Document 11905934








SOC 130 [Numbers in bold refer to the assessment goals represented by the question]


Spring 2016


Name _____________________________________

Which new religion uses/used high-speed decrees to balance karma? a. b.

Love Family

Self-Initiation c.* Church Universal and Triumphant d. Spiritualism

The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: a. brought Hindu teachings to the U.S. in the 1920s. b.* founded a totalistic commune that took over a small community in Oregon. c. d. demanded total celibacy of his followers. all of the above

3. Like most controversial cults of the 1970s, the Love Family recruited most of its members from: a. the New Age movement b.* the Counterculture c. d.

Pentecostalism the Human Potential Movement

Why did members of Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) construct a network of underground shelters? a.* The masters had warned of an impending nuclear war. b. c. d.

They feared a Waco-style raid by federal law enforcement officers

They believed alien invaders would attack our planet

Local residents had threatened to attack the community

Which factor did not play a significant role in the origins of the Love Family? a. LSD visions b.* charging money for a spiritual service c. d. social implosion insulation from the outside world

Which of the following illustrates the process of group change called accommodation? a.* A group whose members once believed they were above the law now begins paying b. taxes.

A new religion retreats from “the world” and survives on food stamps rather instead c. d. of working for money.

The leader of an apocalyptic sects explains that his prophecy failure was God’s way of testing members’ faith.

When proselytizing, member present their message in different ways, depending on their audience.

7. According to Gordon Melton’s article, what does Ramtha’s School have in common with early Christian Gnosticism? a. a world-affirming belief system b. belief that women are closer to God than men c.* belief that the soul can be liberated from material limitations through inner knowledge




1 d. a totalistic, world-rejecting lifestyle

In what way was Clarence Klug’s Self-initiation group more typical of New Age cults than

CUT? a.* Self-initiation was small and short-lived. b. c. d.

Clarence offered a way for seekers to achieve their ascension.

Self-initiation had a charismatic leader.

Clarence had rules governing how one should engage in sex, but CUT did not.

The Rainbow Family: a. b. c. is a totalistic group with a well-defined leadership hierarchy. excludes authoritarian cults was formed by disillusioned members of the Love Family. d.* is epistemologically individualistic.

10. Some new religions demand celibacy, whereas others promote free love while forbidding romantic relationships. Which statement about these arrangements is correct?

1&2 a. b. c.

Both contribute to a highly committed membership because self-selection occurs when people join.

Both practices reduce cross-pressures resulting from divided loyalties.

Successful 19 th century communes commonly used one practice or the other. d.* All of the above

11. What crisis is CUT currently facing? a. b. fear of a raid by federal law enforcement agents disillusionment from prophecy failure c.* lack of a successor to Elizabeth Clare Prophet d. loss of its tax exemption

12. The Love Family was:

1 a. b. a utopian experiment. a totalistic community.


1 c. one of the few hippie communes from the 1960s to survive into the 1980s. d.* all of the above

13. What did the Love Family emphasize that H.I.M. did not? a. b. c. d. creating a perfect society on Earth having children building strong social relationships among members all of the above*

14. What did the Love Family have in common with Oneida?

1 a. b. c. d.* belief that humans can achieve perfection in the present lifetime. practices that discouraged exclusive sexual relationships communal lifestyle all of the above

15. Which term refers to the use of practices that eliminate reminders of one’s unique identity apart from the group (e.g., wearing uniforms, no privacy, no mirrors, no possessions)? a. mortification b.* deindividuation c. bridge burning

1 d.

16. What was the least important reason why women joined and stayed in the Love Family? a. b. c. d. a. b. c.* d. consensual validation the sense safety and security provided by the Family attraction to Love Israel the feeling of sisterhood belonging to an idealistic community

17. Which group illustrates a client cult? a typical Wiccan group

Church Universal and Triumphant


Love Family

18. Which statement about the Love Family is correct? a. b. c.

It became more radical after its first few years.

It combined ideas from Judaism and Christianity with psychedelic drug experiences.

Its members believed that God would establish heaven on earth after an apocalyptic nuclear war.

Love Israel claimed humans are evil, sinful, and separate from God. d.

19. Which of the following is commonly called “the cultic milieu”?

1 a. b. c.* d. neo-paganism the counterculture of the 1960s the metaphysical tradition


20. Which of the following is syncretistic?

1 a. b.

Love Family

CUT c. Self-initiation d.* all of the above

21. According to Sarah Pike’s chapter, Neo-pagans are more likely than New Agers to:


23. What did Clarence Klug do that cemented his students’ commitment to him?

1 a. stress self-awareness and spiritual growth. b.* seek inspiration in ancient nature-based religions. c. d. a.* b. c. d. a. b.* borrow ideas from a variety of traditions. seek Truth within oneself instead of relying on external authority.

22. Which belief is least consistent with the metaphysical religious tradition?

God is a distinct entity separate from humanity.

Mankind is spiritually connected to nature.

The Bible contains esoteric teachings.

You need a spiritual teacher to achieve enlightenment.

He required everyone to live a totalistic lifestyle.

He involved students in secret behavior that would have been shocked their friends and families. c. d.

He encouraged the use of drugs that reduced their critical ability.

He required strict celibacy to prevent romantic relationships that would detract from their devotion to him.


1&2 a.


Based on Rosabeth Kanter’s study of 19 b. c.* d. encourage strong nuclear families (mom, pop, and the kids). discourage your followers from forming close relationships with each other. demand great sacrifices of everyone who joins. use democratic decision making.

