Service Learning Course Designation Form

Service Learning Course Designation Form
Use this form to request a Service Learning Course Designation for a new or existing course.
Proposed course title should end with the following designation: /Service Learning
I. Service Learning Course
ENCR 195
Course Number
(e.g. SW UG 423)
Course Title (e.g.
Long Ago and Far Away: Form and Function of Personal Narrative/Service
Short Title (max. 26
Creative Non-Fiction/Service Learning
characters incl. spaces)
Number of credits
Erin Saldin
Instructor name; 406-240-7998
Instructor phone
and e-mail
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete this form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office.
Requestor phone
and e-mail
Please Type/Print Name
Erin Saldin
Other affected
Jill Bergman, Chair,
James McKusick, Dean
Davidson Honors College
Chris Comer, Dean, CAS
III. UM Service Learning Definition: Service Learning is a method of teaching and learning
in which students, faculty and community partners work together to enhance student
learning by applying academic knowledge in a community-based setting. Student work
addresses the needs of the community, as identified through collaboration with community
or tribal partners, while meeting instructional objectives through faculty-structured service
work and critical reflection meant to prepare students to be civically responsible members
of the community. At its best, service learning enhances and deepens students’
understanding of an academic discipline by facilitating the integration of theory and
practice, while providing them with experience that develops life skills and engages them
in critical reflection about individual, institutional, and social ethics.
IV.Service Learning Course Criteria The University of Montana-Missoula has established the
following criteria for Service Learning courses. In order to receive the Service Learning course
designation, a course must clearly exemplify all of the following criteria:
 Students in the course will provide a needed service to individuals, organizations, schools, or other
not-for-profit or tax-exempt entities in the community.
 The service experience is directly related to the subject matter of the course.
 Knowledge from the discipline informs the service experiences with which the students are to be
 Activities in the classroom will provide opportunities for students to actively reflect upon what they
have learned through the service experience and how these experiences relate to the subject matter of
the course. Reflection should be imbedded as course assignments and in-class time should be
scheduled to do reflection – both should be clear on the syllabus. Reflection should incorporate
discussion/assignments that help students understand the importance of meeting community needs
through service and civic engagement in a democratic society.
 The course offers a method to assess the learning derived from the service. Credit will be given for
the learning and its relation to the course, not for the service alone.
 Service interactions in the community will recognize the needs of service recipients and represent
reciprocal partnerships between the campus(class) and community partner organization(s).
Community partner(s) should have the opportunity to provide advice and feedback in class on the
nature and value of the service performed by the students.
 Training (by the service agency) and preparation (by the course instructor) ensure that students
perform service activities in a professional manner and that vulnerable populations are not harmed.
 Service options ensure that no student is required to participate in a service placement that creates a
religious, political, or moral conflict for the student.
 In a 3-credit service learning course, students should be required to perform a minimum of 15 hours
of community service per semester (i.e. 5 hours of service per academic credit.) Service hours may
include hours spent in training, preparation, and direct contact with clients.
V. Confirmation of Service Learning Course Criteria: Explain how this course meets each of
the following criteria.
Need for service: Describe the communityThe need for young, interested companions
identified need and the nature of the service
to the elderly citizens of this city has been
experience students will be involved in.
documented by the Missoula Aging Services.
The students will provide a service to the
community by offering friendship and
companionship to the elderly residents of
Bee Hive Homes, and will also serve to
document their elderly partners’ life stories in
written personal narratives that the elderly
partners and their families can keep.
Relation to course content: Describe how the
The students will study the art of personal
service experience is related to the subject matter of narrative and the methodology of oral history
the course. How do students apply their classroom in the classroom, and will then be able to
learning in the service experience?
apply these studies to the interactions with
their elderly partners. They will collaborate
with their partners to create a written
personal narrative that reflects both the
content of their conversations and their
understanding of the narrative form.
Reflection: What opportunities are provided in the
classroom for students to reflect upon what they
have learned through their service experience? How
is service placed within the broader context of civic
engagement and service to others?
Assessment: What method(s) are used to assess
the learning derived from the service experience?
Reciprocity: How do community partner(s)
provide advice and feedback on the nature and
value of the service performed?
Training: What training and preparation will be
provided to assure that that students perform their
service activities in a professional manner and that
vulnerable populations are not harmed?
Service options: What service options exist to
ensure that no student is required to participate in a
service placement that creates a religious, political,
or moral conflict?
Number of service hours required: How many
Throughout the semester, the students will
be held accountable for their participation at
the Assisted Living Center by logging the
hours that they spend there, and will further
be called to produce written reflections of
their experiences with their elderly partners
and critical analyses of the reading that they
will do in class. In addition, they will
participate in a class blog that reflects on
their interactions, and will work together in
small groups to prepare for the final project.
The students will be responsible for the
creation of a final portfolio, which will consist
of a written personal narrative and revisions
of the critical analyses that they have
composed throughout the semester. This
portfolio will be assessed in comparison to
the students’ compositions from early in the
semester in order to gauge the increased
understanding of subject matter and form.
Bee Hive Homes is working in collaboration
with the professor to develop the project and
to match the students with their elderly
partners. In addition, the professor will meet
with the director of the Center in the middle
of the semester to discuss the progress of
the project.
An ombudsman from Missoula Aging
Services will visit the class before the
students begin their projects, and will discuss
the following: communicating with the elderly,
issues that might arise during a visit, and
reporting instances of abuse or perceived
abuse. In addition, the students will spend
much of the first weeks of the semester
practicing handling potential situations, and
working in small groups to hone their
communication skills.
Bee Hive Homes is a secular organization
that is non-political. If a student or elderly
resident is uncomfortable with the partner
they have been assigned, the professor will
work with the director of the Assisted Living
Center to find a better match.
25-30 hours/semester
hours of service per semester are students required
to perform? Provide detailed description of the
service activities to be performed.
VI. Community Partner Information: Provide information on the organization(s) that will
provide service placements for students in this course.
Name of Agency/Organization(s)
Bee Hive Homes
2406 River Road
Missoula, MT
Contact person name(s)
Erin Heitzman
Contact person(s) phone and e-mail
(406) 543-0345
VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. The syllabus should
clearly indicate that this is a service learning course and it should include the UM Service Learning
Definition as text within the syllabus. The syllabus should also demonstrate how the above criteria are
satisfied. For assistance in preparing a service learning course syllabus, see or contact Andrea Vernon, Director of the Office for Civic
VIII. Copies and Electronic Submission: Submit approved original, a copy, and electronic
file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,
Revised 6/10