Course Form

Course Form
I. Summary of Proposed Changes
Dept / Program
Journalism/ Masters Program
Course Title
Prefix and Course
Graduate Broadcast Newsroom-Editorial
JOUR 650
Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces)
Summarize the change(s) proposed
Add co-convening designation to graduate course
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Ray Fanning
Phone/ email :
Program Chair/Director:
Henriette Lowisch
Other affected programs
Peggy Kuhr
Are other departments/programs affected by this modification Please obtain signature(s) from the
because of
Chair/Director of any such department/
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
program (above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into
section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.
Common Course Numbering Review (Department Chair Must Initial):
Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere in the MUS? Check all relevant disciplines if
course is interdisciplinary. (
If YES: Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate
equivalent course/campus. 
If NO: Course may be unique, but is subject to common course review. Be sure to include learning outcomes
on syllabus or paste below. The course number may be changed at the system level.
Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits,
repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) 
Justification: How does the course fit with the existing curriculum? Why is it needed?
Are there curricular adjustments to accommodate teaching this course?
Complete for UG courses (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).
Describe graduate increment - see procedure 301.30
Complete for Co-convented courses
Companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V)
See procedure 301.20
New fees and changes to existing fees are only approved once each biennium by the
Board of Regents. The coordination of fee submission is administered by Administration
and Finance. Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions
according to Policy 940.12.1 . Please
indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee.
If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?
IV. To Delete or Change an Existing Course – check X all that apply
Course Number Change
Level U, UG, G
Description Change
Change in Credits
1. Current course information at it appears in
catalog ( 
G 650 Graduate Broadcast
Newsroom-Editorial 3 cr. (R-6)
Prereq., R-TV 550, JOUR 551 or
consent of instr. Students direct,
photograph and edit a daily Newsbrief
report for Montana PBS, and a weekly
UMNews program for commercial
stations, in tandem with students in RTV 450, 460 and 650.
Cross Listing
(primary program
initiates form)
Is there a fee associated with the course?
2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
G 650 Graduate Broadcast
Newsroom-Editorial 3 cr. (R-6)
Prereq., R-TV 550, JOUR 551 or consent
of instr. Students direct, photograph and
edit a daily Newsbrief report for Montana
PBS, and a weekly UMNews program for
commercial stations, in tandem with
students in R-TV 450, 460 and 650.
Co-convenes with U 460.
3. If cross-listed course: secondary program &
course number
4. If co-convened course: companion course number, title, and description
(include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20
RTV 450 / 460
Advanced Video Reporting
Scope: This is an advanced broadcast class, with strong emphasis on producing, writing, directing,
photography and production.
Under the supervision of graduate students, you will be responsible for MontanaPBS Newsbrief,
two 30-second news updates that air evenings on MontanaPBS across the state. You will each have
an opportunity to work as director/TD/graphics or anchor/producer/reporter.
You will also produce a weekly edition of UM News, a weekly update of what’s happening on
campus. You’ll spend each week reporting, shooting, writing, editing for this show. The programs
will air on television stations across Montana and on the internet.
Class Time: The class officially meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:10-11:00 in DAH
210. But you will find out we will be meeting in a variety of locations including DAH 101 and 109.
You will also meet during lab hours 3:30-5:00 as assignments dictate.
There are class periods when we will all meet together. Please check the attached class
Denise Dowling, associate professor, Journalism/Radio-Television.
DAH 407
Phone: 243-4143
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11am-12pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 2-3pm (or by appointment)
Ray Fanning, assistant professor, Journalism/Radio-Television
DAH 409
Phone: 243-4747
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-10:30am (or by appointment)
Attendance: Mandatory. You must notify one of us in advance if you expect to miss a class. The
only acceptable excuses are University business or severe illness. We reserve the right to require
students with unexcused absences to drop the course.
Successful RTV 450/460 students will:
Research and report interesting, character-driven stories appropriate for the UM News audience
Meet professional standards for producing, anchoring and directing PBS Newsbrief and UM News.
Successfully perform production crew assignments
Demonstrate good news judgment in reporting stories and producing shows
Write clear, concise and accurate scripts.
Demonstrate strong and creative storytelling skills
Demonstrate an ability to re-purpose UM News stories for the web and add additional content
Master various script formats including reader, voice-over, voice- to- sound-on-tape, and reporter package
Demonstrate an ability to use newsroom software programs, and to shoot and edit video tape.
Work well with others and meet all deadlines
Think critically and creatively
Report fairly and accurately
Show an ability to calculate, understand and report numeric information
Diversity Initiative
The School of Journalism has undertaken an initiative to create opportunities for students to tell stories of
more varied and diverse groups of people. You will need to integrate one of these groups into one of your
news packages. We will discuss the groups of people and some possible story ideas during the preparation of
the assignments.
