Social Science) History (Humanities) College of Education & Human Science departments (Professional Schools) o o o o Counselor Education – postponed until spring Curriculum and Instruction Educational Leadership Health and Human Performance (to be reviewed by the Sciences Subcommittee) The Provost’s Office is changing the timeline for the review, so there are programs scheduled for this spring as well. This is the transition year, so review will take place in both the fall and spring. The Council will not meet next week to allow the subcommittees’ time to work on program review. The IIP Oversight Committee will also need to elect a chair. The IIP Oversight Committee is made up of members on Graduate Council from departments with PhD programs. Last year’s IIP Oversight Committee Chair, Professor Duncan Campbell is willing to meet with the Committee to go over pending issues. Raquel Arouca is the IIP Program Coordinator. She will organize the first meeting for the committee. Last year Professor Hassanein expressed concern that the Council was spending too much time on administrative details related to curriculum review and not doing much in the way of strategic thinking about pig picture issues. Chair Swift agrees and would like to change this. Last year the Council’s charge was revised. At that time it was pointed out that the Council is not a decision making body, but rather it makes recommendations through the shared governance process. One recommendation was to plan out the year so that there will be time for the Council to discuss big picture issues and meet with the Provost and others as appropriate. Given that one of the strategic goals is to grow graduate education, it is essential that there are adequate mechanisms to support and promote graduate education. Raquel Arouca provided a brief update with regard to the suggested revisions to the Graduate School’s self-study. Many of the items are still pending. Hopefully the revised document will be available in a few weeks, at which time it will be put on the agenda for discussion. Associate Provost Lindsay asked the Council to include a list of action items or recommendations separated into categories such as advising, funding and research. We need to think about what we should be doing in the future. There has not been any movement on identifying the external reviewer. The Academic Alignment and Innovation Program Taskforce will likely want to meet with the Graduate Council. Student member Delaloye informed the Council that the Graduate Student Association is putting forward a referendum for a $3 student fee increase to create a more robust GSA that will support graduate students in a student centered and programmatic way to offer opportunities for professional development, and research support in the form of travel grants that are decided by peer review rather than a lottery. The GSA plans to establish a Senate structure that brings students together from across disciplines for monthly meetings. Please help spread the word to promote full representation to assure the vibrancy of the graduate student body. The GSA is working on appropriate incentives to persuade graduate students to participate. Other issues considered by the GSA include insurance, credits required for full time status, and graduate school functions. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. in order for subcommittees to meet and decide on chairs. The following chairs were identified. Humanities: Ashby Kinch Schools: Lori Gray Social Science: Betsy Bach Science: Michelle McGuirl