Program Modification Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Applied Computing & Electronics Department/program Electronics Technology Summary Minor Curriculum Revision II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval. Please type / print name Signature Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Thomas Gallagher 243.7814 Thomas Gallagher Department Dean Other affected Programs: Lynn Stocking None Date (Use additional sheet if needed) Are other departments/programs affected by this modification Please obtain signature(s) from the Chair/Director of because of any such department/ program (above) before (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, submission (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework III Type of Program Modification (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major Minor Option Teaching major/minor X Other Please describe IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program or Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in appear in the catalog. the current catalog below. The A.A.S degree in Electronics Technology requires completion of the following requirements with at least a “C-” in each course: 1. Mathematics and Science. M 121, M 122, M 162, and SCN 175N 2. Communications. WRIT 101 (or WRIT 121) 3. Humanities. PSYX 161S 4. Computer Science/Programming. CSCI 1o5 and CSCI 110 5. Electronics Technology, EET 111, EET 112, EET 113, EET 121, EET 122, EET 123, EET 227, EET 234T, EET 237 (or EET 240), EET 241T, EET 242T, EET 260, EET 270T, and EET 280T The A.A.S degree in Electronics Technology requires completion of the following requirements with at least a “C-” in each course: 1. Mathematics and Science. M 121, M 122, M 162, and SCN 175N 2. Communications. WRIT 101 (or WRIT 121) 3. Humanities. PSYX 161S 4. Computer Science/Programming. CSCI 105 and CSCI 110 5. Electronics Technology, EET 105, EET 106, EET 113, EET 205, EET 206, EET 123, EET 227, EET 234T, EET 237 (or EET 240), EET 241T, EET 242T, EET 260, EET 270T, and EET 280T Electronics Technology - Suggested Schedule: Electronics Technology - Suggested Schedule: First Year CSCI 105 (CRT 111) Computer Fluency CSCI 110 Programming with Visual Basic I EET 111 Basic Electronics EET 112 Electronics Lab I EET 113 Circuits Lab EET 121 Semiconductors EET 122 Electronics Lab II EET 123 Amplifier and Power Supply Lab M 121 (MAT 118) College Algebra M 122 (MAT 119) College Trigonometry PSYX 161S (PSY 110S) Fund of Organizational Psychology WRIT 101 (ENEX/WTS 101) College Writing I or WRIT 121 (WTS 115) Introduction to Technical Writing Total A 3 4 3 1 3 - S 3 4 3 1 3 Second Year EET 227 Digital Electronics EET 234T Automatic Controls EET 237 Programmable Logic Controllers or EET 240 Robotics EET 241T Instrumentation EET 242T Electronics Lab III EET 260 Data Communications EET 270T Wireless Communications EET 280T Electronics Capstone M 162 (MAT 145) Applied Calculus SCN 175N Integrated Physical Science I Total A S 4 4 - - 3 3 - First Year CSCI 105 (CRT 111) Computer Fluency CSCI 110 Programming with Visual Basic I EET 105 DC Circuit Analysis EET 106 AC Circuit Analysis EET 113 Circuits Lab EET 205 Solid State Electronics I M 121 (MAT 118) College Algebra M 122 (MAT 119) College Trigonometry PSYX 161S (PSY 110S) Fund of Organizational Psychology SCN 175N Integrated Science WRIT 101 (ENEX/WTS 101) College Writing I or WRIT 121 (WTS 115) Introduction to Technical Writing Total A 3 4 3 - S 3 3 1 4 3 Second Year EET 206 Solid State Electronics II EET 227 Digital Electronics EET 234T Automatic Controls EET 237 Programmable Logic Controllers or EET 240 Robotics EET 241T Instrumentation EET 242T Electronics Lab III EET 260 Data Communications EET 270T Wireless Communications EET 280T Electronics Capstone M 162 (MAT 145) Applied Calculus Total A S 3 4 4 - 3 - 3 3 16 17 17 17 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 4 - 2 - 4 3 15 18 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 4 - 2 - 4 15 18 Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. As a component of continuous improvement, our Department has redesigned our introductory core electronic course series for delivery over three semesters rather than two. This revision will realign the technical course load of a student’s first semester until later in their program of study. Doing so allows the student to complete preparatory coursework in mathematics, science, writing, and humanities. Our goal is to improve student retention from first semester to second semester and enhance student success. Program content has not been added or removed, but re-sequenced. V Copies and Electronic Submission Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221 ( VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change of all proposals. Revised 11-2009