UM By The Numbers
For at least 3 of your stories you must calculate and express some numeric information about your
story, presented in a graphic form.
Grades: Grades will be based on your ability to meet deadlines, teamwork, story ideas, class
participation, writing, shooting, editing, producing and research. You will be given a grade each
week for MontanaPBS Newsbrief and UM News work:
 Weekly Grade for UM News/Newsbrief-90% of grade
 Attitude/Class Participation-10% of final grade
Below 63%
Same Work for Multiple Classes in J-School
You may not submit for this course any assignment that has previously or will be concurrently
submitted for another class unless you receive prior approval from the professor for this course. To
do so without permission will result in an “F” for the assignment and could result in an “F” for the
Academic Honesty
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic
penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need
to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
This course is accessible to and usable by otherwise qualified students with disabilities. To request
reasonable program modifications, please consult with the instructor. Disability Services for
Students will assist the instructor and student in the accommodation process. For more information,
visit the Disability Services website at
RTV 450 / 460
Senior Broadcast Newsroom
Autumn 2010
MontanaPBS Newsbrief
(Monday - Friday 3:30-5)
Graduate students will supervise these 2 x 0:30 nightly news updates that air over KUFM in
Missoula and KUSM in Bozeman and are seen across the state. The updates will normally air
approximately 7:55pm and 10:25pm (depending on programming.) Four students will be assigned
to produce Newsbrief each week under graduate student supervision. The daily deadlines are as
12:00-Producer has preliminary story ideas into rundown
3:30-Producer has copy approved
3:30-Producer gives director graphics list/CG list/tape to director
3:30-Final rundown, scripts and graphics approved
3:30-Producer gives final rundown and scripts to crew members
4:00-Taping begins
4:30-Taped update fed to KUSM
Crew Responsibilities
Two editorial and two production students will be assigned the following crew positions:
 Producer/Reporter/Anchor
 Director/TD/CG
 Prompter/Camera
 Audio/VTR
RTV 450 / 460
Senior Broadcast Newsroom
Autumn 2010
UM News
(Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10-11am
Daily lab-3:30-5pm)
Each week, the class will produce two television news segments focusing on campus news. The
3:30 program will air during the morning newscasts in Montana. Additionally, all packages will
be turned and posted onto YouTube and a blog site for the web. UM News will concentrate on
news about The University of Montana including campus issues & security, ongoing research,
faculty and student news & concerns, performing arts and special events. The audience is not
students; it’s western Montanans. We’ll be taping segments on Monday and Wednesday during
class time. On Fridays, we will review and critique the newscasts and packages. You will also
meet during daily lab time to pitch story ideas, get scripts and first edits reviewed, etc. A good
portion of your grade will depend on your ability to research and pitch solid story ideas that
become good news pieces.
Directors and Producers: You are primarily responsible for the productions and meetings. We
expect you to communicate, cooperate and create a memorable show. Stick to your deadlines.
Be flexible. Work together on all aspects of the program.
Job Descriptions:
Producer-Runs story meeting, reviews stories throughout the week, builds rundown,
works closely with director on graphics, delivers program to the television station
Director-Runs story meeting, reviews stories throughout the week, creates graphics,
Reporter-Researches story ideas BEFORE CLASS and pitch. Shoots, logs, writes, edits.
Photographer-Researches story ideas BEFORE CLASS and pitch. Shoots, logs, writes,
Everyone will also work as part of the production crew on taping days.
10:00am or earlier- in newsroom
 familiarize yourself with stories and pronunciations
 clarify any questions with producer
10:05 am- on set with mics and IFBs
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
Assistant Director/Assistant Producer
10:00am or earlier- in newsroom
Check with producer and director to see if they need any help
10:05am- in control room ready to time the show
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in control room
10:05am- ready for mic checks
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in studio
10:05am- at your camera with headset on, ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in control room- graphics loaded
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
9:00 am- Pick up copies of the rundown from producer
9:05 am- Check on video in Thunder and load sequence
9:15 am- Pick up scripts from producer and mark scripts
Troubleshoot any problems
9:30 am- Review graphics with producer on Dekko
10:05 am- Make sure crew is in place and ready to rehearse
10:10 am- Rehearse and tape show
Floor Manager
10:00am or earlier- in studio
10:05am- headset on, ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
8:30 am- Have rundown and scripts ready for Ray to review
9:00 am- Print six copies of the rundown for the director
9:15 am- Print one copy of scripts for director
9:30 am- Load graphics into Dekko and review them in control room with director
9:40 am- Print two copies of scripts for anchors
Load prompter
10:05 am- Make sure anchors are on set and miced
Be in the control room- Check IFBs
10:10 am- Rehearse and tape show
10:30 am- Archive show and load template for next week
10:00am or earlier- in control room- go over show with director
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in control room- check Thunder sequence
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in server room- get instructions on recording the show
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
During the semester, you will occasionally rotate out of UM News and into MontanaPBS
5. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering?