25. Which of the following is, was, or claims to be epistemologically individualistic? a. b.


Self-initiation c. New Age movement d.* all of the above th century utopian experiments, if you want to start your own cult and get committed followers, you should:


26. The “white hot phase” typically occurs in the ____________ of a new religion’s history.

1 a.* beginning b. c. middle end

27. The “less-evolved being ploy” is used to:

1 a. change the way members view their past. b.* discourage the expression of doubt. c. d. prevent troublesome people from joining a group. get members to discuss their real feelings with each other.

28. What did Spiritualism, Christian Science, and Theosophy have in common? a. b.* c. d.

They all began in the early 20 spiritual beings. th century.

They all were started by women.

The main idea of each was the power of mind to heal the body.

Each was based on belief in communication with a multitude of highly advanced

29. Which of the following describes the Love Family?

1 a.* antinomianism b. c. d.

30. Which statement correctly describes the New Age movement? a. b. c. catastrophic millennialism epistemological individualism matriarchy

It is a world-rejecting movement.

Men are over-represented.

Its adherents are mainly young and poorly educated. d.* The religious beliefs on which it is based first became popular in the U.S. during the


31. Which of the following would you least expect in a group of witches or neo-pagans?

1 a. polytheism

b. c.* d. reverence for nature. totalistic organization female leadership

32. What happened to CUT when its 1990 prophecy failed to come true? a. b.


1 d.

33. According to Siegler’s chapter, the Western esoteric tradition is most closely related to: a.* b. c.

The apocalyptic fervor increased because members believed the masters had given them more time.

A large proportion of the membership defected and rival sects began to form.

The leader was deposed and her daughter became the new messenger.

The group declared bankruptcy and ceased to exist. ancient Gnosticism



34. Monism refers to the belief that: a. b. c. d.

1 d.* the New Age movement

A spiritual leader should have absolute authority.

Spiritual intermediaries are necessary to help seekers achieve enlightenment.

Self-discovery is the key to Truth.

We are all part of God.

35. Jack and Jill buy a $500 chair that they both hate because each one thinks the other one likes it. Why did they buy the chair?

1 a. b. c.* d. syncretism principle of complicity pluralistic ignorance cross-pressure

36. The ascended master tradition stems from: a. Spiritualism b. c.* d.

Christian Science


Church Universal and Triumphant

37. Christian Science teaches that: a. b. the Apocalypse is coming soon. sex is a tool for achieving enlightenment. c.* members should rely on spiritual healing rather than modern medicine. d. the book of Revelation is a secret manual for achieving an ascension.

38. Which of the following was the forerunner of modern channeling? a. b. c.* d.

Christian Science

Esoteric Christianity


Church Universal and Triumphant

39. Self-selection in recruitment to a new religion means that:

1 a. successful groups are able to screen out misfits and free-riders.

b. c.* d. seekers are free to chose among different spiritual paths. c. people who willingly submit to the group’s rules are likely to be different from those who don’t. when the master is ready, the student appears.

40. The Church Universal and Triumphant was different from most other New Age groups because of its belief in: a.* b. c. d. catastrophic millennialism. reincarnation. disincarnate beings who act as intermediaries between humans and God. the importance finding God within yourself.

41. Which statement about Church Universal and Triumphant is correct?

1 a. It is strictly patriarchal. b. c. d.* a. b. c. d.

Its beliefs are based on channeled messages from a warrior who once lived in


All members live communally and work for the Church.

During most of its history it has been a world-accommodating group.

42. Which leader claims (or claimed) to receive dictations from ascended masters?

43. On the whole, the New Age movement is:

1 a. b. c.* d.

JZ Knight

Love Israel

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Clarence Klug epistemologically authoritarian. based on Goddess worship world-affirming all of the above

44. Holism refers to: a. b. the belief that God is in all things the hollow Earth theory c.* belief in the interconnectedness of all things d. reverence for nature

45. Theosophy: a. was founded by Mary Baker Eddy. b.* introduced Hindu ideas into Western societies c. d. was based on communication with the spirits of the dead first became popular during the 1950s

46. Which of the following illustrates the esoteric interpretation of the life of Jesus that is common in New Age thought? a. b.*

One can achieve salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as one’s personal savior.

Jesus came to show how each individual can achieve an ascension by following his path. c. Jesus Christ and Satan are locked in an eternal battle.

d. The story of Jesus is a myth created by black magicians.

47. The most important theme in the New Age movement is:

1 a. obedience to God b. d. c. d. overcoming worldly materialism c.* discovering your inner divinity preparing for global catastrophe

48. Which statement correctly describes CUT during its heyday? a. It was a totalistic religion. b.* The degree of totalism varied depending on one’s level of commitment.

Except for Elizabeth Clare Prophet and small inner circle, there were no formal distinctions among members.

New members were expected to conform to strict conduct rules.

49. In the Love Family, the main function of the Front Door Inn was to: a.* screen out free-riders b. c. d. feed homeless people make money to support the community hide the bodies

50. According to my lectures on the Love Family, which of the following is most important reason why members were so highly committed?

1 a. b. c.* d.

They were victims of subtle mind control.

The group attracted very suggestible people.

People who didn’t want to submit to the discipline never joined in the first place.

The Family chemist manufactured a drug that made them perpetually happy.