If yes, please explain below whether this change will eliminate the course’s common course
6. Graduate increment if level of course is changed
to UG. Reference procedure 301.30:
(syllabus required in section V)
7. Other programs affected by the change
8. Justification for proposed change
Have you reviewed the graduate increment
guidelines? Please check (X) space provided.
Advanced Video Reporting is a project course, with a
team of 10-20 students reporting and producing
weekly television segments about UM news as well as
nightly news cut-ins for Montana PBS.
Our Master’s Program is too small to staff a similar
effort for graduate students, especially since most of
the graduate students do not have a background in
television news. By co-convening RTV 460 with
JOUR 650, we can give graduate students who want to
work in television, the opportunity to do so.
That’s why we’ve always offered a graduate-level
version of Advanced Video Reporting. To be in
compliance with the new Graduate Council guidelines,
we are now seeking a co-convening designation for
JOUR 650. As required, the syllabus for the JOUR 650
represents more extensive student learning outcomes.
Graduate students take on the responsibility of:
Supervising the undergraduate students in the
daily production of two 30-second news cutins for Montana PBS.
Completing post production work and
delivering the cut-ins to Montana PBS by the
Evaluating and grading the performance of the
undergraduates each week.
Meeting with the instructors each week to
discuss the grades and the undergraduate
Please see the passages highlighted in graduate
syllabus below.
V. Syllabus/Assessment Information (must include learning outcomes)
Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send
digital copy with form.
RTV 650
Graduate Broadcast Newsroom-Editorial
Scope: This is an advanced broadcast class, with strong emphasis on producing, writing, directing,
photography and production.
Graduate students will supervise and be responsible for the daily production of MontanaPBS
Newsbrief, two 30-second news updates that air evenings on MontanaPBS across the state.
Undergraduates will act as anchors, producers and directors under your supervision as an executive
Graduate students will also produce a weekly edition of UM News, an update of what’s happening
on campus. They will spend each week reporting, shooting, writing and editing for this show. The
programs will air on television stations across Montana and on the internet.
Class Time: The class officially meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:10-11:00 in DAH
210. But you will find out we will be meeting in a variety of locations including DAH 101 and 109.
You will also meet during lab hours 3:30-5:00 as assignments dictate.
There are class periods when we will all meet together. Please check the attached class
Denise Dowling, associate professor, Journalism/Radio-Television.
DAH 407
Phone: 243-4143
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11am-12pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 2-3pm (or by appointment)
Ray Fanning, assistant professor, Journalism/Radio-Television
DAH 409
Phone: 243-4747
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-10:30am (or by appointment)
Attendance: Mandatory. You must notify one of us in advance if you expect to miss a class. The
only acceptable excuses are University business or severe illness. We reserve the right to require
students with unexcused absences to drop the course.
Successful RTV 650 students will:
Supervise undergraduate students in producing two thirty second news cut-ins for Montana PBS each day.
Complete post-production and deliver the cut-ins to Montana PBS by the daily deadline
Grade the undergraduates performance in completing the Montana PBS cut-ins
Meet weekly with instructors to discuss the grades and undergraduate performance
Research and report interesting, character-driven stories appropriate for the UM News audience
Meet professional standards for producing, anchoring and directing PBS Newsbrief and UM News.
Successfully perform production crew assignments
Demonstrate good news judgment in reporting stories and producing shows
Write clear, concise and accurate scripts.
Demonstrate strong and creative storytelling skills
Demonstrate an ability to re-purpose UM News stories for the web and add additional content
Master various script formats including reader, voice-over, voice- to- sound-on-tape, and reporter package
Demonstrate an ability to use newsroom software programs, and to shoot and edit video tape.
Work well with others and meet all deadlines
Think critically and creatively
Report fairly and accurately
Show an ability to calculate, understand and report numeric information
Diversity Initiative
The School of Journalism has undertaken an initiative to create opportunities for students to tell stories of
more varied and diverse groups of people. You will need to integrate one of these groups into one of your
news packages. We will discuss the groups of people and some possible story ideas during the preparation of
the assignments.
UM By The Numbers
For at least 3 of your stories you must calculate and express some numeric information about your
story, presented in a graphic form.
Grades: Grades will be based on your ability to meet deadlines, teamwork, story ideas, class
participation, writing, shooting, editing, producing and research. You will be given a grade each
week for MontanaPBS Newsbrief and UM News work:
 Weekly Grade for UM News/Newsbrief-90% of grade
 Attitude/Class Participation-10% of final grade
Below 63%
Same Work for Multiple Classes in J-School
You may not submit for this course any assignment that has previously or will be concurrently
submitted for another class unless you receive prior approval from the professor for this course. To
do so without permission will result in an “F” for the assignment and could result in an “F” for the
Academic Honesty
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic
penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need
to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
This course is accessible to and usable by otherwise qualified students with disabilities. To request
reasonable program modifications, please consult with the instructor. Disability Services for
Students will assist the instructor and student in the accommodation process. For more information,
visit the Disability Services website at
RTV 450 / 460
Senior Broadcast Newsroom
Autumn 2010
MontanaPBS Newsbrief
(Monday - Friday 3:30-5)
These 2 x 0:30 nightly news updates air over KUFM in Missoula and KUSM in Bozeman and are
seen across the state. The updates will normally air approximately 7:55pm and 10:25pm (depending
on programming.) Four students will be assigned to produce Newsbrief each week. Students are
responsible for all aspects of production. The daily deadlines are as follows:
12:00-Producer has preliminary story ideas into rundown
3:30-Producer has copy approved
3:30-Producer gives director graphics list/CG list/tape to director
3:30-Final rundown, scripts and graphics approved
3:30-Producer gives final rundown and scripts to crew members
4:00-Taping begins
4:30-Taped update fed to KUSM
Crew Responsibilities
Two editorial and two production students will be assigned the following crew positions:
 Producer/Reporter/Anchor
 Director/TD/CG
 Prompter/Camera
 Audio/VTR
RTV 450 / 460
Senior Broadcast Newsroom
Autumn 2010
UM News
(Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10-11am
Daily lab-3:30-5pm)
Each week, the class will produce two television news segments focusing on campus
news. The 3:30 program will air during the morning newscasts in Montana.
Additionally, all packages will be turned and posted onto YouTube and a blog site for
the web. UM News will concentrate on news about The University of Montana
including campus issues & security, ongoing research, faculty and student news &
concerns, performing arts and special events. The audience is not students; it’s
western Montanans. We’ll be taping segments on Monday and Wednesday during
class time. On Fridays, we will review and critique the newscasts and packages. You
will also meet during daily lab time to pitch story ideas, get scripts and first edits
reviewed, etc. A good portion of your grade will depend on your ability to research
and pitch solid story ideas that become good news pieces.
Directors and Producers: You are primarily responsible for the productions and
meetings. We expect you to communicate, cooperate and create a memorable show.
Stick to your deadlines. Be flexible. Work together on all aspects of the program.
Job Descriptions:
Producer-Runs story meeting, reviews stories throughout the week, builds
rundown, works closely with director on graphics, delivers program to the
television station
Director-Runs story meeting, reviews stories throughout the week, creates
graphics, direct.
Reporter-Researches story ideas BEFORE CLASS and pitch. Shoots, logs, writes,
Photographer-Researches story ideas BEFORE CLASS and pitch. Shoots, logs,
writes, edits.
Everyone will also work as part of the production crew on taping days.
10:00am or earlier- in newsroom
 familiarize yourself with stories and pronunciations
 clarify any questions with producer
10:05 am- on set with mics and IFBs
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
Assistant Director/Assistant Producer
10:00am or earlier- in newsroom
Check with producer and director to see if they need any help
10:05am- in control room ready to time the show
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in control room
10:05am- ready for mic checks
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in studio
10:05am- at your camera with headset on, ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in control room- graphics loaded
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
9:00 am- Pick up copies of the rundown from producer
9:05 am- Check on video in Thunder and load sequence
9:15 am- Pick up scripts from producer and mark scripts
Troubleshoot any problems
9:30 am- Review graphics with producer on Dekko
10:05 am- Make sure crew is in place and ready to rehearse
10:10 am- Rehearse and tape show
Floor Manager
10:00am or earlier- in studio
10:05am- headset on, ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
8:30 am- Have rundown and scripts ready for Ray to review
9:00 am- Print six copies of the rundown for the director
9:15 am- Print one copy of scripts for director
9:30 am- Load graphics into Dekko and review them in control room with director
9:40 am- Print two copies of scripts for anchors
Load prompter
10:05 am- Make sure anchors are on set and miced
Be in the control room- Check IFBs
10:10 am- Rehearse and tape show
10:30 am- Archive show and load template for next week
10:00am or earlier- in control room- go over show with director
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in control room- check Thunder sequence
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
10:00am or earlier- in server room- get instructions on recording the show
10:05am- ready for rehearsal
10:10am- Rehearsal and taping begin
VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course
number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.
VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of
proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,
Revised 8-23-11